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The Pink Loincloth Tavern

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*picks myself up off the floor* dam u impy, i was still recovering from the fireworks incident!!


can i get something to drink and sum grub?


"sure thing Dragon" *walks into the kitchen and comes back out with a large steak and a bottle of Irishman* "there you go! and would you like something for you chest? I mean the fireworks incident

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*kicks the fire work back toward Krak befoe it goes off, turns round to face the corner and opens the borrowed shirt enough to revel the burns*


ok volke ready when u r :biggrin:


*smiles* "ready"

*walks over and starts rubbing burn cream on DL's chest*

"feel better? cause i also do massages" *biggrin:

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i think u need to do some more just incase dont want to scar :biggrin:



"lol. don't worry. I wasn't gonna let you scar." *pulls out some Vitamin E*

"here this will prevent scarring" *rubs the Vitamin E in*

"so... how about that massage? and I'm pretty sure I can get you a fresh shirt"


*looks over at Lessa* "oh Lessa look in my pack. I got something that belongs to you in there"

Edited by volke
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*digs around in his pack. gasps. pulls out her bow. hugs it* Thank you volke :biggrin:


"your welcome! and don't ask what I had to go through to get it back... oh and as far as Paet knows the bow he took from me at the moat.... is your real bow." :biggrin:


*continues to rub DL's chest*

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