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December Stats


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Congrats to Aust and the Shadowspawn this month.


December 2010



Aust: 304

Limi: 170

Demi: 5

Total: 479



Adella: 234

Ed: 125

Talya: 15

Moghedian: 14

MCS: 8

Aemon: 8

Amadine: 4

Total: 408


LFs and Naeann:

Nakedfrog: 50

Ahmoondah: 15

Blackhoof: 10

Naeann: 7

Kemian: 4

Thorkin: 2

Total: 88


Grand Total: 975

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Ill show you. Ill show all of you!


This time ill get points this time I will rule!!!!

*stabs everyone*

Good luck with that... Really. Whenever I try to get points, I always come in second, to someone else who doesn't try half as hard as I did. Like this month, with Aust beating me. And no, that's not what she said.

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You really had no where to go but down, Krak!


Nice job my fellow SS'ers!!! Minimal effort = win!!! :D Limi you and I will take over the world some day using this very formula!


And thanks Moggy for compiling all this... after having seen our grand system it amazes me that you're able to keep it all so organized!!

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And no, that's not what she said.


Actually, now it is.


Dammit Moggy, stop stealing my thunder! That's where I come in! *waits expectantly for the reply*



That's Americans, love, and I am not happy with my faction at the moment.


That would be because they suck, right? You only half do, because you started SS.

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