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I’ve tried to shorten the reports, and make them more logical. Please follow this format for the October report, which has to be in by NO LATER THAN 8 DECEMBER! I know DM is wonky, so the sooner everybody gets theirs in, the better. But please – I need those in time so I can do the report for the Admins, which must be in by the 10th.


Please read this thread for further info on how (and why) we would prefer you do your monthly report: http://www.dragonmou...needed-and-why/



Ama, you can add your further info in as you see fit, as long as I have the breakdown as given in section 1) at the top – makes it easier for me to add it all together.



1) Total: [amount] Members, [amount] characters (that would be Active + Inactive]


New: [amount] Members, [amount] characters (also add them to Active, or Inactive if they've not yet RPed as full AS)

full handle - full character name


Active: [amount] Members, [amount] characters

full handle - full character name (last time RPed as that character, ie Oct 2010)


Inactive (not RPed in past 3 months): [amount] Members, [amount] characters

full handle - full character name (last time RPed as that character)


MiA (not RPed in past 12 months - bio needs reapproval): [amount] Members, [amount] characters

full handle - full character name (last time RPed as that character)


2) RP's done by Ajah characters during [insert month]


3) Problems, ideas, etc



Example of 1:


(let’s say it's for June)


1) Total: 8 Members, 9 Characters (that would be Active + Inactive)


New: 2 Members, 2 characters

Phelix - Elin Hawes

Chikara - Bennu Abravanel


Active: 4 Members, 5 characters

Elgee - Zarinen Rafaliva (April 2010)

Phelix - Elin Hawes (June 2010)

Taei - Tayva ni Ayvery t'Reyon (June 2010)

U4ea - Loraine Kilaine (June 2010)

U4ea - Peggy Smith (May 2010)


Inactive (not RPed in past 3 months): 4 Members, 4 characters

Chikara - Bennu Abravanel (not yet RPed)

Elgee (Sitter - active OOC) - Larindhra Reyne (Jan 2010)

Lavinya - Lavinya Morganen (July 2009)

Miya- Miya Kiyoshi (March 2010)


MiA (not RPed in past 12 months - bio needs reapproval): 12 Members, 17 characters

Jaydena - Jaydena MacAntur (June 2009)

Jaydena - Peggy Sue Parker (2007)

WhiteWolf (Bio Checker - active OOC) - Cara Ramsey (2008)



2) RP's done by Ajah characters during [insert month]

Elgee - Larindhra Reyne – Red Sitter


Your presence is required - http://www.dragonmou...ce-is-required/

Timeline: 995 NE

Two Old Biddies plot and plan – Salidar novices are born. Darkfriend shenanigans included.

Sisterly Love - http://www.dragonmou...-sisterly-love/

Timeline: N&A Retro

With Accepted Miahna “Mimi” Telonne (Keyholder21)


Elgee - Zarinen Rafaliva - Red Ajah Head

Putting Two and Two together - http://www.dragonmou...d-two-together/

Timeline: 1000 NE (current)

More Ajah Heads find each other.



Reports to be done by:


MoN - done


Blue - done

Brown - done

Gray - done

Green - done

Red - done

White - done

Yellow - done

Posted (edited)

Ok. So I had hoped to make a good impression by getting this in on time and having all the necessary information. However I am having the hardest time finding some of this information! I have looked at all the boards, including the bio part on the wiki, and I just can't find some stuff *cries*.


Here's what I did find:


Blue Ajah Report


1) Total: 4 Members, 4 Characters


New: 1 Members, 1 character

KeyHolder21 – Miahna “Mimi” Telonne


Active: 2 Members, 2 characters

KeyHolder21: Miahna “Mimi” Telonne Sedai (November 2010)

Wayward_Fool: Regalia "Ray-ray" Frantelle (November 2010)


Inactive (not RPed in past 3 months): 2 Members, 2 characters

Miya: Miya Kiyoshi (ooc in September – I can’t find an IC post :/)

SerenaMorrigan: Serena Morrigan (July 2010)



MiA (not RPed in past 12 months - bio needs reapproval): 4 Members, 4 characters

Aubrey: (active elsewhere and OOC in October 2010) Apparently played two Blue NSWs Natastia and Dione (last active 2009? – can’t find any in character posts)

Elyssa: Elyssa Lliet

Eqwina: ?

Kael: Sidonie Montreve


2) RP's done by Ajah characters during November


KeyHolder21 – Miahna “Mimi” Telonne – Blue Aes Sedai


A. Three Oaths: Regaining a Family : http://www.dragonmou...ining-a-family/'>http://www.dragonmou...ining-a-family/

Timeline: Retro

-Miahna becomes a Sister of the Blue Ajah


B. Saidin Class: Saidin 101 : http://www.dragonmou...704-saidin-101/

Timeline: Current

-Miahna attends the class on Saidin instructed by Arath Faringal.


C. Reuniting with a friend/darkfriend RP: Reuniting Over a Common Foe : http://www.dragonmou...r-a-common-foe/

Timeline: Current

-Miahna returns to the Tower hot on the trail of a darkfriend. Regalia comes to her with some useful news.


D. Novice Interaction: An Impertinent Initiate: http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/53925-an-impertinent-initiate/

Timeline: Retro

-Miahna escorts an irritating new novice to the Mistress of Novices


Wayward_Fool - Regalia "Ray-ray" Frantelle - Blue Aes Sedai


A. Three Oaths: Regaining a Family : http://www.dragonmou...ining-a-family/

Timeline: Retro

-Regalia introduces Mimi to the Blue Ajah traditions


3) Problems


Well! I've already asked quite a few questions of Elgee and I'm sure I'll have more. The first of which is...what do I do exactly? Or maybe rather, where do I start? Obviously my Head has been gone for a lil while and so I've no idea what's going on with the Ajah or with the WT currently in general except that there's a string being worked out where all the Ajah Heads find out about each other. *looks around confusedly*


4) Ideas


A. I'd really like to be involved with the BA hunt when we get there. I don't know if it's been decided how to handle that but I'd love for Miahna to find out on her own only to return to the Tower and find out that they've just worked it out too or something like that. Only if it's possible of course.


B. I also have this crazy idea about having some information from the Eyes and Ears network that's been corrupted and AS/Ajah Heads/whoever have to work together to find out what information is correct, what's false, and who's behind it.


C. I think a Defensive Weaves class would be fun (Kinda like Defense Against the Dark Arts in Harry Potter). Whether for Accepted or just getting some Aes Sedai together to discuss various weaves they use to defend themselves.


D. I don't know if this is Aes Sedai proper, but I thought maybe the Blues and Grays could work together to do a mock trial for a class of Accepted. Blues can handle the evidence part and Grays can handle the law portion and then together they can talk about the 'punishment' or outcome.

Edited by keyholder21

Well! It’s been a busy, busy month for the Yellows with all kinds of good and happy things thrown into the mix. We’re getting to be the “Epic Ajah” I promised we would be. Buagagagaagagaga. So… without further ago.




1. Member and Character count


Total members: 6 members, 6 characters


Active: 6 members, 6 characters (That’s a 100% increase, y’all!)

  • Camigwen Klatsang Marivin (Wayward_Fool) - last RPed 2010 November
  • Amadine al'Varine (Amadine) - last RPed 2010 November
  • Nynaeve Maryim (Nynaeve) - last RPed 2010 November
  • Eqwina al'Caupthn (Eqwina) - last RPed 2010 November (Can you see the fireworks display? No? Coz it’s so epic it’s BLINDED YOU TOTALLY!)
  • Celestine Erebruz (Jagen Sedai) – last RPed 2010 November
  • Carys Demot (KeyHolder21) - last RPed 2010 November


Inactive: NONE ! ( W 0 0 T ! )


2. RP's in October 2010: (Get ready, guys…)


DM Handle: Wayward Fool

Character: Camigwen Klatsang Marivin


1) Celestine Erebruz's Raising: Celestine Erebruz, Raising to the Shawl - http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/53479-celestine-erebruz-raising-to-the-shawl/'>http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/53479-celestine-erebruz-raising-to-the-shawl/'>http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/53479-celestine-erebruz-raising-to-the-shawl/ - Nov 2010

Welcoming Celestine into the Ajah


2) Meeting Skechid and Nynaeve: The Woods - http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/51415-the-woods-nynaeve/page__gopid__1685924'>http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/51415-the-woods-nynaeve/page__gopid__1685924 - Nov 2010

Meeting Nynaeve whilst on a mission with Skechid


DM Handle: Amadine

Character: Amadine Al'Varine


1) Night Terrors - http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/52339-night-terrors/

Amadine attending to Nanna who had fainted in the Hall – Nov 2010


(I am having problems finding her other posts coz she has really gone missing due to Internets problems and I can’t look at profile pages. Apparently I’m not allowed to. And she hasn’t updated her Char Dev thread. I miss her. =( Hope she returns soon.)


DM Handle: Nynaeve

Character: Nynaeve Maryim


1) The Woods - http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/51415-the-woods-nynaeve/

Camigwen and Skechid meeting Nynaeve on one of their missions


2) Weaving Spells - http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/52098-weaving-spells/

Nynaeve meeting Skechid and both are to work AOL Healing together



DM Handle: keyholder21

Character name: Carys Demot


1) Her Arrival: Carys Arrives - http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/53720-carys-arrives-retro-rp/

Carys arrives at the WT. Retro RP.


2) Time in the Infirmary: Dragged to the Infirmary - http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/53848-retro-rp-dragged-to-the-infirmary/'>http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/53848-retro-rp-dragged-to-the-infirmary/

Carys meets Celestine. They form a Mentor-mentee relationship


3) New Yellow to the Shawl: Celestine Erebruz, Raising to the Shawl - http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/53479-celestine-erebruz-raising-to-the-shawl/

Welcoming Celestine to the Ajah.


DM Handle: Jagen Sedai

Character name: Celestine Sedai


1) Celestine Erebruz, Raising to the Shawl: http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/53479-celestine-erebruz-raising-to-the-shawl/



2) Retro RP: Dragged to the Infirmary: http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/53848-retro-rp-dragged-to-the-infirmary/

Carys meets Celestine. They form a Mentor-mentee relationship


3) Saidin 101: http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/52704-saidin-101/

Celestine's interest in men who can channel has caused her to sneak off to the class being given by Arath, a young BT man she won't soon forget


DM Handle: Eqwina

Character name: Eqwina al’Caupthn


RPs in Sept/Nov:


1) Building a Relationship - http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/50763-building-a-relationship/

Some kinda dodgy relationship going on. Tum tum tum.


3. Ideas:


Yellow Ajah sponsored RPs. Well, we’ve got some possible Ajah RPs planning out. Possibly including a Yellow Ajah ball/Open House/AGM. Some kinda party thing for the sick and dying in our Infirmaries to cheer them up. Also to let the Sisters have a night to relax. All the sickness and stuff is very stressful emotionally for our sisters and a party would cheer them up. So it will be an IC party with drinks and stuff. And also a part where we discuss what to do for the coming year and recognize some of our top Healers in the year. Also to share some discoveries on Healing. Kinda like a semi “medical seminar” thing we have IRL. Accepted and Novices are invited to attend. Interactions, possible Bondings, sharing of AOL Healing/Healing of Gentling and Stilling by Nynaeve, wide eyes and dropped jaws all around.


Also an idea on an RP involving a town going mad due to a malfunctioning ter’angreal. Lots of details to work out, but it’s a possibility.


And also have Nanna (Grimm) and Kate (Matalina) saying they are interested to be Yellow. ZOMG! *lol*


4. Problems:


Amadine’s Net access. *lol* Search and profile functions not working resulting in a PAIN looking for posts. Board downtime and glitches.


Oh yeah! Give some luuuurve y'all. The Yellow be doing GOOD. *throws confetti*


Lols at Boopsie - well done!! :biggrin:

Really awesome to see all the Yellows so active *nods*


Ems, what kind of information can't you find?


Yes, the Yellow Ajah does seem to be a happening place right now! *proudly shows off Yellow Ajah member badge*


*dons Blue Ajah hat* Elgee, mostly I can't find the last dates when people rped In Character. Like Miya, Aubrey, Elyssa, and Eqwina. I also can't find the name of Eqwina or Kael's Blues. :/. Sowwy.


Ok well post all your questions for me at the Blue Board, and I'll try to help you as much as I can :biggrin:









New Members/Characters - (0 members/0 characters)


Active Members – RPed in the last 3 months (9 members/9 characters)


DM Handle - Character - Last RPed


Traditional Novices


Chikara - Fiana Bashalde - October 2010

Minisamus - Rydia Burgess - November 2010



Salidar Novices


Phelix - Gera Mondwin - October 2010



Traditional Accepted


Arani Lepenque Aes Sedai - Wilemi Kailadel - October 2010

KeyHolder21 - Mianha - November 2010

Matalina - Kate al'Ker - November 2010

Raeyn - Milandra Basene - October 2010

Taymist - Kiyissalle Chevra - October 2009



Salidar Accepted


Grimm - Nanna Tarquin - November 2010



Inactive Members – RPed in last 3 -12 months (24 members/25 characters)


Traditional Novices


Allisia Sedai - Allisia Mirobell - August 2010

Craftyreader - Elody Yates - March 2010

DarthRand - Dyrum Alede - July 2010

Far Dareis Mai - Daraniea Rysted - Dec 2009

Kelitor - Ykoria Eranyame - Dec 2009

Knytiri - Knytiri Sari'drea - Feb 2010

LT.Nolan0347 - Eiren Saga - March 2010

Marta Sedai - Marta Alcair - April 2010

Maryam - Maryam Aldevwin - March 2010

Nyanna al’Meara - Nyanna al’Dyn - New Member not yet active

Perine - Kalinde Yarrah - March 2010

Pookie - Yovela Umika - July 2010

Questor - Rosalia Meneril - Jan 2010

SerenaMorrigan - N'Daye Kishar - Dec 2009

Serey - Serey Dorrin - Dec 2009

TaiDashan - Evanen Phaedrein - Dec 2009

Visar Falmaien - Rytali Basim - July 2010

Wintrow - Patience Tilly - March 2010



Salidar Novices





Traditional Accepted


Arani Lepenque Aes Sedai - Nenen Kailadel - April 2010

Arani Lepenque Aes Sedai - Nesyer Yoshan - March 2010

Jehaine - Jerinia Zaralyn - Feb 2010

Kara_J - Deanne Heillan - March 2010

Moseley - Salandrian Faerhind - April 2010

Taei - Kasi Duvan - July 2010

Tigara - Melianna Hollmen - Dec 2009



Salidar Accepted





Members MiA – have not RPed in over 12 months (5 members/5 characters)



Traditional Novices


Elliara - Iraleia Surevin (Temarelin) - Nov 2009

Jehaine - Aeryn Shainrahien - July 2009

Kenny - Venca Konora - Sept 2009

Lavinya - Evaline Perry - Nov 2009

Tigara - Allrianne Viventi - Jan 2009



Salidar Novices





Traditional Accepted





Salidar Accepted





Characters Never Roleplayed (3 members/3 characters)


Traditional Novices


Myriam Finnash - Myriam Finnash - Joined May 2010

Little Miss - Lyra de la Courcel - Joined May 2010

Kathryna - Gatlin Chanse - Joined Oct 2009


Roleplays for November


Kate al’KerTraditional Novice – Matalina

I can’t do this - http://www.dragonmou...n-boopsy-sedai/

Kate meets with Camigwen Sedai to attempt to break her block. This RP continues from October.


Miahna Telonne - Traditional Accepted - KeyHolder21

Ordinary Chore - http://www.dragonmou...re-attn-miahna/

Rydia’s floor-scrubbing chore is supervised by Miahna. Begun in October this RP is now complete.

Etiquette-ication - http://www.dragonmou...quette-ication/

Miahna receives instruction on etiquette from Carina Sedai (Mystica) Begun in October this RP is now complete.

Sisterly Love - http://www.dragonmou...-sisterly-love/

When Miahna’s family are killed Liandhra Sedai (Elgee) takes Mimi in hand to help her grieve. Begun in October this RP is now complete.

Regaining a Family - http://www.dragonmou...ining-a-family/

Miahna’s testing and Oaths thread.


Nanna TarquinSalidar Novice – Grimm

Night Terrors - http://www.dragonmou...-night-terrors/

Nanna’s heart attack leads to lessons in healing with Amadine Sedai (Amadine). This RP continues from October.

Rydia Burgess - Traditional Novice - minisamus

Ordinary Chore - http://www.dragonmou...re-attn-miahna/

Rydia’s floor-scrubbing chore is supervised by Miahna. Begun in October, this RP is now complete.




Classes for November





News for November


A quiet month, mostly due to the last of the wondergirls being raised. I am also having internet issues which has resulted in reduced activity on my behalf but i am still available for new members and RPs with initiates of the Tower.


Raised to the Shawl


Miahna Telonne - KeyHolder21 - Raised to Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah


Raised to Accepted



Brown report November 2010


1. Member and Character count


note: every Brown member only has 1 Brown character, so the member/character ratio is 1:1


Total members: 5


Active: 2

Carina Al'Tara (Mystica) - last RPed 2010 October

Bennu Abravanel (Chikara) - last RPed 2010 October


Inactive: 2

Claire al'Windischan (Claireducky) - last RPed 2009 Dec

Cara Ramsey (White Wolf) - last RPed 2010 July


LOA: 1

Raeyn Priya Saethyr (Raeyn) - last RPed 2009 Jan - character put on inactive by RPer



2. RP's in October 2010:


DM Handle: Mystica

Character: Carina Al'Tara


3. Unfinished RP's that have not been RP'd during the month of this report


All RP's in this report have not been RP'd this month, that I am aware of.


DM Handle: Whitewolf

Character: Cara Ramsey


4. Interaction with N/A:


5. What's new?


As you may notice, this is exactly the same report as last month since nothing new happened this month. Chakira has gone missing since she was raised and I haven't had time to continue any of the RP's I was involved in. Not sure when I'll be able to pick them up again, though I expect December to be on the slow side also (as seems to be traditionally the case around this time of year). The publication of TOM also put a hold on things, as people (myself included) were more pre-occupied with reading and discussing the book, than RP'ing themselves. I suspect things will pick up for real again in January, after the holidays.


Report for the RED AJAH – November 2010


1) Total: 8 Members, 9 characters (that would be Active + Inactive]


New: 0 Members, 0 characters


Active: 4 Members (5 Characters)

Elgee - Larindhra Reyne - Red Sitter - Nov 2010

Elgee - Zarinen Rafaliva - Red Ajah Head - Oct 2010

Jagen Sedai - Jagen Halin – Red Sitter – Nov 2010

Minisamus - Saline Wastrel – Red Aes Sedai - Oct 2010

Phelix - Elin Hawes (temp link) - Red Aes Sedai - Oct 2010


Inactive (not RPed in past 3 months): 4 Members (4 Characters)

Arath Faringal - Rochel Dion - Red Aes Sedai - July 2010

Kara_J - Raslyn Altearin - Feb 2010

Muirenn OOC 19.01.2010 - Shevara Edosian – Nov 2009

Tigara - Jasmyne Ceres – Jan 2010


Removed from Usergroup: 0 new removals

Character Retired / Deceased

Aubrey - Maegan Ryanne – 28-12-2009 – RETIRED August 2010

MiA - not RPed in 12 months

Carise (Carise Doraile - Aes Sedai

Faile? (Faile al´Rahien - Aes Sedai (MIA Left the Site.)

Lyanna (Lauren Arrel - Aes Sedai

Rayne - Rayne Leséduire - Aes Sedai

Zania - Zania al'Denai - Aes Sedai




2) RP's done by Ajah characters during October 2010



Elgee - Larindhra Reyne – Red Sitter

Sisterly Love - http://www.dragonmou...-sisterly-love/

Timeline: N&A Retro

With Accepted Miahna “Mimi” Telonne (Keyholder21)


Jagen Sedai - Jagen Halin – Red Sitter


First Meeting - http://www.dragonmou...22?do=findComment&comment=1662222

Timeline: Current

With Asha'man Aslan (Liitha)


Saidin 101 - http://www.dragonmou...704-saidin-101/

Timeline: Current

Class with Arath and some various Sisters :)


Carys Arrives (Retro RP) - http://www.dragonmou...rives-retro-rp/

Timeline: Retro

Jagen and some other sisters go looking for girls who can channel.


Minisamus - Saline Wastrel – Red Aes Sedai

Saidin 101 - http://www.dragonmou...704-saidin-101/

Timeline: 1000 NE (current)

Being taught by an Asha'man


3) Problems, ideas, etc

Problems - too many Reds going inactive and me not paying enough attention. I need to jack up my performance.


November Report for the Green Ajah


1) Total:

Members, 7

characters 7


New: 0






Members, 4

characters 4

Rasheta Ardashir- Rasheta Ardashir- November 2010

U4ea-Loraine Kilaine- November 2010

Kathleen- Kathleen Vandiar- November 2010


Inactive (not RPed in past 3-11 months):

Members 2

characters 2

Liitha- Cemarillinin Adoa- July 2010

Eqwina- Kabria Delondre- April 2010 (active on GA Board, April 2010)

Jaydena- Jaydena Mckanthur- October 2010


MiA (not RPed in past 12 months - bio needs reapproval):

Members 1

Characters 1

Quibby- ???- ???



2) RP's done by Ajah characters during November:


And so it begins


Loraine, Rasheta, Kathleen and assorted wardies are on a mission to extract Rashima's journal from Mardecin, Amadacia. Now, all they have to do is survive...


Who's going to get us first?


The Greenie troop moves out of TV and into the big bad world, teaching Kathleen Battle Weaves and praying we don't die.



And so it begins


Loraine, Rasheta, Kathleen and assorted wardies are on a mission to extract Rashima's journal from Mardecin, Amadacia. Now, all they have to do is survive...


Who's going to get us first?


The Greenie troop moves out of TV and into the big bad world, teaching Kathleen Battle Weaves and praying we don't die.



And so it begins


Loraine, Rasheta, Kathleen and assorted wardies are on a mission to extract Rashima's journal from Mardecin, Amadacia. Now, all they have to do is survive...


Who's going to get us first?


The Greenie troop moves out of TV and into the big bad world, teaching Kathleen Battle Weaves and praying we don't die.



3) Problems, ideas, etc

- making up a new Ajah Head <--- nearly done!

- getting people to post... what's going on here?? :(


Looking forward to seeing that Bio, Lor :biggrin:


I think a lot of people might be busy with / recovering from finals, then there was Thanksgiving, ToM coming out ... lots of things happening all at once. Hopefully it will pick up soon!


Oh and isn't that 3 actives? Or are you counting Jade as still active, then retired?


Gray Ajah Report

(I hope I did this right!)

1) Total: 4 Members, 5 characters [Active + Inactive]


New: 3 Members, 3 characters

Jagen Sedai - Lailyn Konaris (NSW)

Matalina - Alicatia Sunoma

Elgee - Esther Tremaine


Active: 3 Members, 3 characters

Jagen Sedai - Lailyn Konaris (NSW)[still working on Intro Thread for new Gray Head]

Matalina - Alicatia Sunoma (October 2010)

Elgee - Esther Tremaine (November 2010)


Inactive (not RPed in past 3 months): [amount] Members, [amount] characters

Lavinya - Pia Tovisen (July2010)

Lavinya - Lavinya Morganen (July2010)


MiA (not RPed in past 12 months - bio needs re-approval): 0 Members, 0 characters



2) RP's done by Ajah characters during November


Elgee - Esther Tremaine - Gray Sister

Sadin 101: http://www.dragonmou...704-saidin-101/

Timeline: Current

Esther attends a lesson on saidin given by one of the Asha'man.


3) Problems, ideas, etc

- Coming up with ways to make Grays more active!

- Get more involved outside the Tower as well as inside.


Awesome for a first try, Jagen! :biggrin:


Sorry I haven't been able to help you (and Ems) much - end of month at work has been ABSOLUTELY crazy this month.


Anyhoo, let me run through a few things for you quickly:


"New" that's for new to the Ajah (either raised to the shawl or new bios approved during the month)


"Active" is either actively RPed that Ajah's character (or yes, an NSW!) during the month, or if they didn't RP but they were active and contributing OOC. The latter I leave up to the Head's discretion, but simply posting in a roll call thread or inserting a random comment isn't good enough.


If you have any questions, feel free to ask on here, or make a thread at your board, or catch me on yahoo :biggrin:

Posted (edited)

White Ajah Report November 2010


1) Total: 4 Members, 4 characters (that would be Active + Inactive]


New: 0 Members, 0 characters


Active: 2 Members, 2 characters

(October 24, 2010)

(October 2010)

Inactive (not RPed in past 3 months): 2 Members, 2 characters (red means that they are active in the Ajah forums but are not actively rping)

(June 10, 2010)

(March 29, 2010)


MiA (not RPed in past 12 months - bio needs reapproval): 5 Members, 6 characters

Active June 29, 2010 OOC

(November 2008)

(October 2008)

(September 2007)

(July 2007)

(No posts that I can find.)


2) RP's done by Ajah characters during November


3) Problems, ideas, etc

Edited by Taei

Aawww Taei, thank you for doing it this month! I wasn't expecting it, knowing that you're on LoA. Hope things are going ok, hon *snugglewubbles*

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