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Me being a fun loving, First Weaving personage, would prefer if you said yes to the above question.




As some of you know, my RL name is Jonathan, and yes, I am a guy. Playing a girl person. Which I've been told is perfectly acceptable, and not at all like cross dressing. Which I've been told is perfectly acceptable in certain circles. *ahem*


I'm Malaysian, but my parents dragged me to Singapore when I was 11. Then dad got transfered back and left me here to study. By my self. Alone. With noone but myself. Independent. Lost. And FREE! So, I live in Singapore, Asia, which is not China or Japan. *nods* It's a small island in the middle of nowhere and I have internet access. If anyone asks me if we have discovered Fire, I will kick you. We did that last month. So, yeah, we're all good with the food cooking and stuff.


I'm 29. Altho I generally tell newbies I'm 54 just for the heck of it. Because I'm that kind of person. I am not married, have no kids and unattached. Mostly because I just got out of a long and arduous relationship that I have no plans to replicate EVER again.


I'm Roman Catholic. Like all Roman Catholics I don't plan to talk about my religion ever. Why did I put it here? I don't know. I'm just brainstorming.


I love animals. But cannot have one because I rent my room and my landlord, whilst loving pets too, does not want anyone to have any. The tight ass. And not in a good way.


I have no siblings. And being an only child, take every opportunity to make friends. Which explains why I have thousands of friends on Facebook. Altho some of them don't really look familiar. I plan to cull my friends list soon. But it'll be a massive exercise. Being lazy, I probably won't bother.


I'm very lazy.


I have facebook.


I have msn. Add me if you want, but due to massive time differences, most DM people have never seen me online. Skechid@hotmail.com


I do not like chocolate or sweets. Weird, I know. There should be a support group or something. With monthly meetings and good food served. Nevermind membership fees. We'll just sell the chocolate people INSIST on giving us for our various celebrations.


I do not watch tv. Even cable. I get all the shows I want on the internets. And I prefer chatting to watching a show anyway.


I have a British accent. Unless I don't feel like having it. Then I switch to a local accent. Do not ask me why.


I love plants. Yes, these I am allowed to keep and have quite a few pots of misc flowering and leafy plants about. That being said, I never claimed I was GOOD at caring for them. There's probably a support group somewhere for plants under my care.


I am a part time professional florist. Have been for about 10 plus years. I've done weddings. Competitions. Exibitions. Stuff like that. Not anymore tho. My day job sucks the life out of me.


I don't like my day job. But it pays me rent and general expenses. So I can't complain too much.


I sing. Music is my life. Nothing else matters as much as good music.


I eat. Alot. Am fat, but wish I weren't. I eat less these days. Not because I wanna lose weight, but because I just don't have much appetite these days. Sacre bleu!


I dance. Salsa. If you're nice I'll even show ya a performance youtube video I'm in. If you're naughty, I might even tell you which person's me in that video.


I sing. A lot. Which is why it deserves two mentions. I am in a choir called One. And in a sing and dance group called pLaY. I think some Dmers also started a FB group for my music. I never joined it. It's an embarassment for me. I've since stopped talking to them.


I write poetry. But nevermind that.


I eat really exotic things. At least exotic by the standards of many Dmers. These are not limited to pig's ears, frog legs, preserved eggs and innards of misc animals. I do not eat insects. That's just weird. *ahem*


Anyhoo, please reply. Tell me things about yourself. Things that we would love to know.


We promise not to broadcast these things to the rest of DM. Or use it to blackmail you. But we want to know you. Intimately. In naughty and strange ways.


Thanks people.



Camigwen aka Jonathan

Posted (edited)

Responds AGAIN. Stupid DM eating my post.


Okay, so what to tell you. IRL my name is Emily, you can call me Em, Ems, Emily, Emmy, KeyHolder, Mimi, Carys, etc. Pretty much whatever you want *laughs*


I live in Texas of the USA. I'm a new Texan, having moved to the state within the past 3 years, but I love it so! I'm in the US Central time zone, just so you know.


I'm 26. Engaged to be married (wedding in March). I actually met my fiancee rping way back when. We chatted, talked on the phone, visited each other in our respective states and then eventually I moved here and we dated and now are engaged :).


Erm..I love meeting new people, both in person and online. In fact one of my favorite parts about rping is meeting new friends all around the world. I missed that during my 7 year break from rping and am delighted to have that again.


I have mostly Christian beliefs, but I'm not much one for organized religion. I am totally just following Jonathon's stuff exactly *laughs*


I love animals, have two cats: a devil one and a good one. I have some pretty hilarious stories about the bad one. Including her getting drunk behind my back...literally. Plan to have dogs, but live in a tiny apartment at the moment, so can't do that yet.


I have one sister. Half. According to our birth certificates we are five years, five months, five days, five hours, and five minutes apart. Freaky eh?


I'm not too lazy. Actually more of a work/busyaholic. Can be bad sometimes *laughs*


I have facebook. It's great for keeping in touch with people.


I have msn. Please add me if you'd like. Keyholder21@live.com. If you're going to email, I prefer you to use my other account: keyholder21@gmail.com. I mostly use live for junkmail.


I like chocolate sometimes, but I have to be in the mood for it. I know that's weird for a girl, but :p. Much prefer fruit flavored stuff. 'Cept banana, I really only like banana if it's real banana.


I don't have cable either - much like our fearless leader I watch what I want on DVD or the internet. Free = awesome.


I sound like an American, albeit an intelligent American. At least I like to think so. I'm pretty good at imitating accents though. Or so I've been told.


Oh man, I have such a black thumb.


I am a children's librarian. I work mainly with teenagers - buying books for them and creating programs that get them off the streets and stuff. I do have time with younger kiddos too though.


I very much like my job, but wish I made more money!


I like to sing too.


I am an excellent cook and love to do so when I have the time.


I used to write poetry, much like I used to write other things. I am glad to be getting back into writing - I missed it. Felt like part of me was missing all those years.


Um...I'm a pisces, LOVE to read, love watching movies and am seriously obsessed with Wheel of Time. Seriously.



Emily aka KeyHolder aka Carys aka Miahna "Mimi"

Edited by keyholder21
  • 2 weeks later...

Okies here we go... My real name is Amanda but i think i would answer if someone called out amadine or ama now lol.


I am 32, Australian, married to Pete for 12 years - yes i was only 20, but we have been together since i was 17. I have 2 kids with me Jared, 11 and Alyssa, 7. We had a third child, Lachlan but he died just before birth in 2002. It was a horrific time for us but i am totally comfortable talking about him with anyone who asks.


As to belief systems i pick and choose aspects from all religions that sit well with the way i feel about life, and strangely enough the beliefs outlined in WoT fit me quite well.


Speaking of WoT i have been reading for around 18 years now. Multiple times lol.



I enjoy creating unique jewellery which you can see in an album on my facebook profile though i havent worked on anything in a long time. I knit and crochet too.


I work fulltime managing a service (gas) station/truck stop. It very time consuming at this time of year.


I am currently internet deprived except for my phone due to a) a dead modem and b) lack of funds to replace said dead modem.


On the social side i am Red Ajah. Apparently my red streak is so broad ut can't be missed, or so i have been told. >.<


I am a pisces also, 5th march here, fat because i LOVE food. I used to sing in a choir now i only sing in the car :-) I have few friends IRL because i have been used and abused too many times but for my friends i would go to the end of the earth and beyond.


My world was shattered again this year when my mum passed away from lung cancer. She was my best friend and i miss her immensely. DM helped so much and several people here have implanted themselves on my soul. Including but not limited to Boops and Elgs here on the RP side.


Not sure what else to add and i am sick of my tiny phone keyboard so if you want to know anything else just ask :-)


Love Ama


Ama... you complete me. *snuggles* Your post made me tear alittle, mostly coz I love you SO damn much. Thanks for being there all the time too. And being my friend, loving me even when things go wrong.

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