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If you think you can make a contribution to the WT in this way, please send your application to dmwhitetowerstaff @ gmail.com with the name of the post as subject matter.



Before we begin, I wish to emphasise the following: The PSW is a Portal Stone world based on the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan. Any characters and RPs in the PSW are expected to conform to what would be plausible or a logical extrapolation, based on the WoT books. This includes the behaviour of Aes Sedai, to a lesser extent that of Accepted, and also the relationships between Novices, Accepted and Aes Sedai.


Obviously, character weaknesses make for more interesting RPs, and the Light knows Aes Sedai are not perfect! However, Aes Sedai make EXTREME sacrifices to gain the shawl, and only more so thereafter. They WANT to be Aes Sedai, more than anything else. Moreover, they have to have “the right stuff” in order to be allowed to go through the Arches and the Rings. Those who couldn’t “cut it”, would have been put out of the Tower and most likely joined the Kin. Anyone who has made it to a position of authority, like Sitter, Ajah Head, MoN, etc, would be especially determined, intelligent and dedicated to the Tower.


Now to move on to specifics.


There are a few things expected of anyone who applies for any kind of Staff or other leadership position at the PSW WT:

* Know the Code of Conduct and follow it.

* Know the rules and regulations (especially pertaining to your section) and follow them.

* Know the Wheel of Time books (you must have read all published books, and make a concerted effort to read each new one as soon as it is published).

* Set a positive example to the members of the WT.

* In an IC position, you must have at least a nodding acquaintance with the English language, its grammar, spelling and punctuation.

* Dedicate at least 3-5 hours a week (Heads) or 10 hours a week (MoN)

* Post an LoA where Staff and Members will see it if you are going to be LoA for more than 4 days. LoAs of longer than 1 month will be dealt with on a case by case basis. Unannounced LOA's will be treated as job abandonment. Offending staff members will be terminated after two weeks unannounced absence. (BTW, applications for the position of Terminator must be sent to my personal email address. ;)) (Also note: crap happens – we are more than likely to be flexible on the times given, within reason.)



Ajah Head (you may delegate some of this work to your Sitters, but you are ultimately responsible):


* Report to the Report Board once a month, including your membership details andthe RP's your members are actively rping in, amongst other things.

* Archiving all Ajah-Related Topics and threads that you feel are important.

* Letting the DL or ADL in charge of Aes Sedai know when someone aspires to your Ajah.

* Make sure you are available for anyone who may have questions about your Ajah.

* Keep up to date on your Ajah Page on the WT website, letting the ADL or DL know of any changes that need made.

* Inform the DL or ADL of changes to Sitters so he/she can add new members to Hall and remove old. Also so they can change the website info and stickies for you.

* Hold elections for Sitter positions when you have enough members to do so.

* Make sure all stickies are in your name and up to date.

* Create community spirit in the Division overall and within your Ajah. (Start and participate in discussions in the OOC boards, make N&A aware of what your Ajah offers, etc)


Roleplay planning (internal)

* Main Plotline roleplays for the White Tower.

* Tower wide roleplays

* Ajah roleplays (mainly duty of Ajah Heads and Sitters)

* Individual roleplays for members

* Roleplays with Novices and Accepted

* Encourage your members to roleplay

* RP! If you cannot RP you cannot be HoA.



Application for the position of: [insert here]


Your Name :


Your DM Handle:


Your Age :


How long have you RPed at DM?


How long have you been RPing all over?


What kind of Role Playing positions (IC and/or OOC) have you held on this site or any other WoT based site? (please provide references)


What kind of leadership positions have you held on this site or any other WoT based site? (please provide references)


What kind of leadership positions have you held on any type of site or IRL? (please provide references)


Have you read all the WoT books?


Have you read what our expectations are, and are you able and prepared to work within them?


What are your talents (ie website building skills, spreadsheets, graphics, role playing, ideas, etc)?


If you are applying for an OOC position:


What ideas do you have for the division and your Ajah / section?


If you are applying for an IC position:


What sort of plans do you have for the position IC / rp plans?


Will you be playing a current PC, a new PC or an NSW? (please provide bio if new character, or link to Bio in case of existing character)


This position is OOC. You must also RP the Head IC, but we would prefer that you use/make an NSW for this rather than RPing one of your own PCs.


Thanks everybody!


Jagen - sorry love! I offered myself for Gray too :p. So you're the one there haha.



You know this just means we'll have to rp together as these crazy old lady Aes Sedai ;).


*Eyes Boopsie* ... well, one's a Red too! *sticks out tongue*


I mean .. uhm ... yeah looking forward to meeting your characters with my crazy lady Zarinen :biggrin:


*stands in the corner of the celebrations with Elgee, all misty eyed* They make us so proud don't they? We did a good job. A good job indeed.


*snuggles Elgee*


*snuggles everyone*

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