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LZM's School of OL Seduction & Flattery


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I have been informed by an anonymous person that the OL has not been recieving enough flattery. This just will not do. As one of the foremost leaders in OverLord Flattery, I have come down for the next few days to provide you all a workshop which will provide the three basics in flattery and seduction. The first lesson will be the art of Flattery.



First of all, the OverLord is above all else, a woman. And there is no saying more true than the old adage: Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. This is true for even our taint-twisted OverLord as well. Do not let it enter your mind that just because she runs the most unruly place in the whole world doesn't mean that she doesn't have time, or like flattery. A well place sexy, or beautiful, or even seductive is enough to not only make her day, but sometimes even her week. And there is plenty of good stuff in it for the flatterer. Our OverLord is most generous with points to those who play their cards right. Five or ten points is not an uncommon gift for a well placed flattery.



Now, I have given you a brief lesson for today. Come back tomorrow for the next lesson on our agenda young ones.


But before you all go, i have a task for you. Yes, thats right, Im handing out homework. I want you all to practice your OverLord flattery in this thread. And its not just an excersize in futility either, because the best flatter will get 10 points.



So, sharpen your wits, toss in some breathmints, and throw out all those cheesy come-on lines from high school. May the best flatterer win!


*sits down next to sexy Org Leader Talya*


you know what the distance is from here, *points to her elbow* to here *points to her shoulder* is?


the same as from here, *points to other shoulder* to here * points to other elbow, while putting arm around sexy Org Leader Talya's shoulders*


*flashes best Matt smile*


Boys, let me show you how its done. My Talya you look absolutely lovely today. I brought you a little something.

*hands Talya a container full of brownies, cookies, and homemade fudge*


I see that iam gonna have to flunk all of you........



step up your games, your flattery must be truly remarkable


Well, Talya, you are the most beautiful, gorgeous, sexy, hilarious, talented, wonderful OL in the history of ever. I am not just saying that. Knowing I can make you smile makes my day that much better. I live to serve your every want and need. If you're not happy, I'm not doing my job. You should ALWAYS be happy. You deserve nothing but the best.


*cuddlesnuggles Teh Talya*


Two things:

1) New sigquote as soon as I'm able! ^^



I sing Talya's praises all day

Because I know it's the way

To make her lips smile

And grin for a while

So let's please her however we may.


Her smile is beauty made real

Her laughter I so long to steal

To put on display

Which would brighten the day

And make for our hearts a good meal.


Oh my dearest and most exquisite Talya,


You are as intoxicating as a fine tequila, and I have become drunk with your presence (except unlike fine tequila, you don't make me sick to my stomach if I imbibe too much... and you don't have a dessicated little worm in you either.. at least that I know of. Parasites are disturbingly prevalent and it seems even the best hygiene practices don't completely protect one from them, but I digress). And when you are gone, it is like the worst hangover evar.. not even Advil will help! There is naught to do to cure such excruciating despondency that results from your absence but to caress a stolen lock of your hair -sniff it, rub it against one's cheek, stash it in a worn envelope in one's desk at work - silky as the smoothest cognac yet lacking the warmth of your mischievous smile. Oh woe. Yet even as your absence is the darkest of nights, your exultant return is like a shot of firey sambuca. And when you doth return (everything sound fancier when you throw in a 'doth'), it is all one can do to refrain from running forth and seizing you with all the strength that one can muster, to hold you, protect you, squeeze you (but not so hard that you burst) - but of course the dilemma is how can one hold and protect a goddess? How can one safely seize something so delicate yet also so awesome? Like a glacially chilled martini in a fine crystal glass - strong yet vulnerable. And not one of those ridiculous fruity martinis either. A bold, chocolate vodka martini, swirling with hidden depths.


No, a martini does not do you justice.. even a chocolate vodka martini. Nor flaming sambuca, or silky cognac, or even fine tequila. Truly, you are the entire bar... and it is happy hour here in the BT! Cheers to the fabulous, splendid, vivacious, and let's not forget spirited (pun totally intended) Talya!!! :D




Oh Lady OL, who is most exquisite, will you give me the honor of accompanying you? With your Ivory skin, your long dark hair, and eyes that are pools of the fairest blue. The way you drift, as graceful as a swan, makes me swoon without a thought. Truly, if you were to depart from this place my life would be distraught.


You can legally no longer call me that sir, for I no longer work at McDonalds.


But I digress *ehem*


Talya, was your dad a jeweler? Because your eyes shine like diamonds :wink:


Talya the Tainted,

Most gloriously!

In face of her beauty,

No others are seen!

Seducing the world,

With her majesty,

Can it be true?

Can it be real?

Yes indeed tis Talya,

Leading elegantly.


whoa, whoa, whoa.


You just jumped ahead to the second lessons theme.


No gift giving until you have all perfected your flattery skillz..........



*hits Talm on the nose with a rolled up news paper*


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