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A Brown gathering (open RP - all welcome)


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Carina enjoyed her walk in the Tower guarden and was pleased to share it with Loraine. The Green that had been so kind during her first weeks after being raised to the Shawl and had strengthened her backbone by teaching her to accept her status as Aes Sedai and how to expect others to accept it as well. This happened a long time ago, of course, but since that day the two had been rather close. Loraine didn't know, of course, that Carina was now the Head of the Brown Ajah. She only knew her as a Sitter of the Ajah. Being a Sitter herself, the two women had quite a bit of contact, inside and outside the Hall, and while some of their respective Ajahs found their friendship to be rather weird, it felt completely natural to them. They walked in the telltale manner of Aes Sedai gliding over the grounds, talking about the latest issues brought before the Hall and how it would affect the world at large. Loraine, having a rather large brown streak herself, kept growling at the stupidity of some of the other Sitters, as she called it. Carina merely smiled at the Green's mumblings, knowing her to be much more caring than she portrayed to any except a handful.


The guarden was especially busy today, with novices and accepted hopping about everywhere, trying to look busy in the eyes of the Sisters. Some were enjoying a short break from their studies, while others were seated on the grass with their notes and books propped up on their knees. A few unfortunates were busy doing chores they earned by either bumping in to the wrong Sister or after a trip to the Mistress of Novices. The latter cast a frantic look at the Sisters as they glided by, hoping no additional chores would be added to their already extensive list.


"Lor, you can not possible believe that the Tower would do such a thing!" She replied to her companion, who had mentioned the Tower should simply kidnap the rulers of Andor and Cairhien and keep them locked up till they saw reason. "Yes, yes, I know it has been done in the past." She continued as the Green rounded on her, anticipating what she was about to say, "but those times the situation was much worse than what we are facing right now. If we up and kidnapped any ruler that didn't hop to our advise on the instant, there would be very few Aes Sedai advisors to the courts left, now would there?" She shook her head at the growling at her side.


"Look,..." She caught up short as someone bumped straight in to her, forcing her to take a step back to maintain her balance. "What under the Light?" She breathed, noticing the Accepted that picked herself up from the ground where she had landed after walking into the Brown. "Bennu?" Carina asked and that was all she had time to say before Loraine rounded on the girl.

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This honestly makes no sense. It honestly does NOT.


Bennu ground her teeth, resisting the urge to fling the Elements of Logic text she was carrying into the nearby fishpond as she walked along a carefully kept path in the Tower gardens. This was, no doubt, going to be the worst set of marks she'd received in her time at the Tower. All because she couldn't think in the way necessary. Why had she decided to take this course anyway?


I think it was so I could try and understand the White Ajah. The Tairen sighed, just managed to avoid two romping novices that crossed her path, and turned a page. Maybe the next page would clarify things...but it didn't. It just made it worse, and stoked her temper anew.


Light, but she hated her logic course with a passion. Well, she didn't hate it as much as not finding any sense in it. Books had all the information she needed, and if she didn't think a statement was true, there were other ways to disprove it. Research and testing, mainly. Logic seemed to base that truth could be found on a tower of assumptions...but how was she supposed to simply accept that any of those assumptions were true in the first place? The young woman just could not abide that, not when she could study and find the truth rather than just reason it out. Why exactly there was an entire Ajah that devoted itself to thinking like this, she did not know – but she certainly would never say that aloud!


The Accepted blew out in frustration as yet another turn of phrase in the text tied her mind into knots, and she flipped back through the chapter trying to find the string they were referring to. She was so caught up in trying to make sense of what she was reading that she forgot the world around her. Her feet took her off the path, and....


Next thing the Tairen knew, she was flat on her butt on the ground, she was absently wondering where that wall came from, and someone was calling her name. She looked up...into the eyes of two Aes Sedai. One perplexed, the other looking rather...stormy. Oh. Oh dear. That hadn't been a wall. And one of them knew her name?!?!?! Today just couldn't get any worse, could it?


“Oh, fish guts!” She scrambled to her feet, and began a round of the most obsequious curtseys she could ever remember herself doing. “I am so sorry, Aes Sedai!”

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The smell was intoxicating – a mixture of hundreds of different flowers from all over the world. Nowhere else would you see these all here together, growing side by side; Miahna thought as she walked slowly through one of the many Tower gardens. It was surprisingly busy in this one, novices and Accepted rushing around, Aes Sedai gliding through with serene faces and beautiful dresses. Though she had been looking for a slightly quieter place to catch up on her studies, the sound of activity wasn’t above a normal din and well, it was outside! Miahna inhaled deeply, feeling the sweet scents rush into her body. She hadn’t been outside in at least a month. Her last few days off had been spent in the library, studying for this exam or that. It felt like heaven to feel a warm breeze twirling around her ankles and the sun beat down warmly on her neck.


After looking at the flower, the novice decided to find a place to sit and work. Finding a wide rock that was half in the shade and half exposed to the sun’s gentle rays, she glanced around to make sure it was unoccupied and then proceeded to make herself comfortable. A small tree provided a firm backing; she tucked her white dress underneath her legs and opened the book.


Before long, the Arafellin had read the chapters assigned. She marked her place in the book with a long finger and glanced up, blinking in surprise at the change of scenery. The women who had been in the garden had been replaced by other women – still rushing around in white and banded hems. The groupings of Aes Sedai had moved on, perhaps choosing to continue their conversations inside, or parting ways to conduct other business.


Yawning, Mimi stretched her arms above her head, knocking one hand on a low tree branch. She grimaced as a tiny stab of pain reverberated through her hand and up into her arm. Bringing it down in front of her, Miahna noticed that there was a tiny sliver sticking out of knuckle in her third finger. Bloody clumsy. Narrowing her eyes, Mimi stared at the sliver and drew it out slowly. A tiny red circle beaded atop the wound immediately, as if it too had been longing to get outside. Shaking her head, the novice wiped it in the grass to her right and stood up to leave. I’d better get a bandage before I get blood on my dress.


Making her way to the exit, Mimi noticed a dark skinned girl in an Accepted dress a bit in front of her. It was clear that she was going Brown when she finally took the Oaths; her nose was so far into a book that Miahna was surprised the woman could see straight.


Miahna saw the Aes Sedai mere moments before the Accepted crashed into one of them. Mimi gulped, feeling sorry for the girl in the banded dress. She was about to keep walking forward when one of the Sisters – Sitters! – started laying into the Accepted. Mimi didn’t want to pass the angry Sister whose face was a thundercloud, for fear of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Opening her book, the novice took a few steps off the path and plopped down in the grass doing her best to concentrate.

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Loraine felt more frustrated today that she had in quite a while. When Carina mentioned taking a stroll in the gardens, she'd jumped at the chance, worried that Kyn would come crashing into the Hall to find out what had her so twisted up. She still wasn't overly certain he wouldn't hunt her down in the gardens, but at least he could tell she was trying to vent some of it out. The latest debate in the Hall was a discussion on the bullheadedness of the rulers in Cairhien and Andor. Being Cairhienin, herself, it annoyed her more than normal.


She controlled most of her temper and kept it short grumbles about kidnapping them. It took some effort. She was about to mention that already many of the world's rulers were sending their advisors back to the Tower, leaving them critically handicapped for negotiations when she heard Carina get cut off. She turned her head to see a Novice sprawled on the ground at Carina's feet. Her frustration got the better of her, though she tried to control it as much as possible. The girl's rapid fire curtseys and apologies didn't help.


"I pray to the Light that book is interesting enough to be strung around your neck while you're weeding the nearest flower bed, Novice," she said, her voice frosty, though her eyes blazed. "And should you refer to another Aes Sedai as 'fish guts,' I'd be more than happy to introduce you to some that you can hold on to until you're standing in front of the Amrylin taking Oaths!"



*smirks* who knew Lor could be so violently moody?

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The garden was oddly busy this afternoon, which meant it was less than an ideal place for Elin to finish her reading. The text was a treatise on the efforts of the first Aes Sedai who formed the White Tower to Heal saidin. The treatise was in the original Old Tongue, and trying to decipher its meaning while sitting deep in the Library had put Elin to sleep. After her third time waking up with her chin bouncing off her chest, Elin decided to go somewhere more stimulating to read... she just hadn't planned on it being quite this stimulating.


Miahna was over on a rock reading as well, which pleased Elin more than a bit. Seeing a novice find their own way to meet the requirements the Tower set for them showed that the novice had enough gumption to make it through.


Setting her book aside, Elin embraced the source and practiced forming each of the hundred weaves an Accepted must form when she took the Test to become an Aes Sedai. Most girls practiced them late at night when their friends could do their best to distract the girl performing the weaves. Elin, however, preferred to make sure she knew that she could perform the weaves perfectly without distractions... just in case the girls were entirely wrong about how the test would try them.


Looking up, Elin saw Bennu driving through the garden like a boat under oars, her head buried in one of her books. Elin smiled for a moment at her friend's dedication to book learning. Elin sincerely hoped that she and Bennu would be allowed to stay close once they were both raised.


Suddenly she noticed that Bennu, if she continued on in her current path, would crash directly into a pair of unforgettable women. Loraine and Carina were both Sitters, for the Green and Brown Ajahs, respectively. Unless Bennu managed to crash into the Amyrlin, she couldn't run into any more powerful women in the Tower.


Darting to her feet, Elin quickly crossed the garden doing her best to match the swanlike grace every Aes Sedai seemed to possess. She couldn't make it in time to stop Bennu, but she helped her friend to her feet as the Green lashed Bennu with her tongue. Bennu was of course curtsying and apologizing, and Elin did her best to dust off Bennu's dress for her.


"Bennu, I just finished my readings on Healing Saidin in the first years After the Breaking. Would you like to come with me to the Library to help me find some more primary sources on this topic?" Elin hoped that Bennu would take that as the exit it was meant to be. The only thing that could make the situation worse would be if the sisters refused to let them leave.


~Elin Hawes


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Carina turned her gaze on the newly arrived Accepted, 'Elin' she recalled the young woman's name 'Elin Hawes', and her eyebrow lifted slightly at hearing her address her friend, actually ignoring her and Loraine not to mention implying to Bennu she'd do the same. She decided to quickly take control over the situation before Lor sent them both a penance that would last a decade. Her friend was a warm hearted person, but with little to no patience for foolishness, or rudeness. She often said she had no time left for patience, being as old as she was. Completely ignoring the standing tradition that age was not to be spoken off among Aes Sedai. Loraine ignored a lot of things she thought foolish. Whether they were or not was a different matter. From the corner of her eye, she noted Kynwric, Lor's Warder, rushing to the guarden but upon seeing his Aes Sedai did not need his help, turned around and marched back to the Warder Yard. 'There goes the peaceful afternoon of one of the trainees' Carina thought, feeling sorry for whoever had to deal with Kyn in his current state.


"Forgive me, Loraine" Carina interrupted the Green as she was about to continue her lashing out at Bennu, who looked more and more disponded at every passing second and was actually showing signs of relief at Elin's suggestion they leave before the Sisters were done with them. Honestly, don't they teach these girls anything anymore before they pass through the Arches? Her own patience waning, Carina clamped down on it hard but made her voice quite firm nevertheless. Rudeness was not to be tolerated in one of the Accepted.


"The two of you are not going anywhere until we are done with you, is that understood?" She locked eyes with Elin, seeing the flicker of rebellious light in the young woman's eyes before she lowered them and nodded with a 'yes, Carina Sedai' at the same time as Bennu. "Now, Elin Hawes, I am certain sure that the Mistress of Novices is not one to overlook the teachings of rudimentary politness in her novices and expects these teachings to be known by all Accepted. It would appear that you have forgotten most of those lessons. When we are done here, you will ask her to remind you and explain how you interrupted two Sisters who were engaged with another Accepted without so much as offering the basic courtesies. For now, stand over there and be quiet." Carina pointed to a patch a grass to their side, close enough for Elin to stay within hearing range. She had deliberately mentioned Sisters and not Sitters as the latter would only increase the punishment the girl would receive from the Mistress of Novices and she didn't intend to be mean, but neither could she ignore this behavior.


When she was satisfied Elin did as told, she turned her attention back to Bennu who was still bobbing curtsies and appologizing profusely to Loraine who's face was still a thunderclowd. Sighing, she laid a soft hand on the Green's arm, drawing a look that could pierce through steel. Wordlessly she returned the look and saw Lor relaxing visibly. The woman was, after all, exceptionally wise and truly not as bad as most thought her to be. Despite her efforts to feed her reputation. Chuckling slightly inwardly, Carina softened her own expression and put on a smile as she truned towards Bennu.


"That's quite enough curtsying and appologizing, Bennu. It was an honest mistake, though you should be more careful in the future. What are you studying that has you so disconnected from your surroundings?" Her voice friendly and inviting, she was genuinly interested in the girl's studies.


Carina glanced in the direction of the novice that had plopped down on the grass rather than pass them while Loraine was lecturing the Accepted. Something about the girl caught Carina's attention but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. She was brought out of her ponderings as Bennu responded.

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Well, my first objective is done. Bennu is out of trouble... I've just landed myself there in her place. Elin stifled the sigh that threatened to come out. She'd not meant to forget to curtsy and pay the proper respect due to the Sitters, but facts were facts, she had forgotten and so it was now her that would be paying a visit to Valeri Sedai's office.


It promised to be a painful lesson too. Being rude to sisters merited a stiff punishment; being rude to Sitters more so. Hopefully Valeri would take into consideration her intent.


That shouldn't be much of a shield though. One phrase she had read time and again in the histories and biographies of the great leaders and Amyrlins was "For every consequence you intend to happen, at least three more will also happen, and a minimum of one of those will be unpleasant." It was a good lesson to learn. Plan ahead for consequences you don't intend and cannot see yet.


Apparently, the first negative unintended consequence of shoving her way into the situation to help her friend was transferring that ire to herself. Elin should have expected that.


She continued berating herself silently while her friend explained to the Brown Sitter what she had been studying.

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“But, Aes Sedai! I didn’t call *you* -“ the Accepted burst out, only to fall silent as Elin’s hand landed on her arm. She stared down at it in astonishment. Where had the girl come from? Bennu would have sworn on the Oath Rod she hadn’t seen her before just then. Normally she would have welcomed the Amadician’s arrival, but…oh, Light. This wasn’t helping, and in no way did she want to see her friend in the same cookpot Bennu currently found herself in. With an angry sister throwing the first log on the fire, no less!


The Green – Loraine Sedai - was in fine fettle today and Elin’s attempt at rescue, noble as it was, didn’t help matters any. They were well in it now.


Bennu was no idiot; when an Aes Sedai was angry, you stood and took it. Oak snaps. Willow bends, she thought frantically, and despite trying to keep a calm yet extremely contrite expression on her face as she stood by Elin she couldn’t help remembering what a certain Mistress of Novices could do with a willow switch. She’d been on the wrong end of that a few times, and really had no desire to show up in her office again for another round. It’d be worse now that she was Accepted and should know better.


But - Light bless! The Brown was offering a way out, staving off her sister’s wrath at the two Accepted, and Bennu leapt on it like a drowning man would a plank at sea. “I promise to be more careful…Carina Sedai,” she said, glancing sideways to make sure Elin was going exactly where the Aes Sedai told her. She did not quite sigh with relief as her friend escaped the blast radius with very little in the way of being singed, but it was close.


At the Brown’s query, she held up the book, now scuffed and covered with pieces of grass that she hastily brushed away. “I was just trying to make sense out of this book of logic, but I hate to say I can’t make heads or tails out of it. And when I concentrate, trying to understand how I need to look at it….well.” The result had been obvious. The Tairen sighed, obviously frustrated. “I suppose I just don’t think that way – drawing conclusions without having evidence to look at or study just isn’t the way I’ve been raised to work. But I hate that I can’t understand this. “

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Loraine took a nice deep breath at the steel in Carina's eyes. She shook off frustration that the poor girl hadn't meritted and let her eyes wander over the graceful flowers lining the garden. She felt rather than saw Kynwric enter the garden and then disappear again. She was sure she'd hear about this quite a bit, later.


She tilted her head at the book in Bennu's hands, reading the title and shaking her head slowly. "Who in the Light is making you read that? I think, perhaps, they deserve the switching..." She lifted the book free of her hands and skimmed through the first chapter. "Indeed, it's just as tedious as it was fifty years ago when I tried it. You'd think they'd hide this book more often."


She felt her lips twitch as she turned her eyes to Carina. "Please tell me there's a special place you can hide this drivel so no one tortures themselves into attempting to read it again. I can stash it in my quarters, if you're not sure you can hide it..."




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Smiling openly at Loraine's gracious offer, Carina shook her head. "We can't go hiding every book that holds information outside our own field of interest, Loraine. This book was sanctioned as appropriate for all to read and so it stays where it is. If our inquisitive youngsters happen upon it and actually are intrigued by it enough to set their braincells to work, then that is in itself a good reason for the book to remain accessible."


Carina turned her smile back on Bennu and started forward towards a bench closeby, motioning wordlessly for Elin to follow them as well.


"Come, children, let's sit while we discuss this. It's such a nice afternoon, there's no reason we can not combine pleasure with purpose." She motioned for Bennu and Elin to take a seat on the soft grass in front of the bench, as Loraine seated herself next to Carina.


"Logic is not always easy to understand and in truth varies greatly with the manner in which one looks upon a situation. What is logical for one person can be completely illogical for another. The debate on which is which is something the White Sisters thrive on, precisely to find an answer to those questions you are yourself now struggling with. They train their mind in unravelling the many, seemingly contradictory, theories in order to find the truth behind them and to increase understanding of the greater puzzles." Bennu made a face and Carina's smile increased. "As you have undoubtedly heard before, it takes a White to fully understand that 'logic' behind it."


Carina noticed several other novices and accepted hovering around their bench and she smiled and motioned invitingly to them to join them.

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“Miyavi Sedai is teaching the logic course.” The Accepted had to give, though, that Miyavi Sedai was a nice enough woman for a White, although she could use that emotionless serenity like a ballpeen hammer when faced with complete idiots, or difficult students. Presently, Bennu wasn’t quite sure where she sat with her teacher on that score.


At their instruction, she trailed the two at a respectful distance as they searched out a place to sit. The comment from the Green sent her eyebrow skyward, but she held her tongue. My goodness. Someone else thinks this is fair drivel. Miyavi Sedai would have the most elegant fit. Then again, Loraine Sedai could just be joking. One never knew with Aes Sedai.


“That certainly insures the White Ajah isn’t for me,” she murmured as an aside to Elin as she knelt and arranged her banded skirts, minding that she didn’t get grass stains on the white from seating herself too roughly. Long evenings in the laundry had proven how much of a trial they were to remove. “I totally understand that an Aes Sedai needs to know a fair amount about everything, and I don’t mind that – that’s why I took the class,” she went on to the assembled group, “But…” Feeling that Tairen temper spike again, she shook her head.


The Brown’s earlier response, however, distracted her. After a moment, Bennu ventured, “Loraine Sedai, Carina Sedai, do you hold with the philosophy that all information and knowledge should be available and accessible by all, or should it be carefully controlled and provided as the situation warrants?” This question was not a simple one, and had caused such a furor around the Abravanel dinner table when it came up that she hesitated to ask it here. But then, the two women seated before her should be able to give her an answer. “I…was wondering how the Ajah I was considering stood on that subject,” she added somewhat tenatively, looking to Carina. Best to know how the Brown stood before she made an utter fool out of herself later. Particularly not in front of the novices that were drifting to join the current group.

Edited by Chikara
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The sun beating down on her pale face was like the gentlest of kisses after the last few days spent pouring over dusty books in the stuffy air of the Library. Kiyi was beginning to think fresh air and natural light were merely rumours conjured up by Aes Sedai to taunt the ranks of Accepted with the notion of freedom. She truly couldn’t wait to become a Sister; to have the choice of how, and more importantly where, she spent her time.


Kiyi thought wistfully of Carina’s study with it’s delightful sense of elegance. She’d had many lessons there over the months and enjoyed looking at the various belongings with which the Brown had decorated her surroundings. One day, the young Cairhienin murmured to herself, keeping her eyes shut against the sun’s brightness, one day, I’ll have my own study and it won’t be dusty or stuffy!


She should, she supposed, be thankful that the Librarian on duty had allowed her to take the book she was reading with her. A decision aided no doubt by Kiyi’s graphic description of an imminent coughing fit. Light forbid anyone should disturb the quiet of the Library with something so mundane. The woman had practically hustled her out of the door and Kiyi’s throat had eased almost immediately.


Kiyi’s mouth curved into a tiny self satisfied smile at the memory as she wriggled her back against the grass to dislodge an inconvenient pebble under her shoulder blades. The gardens were busier than usual. Muted laughter occasionally hinted at girls taking a break from their apparent studying to indulge in more amusing conversation with friends or room mates, snippets of their chatter floating on the air like thistledown and mixing with the voices of Sisters walking by deep in discussion.


One such discussion seemed to have been rudely interrupted judging by the raised exclamations of one Sister. It had to be a Sister sounding that annoyed. No novice or accepted would speak in that kind of tone with all those Aes Sedai around.


Kiyi was suddenly glad that she couldn’t be seen from the path and dragged into any trouble. Yesterday’s palaver had been more than enough when one Accepted had managed to invoke the ire of the Mistress of the Kitchens by dropping a tray of food all over the newly scrubbed floor. Kiyi had attempted to help clear up the mess and ended up with extra chores herself simply by association. A scowl marred her delicate features at that thought and she rolled carefully onto her stomach, trying to peer through the myriad gaps in the hedging to discover what was happening. Unfortunately a strategically placed bench was blocking most of her view but she could see one Sister, clearly none too pleased, addressing someone standing before her.


The figures shifted, resolving into a growing gaggle of girls, none of whom she recognised, and yet another Sister, all moving steadily in her direction and eventually settling around the bench. This left Kiyi with somewhat of a dilemma. Should she make her presence known or stay silent? After all she’d been here first and it’s not as if she was deliberately listening in. Pondering on the decision, her hand idley patted the volume on Cairhienin history that she’d been engrossed in earlier, fingertips smoothing over the aged leather of its bindings. It covered the period of the Aiel War and it’s aftermath, and Kiyi had been amazed at what a mess people could make of things when they were placed in positions of power. The responsibility seems to addle their brains, she thought, slowly opening the book once more.


Before she could become overly distracted, however, a familiar voice intruded.


"Come, children, let's sit while we discuss this. It's such a nice afternoon, there's no reason we can not combine pleasure with purpose." Carina Sedai’s forthright tones were unmistakeable but it was the subsequent reply from one of the girls that caught Kiyi’s attention.


“Loraine Sedai, Carina Sedai, do you hold with the philosophy that all information and knowledge should be available and accessible by all, or should it be carefully controlled and provided as the situation warrants? I…was wondering how the Ajah I was considering stood on that subject.”


A topic close to Kiyi’s heart, she was on her feet almost before she realised it, collecting her book and rounding the hedge to drop a polite curtsy to the two Sisters. “My apologies for interrupting Carina Sedai, I couldn’t help but overhear and I’d be very interested in the answer to that too. May I join you, please?”




Kiyissalle Chevra


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“That certainly insures the White Ajah isn’t for me,” ... “I totally understand that an Aes Sedai needs to know a fair amount about everything, and I don’t mind that – that’s why I took the class,” she went on to the assembled group, “But…”


Carina didn't let on that she had heard the murmering concerning the girl's Ajah choice, though it was clear this one was not headed to White. With some Accepted it took quite a long time before it became clear where they might end up but with a few the path was clear relatively early. She had a feeling that was the way for Bennu too.


“I…was wondering how the Ajah I was considering stood on that subject,” she added somewhat tenatively, looking to Carina. Best to know how the Brown stood before she made an utter fool out of herself later. Particularly not in front of the novices that were drifting to join the current group.



She opened her mouth to respond but was stopped by another Accepted, rising from behind their bench and joining the group in front. Kiyi's voice was still rather raspy, a fact that probably would never leave her. Anyone who heard her speak the first time was rather taken aback that such a voice could come out of such a beautiful young woman. The majority quickly forgot about that though, as Kiyi's warm and friendly nature far outweighed her vocal awkwardness.


“My apologies for interrupting Carina Sedai, I couldn’t help but overhear and I’d be very interested in the answer to that too. May I join you, please?”


"Of course, Kiyi, welcome. First though, would you please send one of the novices in to fetch a large blanket and some cushions? I don't want to get the Mistress of Novices upset over your white dresses."


She waited as Kiyi grasped one of the passing novices and passed on the order in a kind, yet authoritive manner. 'She's coming along real well' Carina though. It wouldn't be too long before the girl would be summoned for her testing, she felt.


"Now, as to the question whether or not all knowledge should be shared. That's an interesting question, easily asked yet not so easily explained. What I say on this matter is not so much an Ajah-related answer, but more of a general Tower policy. While the Ajahs may give it their own specific interpretation, the Tower as a whole must be perceived as a unity to the outside world." Carine looked in to each of the girls' eyes to see if they understood and continued. "Ideally, all knowledge would be shared with everyone interested in it, but unfortunately we do not live in an ideal world. You see, children, knowledge does not guarantee wisdom or insight and without those two, knowledge can be a trigger for foolish, dangerous and even disastrous actions. The White Tower stands first and foremost as a protection against the Shadow, as you know. It also has a task to be the guardian and educator of the world and all those in it. A teacher will decide when the student is ready to absorb the knowledge she has to share. Many factors come in place when deciding this, not in the least wether or not the student is mature and wise enough to handle the knowledge. For, you see, much like any tool, knowledge can be used for the Shadow as easily as it can be used for the Light and even those following the Light may act unkowingly in favor of the Shadow through shere ignorance, pride or personal ambition." Carina could all but see the girls' eyes widen as she spoke. Her voice had taken on a lecturing tone, though her audience was leaning forward slightly, so at least she was not boring them to sleep.

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OOC: Sorry this is so short and doesn't add anything. I wanted to add her early so she could be there for it all, but I'm busy in RL right now, plus I want hear to the other AS responces before I decide if she adds anything. Its not like her to butt in and chat, just but in and listen!




As Kathleen strolled through the garden she noticed Loraine and Carina sitting on a bench and watched as the Novices and Accepteds started to flock over to them. She slowed her pace to see what all the fuss was about and when she heard the Accepted Bennu ask what the Aes Sedai's stances were on information availability were Kathleen became interested in hearing the responses herself, and trying to find out what the information Bennu was looking to be shared, or to hide. Kathleen made eye contact with Loraine as she got closer and when the woman on the bench gave a slight nod Kathleen gracefully made her way over to join them on the bench as Carina answered the girl's question.


Kathleen Vandiar

Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah

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ooc: Sorry I forgot to sign it before!




Miahna looked up from her book, smiling as the Brown Sister halted the Green in her attempt to dress down not only the Accepted who had bumped into them, but Accepted Elin as well. Evidently Elin was a friend of the dark-skinned Accepted and had intervened to take some of the blame. It was nice to know that some Sisters understood that occasionally things happened accidentally. The Green Sister visibly relaxed and peered at the book in the girl’s hands. Had she been anything but Aes Sedai, there would have been an apology forming on her lips. Though she would never say it, the lack of punishment was apology enough.


The two Accepted and the two Aes Sedai stood on the path for a moment, talking about the book – which was apparently ghastly. It was amusing to hear Carina Sedai defend the book while the Accepted and other Sister looked at her in mock horror.


Miahna gave up on her book; she’d finished the required reading anyway. Now that the walking path snafu had ended, the Sisters actually seemed in a good mood. The Aes Sedai moved to a bench close by, the Accepteds trailing behind at a proper pace. They sat in the grass gently, mindful of their banded dresses. Mimi cringed in remembrance of her hasty sitdown. She was likely to have a nice sized green stain on her dress, and now she’d have to change before her next class. Luckily, though, that wasn’t for awhile.


A few more Accepted and novices started milling around the bench where the Green and Brown sat. Upon seeing the growing group, the Brown Sister looked pleased. "Come, children, let's sit while we discuss this. It's such a nice afternoon, there's no reason we cannot combine pleasure with purpose." The Arafellin smiled and made her way over to the group. It wasn’t often that one came across an Aes Sedai willing to answer impromptu questions.


The clumsy Accepted who had bumped into the Sisters asked an impressive question on information access. Miahna looked to the Brown with interest – Carina Sedai she remembered – as did many of the other girls standing around. The Aes Sedai called for a blanket so the white dressed girls could sit easily on the lawn and began her answer. Another Aes Sedai slipped onto the bench next to the Green Sitter just as the Brown opened her mouth to speak.


Miahna Telonne

Novice of the White Tower

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Elin almost forgot the trouble she'd landed in listening to the Brown Sitter discuss sharing knowledge. It made sense, in a way. For the trades, a Master brought up his Apprentice, teaching them the skills they would need to become Masters themselves as the Apprentice showed themselves ready. What confused Elin, though, was the fact that the Tower wasn't out there teaching the people. Carina Sedai said that the Tower was there to protect, guard, and teach the World in defense against the Shadow, but Aes Sedai seemed to be mostly restricted to the Tower, excepting the occasional mission out or the sisters who roam the world individually.


"Carina Sedai, if I may, why then aren't sisters out in the world more? When I read about how Aes Sedai served under Hawkwing, there were sisters serving in each of the provinces in multiple roles. During the War of a hundred years, Aes Sedai tried to salvage the Empire and help reestablish peace." Elin tilted her head, thinking through her questions as she spoke. "If the White Tower is the Teacher and the World is our Student, shouldn't we be out with them more? The Great Libraries of the World would flourish under Brown sisters; Greens living along the Blight Border would help keep the people of the borderlands safe; sisters could do so much in the day to day lives of the people."


Part of Elin realized that she might have gone too far, but she really wanted to know. If there had been Aes Sedai out in the world, fewer people would be so afraid of Aes Sedai that they wanted to kill potential channelers.

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Bennu nodded, finger to her lips as she absorbed Carina Sedai's words. That was very true. You didn't give a knife to a blind man and tell him to gut a fish. You'd give it to his sighted son...but not before making sure the lad knew how to gut the fish in the first place – and hope that the boy wasn't about to reverse the blade and stick it in your own guts.


Darkfriends. Despite herself, the Accepted couldn't help but shiver a little. She really didn't understand why anyone would choose the Shadow over the Light, but...unknowingly? Memories of her Arches came back unbidden, and she drifted off into her own thoughts.


Could...could I have actually unknowingly chosen the Dark and intentionally sent that crate off to the Black Ajah? The idea of that appalled. Could it have been that Jenavira have been lying to goad me – could I have put my seal on that crate myself? Light, no. I couldn't have been that stupid, that arrogant...could I?


A moment later, she dismissed that as sheer folly. The arches just give what might be. I wouldn't do that.


Besides. The Black Ajah doesn't exist. Can't exist, what with the Oath Rod guarding against that.


A moment later, she was dragged out of her reverie by Elin's question. She could see her friend's point, but...“But, Elin, remember there were more Aes Sedai then than there are now. And...ah...sometimes the serving harmed more than it helped, some say, so here we are today, with people mistrusting the Tower's good intentions.” The Tairen was really trying to be tactful there; she wasn't going to bring up the history of Bonwhin Sedai, the deposed Amyrlin, if she could help it. That way went debates she'd rather not have on such a pleasant morning.


Wait. The Accepted blinked, as there were now three women on the bench. How long had she not been paying attention, to miss a third Aes Sedai joining the group?


In an effort to hide her confusion, “But then, Carina Sedai, what is the purpose of the Brown Ajah? I'd like to be a Brown when...sorry, if I become Aes Sedai. How do the Browns help the world if they don't go out in it all that much and share the knowledge they have? Do they do this through *other* sisters?” She'd been thinking about that quite a bit lately. Working to change the world through other traveling sisters of the Tower wouldn't be a bad thing, but she'd like to have a personal hand in setting some things to rights herself.

Edited by Chikara
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OOC: Chikara, did you intend for Bennu to missunderstand Carina? I wasn't intending to imply the Black Ajah or even a forced service to the Shadow. Just that sometimes people do stupid things out of shere ignorance, pride or ambition.






Carina nodded at Kathleen, who joined them on the bench and turned her attention back to the questioneers. My, but this lot was inquisitive! The novice Kiyi had sent returned with her arms loaded with blankets and cushions, you couldn't even see the poor girl anymore.


"Some of you help the child with her load" shooing the seated girls off the ground, she watched and waited till the blanket and cushions were in place and the girls had taken their seat again. "Thank you lirana, join us if you like". The novice curtsied and politely informed her that she was due in the kitchens as it was her turn to help with the washing up. Some of the seated girls let out a grunt and looked either sympathetic or relieved, remembering their times in the kitchens. A novice that joined their little gathering tried to make herself as small as possible, probably afraid she would be sent to help too. The Mistress of the Kitchens was a strict task mistress. Fair, but very strict. As the novice retreated Carina smiled at Miahna, putting her mind at ease.


“Now, to get back to what Elin and Bennu were asking. You seem to be laboring under the delusion that all Aes Sedai are cooped up in the Tower, while nothing could be further from the truth. How a Sister serves is up to her. Each one serves in her own way, at her own pace and in the place of her own choosing. Some Sisters are away from the Tower for many years before ever returning to Tar Valon. In fact, Loraine Sedai here is one of those. For many years she was out there doing precisely what you all wonder about. She spent many years at the borderlands, helping to fight off Trollocs and other Shadowspawn." She shook her head in mock amusement. Did these girls not know that the Aes Sedai residing in the Tower were merely a handfull compared to how many are out roaming the world? "There is currently, at best, only a fourth of the total amount of Aes Sedai residing in the White Tower. The rest are all out there."


“Ah, Shefu!” Waving at a passing novice to come to her, Carina asked the girl to go to the kitchen and have them deliver enough ice tea and cups for ten people.


“As for your question on how Brown sisters go about it, Bennu. That differs from sister to sister. Some find it more productive to stay within the Tower and do what we call ‘desk research’, while others go out to find the answers to their questions in the world. Both are necessary and neither methods can be replaced by the other.”


“When the time comes for you to put on the Shawl, you shall make your own choices in how you wish to serve.” She leaned forward a bit, looking all conspiracy-like. “To know more, you’ll have to wait till that shawl is on your shoulders, young lady.”

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Loraine smiled, letting Carina attack the children's questions as she caught Kathleen's eye. She nodded, letting her know she could join in, if she liked. Or run. Whichever made her happy. The mental image of someone running, screaming, from a gaggle of Accepted and Novices surrounding a pair of Aes Sedai was entertaining and she got distracted for a moment before letting her attention wander back to the conversation.


"Indeed, doling out information is a nasty habit and we've been haunted by that rumor for a while. My personal point of view is that most information should be readily available to any who want it. Information of a more sensitive nature, however, should be held apart from the rest and doled out on a "need to know" basis. For example, if the Browns investigated an angreal that's only known function is to rip out large sections buildings, should we tell everyone? I can think of many handy uses for ripping out sides of buildings, but it's very easy to see how such an ability could cause more hurt than help." Thus the reason most of the really nasty weaves in a Green's head were far from common knowledge around the Tower. She was positive the Greens weren't the only ones with a few tricks up their sleeves, too!


She grinned at Carina. "Most of the Green Ajah isn't here, at all, to answer your other question. Carina Sedai's quite right that what you see is only about a fourth of what we know to exist. It depends on the creed of the Ajah in question and how they go about doing their duty to the Tower. The Browns serve by recording data, researching histories to make sure the information that everyone else may need at any given time is not only accurate, but up to date. Carina Sedai will tell you there's more to it than that, and I have no doubt she's right." She winked at her friend and turned her attention back to Bennu. "For the Greens, we stand ready to fight the Shadow in any way we possibly can. We have large numbers of Greens lining the Blight to bolster the armies there, and some are scattered all over searching out leads on any foothold the Dark One may be getting in our World. Those of us in the Tower are here for a multitude of reasons, all leading back to the knowledge that, when the Last Battle begins, we'll be there. Being the thorn in the Dark One's foot is what we do best."



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The Accepted blinked in surprise as she adjusted the proffered blanket and cushions. Only a fourth of the current Aes Sedai were in the Tower? Only a fourth? She'd known sisters went out, but she didn't know that many were gone at a time. Light! Well, Elin wouldn't be alone after gaining the shawl, that was for sure.


And neither would she, truly told. Bennu mused over that, gathering her thoughts once more. She knew full well she wanted to stay in the Tower for a bit after she was raised. The Tairen wasn't entirely sure she would be ready to hit the road after gaining the shawl herself; there was so much more to learn – so much more in the Tower itself to learn. So much she didn't know. So much to discover.


Thankfully, there seemed there wouldn't be any honor lost in either the staying or the leaving, according to the two sisters – no, wait, three – at the center of their slowly growing group. “Maybe I'll do both then. Study in the tower a few years, then go out and use what I've learned, then come back with more things to study, and then...” A lopsided smile appeared on her face as she nodded to Elin. Certainly it'd take some time, but her fellow Accepted would get her out of the Tower yet.


Turning to the Brown, her smile got even larger. “I'll do just that, Carina Sedai. Just wait and see,” she said. That was definitely a challenge she was willing to meet!


A leaf fluttered down to land on her skirt, and she picked it up, spinning it between her fingers. “Loraine Sedai,” she said after a moment, directing her attention to the Green, “forgive me for asking. I know in Tear Aes Sedai are not tolerated much at all. I was barely allowed to say goodbye to my parents before I was on the boat to Tar Valon. But, that's Tairen law. How are Aes Sedai received in the lands you've been to?” The Accepted fully admitted to herself that she knew very little of this outside of her lessons and her books; before her trip to Tar Valon, she'd never left her home country.

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Loraine tilted her head at the question, then smiled. "It depends on where you go and how much you annoy people while you're there, I think. In Cairhien, for example, my family's position was actually elevated when I was brought here to be trained. Aes Sedai are respected, and a little feared, in Cairhien. Naturally, in places where there is an Ambassador from the Tower serving as Council to the monarch, Aes Sedai are generally accepted, if only tolerated because of their monarch's benevolence. Along the Blight, Aes Sedai, especially Greens, are held in high regards, as we are all there to fight the same battles. In other places," she shuddered and shook her head. "In other places, you're glad you don't wear clothes that stand out like an Accepted or a Novice and you hide your ring twenty leagues before you get close to their borders. You also spend quite a bit of time using your Warder as a shield and praying to the Light that you can get in, do what you need to do and get out before someone catches on."


She laughed softly and shook her head. "It's one of the joys of the gift you're given. You've heard it's a blessing and a curse, yes?"



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“I see...” Bennu said, musing over that. Well, perhaps the world wasn’t as bad as all that for Aes Sedai. Probably after several decades she’d be ready, and she could start traveling the world for study. After she completed her obligations to Elin, of course. Tear first, then wherever else her feet took her.


Her homeland was not outright hostile to Aes Sedai, but they certainly never felt welcome. Sisters were stared at and gingerly avoided by citizens as though they were made, head to foot, out of poisonous snakes. Even her father, as openminded as he was, was extremely guarded around the Aes Sedai that’d visted the library from time to time, and forbade her from even being around them until she was much older.


It was all bound up in that Stone of Tear not falling legend. But, given the Dragon Reborn would be the one to make it fall, not sisters from the Tower, why wouldn’t you want Aes Sedai around? That hadn’t made sense to Bennu then, and it certainly didn’t now. It’s not like they’d be helping the insane man, now would they? She certainly wasn’t planning on contributing to her home city’s destruction! And neither would any sister worth the shawl.


So…maybe Cairhien, after she was done with that. The young woman felt a thrill of excitement as she considered that. She’d wanted to work in the library there, and now she’d be able to see it for herself, on her own terms after she became Aes Sedai herself.


Light. So much she wanted to do. But...what if that wasn't what the Tower needed? “How do you decide what you want to do?” she asked, a note of frustration in her voice. “There’s so much that needs to be done. And doesn’t the Amyrlin have a say in that? Or is that mostly left to the Ajahs?”

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Carina laughed at the girl's expressions. Her face read like an open book. You could all but see her travelling the roads and attending royal gatherings, teaching children and browsing the many libraries out there. 'Yes, this one will definately not spend her time doing desk research' she chuckled to herself.


“There’s so much that needs to be done. And doesn’t the Amyrlin have a say in that? Or is that mostly left to the Ajahs?”


Carina smiled indulgently, "There is indeed much that needs to be done, child. Priority in that changing depending on the times, according to the turning of the Wheel. The Amyrlin certainly can send sisters on whatever mission she has in mind and the Ajahs definately have their own missions to focus on. Much of that will become clear to you when you don the shawl, but overall sisters are free to pursue whatever service they feel most drawn to. As you said, there is much that is needful and so the variety of services done by the initiates of the Tower is equally needful. Of course, each Ajah considers their purpose to be the most important one, but in truth it is the combination of all of them that covers the wide range of necessities in the world."

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