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1) RP's done by Ajah characters during August/September


Bad News (The Greenie Field Trip Troop)


Loraine brings bad news about a White Cloak movement to Mardecin to Jaydena. Rasheta brings reports of the same bad news. Together, they plan a trip to Amadacia to recover Rashima's Journal.



Kathleen's Testing and Oaths


New Greenie! :D :D :D


Bad News (The Greenie Field Trip Troop)


Loraine brings bad news about a White Cloak movement to Mardecin to Jaydena. Rasheta brings reports of the same bad news. Together, they plan a trip to Amadacia to recover Rashima's Journal.



Kathleen's Testing and Oaths


New Greenie! :D :D :D



The time has come (Kathleens oaths)


Kathleen swears her oaths to the WT and chooses the Green Ajah






The time has come (Kathleens oaths)


Kathleen swears her oaths to the WT and chooses the Green Ajah



2) Handle and character name(s) of members and when last RPed as that character, split into Active and Inactive


Rasheta Ardashir- Rasheta Ardashir- September 2010

U4ea-Loraine Kilaine- September 2010

Jaydena- Jaydena Mckanthur- September 2010

Liitha- Cemarillinin Adoa- July 2010

*when profiles are available again, I'll get this*- Kathleen- Kathleen Vandiar- September 2010




Eqwina- Kabria Delondre- April 2010 (active on GA Board, April 2010)

Quibby- ???- ???


3) RP plans / ideas

-Jaydena bonding the first Asha'man to bond a Green (In Progress)

-Loraine breaking the news to the Greens about her marriage (In Progress)

- Big Greenie trip to recover Rashima's Journal from Marcedin in Amadicia. (In Progress!)




In the works:

-Hall of Swords discussion about bonding Asha'man

-Battle Defense Class- we are presently discussing how to set this one up and what weaves should be Green Ajah only vs. general defense weaves

-Getting Together Party for the Greens

-Loraine getting married and all the Greens in attendance (possible inter-division RP!)

-Loraine catching a Novice (Mat) playing with swords in the Yard.



4) Interaction with N&A

None, atm

-Planning to help create drama with Mat's new Novice soon, though. :)


5) Problems, ideas, etc

Moving to DM8.0 came at a horrible time for me. LOL Tell me again why DM can't revolve around my schedule? *eyes Jason*


RP's for Loraine



Bad News (The Greenie Field Trip Troop)


Loraine brings bad news about a White Cloak movement to Mardecin to Jaydena. Rasheta brings reports of the same bad news. Together, they plan a trip to Amadacia to recover Rashima's Journal.



Kathleen's Testing and Oaths


New Greenie! :D :D :D


Need to do for this report:

1- update links to profiles, since the old ones aren't working, anymore. (and get Kathleen's added)

2- Add Kathleen's character name to the report. (Umm... Kathleen... what's your character's last name? *bats her eyelashes*)

3- Get Kathleen added to the Greenie usergroup? Contact Elgee and ask her to request it or request it myself? What's the protocol on this side of the world?



General need to do this month:

1- Discuss a Hall of Swords IC discussion about bonding Ashies? Do we wanna RP that? Discussion held here: (not up yet)



I can sees the boards! Lor, my last name is Vandiar, and I don't know if I post this here or not but I just finished up my part in a RP with a Novice where I helped her break her block http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/51546-summoned-attn-kathleen-sedai/page__pid__1630516__st__20#entry1630516 I wasn't meaning to play as newly raised, but she saw the Announcement thread and put it in her first post that Kathleen was new, so I guess its semi retro :) For future, do I need to post all my active threads or just the ones that make a difference in the main timeline?

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