Ikkarus Posted September 19, 2010 Posted September 19, 2010 I am not sure, but I am starting an album for the pictures I took while on my visit back home over the summer - I set the album to Friends Only, and yet, when I look, I have views...which should not be possible because I do not have friends yet. Are those the administration looking at them, who might have that power, or is there something messed-up and it is not private at all ? If it is the latter, I would like to know so I can take the entire album down; I do not want the whole world to see them, and definitely if I upload personal pictures. By the way, with the poll, try to be honest and pick the character who most corresponds to who you would like to be in such a setting. Otherwise, you will get a false synopsis when I post what each choice says about a personality. DO NOT SCROLL DOWN IF YOU HAVE NOT ANSWERED THE POLL BECAUSE I AM STARTING TO PUT RESULTS DOWN THERE ! UNLESS YOU DO NOT CARE! Edit: Played with the Poll and returned it back checking out some new features on DM 8
Talya Posted September 19, 2010 Posted September 19, 2010 I'm not sure i can answer your question Ik. I'm not sure who I am like Aviendha or Egwene, but I'm not sure, lol
Ikkarus Posted September 19, 2010 Author Posted September 19, 2010 As long as more views do not start popping up, I am sure I know what happened. Otherwise... . Well, just close your eyes and throw a dart at your computer screen to decide. See what happens. Of course, you then might have more of a problem than deciding who you are most like but that's okay .
Nynaeve Posted September 20, 2010 Posted September 20, 2010 Gee, I wonder who I'd want to be. MMmmmmm... such a head scratcher ;) Nyn
dgaskill Posted September 20, 2010 Posted September 20, 2010 A slightly different question, Ikk, and one maybe you could build into your synopsis for each choice is: Which character do you think you are most like? The contrasts might be interesting.
Ikkarus Posted September 20, 2010 Author Posted September 20, 2010 That would be a little too straightforward. I would like to have people pick who they want to be, and that way it will reveal something about their subconscience stratum of thought that they might not have considered or been aware of, which I will post as soon as there are a few more votes. If I ask who they think they are most like, that will prompt them to merely analyze the characters and do a superficial introspection on their own personality before answering, instead of saying, spur of a moment, "Yes, that is definitely the sort of life I would trade for if I had to be in this hypothetical universe. That is exactly who I would want to be." It may not seem like a big difference, but it still will prompt different answers, consciously or unconsciously.
dgaskill Posted September 20, 2010 Posted September 20, 2010 I agree with your thoughts on the matter. I was just thinking that the two questions in combination would be even more interesting. Who are you and who do you wish to be.
Ikkarus Posted September 20, 2010 Author Posted September 20, 2010 It would, but that would be a pretty big poll to analyze in the end...and I am feeling lazy at the moment.
dgaskill Posted September 20, 2010 Posted September 20, 2010 No problem! I certainly don't intend to try it, either. I will look forward to your insights based on the poll question as is. For what it's worth, my answer would remain the same for both questions. I have a firm idea of who I am, and I am happy to be that person.
TheMasterDude Posted September 20, 2010 Posted September 20, 2010 Mat yo. I would be rand but he has too many problems to deal with and all kinds of stress. I'd rather be Mat cause he is a B.A. :P
Mirshann Uuranor Posted September 20, 2010 Posted September 20, 2010 I would be Bela because she's the Creator, the Dark One, and she killed Asmodean.
Ikkarus Posted September 21, 2010 Author Posted September 21, 2010 Okay, I am going to start posting the interpretations now - not all at once though. I will warn people at the top of the page not to look down here if they have not taken the poll, unless they just do not care. Keep in mind these are the results of what it means for you to have chosen that particular character, not an analysis of the what the character is actually like. So this is about you, not Rand or Mat or whoever. And please do not get offended if I am completely wrong in your view lol: If you desire with all your being to be Rand: You most likely have a masochistic compulsion and/or a megalomania complex. Not to say desiring great challenge in life is indicative of that - but the kind of challenge you desire to shoulder is the sort that involves great mental and physical stress that induces multiple ailments. You work best in these rending conditions for whatever conditions you were raised on as a child, feeling either joy or relief in pain that you can rarely go without - despite your conscience protestations to the contrary, though you may have created a justification armament for your masochism by believing life is a pallid thing without suffering. You may feel sad and disgruntled by these conditions, but truth is, you would resist an easier way if it was presented to you. The megalomania may go hand in hand with a masochistic fetish - you may like making your pain a grand display to be exemplified or awed over - but it can be exclusive. In which case, you chose Rand because you are starved for power and renown. You care little for price, even if it is pain and loss, so long as you can be remembered forever unlike the masses. And what better way to be remembered than to be a savior sent by the Light ? You have smothering confidence, believing all your choices for the best and you get extremely aggravated if someone tries to prove (or does prove) the contrary, and hence you are slow to admit your wrong. However, on the bright side, since you have such high self-esteem, you take on many responsibilities that you try to see through to your idea of perfection. Not so bright is you likely bite off more than you can chew and then will not admit it even when you are choking because you are too grand to be wrong. This may also be seen as a desire to exert yourself to the point of degradation, and hence masochism, but it is debatable. Try shouldering some of that extra responsibility to a friend sometime, or you might get crushed one of these days. Good Job!
Ikkarus Posted September 21, 2010 Author Posted September 21, 2010 If you desire with all your being to be Mat: You are a servant leader and you did not even know it, and by your anarchical disposition that you initially possessed, you did not want it either. You have enough life experience and insight to know treating people like dogs or making extremely rash decisions can and most often results badly, and so you try to treat others with as much respect as you see deserving. You often find yourself maneuvered into or given reins of command or leadership because of your rich experience in the nature of what you are asked to lead and the easy confidence you exude consciously or unconsciously. You rarely have an ego-maniacal thought, and you desire ease and freedom - this in combination with your half-heart for being an authority and sympathy inspired by your vast knowledge makes you a servant leader, a leader who makes sure his followers are in good order and as much in harmony as can be before tendering to yourself. This desire for the "easy way" through life in combination with your confidence, however, often makes it hard for you to refuse leadership when offered; you know the group you lead will profit greatly if you are the one in charge over someone less competent. A selfless sacrifice from your concern for others and the common sense of the situation, or a bit of narcissism at work ? Last but not least, your want for simplicity makes you somewhat spiteful of average social conventions and thus playful by nature; you likely have an affinity for having a "good time" whenever you get the chance. There you have it.
Ikkarus Posted September 21, 2010 Author Posted September 21, 2010 If you desire with all your being to be Perrin: You are the epiphany of normality...just kidding. You are an individual of intense passions, but you have a buffer of equally-strong self-control. You are restful by nature, wanting nothing more than the simple, animal fulfillments of life, but your interactions with society, which is counter to your restful nature, forces you to vest yourself with hesitant to unwanted responsibilities at times. You would not mind taking leadership roles, but it certainly is not what gives you psychological fulfillment. Your family is - all of your friendships are fervent and true, so that when someone you hold in kith is endangered, you will risk yourself (and maybe others you are using as tools) to save them. All of your friends know you are a person to rely on in tough situations. In this way, your deep sense of responsibility and loyalty inflames dangerous manias in you when it is upset, but it is tempered by your strong inclination to living a very basic - and hence peaceful - life. You are not a very deep thinker, but you have a very practical outlook on life that helps you to address diligently what you believe needs attention. In short, you like the more natural, uninhibited life of things sublimely "savage" to the unwieldy requirements of society you have to carry time and again. More to come...
Vanion Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 Who wouldn't wanna be Mat? The womanizing, drunken gambler?! Hell yes! I mean, sure, he can't channel, but he makes up for that in other ways.... plus he has a stylish hat.
TheMasterDude Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 Exactly! See, Vanion knows what's up!
Ikkarus Posted September 22, 2010 Author Posted September 22, 2010 So far, it is even for Mat and Rand for who people would want to be...Someone be a tie breaker . I will put up the analyses for the other characters people have chosen a little later, and then begin on the characters absolutely no one chose, just because.
Ikkarus Posted September 23, 2010 Author Posted September 23, 2010 If you desire with all your being to be Nynaeve: You likely have the potential seeded in you to become a tyrant, but as it is, your lifestyle and growth did not provoke this aspect of you into its corrosive realization. Instead, you have manifested only a portion of this trait by being an "alpha;" you are inclined to seek a position of control in every single situation, and when you get that control, you wield your authority to as much advantage you can get out of it. Unfortunately, you most likely are not a very lateral thinker, which has put you in the position where you have been unable to unleash your domineering nature to the fullest and hence have you had to accept smaller forms of control. If you find your wits matched or rivaled, you lose composure and are highly likely to lose face just by attempting to get it back. Your subdued personality, though, has allowed you to garner a life experience a tyrant would have been too close-minded to heed or comprehend. You are very loyal to your friends, even as they change, because your style of leadership makes integrity principle, and you can be gracious to others if they submit to your smothering will. And you are very proud; if not of your physical appearance, than a skill you have mastered which you will utilize to help others with the motivation of kindness (and enhancing your renown, as a great side-effect).
Ikkarus Posted September 24, 2010 Author Posted September 24, 2010 Come on...no one else wants to be Rand ? I wonder why no one has voted for Moridin .
Ikkarus Posted September 24, 2010 Author Posted September 24, 2010 If you desire with all your being to be Thom: Most likely, you are of a Machiavellian disposition. You may not, per se, consider yourself a Machiavellian; you do not find conscious joy in political manipulation, but your slow or sudden injection into a political sphere, and your continued immersion, has made you well-versed in the art of political maneuvering and manipulation. You are likely a masterful tactician in Darwinic heirarchy, and this is due only in part to your experience in politics; your nature itself has inheritated a mind capable of massive computation in the artistic sphere of philosophy, and this is exactly the sort of mind needed to comprehend and tamper with the emotional and devious spectrum of politics. You may or may not be brimming full of confidence; some of the most infamous political generals have exercised a degree of caution by laying out avenues of escape that a person utterly convicted of their plan's genius would not. You consider yourself an artist, or at least an appreciator of art with extremely-attuned tastes. This is but a fulfillment to the artistic status of your mind. This self-perspective has made you more often than not avoid even the most high positions of power that you were well capable of achieving - you prefer the humbler and more creative position of an artist than the weight of a political seat, even if you like to dabble in politics often in some form or fashion. Even if you claim you are an artist, one must remember; an artist is a manipulator of the passions of the human conscience, just like a politician, and more so a Machiavellian, who will do anything for the advantage just as the artist will create with any technique to achieve his or her desired outcome. The sum: you are highly intelligent, but you would rather merely flex this conscience for personal satisfaction and merit than use it to bear fruit to a future of a more glorious and powerful kind.
Guest BaLefireP Posted September 25, 2010 Posted September 25, 2010 Come on...no one else wants to be Rand ? I wonder why no one has voted for Moridin . Who on earth would want to be Rand? :P Not me! he is gonna have LOTS of kids in a bit! (He should have used leather condoms)
Ikkarus Posted September 25, 2010 Author Posted September 25, 2010 I was one of the two people who voted for him . I actually think if there was some sort of conception control in that sort of primitive environment, it would be made of reinforced intestinal casing. Just saying...
Guest BaLefireP Posted September 25, 2010 Posted September 25, 2010 I voted Matt! Now, reinforced intestinal casing? Good one! *High fives* :D
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