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Deutsch: Das Deutsches Alphabet


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Time to learn your alphabet all over again. Lol, not really - we are learning the Deutsch alphabet, but it is almost exactly like the English system, except in pronunciation and some extra letters. Such things like this. Knowing the extra letters is very important; but, I suppose if you do not want to learn how to speak it, just write it, the pronounciation might not be so important. I think it is important, however, so let's go through, and I will give a pronounciation off to the side:

A - ah

B - beh

C - ceh oder "seh" - This you will not see by itself except rare instances, because it is usually in ch or sch or ck

D - deh

E - eh

F - eff (same)

G - geh

H - hah

I - ee oder eeh

J - Jot, and that is prounounced "yot;" there is no English J sound in Deutsch

K - kah

L - el (same)

M - em (same)

N - en (same)

O - oh (same)

P - peh

Q - qoo

R - er

S - ess

T - teh

U - oo

V - fow, Vs are most like English fs in pronounciation

W - Veh - the infamous W that is the English v !

X - ex (same) - This is also not used too often now

Y - upsilon ; this is not used so often, but it does have properties similar to English y

Z - zeht


Now there are the extra letters which most people should be familiar with, even if you do not know how they are pronounced.

ä - ay

ö - ooh (it really is different from normal u - it is more pronounced, in a fashion. I cannot especially describe it <_< )

ü - uyuh

ß - eszet (this is a ss, or sharp s. Looks like a b, but it is NOT)

Practice saying this alphabet, and writing, tagging the extra letters on the end, and it should stick within a day - it is not too different. And...I was planning to post the numbers, but now I see this post will be annoyingly huge if I do that, so I will have to put them in another.


Just as a side note on this, the two little dots above some of the letters are referred to as an umlaut. This is what denotes if the letter is spoken with a different sound when pronouncing it.


Very nice work Ikkarus


Okay, I am just going to put numbers here also. That way, I am not putting thousands of threads up by the end. I am not too sure how similar people find the names of the numbers in Deutsch to their names in English. I think they are somewhat similar, but you can decide on your own. Remember your Alphabet to help prounounciations:

1 - eins (ei like long English i)

2 - zwei

3 - drei

4 - vier

5 - fünf

6 - sechs

7 - sieben (pronounced zeeben, not seeben; I can talk about it in the in-depth prounounciation thread...which will come eventually, maybe next)

8 - acht

9 - neun

10- zehn

11- elf

12- zwölf (remember, w = English v)

Now, the teens are similiar to English. You take the base number and a ten, or "teen." In this case, it would be zehn. So:

13- dreizehn (drei-zehn, so "three-ten" is a good way to remember)

14- vierzehn

15- fünfzehn

16- sechzehn (notice how the s in sechs is gone now)

17- siebzehn

18- achtzehn

19- neunzehn

And here we change once more. All numbers above the teens will be formatted with the base number (or a declined version of the base number) and the Endsilbe of "zig." As in:

20- zwanzig

30- dreißig (notice the exception, only for the 30 numbers!)

40- vierzig

50- fünfzig

60- sechzig (s is still gone)

70- siebzig

80- achtzig

90- neunzig

See the pattern. Now, for numbers in between, it is simply the base number name of the one's digit before the name of the tens digit placement. Like the English way, backwards, but in Deutsch, additionally, you must say "und" ("and") between the numbers. Example:

21- einundzwanzig

22- zweiundzwanzig

23- dreiundzwanzig

...I think you get the point. It is for ever number up to 99 - neunundneunzig. The hundreds are named simpler:

100-einhundert (ein-hundert, one-hundred)





600-sechshundert (the s is back!)

700-siebenhundert (en is back!)

...There you go. All the numbers in between are formatted as following:




743-siebenhundertdreiundvierzig (sieben-hundert-drei-und-vierzig)


Tell me if I need to give more examples. You must right the words together; it may make it hard to read, but that it how it is done in Deutsch :) . I was going to go into the thousands, millions, etc, but I need to go now; I will post them later.


Alright, I will finish writing up this with the very high digits, then I might not be posting anything until Monday because I have to finish projects for classes over the weekend. The thousands (tausends) are like the hundreds, in that you have the base number's name before the name of the other places you are representing.






Etc. To name the digits between, you would use the following format:

3004- dreitausendvier (drei-tausend-vier)

5021- fünftausendeinundzwanzig (fünf-tausend-einundzwanzig)

7603- siebentausendsechshundertdrei (sieben-tausend-sechs-hundert-drei)

9012- neuntausendzwölf (neun-tausend-zwölf)

9999- neuntausendneunhundertneunundneunzig (neun-tausend-neun-hundert-neunundneunzig)


Ten thousands and one hundred thousands are written the same way, like:





100000- einhunderttausend

300000- dreihunderttausend

500000- fünfhunderttausend

700000- siebenhunderttausend


And if you thought you loved these numbers before, watch how we do the digits in between:


40097-vierzigtausendsiebenundneunzig (vierzig-tausend-siebenundneunzig)

30903-dreißigtausendneunhundertdrei (dreißig-tausend-neun-hundert-drei)

70896-siebzigtausendachthundertsechsundneunzig (siebzig-tausend-acht-hundert-sechsundneunzig)

95734-fünfundneunzigtausendsiebenhundertvierunddreißig (fünfundneunzig-tausend-sieben-hundert-vierunddreißig)

100001- einhunderttausendeins (ein-hundert-tausend-eins)

200014- zweihunderttausendvierzehn (zwei-hundert-tausend-vierzehn)

300567- dreihunderttausendfünfhundertsiebenundsechzig (drei-hundert-tausend-fünf-hundert-siebenundsechzig)

407908- vierhundertsiebentausendneunhundertacht (vierhundertsieben-tausend-neun-hundert-acht)

975741- neunhundertfünfundsiebzigtausendsiebenhunderteinundvierzig (neunhundert-fünfundsiebzig-tausend-sieben-hundert-einundvierzig)


Get the picture ? These look like long words, but you are normally not going to write out an entire number this large ! And it is not long at all, in comparison to also writing out the English counterparts:

975741- neunhundertfünfundsiebzigtausendsiebenhunderteinundvierzig = nine hundred seventy-five thousand, seven hundred and forty-one

The English just seems easier to read because of the spaces. I will post the millions later today when I have time.


I think German and English are similar at time. Sometimes when I see things you can guess what some of it says...French is just different, besides, who needs to learn French... :ph34r:


I think German and English are similar at time. Sometimes when I see things you can guess what some of it says...French is just different, besides, who needs to learn French... :ph34r:


Well...in a way, it is similar. There are a lot of words in English that were no trouble for me to learn because they looked like something in Deutsch. But, Deutsch has a LOT of words English does not have and some very different mechanics I will eventually talk about, so that may make it harder for English speakers trying to learn Deutsch unlike the opposite. And with that...the Millions! Meant to post these yesterday, but I got caught up. They are much the same in set up to the previous numbers - so prepare to have your tainted mind blown to bits trying to read some of these:

1,000,000 - eine Million

2,000,004 - zweimillionenvier (note that any million above 1 million must be plural: Million=Millionen)

3,000,090 - dreimillionenneunzig (drei-millionen-neunzig)

4,000,865 - viermillionenachthundertfünfundsechzig (vier-millionen-acht-hundert-fünfundsechzig)

5,007,432 - fünfmillionensiebentausendvierhundertzweiunddreißig (fünf-millionen-sieben-tausend-vier-hundert-zweiunddreißig)

6,098,108 - sechsmillionenachtundneunzigtausendeinhundertacht (sechs-millionen-achtundneunzig-tausend-ein-hundert-acht)

7,422,222 - siebenmillionenvierhundertzweiundzwanzigtausendzweihundertzweiundzwanzig (sieben-millionen-vier-hundert-zweiundzwanzig-tausend-zwei-hundert-zweiundzwanzig)

888,888,888 - achthundertachtundachtzigmillionenachthundertachtundachtzigtausendachthundertachtundachtzig (acht-hundert-achtundachtzig-millionen-acht-hundert-achtundachtzig-tausend-acht-hundert-achtundachtzig)


And if I have to type much more of these, even I shall be sick. The billions (called Milliarde) are the same in format, and so on and so on.


So if Rand wanted to write out: We need 999,999,999 Asha'man now ! for whatever reason in Deutsch, he would write:


Wir brauchen neunhundertneunundneunzignmillionenneunhundertneunundneunzigtausendneunhundertneunundneunzig Asha'man jetzt !


No one in their whole mind would write that out, though, when you can just put 999,999,999 or 999,9 Millionen. So that is why everyone in the Black Tower will be writing out these numbers lol. ;)


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