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DM 8 is here!!!!!


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That's right, ladies and germs, the moment you've all been waiting for is finally here!  DM 8.0 is ready to launch, and as such, we will need to shut down our existing boards for a certain time period in order to back up all of our posts, members and such before porting them to our brand spankin new boardset!


Please make sure all of your members are aware of the following:


1. Your posts, usernames, passwords, etc SHOULD all make it over to the new board set with no problems.

2. Tuesday, August 10 is the LAST DAY for registration, forum posts, or news comments.  That will be the last full day that data is preserved on DM.  That night the site will be backed up for the data to be ported over to our new site.

3.[glow=red,2,300] ANY POSTS MADE AFTER AUGUST 10TH WILL NOT BE SAVED![/glow]  So don't get mad if you post a gigantic post on August 11th and lose it because it doesn't get ported over.  You have been warned!


Most of you have probably already seen this in other areas but just in case I wanted to share it here.  Wrap up important threads and games or make sure to have someone save it all to transfer over if you need to like with the Mafia games.  It's coming upon us very quickly!!


This means we have a few days to spam these boards until they're more fattening than carbs. I have created a solitary wall of Pumonca spam, consisting of over one whole page ending with my comments. People, let the spam begin, and let it rain down upon people like snot from baby Jesus!


Questions: Will it suck less that the current DM? Will it ever ditch the horrible, horrible brown color scheme it's had all these years? Will the houseguests realize the have a murderer in their midst? Will Jeff work up the courage to ask Sandy out on a date?


Tune in next week to find out!


I like grey better, but that's only because it reminds me of the GL's greymen, who are symbols of SG's dominance on all boards. Being brown, I feel Ajahlike. And while the breathability of skirts is nice, I just hate to sit in them.


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