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  • 2 months later...

Thanks, Matalina :biggrin:


If you don't mind, could you give me her full character and a link to her bio? If Lavi doesn't do the report, at least I don't have to hunt that info down.


Elgee - Esther Tremaine - Gray sister - November 2010


Saidin 101 - http://www.dragonmou...704-saidin-101/

Timeline: 1000 NE (current)

Esther joins in a Saidin class taught by an Asha'Man


to work on (and RPed during July? can't remember):


Go stick your nose elsewhere - http://www.dragonmou...re-attn-esther/

Timeline: 1000 NE (current)

Esther either makes a friend or an enemy of a Green (Liitha's Sherriana)

  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 5 months later...

Elgee - Esther Tremaine - Gray sister - December/January 2010


The Dream Has Ended....but not this day - http://www.dragonmou...t-not-this-day/

Timeline: 1000 NE (current)

A group of young Aes Sedai are sent on a mission to look for girls who can be taught to channel, and have many adventures in the process


As an off-shoot of the above:


Elgee - Esther Tremaine - Gray sister - July 2011


A New start (and unlikely partnerships) - http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/61556-a-new-start/

Timeline: 1000 NE (current)

Esther investigates the murder of a potential novice and meets up with an assassin.

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