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Please post by the 8th of August.



Please read this post for further info on how (and why) we would prefer you do your monthly report: http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,59493.msg1752542.html#msg1752542


Format for Heads of Ajahs:


1) RP's done by Ajah characters during July


2) * Full DM Handle (for instance, U4ea instead of Lor) of your members.

* Full character names (Jasmyne Ceres, instead of Jas)

* The last time that character was played (month and year will do)

* If you really want to get fancy, link their profile under the Handle, and their Bio under the Character name. I'd urge you all to do that, even if not right away.


3) RP plans / ideas


4) Problems, ideas, etc



Format for MoN (in general):


1) Classes in progress


2) * Full DM Handle (for instance, U4ea instead of Lor) of your members.

* Full character names (Jasmyne Ceres, instead of Jas)

* The last time that character was played (month and year will do)

* If you really want to get fancy, link their profile under the Handle, and their Bio under the Character name. I'd urge you all to do that, even if not right away.


3) Full DM Handle & full character name of new members / new N/A characters


4) Who has been raised to Accepted


5) Who has been raised to AS, and Ajah they chose


6) RP plans / ideas


7) Problems, ideas, etc


Reports posted so far:



*no change since last report*


I'm assuming you meant RP's in July, not May?


Brown report July 2010



Carina Al'Tara (Mystica) - last RPed 2010 July

Cara Ramsey (White Wolf) - last RPed 2010 July


Inactive: Claire al'Windischan (Claireducky) - last RPed 2009 Dec



LOA: Raeyn Priya Saethyr (Raeyn) - last RPed 2009 Jan - character put on inactive by RPer






DM Handle: Mystica

Character: Carina Al'Tara

RP link: Buried in Books and Staring at Shelves

Last date RP'd: July 2010



DM Handle: Whitewolf

Character: Cara Ramsey

RP link: A little thing called love Attn Liitha

Last date RP'd: July 2010


Interaction with N/A:


Accepted Wilemi (Arani): RP with Carina (Mystica) on 100 weaves + Ajah RP - Buried in Books and Staring at Shelves


Elgee edit: put in last dates RPed by characters. Owen made a return! O_O



As you all know, we're shutting down on the 10th (that's Tuesday, people!) and moving to DM8. I'd like to


a) Get my DL report in by Monday




b) use the opportunity to purge inactives from the usergroups, so PLEASE put in the last date (month and year) people RPed with their characters (or contributed as Ajah staff).




Quick question, and I realize you might laugh at my stupidity, but humour a new Ajah head k? Our reports are due on the 8th of the following month, so does this mean, for a July report, it’s ok for us to put August 2010 for the latest post for the actives? Or should we just put July 2010 anyway?


[glow=black,2,300]Yellow Ajah[/glow]


1) RPs done in July


1) DM Handle: Wayward_Fool  

Profile: http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php?action=profile;u=444

Character: Camigwen Klatsang Marivin

Bio: http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,58536.0.html

RP link: Familiar Faces - http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,59311.0.html

Last date RP'd: July 27, 2010



2) Handle and character name(s) of members and when last RPed as that character, split into Active and Inactive


Active: 2 Members (2 Characters)

Wayward_Fool - Camigwen Klatsang Marivin (August 2010)

Nynaeve - Nynaeve Maryim (August 2010)


Inactive: 1 Members (1 Character)

Eqwina (Sitter – Active OOC – Posted in RP Staff thread – August 2010) - Eqwina al’Caupthn (Inactive - Feb 2010) Is that how you want it? A bit confused here.




3) RP plans / ideas


Nyn and I are planning stuff… mostly involving Healing stuff and revamping the Infirmary and stuff. And getting Accepted and Novices involved in that as a class. We’re gonna properly have an infirmary this time. A place where we store stuff and work out of. *nods* How’s that sound? Also… classes will be regularly held here.


My idea is to have a template lesson post by my NSW Mistress of Infirmary, Nunung Setiadi. That will be used everytime we feel like having a class. So it can be posted by ANYONE and used as a class. So that kinda makes it easier to have classes coz ya’ll only need to come up with reactive posts rather than the whole thing. And with a sorta template response posts framework whoever’s doing this will just need to change it abit according to the situation and post it. I feel like writer’s block and business kinda stalls lessons and hopefully this will save a lot of time and thus help novices/Accepted advance MUCH faster. This is what I’m planning to implement in the BT as well. This way, even if there are NO active Yellows, anyone can just take these training posts and post them as NSWs. Get what I mean? It isn’t as creative or whatever, but at least it keeps classes going. So, at least Novices don’t have to wait forever due to teachers having writers block or whatever. Need Advanced Healing, voila! Take it from the “training page” and use it on the Accepted who need it. If we can build up a good library of different versions of the class then Accepted and Novices will have variety to choose from and just respond accordingly. Since that seems to be a problem, having all kindsa NSW teachers who’s standard posts will just help speed that up. If you want to do it individually, help yourself, but for Yellow Ajah classes under me, I’ll be doing it this way. I hope noone’s gonna object. *nods*


To my understanding, most people have little spurts of creativity and free time, so sometimes they are able to respond to 4 posts all at once, and waiting for the trainers to respond… kinda kills that.



4) Interaction with N&A (remember that recruitment idea we discussed in another thread)


Been RPing with Amadine. She’s coming up nicely. Hopefully she’ll have more time to Rp more. She’s been called away by RL recently. Everyone cross your fingers that she’ll be back?


Classes as mentioned will start soon. I hope that helps more Novices and Accepted advance faster.


5) Problems, ideas, etc


We need more Rps. Like major ones that people can join in. And lessons need to move so more Novices/Accepted can advance. And join the ranks of the Ajahs.


I know some people believe in slow advancement and fully enjoying time as an Accepted or Novice, like me, but there are others who are put off by waiting. So… I dunno. What do you guys think?


Hope this report’s ok.



Elgee edit: The last I can find that Nynaeve RPed with her Yellow is in April 2010. She's active OOC on the staff board, though.


Our reports are due on the 8th of the following month, so does this mean, for a July report, it’s ok for us to put August 2010 for the latest post for the actives? Or should we just put July 2010 anyway?


The reports are due by LATEST the 8th of the month. That's just a hedge in case something unexpected happens (illness, computer troubles, etc), but they're supposed to be in earlier than that. Like right after the end of the month. So to answer your question: if it's the July report, I want the July stats etc.


Hope this report’s ok.


Hell yeah  ;D


With regards to the Infirmary and Healing classes: just read that bit quickly, but looks really good to me. I'd love to see the Yellows RPing about what Yellows do. Which would be Healing :P


Just 2 notes:


1) Run all things to do with Novices and Accepted past Lavi

2) Remember that "younger" Novices and Accepted RP in Retro, but we've not yet sorted out exactly what will happen with the new "older" Novices and Accepted.


White Ajah Report


1) RPs done in the preceding month

None. Last rp was done June 30, 2010.


2) Handle and character name(s) of members and when last RPed as that character, split into Active and Inactive


Tayva ni Ayvery t'Reyon - Ajah Head - Taei (Last post as character: June 30, 2010)

Lillith Izmorova - Sister - Raeyn (Last post on Ajah board: June 29, 2010, MIA as character)

Carelia Noradien - Sister - perine (Last post as character: June 10, 2010)

Lillian Tremina - Sister - minisamus (Last post as character: March 29, 2010) - june 2010

Sherrhiana Thymus - Sister - Liitha (Last post as character: December 2008) - june 2010


Inactive (Hasn't posted in last 3 months):



MIA (Hasn't posted in last year):

Thanelle Kelwgar - Sitter - Taeadra (Last post in WT Div: November 2008)

Taeadra Culthane - Sitter - Taedra (Last post as character: October 2008)

Indira Senoj Koveras - Sister - Silhouette (Last post as character: September 2007)

Deiria Sha’Veer - Sister - Deiria (Last post as character: July 2007)

Suzaku Nalemar - Sister - Andrea (Arie Ronshor) (No posts that I can find.)


3) RP plans / ideas

Discussion Panel

Change of First Reasoner

White Ajah Class (In Planning)

A look into the White Ajah and what it does.


4) Interaction with N&A (remember that recruitment idea we discussed in another thread)

Discussion Panel


5) Problems, ideas, etc

Inactivity.... working on it.


Blue Ajah


1) RP's done by Ajah characters during July

   To Determine Their Fate-http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,50440.0.html -Serena and Thera back together agaain...ish.


Weight of the World- http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,59024.0.html-Blue Ajah Head, meets Red.


Cast a Shadow http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,59033.0.html-Serena playing with an Accepted.


Blue Ajah Class

http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,59582.0.html- Self explanitory?


2) Handle and character name(s) of members and when last RPed as that character, split into Active and Inactive


SerenaMorrigan- Serena Morrigan (July 27th, 2010)




Miya- Miya Kiyoshi- March 1st, 2010

Addibeth-Estel Liones- I believe her to be on LoA, I'm not sure if she's coming back. She went on a trip across the world for a year or so. I'll check it out.



3) RP plans / ideas

~Serena will be joining in the Ajah Head RP and perhaps heading an internal Tower "split" in the process. (Don't be scared of that word  )

~I have some other ideas, but I'd like some more Ajah members to play with.

~Serena needs to lose an eye!! (still)


4) Interaction with N&A

~Manipulating Kathleen in the Library. ^_~

~Just led and finished a Blue Ajah Class


5) Problems, ideas, etc

~Lack of members...



Elgee edit: changed Serena's last active date to June 22nd, not July 22nd  )


Report for the RED AJAH



1) RP's done by Ajah characters during July



Arath Faringal - Rochel Dion -  July 2010


East (DR) > The White Tower (DR) > To take on the weight of the world

Timeline: N&A Retro


Rochelle Dion's Oaths and Acceptance into the Red Ajah



Elgee - Larindhra Reyne -  July 2010


East (DR) > The White Tower (DR) > To take on the weight of the world

Timeline: N&A Retro


Rochelle Dion's Oaths and Acceptance into the Red Ajah


East (DR) > The White Tower (DR) > A Silverpike out of Water (attn: Elgee)

Timeline: 1000 NE (current)


Zarinen's new Asha'man arrives at her quarters, demanding a place to stay. What's a girl to do? Obviously, she takes him shopping.



Elgee - Zarinen Rafaliva - July 2010


East (DR) > The White Tower (DR) > While the bosses speak ...

Timeline: 1000 NE (current)


The rest of the Asha’man and the Reds get drunk … well, get a drink, anyway. The Amyrlin, Keeper, Red Highest and Sitters and the Black Tower leaders join them, and bonding ensues.


East (DR) > The White Tower (DR) > The Weight of the World (OPEN for Main Plotline)

Timeline: 1000 NE (current)


The Ajah Heads find each other.



2) Handle and character name(s) of members and when last RPed as that character, split into Active and Inactive


Active: 2 Members (3 Characters)

Arath Faringal - Rochel Dion -  July 2010 - Red Aes Sedai

Elgee - Larindhra Reyne -  July 2010 - Red Sitter

Elgee - Zarinen Rafaliva - July 2010 - Red Ajah Head


Inactive (not RPed in past 3 months): 6 Members (6 Characters)

Aubrey - Maegan Ryanne – 28-12-2009

Jagen Sedai - Jagen Halin – 12-01-2010

Kara_J - Raslyn Altearin - 19-02-2010

Minisamus - Saline Wastrel – 13-04-2010

Muirenn OOC 19.01.2010 - Shevara Edosian – 30-11-2009

Tigara - Jasmyne Ceres – 09-01-2010


Total members: 8

Total characters: 9


MIA - not RPed in 12 months

Carise (Carise Doraile - Aes Sedai

Faile? (Faile al´Rahien - Aes Sedai (MIA Left the Site.)

Lyanna (Lauren Arrel - Aes Sedai

Rayne - Rayne Leséduire - Aes Sedai

Zania - Zania al'Denai - Aes Sedai




3) RP plans / ideas


The Heads RP arc is in progress.

Trying to get members re-active to play with the BT Boys


4) Interaction with N&A


With the new “older” novices coming in, we might see more action


5) Problems, ideas, etc


The same as everyone else – inactive members



July 2010 Report for the GREEN AJAH



1) RP's done by Ajah characters during July


A chat about warders Atten Loraine


Will it be a tear-fest or a man-bashing evening? Rasheta and Loraine discuss missing warders.



A Cause for Celebration (ATTN: Greens)


Loraine tells her Sisters about her marriage and asks them to come along for the more formal ceremony in Carhien.



What do you mean your not a Red?


Jaydena, Arath (her future Asha'man bonded, and Zarinen the Highest of the Red all hook up by accident and Jaydena goes into Zarinen's office after discovering that Zarinen is the Highest of the Reds. They hatch a plan to find out who the other ajahs heads are and to make things better between the ajahs.


Looking for a new Warder... I mean Asha'man


Jaydena and Arath meet up after their accidental meeting in the Red quarters and end up bonding...


The Weight of the World


Jaydena and Zarinen must go out in public to help cement their alliance and their mission to find the other Ajah Heads. They see Serena of the Blue in the library, little do they realize yet that she is the First Selector.


Putting two and two together


Tayva sees Zarinen and Jaydena together and begins to put two and two together, she contacts Jaydena for a meeting and to find out what is going on between the two of them. Accepted Kathleen is also involved in the entire story.



Away from Home (Atten. Rashi/Visar)



Rasheta and her warder go to retrieve an Accepted who was kidnapped by her brothers.


A silverpike out of water (atten: Elgee)


Rasheta and visar meet up with Larindhra and her newest warder and go shopping.


A chat about warders Atten Loraine


Will it be a tear-fest or a man-bashing evening? Rasheta and Loraine discuss missing warders.


A cause for celebration


Loraine tells the Green Ajah about her impending wedding.





2) Handle and character name(s) of members and when last RPed as that character, split into Active and Inactive


Rasheta Ardashir- Rasheta Ardashir- July 2010

U4ea-Loraine Kilaine- July 2010

Jaydena- Jaydena Mckanthur- July 2010

Eqwina- Kabria Delondre- April 2010 (active on GA Board, April 2010)

Liitha- Cemarillinin Adoa- (July 2010)


3) RP plans / ideas

-Jaydena bonding the first Asha'man to bond a Green (In Progress)

-Loraine breaking the news to the Greens about her marriage (In Progress)

- Big Greenie trip to recover Rashima's Journal from Marcedin in Amadicia. This should be FUN! :D




In the works:

-Hall of Swords discussion about bonding Asha'man

-Battle Defense Class- we are presently discussing how to set this one up and what weaves should be Green Ajah only vs. general defense weaves

-Getting Together Party for the Greens

-Loraine getting married and all the Greens in attendance  (possible inter-division RP!)

-Loraine catching a Novice (Mat) playing with swords in the Yard.



4) Interaction with N&A

None, atm

-Planning to help create drama with Mat's new Novice soon, though. :)


5) Problems, ideas, etc

July sucked and I'm glad it's over. On to the next!


Lor, when did Lii last RP with her Green, before August? I don't have any record of that character.


JULY 2010




Myriam Finnash - Myriam Finnash - NO POSTS - Joined May 2010

Maglaen Nehel - Maglaen Nehel - NO POSTS - Joined Aug 2009

Little Miss - Lyra de la Courcel - NO POSTS - Joined May 2010

Kathryna - Gaitlin Chanse - NO POSTS - Joined Oct 2009





Allisia Sedai - Allisia Mirobell - July 2010

DarthRand - Dyrum Alede - July 2010

Matalina - Kate al'Ker - July 2010

Pookie - Yovela Umika - July 2010

Raeyn - Milandra Basene - July 2010





Craftyreader - Elody Yates - March 2010

Elliara - Iraleia Surevin (Temarelin) - Nov 2009

Far Dareis Mai - Daraniea Rystead - Dec 2009

Jehaine - Aeryn Shainrahien - July 2009

Kelitor - Ykoria Eranyame - Dec 2009

Kenny - Venca Konora - Sept 2009

Knytiri - Knytiri Sari'drea - Feb 2010

Lavinya - Evaline Perry - Nov 2009

LT.Nolan0347 - Eiren Saga - March 2010

Marta Sedai - Marta Alcair - April 2010

Maryam - Maryam Aldevwin - March 2010

Perine - Kalinde Yarrah - March 2010

Questor - Rosalia Meneril - Jan 2010

SerenaMorrigan - N'Daye Kishar - Dec 2009

Serey - Serey Dorrin - Dec 2009

Tai'Dashan - Evanen Phaedrein - Dec 2009

Visar Falmaie - Rytali Basim - July 2010

Wintrow - Patience Tilly - March 2010





Cleopatra - Satin sur Amoura - Oct 2008

dragonsworn1991 - Devrion Olgeer - June 2009

Eadon Sedai - Mirandha Bayana - July 2008

Quisalas Selene - Katiana Lucia Carreras - Feb 2009

Taya - Kharal Tesehan - June 2009

Tifa - Iorwyn Tachi - Oct 2008

Tigara - Allrianne Viventi - Jan 2009










Amadine - Amadine al'Varine - July 2010

Arath Faringal - Rochel Dion - July 2010

Arani Lepenque Aes Sedai - Wilemi Kailadel - July 2010

Elgee - Esther Tremaine - July 2010

Kathleen - Kathleen - July 2010

Taei - Kasi Duvan - July 2010

Wayward_fool - Regalia Frantelle - July 2010





Arani Lepenque Aes Sedai - Nenen Kailadel - April 2010

Arani Lepenque Aes Sedai - Nesyer Yoshan - March 2010

Jehaine - Jerinia Zaralyn - Feb 2010

Kara_J - Deanne Heillan - March 2010

Moseley - Salandrian Faerhind - April 2010

Quisalas - Selene Selenessin Al'Thorin - July 2009

Taymist - Kiyissalle Chevra - Nov 2009

Tigara - Melianna Hollmen - Dec 2009









Arath Faringal - Rochel Dion - July 2010 raised to Aes Sedai - Red Ajah

Elgee - Esther Tremaine - July 2010 raised to Aes Sedai - Grey Ajah






Intoduction to Saidar: Lesson One

Teacher: Amadine - Amadine al'Varine

Participants: Allisia Sedai - Allisia Mirobell; DarthRand - Dyrum Alede; Minisamus - Rydia Burgess;  Rayn - Milandra Basene



Introduction to Saidar: Lesson Two

Teacher: Amadine - Amadine al'Varine

Participants: Allisia Sedai - Allisia Mirobell



Blue Ajah Class

Teacher: SerenaMorrigan - Serena Morrigan

Participants: Kathleen - Kathleen; Wayward_Fool - Regalia Frantelle



Advanced Saidar Lesson 1

Teacher: Lavinya - Pia Tovisen

Participants: Wayward_fool - Regalia Frentelle; Amadine - Amadine al'Varine; Kathleen - Kathleen; Taei - Kasi Duvan



Advanced Saidar Lesson 2

Teacher: Lavinya - Pia Tovisen

Participants: Kathleen - Kathleen



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