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The silly announcement board is not letting me post, so I'll post it here. I'm a little late to start the party, but party we will all the same! We have a brand new Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah, tested and tried and proved worthy.


Please help me in congratulating Rochel Dion to the Red Ajah!


Sorry for your choice in Ajah, but no accounting for taste, eh Arath? Congrats all the same!


*Tugs at her Red shawl and sniffs pointedly at the Gray*




It's great to have you in the Reds, Arath - most logical place for a BT Boy, that *angel face*


Congrats Arath!! ;D


This is gonna' be interesting....


He's gonna' hunt himself down, gentle himself and then get all cranky when he can't prevent himself from dying and then he's gonna develop a hatred for men and beat himself up on a daily basis, eventually using balefire on himself which will create a timeloop, putting him right back to the time before he balefired himself so he'll have to balefire himself all over again. That will then lead to him becoming the main attraction in Valan Luca's Grand Traveling Show and Magnificent Display of Marvels and Wonders.


The White Tower, of course, will be quite annoyed with this as it so totally kills it's (well deserved) reputation of utter coolness and superiority and it will be up to the Browns to create a 'true' history, to preserve the Tower's prestige.


Seriously...... men always make more work for women!

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