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In Character hierarchy at the White Tower


There have been various systems used over the years to determine the In Character Hierarchy at the White Tower, but this is the one that is now in use (remember that Accepted and Novices are right at the bottom ;)):







Head (of YOUR Ajah)


Sitters (of ALL Ajahs, ranking by age within the Hall) / Mistress of Novices (only with regards to N&A matters)


OP Strength / Temporary Position (for instance Ambassador or delegation leader)



Remember the gradations, "secret" positions, and other difficult cases:




Joan Sedai of the White Ajah is the weakest in the OP in the whole Tower. She has to defer to every single other sister. However, her deductive reasoning and skill at Daes Dae'Mar is brilliant, so she is chosen to be a Sitter. Everyone in the White Tower who is NOT a Sitter (or the White Head) now defers to her. In the Hall itself, she is somewhere in the middle age-wise, which puts her somewhere in the middle in the Hierarchy there.


Pam Sedai is of middling Strength, and is put in charge of a delegation of sisters to the Seafolk. There are sisters of greater Strength than her in this delegation, but they defer to her for the duration of the delegation. She might take advice from the sisters with her, but would pay greater heed to the advice of the Stronger sisters, over that of the Weaker ones.


Former Wilders and Salidar novices:


Former Wilders are generally regarded slightly lower than where their Strength in the OP should put them. Aes Sedai who were Salidar novices will be regarded in the same way, due to their “forcing” and speedy raising. Some (if not most) will feel that they did not learn all they should have.


Secret Positions:


The Ajah Heads are only known to the members of their own Ajahs. For instance, a White would not defer to the Brown Ajah Head, because she wouldn't know her as such.


All members within an Ajah would defer to their Head, though, even Sitters ... except for voting in the Hall.


Even there, some Heads have more control than others. The Red Head traditionally has absolute control (even regarded as equal in position to the Amyrlin by her own members), but there can be a fine tussle between Sitters and Heads where it comes to voting in the Hall.


The Keeper:


She is technically just a glorified secretary, with no more power than the Amyrlin chooses to give her. BUT! She has the ear of the Amyrlin, and everyone has to go through her to get to the Amy. In such a case, when in doubt, being polite is politic ;)


The Mistress of Novices:


She only has charge over the Novices and Accepted. Technically. But any sister who has contact with said N/A, will be watched by her like a hawk. Any sister can also be sent to her for Mortification of the Flesh, which again means it's only politic not to pee her off too much ;)

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

In Character and Out of Character Heads and Sitters of the Ajahs


Head of the Ajah: Alia Mariadoon(Kathleen)






Head of the Ajah: Asyndara (Keyholder21)






Head of the Ajah: Carina al'Tara (Mystica)

Sitter: Sada Kuchim (NSW)

Sitter: Sarita Kalian (NSW)




Head of the Ajah: Themis do'Modron a'Rhiannon (Phelix)

Sitter: Ziya Asynawa (NSW)

Sitter: Freja Peyrodin (NSW)




Head of the Ajah/*Sitter: IC: Amena Linoram (U4ea) / OOC: U4ea

Sitter: Loraine Kilaine (U4ea)

Sitter: Rasheta Ardashir (Rasheta Ardashir)



Head of the Ajah: Zarinen Rafaliva (Elgee)

Sitter: Jagen Halin (Jagen)

Sitter: Jasmyne Ceres (Tigara)

Sitter: Larindhra Reyne (was MON in retro) (Elgee)


Head of the Ajah: Tayva ni Ayvery t'Reyon (Taei)

Sitter: Umeka Marhadi (NSW)




Head of the Ajah/*Sitter: Camigwen Klatsang Marivin (Wayward_fool)

Sitter: Nynaeve Maryim (Nynaeve)

Sitter: Eqwina al’Caupthn (Eqwina)

Sitter: Desandre Casban (NSW)


Edited by Rasheta Ardashir
Posted (edited)

White Tower Division Staff:


Division Leader: Elgee

Assistant Division Leader (Aes Sedai / Roleplay Coordinating): Rasheta Ardashir

Assistant Division Leader (Novices and Accepted): Amadine (NSW MoN character)

Bio Checker: WhiteWolf (Owen)

Webmaster: Jehaine

Webmistress: Taei

In Character Amyrlin: Muirenn (character Shevara)

In Character Keeper: Kara_J (character Raslyn)



Other PSW Staff who have WT Staff Board access:

Admin: Taymist

Warders Division Leader: Devon

Children of the Light Division Leader: Nynaeve




Links and emails:



Staff email: dmwhitetowerstaff@gmail.com

Bio email: DMWTBIOS@gmail.com




Personal contact details:


Division Leader: Elgee

email: lg_curepipe [at] yahoo.com

MSN: lg_curepipe [at] hotmail.com

Assistant Division Leader (Aes Sedai / Roleplay Coordinating): Rasheta

Email: kaileensedai [at] live.com

MSN: kaileensedai [at] live.com

Assistant Division Leader (Novices and Accepted): Amadine (NSW MoN character)

email: amadine [at] rocketmail.com

MSN: ajharper78 [at] msn.com

Bio Checker: WhiteWolf (Owen)

email: owen.glendawr [at] gmail.com


Webmistress: Taei

email: taeimirel [at] gmail.com

MSN: m0mmie4life [at] hotmail.com

In Character Amyrlin: Muirenn (character Shevara)

Email: muirenn [at] gmail.com

MSN: muirenn_sedai [at] hotmail.com

In Character Keeper: Kara_J (character Raslyn)

Email: j_woollands [at] yahoo.co.uk

MSN: karaj.rockdom [at] hotmail.co.uk




Current PSW Staff List @ 25th Nov 2009


Arath Faringal - BT DL

devon- WY DL

Jehaine - CotS ADL/Rev 1 Mod

Liitha - CotS DL

Mystica - FL DL

Nynaeve - CotL DL

Sangreal - WY ADL

Sieve - WY ADL

Tai'Dashan - WK ADL

Taymist - WK DL/ Admin (PSW)

Winterwinds & Amadine - Newbie Board Mod (PSW)

Edited by Elgee
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