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We have a new Red!


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Well, in order to achieve optimal levels of outrage from Rochel, I'll say she was raised a good 3-4 months before the ter'angreal surfaced.  Long enough to begin to get into the mindset of the Ajah, and be throughly upset when that all gets turned on it's head. :D


Rochel:  "Okay!  I'm ready to do my ajah duties and gentle those poor men!"


Zarinen:  "Yeah ... about that ..."


Sounds like a fun little RP to me.  What do you suppose the punishment would be for punching the Highest?

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Hmmm ... well, Zarinen only became Highest a few months back - just after the Watchers RP, in the IC timeline. Damn I really need to pin down dates.


Arie? Mini? You guys know the exact time frame of things?

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Knew you'd come through, Aubrey  :D


Can you give us a rough timeline on a few things?


Was the Ter'Angreal found months ago, or years? (I presume before the Watchers RP)


How long (roughly speaking again) was Maegan Head?


How long ago did Watchers take place?


Anything else you can think of would be helpful.

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Uh... What can I say.. i'm a sucker for knowing all the answers... :)



Can you give us a rough timeline on a few things?

>>See what I can do..


Was the Ter'Angreal found months ago, or years? (I presume before the Watchers RP)

>> 997 NE - (Mid) My Brothers Keeper RP.

>>1000 NE - (Early) Watchers RP.

So about 3-4 Years before the current date. This is based on the posted Timeline I wrote as DL. It may have changed since.


How long (roughly speaking again) was Maegan Head?

So about 3-4 Years before the current date. Like the answer above. If its only been a few months since Watchers and the new Ajah Head, it would be about this. However...  The lovely lucrative about the WT timeline is that it tends to be mildly flexable. (Or majorly). When the Brothers Keeper was RPd, many reds were active, and Mae was newly raised. Now she's 150ish in age so.... If the WT timeline adjusts any more it can very easily be more than 3-4 years, which also applies above.


How long ago did Watchers take place?

A few months, no more than 2-3.

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