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July Report


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1) RP's done by Ajah characters during July


A chat about warders Atten Loraine


Will it be a tear-fest or a man-bashing evening? Rasheta and Loraine discuss missing warders.



A Cause for Celebration (ATTN: Greens)


Loraine tells her Sisters about her marriage and asks them to come along for the more formal ceremony in Carhien.



What do you mean your not a Red?


Jaydena, Arath (her future Asha'man bonded, and Zarinen the Highest of the Red all hook up by accident and Jaydena goes into Zarinen's office after discovering that Zarinen is the Highest of the Reds. They hatch a plan to find out who the other ajahs heads are and to make things better between the ajahs.


Looking for a new Warder... I mean Asha'man


Jaydena and Arath meet up after their accidental meeting in the Red quarters and end up bonding...


The Weight of the World


Jaydena and Zarinen must go out in public to help cement their alliance and their mission to find the other Ajah Heads. They see Serena of the Blue in the library, little do they realize yet that she is the First Selector.


Putting two and two together


Tayva sees Zarinen and Jaydena together and begins to put two and two together, she contacts Jaydena for a meeting and to find out what is going on between the two of them. Accepted Kathleen is also involved in the entire story.



Away from Home (Atten. Rashi/Visar)



Rasheta and her warder go to retrieve an Accepted who was kidnapped by her brothers.


A silverpike out of water (atten: Elgee)


Rasheta and visar meet up with Larindhra and her newest warder and go shopping.


A chat about warders Atten Loraine


Will it be a tear-fest or a man-bashing evening? Rasheta and Loraine discuss missing warders.


A cause for celebration


Loraine tells the Green Ajah about her impending wedding.





2) Handle and character name(s) of members and when last RPed as that character, split into Active and Inactive


Rasheta Ardashir- Rasheta Ardashir- July 2010

U4ea-Loraine Kilaine- July 2010

Jaydena- Jaydena Mckanthur- July 2010

Eqwina- Kabria Delondre- April 2010 (active on GA Board, April 2010)

Liitha- Cemarillinin Adoa- (July 2010)


3) RP plans / ideas

-Jaydena bonding the first Asha'man to bond a Green (In Progress)

-Loraine breaking the news to the Greens about her marriage (In Progress)

- Big Greenie trip to recover Rashima's Journal from Marcedin in Amadicia. This should be FUN! :D




In the works:

-Hall of Swords discussion about bonding Asha'man

-Battle Defense Class- we are presently discussing how to set this one up and what weaves should be Green Ajah only vs. general defense weaves

-Getting Together Party for the Greens

-Loraine getting married and all the Greens in attendance  (possible inter-division RP!)

-Loraine catching a Novice (Mat) playing with swords in the Yard.



4) Interaction with N&A

None, atm

-Planning to help create drama with Mat's new Novice soon, though. :)


5) Problems, ideas, etc

July sucked and I'm glad it's over. On to the next!

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Away from Home (Atten. Rashi/Visar)



Rasheta and her warder go to retrieve an Accepted who was kidnapped by her brothers.


A silverpike out of water (atten: Elgee)


Rasheta and visar meet up with Larindhra and her newest warder and go shopping.


A chat about warders Atten Loraine


Will it be a tear-fest or a man-bashing evening? Rasheta and Loraine discuss missing warders.


A cause for celebration



Loraine tells the Green Ajah about her impending wedding.

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What do you mean your not a Red?


Jaydena, Arath (her future Asha'man bonded, and Zarinen the Highest of the Red all hook up by accident and Jaydena goes into Zarinen's office after discovering that Zarinen is the Highest of the Reds. They hatch a plan to find out who the other ajahs heads are and to make things better between the ajahs.


Looking for a new Warder... I mean Asha'man


Jaydena and Arath meet up after their accidental meeting in the Red quarters and end up bonding...


The Weight of the World


Jaydena and Zarinen must go out in public to help cement their alliance and their mission to find the other Ajah Heads. They see Serena of the Blue in the library, little do they realize yet that she is the First Selector.


Putting two and two together


Tayva sees Zarinen and Jaydena together and begins to put two and two together, she contacts Jaydena for a meeting and to find out what is going on between the two of them. Accepted Kathleen is also involved in the entire story.

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Thanks, ya'll. *hugs tight*


I have nothing, but I'll edit this if that changes.



Oh, and when you get a chance, can you check the link and info in the first post to make sure I've spelled your character's names correctly and didn't flub up the links to your profile? Muchos Gracias!

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Finally have something to report! Sorry I missed this earlier, Rasheta!


Current RP's:


A chat about warders Atten Loraine


Will it be a tear-fest or a man-bashing evening? Rasheta and Loraine discuss missing warders.



A Cause for Celebration (ATTN: Greens)


Loraine tells her Sisters about her marriage and asks them to come along for the more formal ceremony in Carhien.

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Alrighty, folks! I need you to double check your lists and make sure they're up to date so I can start putting the report together this week. :)



Here's a little note to remind me that I added Liitha to the report as she's active here in this forum. Need to get character name and any RP's that character has done recently added, too! :D

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