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I am just now delving into the world of RPing, seeing if it is for me, and I am curious to know more about this section of RPing. From what I have seen it's pretty much the free for all for being a citizen of Randland. The place for the one person who Doesn't have a place..


I am not exactly sure what I am asking, so much as merely cuirous if some one could possibly explain better? ^^


I have an idea for a person, but not much to it..


Oh, wow, we have company! *straightens hair, dress and puts wig on the right side way*


Hi there Limi and welcome to the Freelanders :D


You are right in your assumption concerning the Freebooters, they are indeed all those people that don't belong to any of the established groups. But there is much more to the Freelanders than just that.


In February I made an introduction on the newbie board, let me go find it for you.

Here you go: Freelanders Division: What's it all about?


This post will give you a thorough basic information on what we are about and what you can expect to find or roleplay here.


We also ask everyone to read this sticky on our board: Freelanders info: READ THIS FIRST !!



As you may have noticed, things are very (extremely) quiet around this division at the moment. That is due to me being alone for the time being as my staff has been swallowed up by RL and I am currently working hard behind the scenes to revise, update and (hopefully) improve certain aspects of our groups. But the way it works is that once someone is active that usually draws out some of the lurkers, so don't let that discourage you :)


If you have any further questions or inquiries, please feel free to shoot them at me.




Alright.. I think I got it...


Basic jist for idiots:


- You create a character as you wish if it doesn't fall under one of the other RPing divisions.


- Based on where you are from, or where you are going you would RP in the appropriate board for the location.


- Follow all the rules


- only 3 per group in the FLers


kk, question time,


To create a new character, you have to kill one.. :\ does it have to be dramatic? or can you do a huge ole post about what happened to them for the rest of their life and have them die of old age or some such thing?


And here is an example from what I have gathered:


I create a bio for a Domani woman, I find who ever I want to RP with, and say they are from Andor and travel there, we would plan a thread on this board, and then go to the appropriate location board (prolly south) ??


Creating a character does need to follow certain rules, which you can find in the Bio subboard on top of the RP boards. I am currently working very hard on the different groups, including guidelines on what can be bio'd as that is called, but for the moment people can continue to work with what is up on the sticky on the bio board. You send that bio to the email provided for it and the bio checkers check it out and either ask you to make certain adjustments when necessary or post it on the bio board. Every bio needs to be Cross-Checked by Division Leaders or Bio Checkers from other Divisions (to assure the realism of each character played in the PSW). Once the bio is approved and CC'd, the player can start their RPing.


Players are not allowed to create leadership positions without FL Staff approval and all groups' top ranks are NSW characters (Non-Specific Writers: they belong to the Division, not one player). Also, please be aware that godmodding is not something that is welcomed around the PSW. Characters will have flaws, they won't be perfect in everything and not everyone will fall to their knees in adoration to them.



As for killing your characters to create new ones, this is ONLY when you already have 3 characters in a specific group and you wish to create another one in that group. So if you have already 3 Kin members and you wish to create another Kin, you need to kill off one of your existing Kin in order to free up a spot for the new character you wish to play. This will obviously happen after you have played your three Kin characters already and have either grown tired of one of them or have developped a really cool idea for a new one that you hadn't thought of before. How this is done will be looked at case by case with the Division Staff, because this happens extremely rarely.  


Planning RP's can be done on the Discussion and Planning board though you are also welcome to do so on the OOC board of the FL division, of course. The D&P board is usually used for cross-division RP's, in which characters from different divisions take part, while the Division OOC boards are used for both interacting with fellow division members as well as planning RP's between division characters.


Yes, RP'ing for the Freelanders is based on the location of where a specific group is situated. The Kin, for instance, have their base of operations in Ebou Dar, while the Seanchan are currently located in Tanchico. This map helps you to find which locations belong to which area (North, East, South, West).


I create a bio for a Domani woman, I find who ever I want to RP with, and say they are from Andor and travel there, we would plan a thread on this board, and then go to the appropriate location board (prolly south) ??


Yes, after your bio has been approved and cc'd on the bio board.


well actually you dont have to kill it, you can just drop it where it is for instance, or transfer it to another division as such


the main thing is you can not activly play more then 3 characters in a group/division


so say you had 3 kin and wanted another one, you could make a story where on of your kin burnt herself out or some such, which means she no longer could channel, and she could then go off and become an innkeeper maybe and would sort as a regular FL'er, or she could descide to go train to become a warder, or in the band, she could become a darkfriend, or maybe she didnt burn herself out but descided to turn to the dark anyway and become a dreadlord


so you see plenty of options, if you kill a char of its your choice because you feel done with the char and want to end the storyline instead of leaving it hanging


yup, Liitha is right. What I meant was that in order to create a new Kin one of your other Kin characters (only if you have 3 already) can not officially remain Kin. But all the other options Lii mentioned are indeed also open to you.


Feel free to nudge us again if you have any more questions, Limi. And above all else, enjoy! :D

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