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Here's the thing - when I was still MoN, I got to know all of the novices and accepted. Since becoming the Division Leader, that doesn't happen and I miss it! So I'd like to get to know you guys a bit better, specifically your characters, how you're doing with them, what plans you have for them, which Ajahs you want to pick, etc.


Now I know the setup here can be extremely confusing. My use of the title "Amyrlin", in parenthesis, was quite deliberate. On the Social side, for instance, the Leader is called that. Here, she is called the Division Leader (that's me) (well, it's called something new now that I can't remember  ::)), and the Amyrlin is a character someone role plays.


The equivalent of the Keeper here is the Assistant Division Leader, and someone else plays the Keeper in character.


Are there any other things that you find confusing? Do you know how things work here, IC vs OOC?


*Starts making the tea, and lays out plenty of cookies and cakes*






My character is Kathleen, and I've moved her along a lot faster than I was planning too. I just got a surge of creativity and went with it and it just flew me by. I thought I had her all figured out after I finished her bio, but as I started writing more she took on a life of her own. She also changed her thought process from when she was coming to the Tower to her stay there. She became very introverted. Not timid, just kept to herself, and worried about making a good impression, which was usually the cause of her not making one.


I think that through her arches she got in touch with who she was and saw a glimpse of what she wants to be so I think her outward personality may change again. The person she is at the core never changed, just her outward way of showing herself. (If that makes sense)Before she entered I would have thought Blue, Green, Yellow or Red... but from her time in the Tower she was setting up really well to be a Brown, very curious determined and spends a lot of time analyzing everything in her head.


Like I said since her Arches she may have changed...even I don't know for sure, so I'll have to wait and see when I RP next!


Thank you for telling us that there is a difference in Ammy and Leader here, since I've only dealt with Lavinya since I am a Novice (or an Accepted..as soon as I get my ring back!) I have always thought that the IC Ammy was the Div. Leader and the IC Keeper was the Ass. Div. Leader. If this isn't the case then what is the difference, what do the Div. Leaders do and what do the Ammy and Keeper do? If you have a problem who do you go to?


Hi. I'm Regalia. I've known you for AGES, Elgee. But I'm bored. So... heloo.


Also, I like cookies. *munches on some*


Hey hey!!! Ama here :)


My character is Amadine al'Varine, she's a quiet good girl being dragged out of her shell by her friend Regalia LOL. She will prove to be a deft hand at Healing - a good thing since that's what she came to the Tower for in the first place. She'll choose the Yellow Ajah and dedicate her life to traveling the world Healing anyone who needs it.


I would really like to be able to apply for Amadine to have the Talent of Healing - Age of Legends. At the moment her fire and earth scroes are not high enough - is there anyway i can work towards an increase in these elements?


You guys have asked some excellent questions! I'll answer them as soon as this flu loosens its grip on me enough that my brain can actually function.


*lovies on you*  :D


Ok let me answer in some kind of logical order  ...  ;D


The Chain of Command / who do I go to OOC:


The PSW can be quite confusing, I know, especially where this is concerned. It will be a bit easier if you think of it this way: ignore RP titles, and concentrate on OOC ones. Sometimes they overlap, like with Lavi being the MoN both OOC and IC, as are most of the Ajah Heads, but it's not always the case, so yah ... ignore RP titles.


Here's how it works:


I'm the Division Leader. That's the Amyrlin, for all intents and purposes. I just don't PLAY the Amyrlin character.


Under me are the 2 Assistant Division Leaders. They're the ADL for Novices & Accepted (ie the MoN), Lavinya, and the ADL for Aes Sedai (like the Keeper), Rasheta.


Then you have the Ajah Heads. Currently all of them are that both IC and OOC, except for the Green Ajah. So, unless you want to RP a scene with the Green HoA, you would talk to the Green HoA OOC, who is U4ea (Lor).


So who are the Amyrlin, Keeper, etc that you see in RPs? Well, currently the Amyrlin is a character of Muirenn's, and the Keeper is a character of Kara_J's. Their only purpose is in RPs - they don't have any OOC duties, though they ARE members of Staff so RPs can be discussed and co-ordinated.


Is any of this making any sense? Lol!


Ok next thing: One Power strength.


There's nothing you can do to change your overall strength. What you CAN do, is you can change the distribution of that amongst the elements, if you decide you want a higher score in a particular one. You can do that only once, though.


You can up your skill level, by taking OP classes (ask the MoN about that), and by doing some OOC tasks (like keeping the website running, or other long term projects).




Kat, it's amazing how a character can take on a life of her own! You start off with an exact idea of where you want to go with her, but nuh uh! She goes her OWN way!  ::)


Don't fight it  ;D

It makes life (and RPing) so much more interesting  ;)


Boopsie, where are you headed with your Regalia? Made up your mind yet?


PS: Ama, I've just looked at your OP score - you need 5's for all the elements and a total strength of 22 ... which is exactly what you have ... lol. So you can request that the breakdown between your elements be changed to 5's all around.


Regalia will be Blue. That's definite.


My sighing and worrying is coz I wanted AOL healing for Camigwen as ya know. *sighs* But... I don't know...


*sniffs* So confused now.


OOhhh! Boops! I forgot! Sorry honey. But i had a look and there can be 2 AOL Healing Talents and at the moment there is none. And they need to be applied for anyway. GO for it with Camigwen :D


PS: Ama, I've just looked at your OP score - you need 5's for all the elements and a total strength of 22 ... which is exactly what you have ... lol. So you can request that the breakdown between your elements be changed to 5's all around.

Who do i request to for this to happen Elgeelove?


Okay so i checked again and Nyn has the AOL Healing talent. You go ahead and apply for the other spot with Camigwen Boops. :) At least then Ama will get to study with an active character who has that talent and may be able to teach a willing young Aes Sedai ;)


Awww thanks Amadine. *snuggles* Let's see how it goes. AOL Healing's no rush since we don't really need it for any Rps right now. Let's both just focus on getting Healing (Major) up to speed then we can see which character it fits better. I'm gonna try and apply for a Talent for Regalia, and if that goes thru I'll be happy to give AOL Healing to you. I just hope noone applies for it in the meantime and gets it. That would be annoying. Anyway...


I'm gonna just get Camigwen officially done by doing my retro oaths and the Accepted quiz today. And then I'll get some Yellow Rps started. It'll be great.


I hope. *squirms*


If we can get the silly Healing lesson done too, then Regalia and Amadine can get Raised AND WE CAN START RPING PROPER! *nods* This'll be great.

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