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Woe is Me...


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Pretty sure that is when I got stitches on top o' me head.


I think something slipped out before they closed it though. ;)


I wouldn't be surprised ::)

Honestly, want my old one? You will only have to fix it once LOL! (I have no clue what is wrong with it tho...)


The video chip died....3 times


1st time: They found a replacement and cleaned the vent and inside, saying the air couldn't flow because of dust and grime.


2nd time: 1 week later...Not sure why. Air must not be flowing. Replace the chip, and give me a little panel thing with 3 fans to keep it cool.


3rd time: About 3 weeks later, chip dies again. Waiting on Computer Surgeon for results.


Ed I don't think that the card is the cause of the lameness but your insistence of being part of that band of the shadow faction.  :P You should've became a member of the light, the awesome faction. The light is the answer to all life's problems, and is full of Tainty goodness as well.  ;)


I can't post a pic if I can't get on my laptop....



It's some not brand thing...laptop. Comapl FL90....there is a review site for it where they describe it almost perfectly.....


And yes, I asked if it could be the fan inside, and they said no. :-\


It's not the fan inside, it's the Shadow inside. Silly Ed awesomeness is for the Light. The Shadow can never hope to be as amazingly awesome as the Light, and it seems even your laptop knows it. I'm sure that if you turn to the Light your laptop will work just fine.  ;)


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