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Classical Music Pieces - It's A Knockout (Winner: Ride of the Valkyries)


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Time to wrap this up.


An easy 6-0 victory for Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries.


And our first seed is knocked out, as Adagio for Strings losses to Mendelssohn's War March of the Priests by 3 votes to 1.


I plan to get the remaining ties of the first round up now.


Round 1, Tie 6



Baroque goes up against one of the best pieces of music to depict a scene! 



Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 in G major, BWV 1048 by JS Bach

It's just one of my favorite Baroque pieces, which I feel captures the essences of the baroque style. Personally I don't think baroque gets the credit its due.






The Great Gate of Kiev by Modest Mussorgsky

This happens to be my favourite piece of classical music at the moment. The Great Gate of Kiev is the rousing finale to Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition, where he cleverly depicts various scenes with the music. The Promenade that links each picture (i.e. the walk between the pictures) features prominently. It sounds like a great procession is going through in celebration. A great piece of music!




Voting ends Tuesday 25th May 2010 at 11pm (BST)


Round 1, Tie 7



Two iconic pieces of music do battle for a place in the last 8.  



William Tell Overture by Gioachino Rossini

It's the Lone Ranger! Yes, this piece of music was used for that classic. Coming from the opera William Tell, Rossini uses the whole orchestra for this wonderful piece of music. Very recognisable and very enjoyable. A great start to the opera!

Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkymTHSbWe0





1812 Overture by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

The name along is known throughout the music world. Composed in 1812, it was written to commemorate Russia's defense of Moscow against Napoleon's advancing Grande Armée at the Battle of Borodino. The piece is made famous by the climactic volley of cannon fire and ringing chimes. The piece moves depicts the distress of the Russian people at the hands of the invading French through a mixture of pastoral and militant themes. Keen listeners will not the use of the French National Anthem, La Marseillais, which gives the effect of the fighting actually taking place.


(part 1) and
(part 2)



Voting ends Tuesday 25th May 2010 at 11pm (BST)


Round 1, Tie 8



And the final place in round 2 will be taken between two pieces of music that feature vocals.  



Le veau d'or by Charles Gounod

Of all the pieces from Gounod's opera Faust, this one best illustrates the character of Mephistopheles, the devil that serves as Faust's mentor/guide/tempter.  In it, he sings of the Golden Calf and its general effect on the incorporeal world through time, even going so far as to proudly boast that "Satan leads the dance." ("Et Satan conduit la bal!")

Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUgoMzkaSoE





O Fortuna by Carl Orff

Everyone knows of Carmina Burana, Carl Orff's famous cantata. And O Fortuna is the famous movement from the piece. Many artists, especially in the metal world of music, have performed the movement. It's a wonderful working of a large chorus and loud, bashful music (drums, cymbols). It works fantastically! And it's in Latin - even better!

Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7HMQOX3h7ZI



Voting ends Tuesday 25th May 2010 at 11pm (BST)


I will be wrapping up these ties at around 11pm tonight - so in about 3 and a half hours time. So if you haven't voted, do so now!


All 2nd Round ties will be going up.


And there are no ties in these ties at all!


In the 6th tie, The Great Gates of Kiev went through with a narrow 2-1 victory.


The William Tell Overture progressed to Round 2 with a 3-1 victory.


And the seeded O Fortuna marched into the 2nd Round with a 3-1 victory.


Time for all the 2nd Round ties now!


Round 2, Tie 1


The 2009 winner continues its quest to defend its crown against a strong Russian challenger.


Jupiter by Gustav Holst

The 2009 winner. Jupiter comes from Holst's The Planet Suite, which premièred fully for the first time in 1920. Jupier is known as "The Bringer of Jollity", and is a very rousing and cheerful piece of music. Modern adaptations include for the hymn I Vow To Thee My Country and The World in Union theme for the Rugby Union World Cups.






Night on a Bald Mountain by Modest Mussorgsky

Mussorgsky composed the piece, but it was arranged and played after his death by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov. A witches' sabbath is the theme of the piece. The music definitely gives the feeling something evil is going on - and I think it is one of the best pieces of music to depict wind. The piece has been used many times in popular culture, with Disney's Fantasia the most notable.




Voting ends Thursday 27th May 2010 at 11pm (BST)


Round 2, Tie 2



A place in the semi-final is available for either Pachelbel or Mendelssohn



Canon in D by Johann Pachelbel

Canon in D is such a beautiful, elegant, yet simple song that tugs at the soul and, I'm sure, conjures up the image of a wedding (for the ladies). It happens to be Pachelbel’s most famous piece of music, and the exact date of composition is unknown, but it was rediscovered in the 20th century. It is one of the greats from the Baroque period.






War March of the Priests by Felix Mendelssohn

War March of the Priests was written as a march to Athalia, and it is very recognizable. It gives Karasayl (who nominated the piece) the feeling of victory after an enduring struggle.




Voting ends Thursday 27th May 2010 at 11pm (BST)


Round 2, Tie 3



Two rousing pieces of Classical music clash for a place in the semi-finals.  



Ride of the Valkyries by Richard Wagner

The Ride of the Valkyries is the name given to the beginning of Act III of Die Walküre, an opera by Wagner. The composer likes to do things on a grand scale - and Die Walküre is no exception! The music is building up for the lifting of the curtain, which reveals a mountain peak where four of the eight Valkyrie sisters of Brünnhilde have gathered in preparation for the transportation of fallen heroes to Valhalla. It is often used for military-like exercises in film and TV, for example, the 1979 film Apocalypse Now. It's universally known - and a classic!






The Great Gate of Kiev by Modest Mussorgsky

This happens to be my favourite piece of classical music at the moment. The Great Gate of Kiev is the rousing finale to Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition, where he cleverly depicts various scenes with the music. The Promenade that links each picture (i.e. the walk between the pictures) features prominently. It sounds like a great procession is going through in celebration. A great piece of music!




Voting ends Thursday 27th May 2010 at 11pm (BST)


Round 2, Tie 4



Two world famous pieces come together to fight out for a place in the semi-final - but there can only be one winner...



William Tell Overture by Gioachino Rossini

It's the Lone Ranger! Yes, this piece of music was used for that classic. Coming from the opera William Tell, Rossini uses the whole orchestra for this wonderful piece of music. Very recognisable and very enjoyable. A great start to the opera!

Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkymTHSbWe0





O Fortuna by Carl Orff

Everyone knows of Carmina Burana, Carl Orff's famous cantata. And O Fortuna is the famous movement from the piece. Many artists, especially in the metal world of music, have performed the movement. It's a wonderful working of a large chorus and loud, bashful music (drums, cymbols). It works fantastically! And it's in Latin - even better!

Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7HMQOX3h7ZI



Voting ends Thursday 27th May 2010 at 11pm (BST)


Night on Bald Mountain, Canon in D, Ride of the Valkyries, O Fortuna


I will wrap this up tomorrow morning at work. You have until then to vote if you haven't done so already!


A bit later than planned, but here are the results:


And our top seed is gone! Night on a Bald Mountain defeats Jupiter by 3 votes to 2!


An easy 4-1 win for Canon in D means it takes its place in the semi-finals.


There will be at least one seed in the semi-finals, as Ride of the Valkyries wins through by 4 votes to 1.


And finally, another seed falls! O Fortuna ran out of luck and lost 3-2 to the William Tell Overture


Time for the semi-finals.


Semi-Final, Tie 1


A piece of dark Russian music takes on some Baroque.



Night on a Bald Mountain by Modest Mussorgsky

Mussorgsky composed the piece, but it was arranged and played after his death by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov. A witches' sabbath is the theme of the piece. The music definitely gives the feeling something evil is going on - and I think it is one of the best pieces of music to depict wind. The piece has been used many times in popular culture, with Disney's Fantasia the most notable.






Canon in D by Johann Pachelbel

Canon in D is such a beautiful, elegant, yet simple song that tugs at the soul and, I'm sure, conjures up the image of a wedding (for the ladies). It happens to be Pachelbel’s most famous piece of music, and the exact date of composition is unknown, but it was rediscovered in the 20th century. It is one of the greats from the Baroque period.




Voting ends Saturday 29th May 2010 at 11pm (BST)


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