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April Stats! My my, what have we here?


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A good showing from all factions this month, with the Shadowspawn rising from their customary last place and beating the Dreadies! Also, Nae is the Dark One - something I know she tends to covet. ;D (I'm also rescinding the rule that says FLs can't be DOs, because I always hated it.)


BA: 568


Nae: 203

Kivam: 182

Eli: 79

DeRouge: 63

Barm: 49

Edie: 10

Hax: 2



SS: 440


Lily: 147

Aust: 105

Pete: 84

Verbal: 38

Wombat: 31

CCS: 15

Twitch: 10

Nyn: 10



Dreadies: 398


Ed: 112

Moggy: 75

Krak: 69

Amadine: 64

Badco: 36

Jelly: 30

Talya: 10

TMD: 10

Aemon: 10

LedZep: 10

MCS: 2



LF/Misc: 285


Adella: 89

Pandy: 29

Locke: 32

Tigs: 25

Piano: 20

Crafty: 20

BaLe: 18

Blig: 16

L13: 17

Cads: 9

Talmanes: 5

David Hermes: 5



Total: 1688


Ohhhh... It all makes sense now.


Whilst Adella and Ed were busy attempting to trash talk the BA, we were too busy winning and being WESOME!


Better luck next ... Ah who am I kidding, it ain't gonna happen :P


I still have no idea how I manage to get points every month, and I give them out for crying out loud...


Anyway forward the BLACK AJAH!

  • Club Leader

So, Verb, you want to give me points for being the highest SS point earner, right?  ;D Look at it this way - they'll help next month, and maybe we can rise to the top.


Guest dragonsworn1991

I've never been the DO *Winks*


OK; fiendish friendly point-lords-of-evil makes more sense than a discrepancy of doom and despair. (alliteration! *studies for English Poetry Test*)


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