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April 2010 Reports


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That time of the month again  :P


These are due by no later than the 8th of May, please, preferably earlier if you can.



Format for Heads of Ajahs:


1) RP's done by Ajah characters during April


2) Handle and character name(s) of members and when last RPed as that character, split into Active and Inactive


3) RP plans / ideas


4) Interaction with N&A (remember that recruitment idea we discussed in another thread)


5) Problems, ideas, etc



Format for MoN (in general):


1) Classes in progress


2) Handle and character name(s) of members and when last RPed as that character, split into Active and Inactive


3) Who has been raised to Accepted


4) Who has been raised to AS, and Ajah they chose


5) RP plans / ideas


6) Interaction with N&A (remember that recruitment idea we discussed in another thread)


7) Problems, ideas, etc



Reports done so far:

Black Ajah, Blue Ajah, Brown Ajah, Gray Ajah,  Green Ajah, Red Ajah, White Ajah, Yellow Ajah, MoN

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[glow=red,2,300]NOTICE: Decision re Active / Inactive / MiA:[/glow]


For Ajah Heads / Mon to apply to their sections:


1- You are considered active if you have posted in the last 3 months. (This means you've posted either an RP OR somewhere in the Ajah / Aspie forums so I know you're still around and interested, or you have posted an LoA (not to exceed 1 year).)


2- You are considered inactive if you have not posted in the last 3 months. (Again, for clarification, see above.)


3- Anyone who has not been active in a year will be moved from the Inactive list onto the MiA list and the DL will be notified in the monthly report. Their bio(s) will have to be re-approved and they will have to do the applicable reqs for returning members.


I (or my ADL) will consolidate all the data re MiA's and ascertain whether or not someone has been active in any other areas of the WT. Should there be a total lack of activity for a year, they will be removed from the WT usergroup.

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What with DM going down more than a ... lady of the night at the docks on a Saturday night, I'm not going to fuss if you don't get your reports in on time.

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White Ajah Report


1) RPs done in the preceding month (as always done - see here for example: http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,48182.0.html)


East (DR) > The White Tower (DR) > To Begin Again (Tayva's Oaths)


Retro Oaths RP for Tayva ni Ayvery t'Reyon



East (DR) > Tar Valon (DR) > Cair Rahien Grand Re-Opening Celebration {OTA}


Grand Re-Opening of the Cair Rahien tavern. Lillian meets with an old friend.


2) Handle and character name(s) of members and when last RPed as that character, split into Active and Inactive


Umeka Marhadi - Taei

Lillian Tremina - minisamus

Carelia Noradien - perine

Sherrhiana Thymus - Liitha



Taeadra Culthane - Taeadra - October 09



Lillith Izmorova - Raeyn (Extended LoA) - March 09


3) RP plans / ideas

Discussion Panel

Change of First Reasoner

White Ajah Class (In Planning)

A look into the White Ajah and what it does.


4) Interaction with N&A (remember that recruitment idea we discussed in another thread)

Discussion Panel


5) Problems, ideas, etc

Inactivity.... working on it.

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1) RP's done by Ajah characters during April


High Time for Tea (Attn: Novices and Accepted who want to play along)


Lor has invited the kids to come play in the garden! Who will show up?


Defense Weaves


Lor teaches a few Accepted Defense Weaves.


A Cause for Celebration (ATTN: Greens)


Loraine tells her Sisters about her marriage and asks them to come along for the more formal ceremony in Carhien.



A cause for Celebration


Loraine admits to several or the Greens that she is going to marry Kynwric in her homeland and invites them to be involved.


Meeting the Second


Jaydena meets Rasheta's second warder Visar in her rooms as part of the duties a Green Sister must perform after she bonds.


What do you mean your not a Red?


Jaydena meets Arath her future Asha'man bondholder inside the halls of the Reds and he lets slip about the bonds with the Red Ajah. Jade and Arath are confronted by the Highest and the two ajah heads size each other up...


Looking for a new Warder...I mean Ashaman!


Jaydena is running in the Warders Yard when Arath approaches her and begins to speak about the bond and how he feels about it. It's the first time she has seen him since meeting him in the Red Halls.


2) Handle and character name(s) of members and when last RPed as that character, split into Active and Inactive

Rasheta- March 2010 (active on GA Board April 2010)

Loraine- April 2010

Jaydena- March 2010 (active on GA Board April 2010)

Kabria- April 2010 (active on GA Board, April 2010)


3) RP plans / ideas

-Jaydena bonding the first Asha'man to bond a Green (In Progress)

-Loraine breaking the news to the Greens about her marriage (In Progress)

-Tea with the Greens (technically still in progress, though a little dead, atm)



In the works:

-Hall of Swords discussion about bonding Asha'man

-Battle Defense Class- we are presently discussing how to set this one up and what weaves should be Green Ajah only vs. general defense weaves

-Getting Together Party for the Greens

-Loraine getting married and all the Greens in attendance  (possible inter-division RP!)


4) Interaction with N&A/b]

1- Defense Weaves with Accepted. (Lor)

2- Tea with the Greens (seems to have stalled...)


5) Problems, ideas, etc

Same as anyone else, I guess. Not much going on in RP land, though there's been a good discussion about future plans for RP's in our forums this month. Hopefully June has a better list of goodies! :D



Please note, I had a few folks not get their threads reported to me by the time I posted this. If they get them to me before the end of the 8th, I'll add them, otherwise, we're pretty skimpy this month!

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Brown Ajah


I'm sorry not to follow the format this month, but there literally isn't anything to report on, so I'm just referring to last month's report. There is no activity at all at the Browns, myself included, I'm afraid. Elgee knows that I have been both busy and otherwise occupied so I won't go into details on that, but yeah. I do try to keep up with things by at least reading what I should read and Elgee is good enough to poke me from time to time in case I missed reading something I should have.





2) Handle and character name(s) of members and when last RPed as that character, split into Active and Inactive


Active OOC in February

Carina al'Tara (Mystica)- First Chair

Claire al'Windischan (Claireducky) - Sister


Inactive OOC in February (active as admin though and in other divs IC)

Cara Ramsey (White Wolf)


Inactive IC in February

All of the above


Note by Elgee: I just put the actives/inactives in there so it's easier to compile my report from this one  :)


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Report for the RED AJAH



1) RP’s April:



Saline Wastrel (Minisamus) – Red Aes Sedai:


North (DR)>Blood on the Ground - Saldaea - Pitched Combat RP (Open)

Players (so far): Saline, Myyrth, Estean

Timeline: 1000NE (current)


Borderland skirmish



East (DR)> White Tower Classroom (DR)> Lesson 4: Elements (Open)

Players (so far): Saline, Patience Tilly, Ray-ray, Amadine

Timeline: N/A Retro


Saline and Salandrian are teaching novices



2) Handle and character name(s) of members and when last RPed as that character, split into Active and Inactive


Active: 6 Members (7 Characters)

Elgee OOC daily (Larindhra Reyne - 14-03-2010 & Zarinen Rafaliva - 17-02-2010)

Jagen Sedai (Jagen Halin – 12-01-2010)

Kara_J (Raslyn Altearin - 19-02-2010)

Minisamus (Saline Wastrel – 13-04-2010)

Muirenn OOC 19.01.2010 (Shevara Edosian – 30-11-2009)

Tigara (Jasmyne Ceres – 09-01-2010)


Inactive (not RPed in past 3 months): 0 Characters

Aubrey (Maegan Ryanne – 28-12-2009)



3) RP plans / ideas

1) Post in Jade’s thread

2) Beg Covai to start the next phase of the BT/Reds, or start something myself


4) Interaction with N&A (remember that recruitment idea we discussed in another thread)

None yet.


5) Problems, ideas, etc

DM going down all the time.

All out of ideas, at the moment.

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Please let me know if I'm doing anything wrong. This is my first report as Ajah head. And I haven't a clue how to do it properly, so I just scanned my (TWO) Ajah member's last posts and got their activity from that. Also, Dm constantly being down made my brain hurt. *cries* All in all, yeah, pain.



[glow=black,2,300]Yellow Ajah[/glow]


1) RPs done in April


Nynaeve - Healing the Impossible - Ooops


Nyn is Healing Gentling... Funkiness indeed.



2) Handle and character name(s) of members and when last RPed as that character, split into Active and Inactive


Eqwina - Active (February 16, 2010)

Nynaeve - Active (April 11, 2010)



3) RP plans / ideas


Nothing. But I wanna do some Healing Rps. But then again with the inactivity... I have no idea. Regalia and Amadine need a Yellow to go on a mission with so they can be sealed together ala Moiraine and Siuan. But noone’s around. *sighs* We would prefer a Yellow, but if we can’t get one can we get someone else? Otherwise I’ll just write an AS TPC. Who dies. YAY! *nods*



4) Interaction with N&A (remember that recruitment idea we discussed in another thread)


We have some Aspies, so yay. But noone's going right ahead and doing anything. So… yeah, no idea how long before ANY of them get Raised...


I will teach a class, but that’s as Regalia the Accepted. But hopefully that’ll help them move towards being Yellow. What thinks you? Recruitment at their level. Gotta be the best way there is! *grins* I’m thinking of constantly have 3 chars. 2 PCs and 1 TPC who’s either Novice or Accepted. Who will just RP with Novices and Accepted and get them to move towards my Ajah.



5) Problems, ideas, etc


DM being down. No one being around. RP not moving. Same old boring storylines going on and on and on. Too tired to write an AS Bio for my Yellow Head. Etc etc. Whine. Moan. Woe. Ya know how it is.


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Well done, Boopsie!  :D


If you want an example of how it should be done, have a look at mine, and the 2 posts I made first.


The most important information I need is the following:


a) The RP's done by your members in the past month.


b) The DM HANDLES (with link to profile) and CHARACTER NAMES of your members, split into 3:

1) Active (have RP'ed or contributed to your section in past 3 months)

2) Inactive (have not RP'ed or contributed to your section in past 3 months, but DID in past year)

3) MiA (haven't been seen in more than a year)



1) So I can accurately report to the Admins how many members we have, and how active they are

2) So I can purge MiA people from our usergroup. Once purged, they'll have to resubmit their Bios

3) Why linky? Because it is quicker and less work for Heads / MoN to find 2 or 3 of their own people's links, than it is for me to find 20 to then send to the Admins :P:P

4) Why character name AND handle? So I can cross check handles and only purge people who've not been active ANYWHERE at the WT, with ANY of their characters. Also so I can keep track of how many Members we have, vs how many Characters.

5) Why the inactive group? So you can hunt down the members who've not been posting recently, and see if they have any problems, encourage them to RP, etc etc


Will look at rest of yours and other people's posts later

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Ok I know I said you can be a BIT late with your reports, but it's the 13th already ...


Please, people - I still need Black, Blue, Gray and the MoN's report. Lavi, I especially need your MoN report in order to complete MY report to the Admins, and they're screaming at me for it.

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