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Hi there... Requesting a Mentor

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hello welcome...faile/ged should be puting up one soon..if you go to dalinars sticky on the top you'll find a link to their site which conatins classes


i also need the first physical class maybe we could do it togheter if someone *looks around* want to teach us..

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I think the deal is you don't NEED a mentor as such, since the way classes are run allows several people to learn together, but there is nothing wrong with having one if you prefer. And you would do the same thing if you were looking for someone to start a class for you, just post looking for someone willing to teach.


You may also want to try posting at our offsite boards - http://www.hostingphpbb.com/forum/thefarm.html


And there is also a lot of handy information here - http://www.blacktowerdiv.com/home.php


Hope this helps! :)

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Guest Faile1987

Yeah, as already said (and I pmed you about) feel free to join the Basic Offense Defense class held by Ged and as he´s just picking you up as you´re arriving, he might be your mentor too, if you still want one (yay for me feeling like being the new BT welcome comitte btw but it´s great fun :p) If you want such a screwed and neurotic mentor as he is that is :p

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Guest Dalinar

To clarify a couple of the other questions that were asked about mentors and such, there will be some slight changes coming in very soon in this regard. In the mean time please note the following post:




Which was made just over a month ago.


Also, draw you attention to this excerpt from the Black Tower website...


One Power Score, Weapon Skill Score and Mentors


Once your bio has been approved, you will be emailed with your One Power Scores if your character is a channeler (details will be in the email about this process, and you can visit "The One Power" section of the site for more information) and Weapon Skill score (details will be in the email again, and you can visit "Weapons System" for more information).


You may choose at this time to ask for a mentor if you wish. Mentors are senior members who have volunteered to help out new members get into the swing of role-playing in the Black Tower. They may act in an out of character (OOC) capacity only (ie. as two people would in real life, helping answer questions or solve problems) or may also act in an in character (IC) capacity (where their character and yours interact in a role-playing scenario). It is up to you to discuss with your mentor how you would like this to work for you. The best way to go about getting a mentor is to post an expression of interest on the Black Tower OOC Board.




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