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RP Ideas for the AJah

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Okie Lor asked me to think about this and I Was going to do it over my spring break and I got sick...so that didn't work, then this quarter started and i've been so busy I can barely think straight. So that being said I hadn't had a chance to post here. :( However, I have been thinking about this and here's a few things I came up with. Which i'm not sure if they are what Lor wanted *laughs* But if not she can revamp and redo and we can work it through. Lor I also included the Novice thread you have going on


1) This one is from Lor and its a way to do a meet and Greet with the Novices/Accepted IC. We have a tea party or some sort of informal "Getting to know you." get together.


2) Battle defense class-This one was proposed in the Hall and I liked it. The Greens teach a "how to survive a battle." basically. As an aside I cannot run this unless I get it all together over the summer, i'm just way to busy sadly.


3) Some sort of informal get together of the Greens. Usually we all seem to be out and about and don't really get to know each other it might be nice to just have a party for the Greens and warders if we see fit to do that.


4) A discussion in the Hall of Swords about bonding Asha'men, the Reds etc. 

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Sounds like a great list to me! Summer'll be here before you know it, so let's see what we can get fleshed out!


Especially since the Hall is into the Defensive thing, we should probably see if we can talk to Eqwina about sketching out this one.. *eyes Eq with glittering eyes*

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Okay Jade the you suggested is up on the list. Did you have any ideas for getting it going or how to make it more flushed out? You are the IC Ajah head so this one would be more your domain wouldn't it???? *laughs*


For the Battle defense class i'm not really sure what we could teach. How to use a weave to your best advantage maybe. DId we want to include any of the weaves we learn when we are first raised or are they just for Greens? I am not sure but its a thought. I guess we can leave that up to Eqwina if she wants to handle it. *laughs*


Lor has the Tea under control so that's good.


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Well I have a rp on hold right now with the the Highest of the Reds about the bonding, and another rp with my future Asha'man where she is learning more about the bond. So perhaps we could start an rp where Jade calls everyone to talk to them about the Asha'man. As for the weaves, I think some of those are green only. *ponders* I will have to look it over once I get back from my trip and find out.

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Yes, I was! *laughs* Sorry I forgot to post that LoA here! I'm getting caught back up, though, so I'll get back to you with a response by the weekend! (Sorry that's taking a while, too. I'll prolly get there sooner, but I'll say the weekend, just in case something comes up and I can't!)

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  • 2 months later...

lol, I agree. :)



so, what else can we get going. I've had a bit of a bad turn, lately and I really need something to focus my energy on. Right now, I want to kill something. What can we slaughter?

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Well, it's the announcement thread. I haven't even thought much about the wedding. Lots of reasons, I guess.



*grins* I like the Killing White Cloaks idea, Jade. I was thinking about this the other day, what if there's a small town where the Greens have hidden something important and it's presently in the way of a swarming bunch of White Cloaks? Only the top brass would know what was there (ie, the three of us) and we'd need to get in, get it out, and get back without dying (please note, I did not say without killing anything). How does that sound?

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ugh, all the damned rules. We have to get approval to kill a white cloak that we dream up? WTF? It's no wonder things don't get done around here and it's so "ghost town" on the RP end! *shakes her head and mutters* I'll PM Nyn for the OK once we've ironed this out, then.


Here's what I'm thinking...


Thread 1:

Lor gets a report from one of her contacts in three towns near <enter name of little town here>. Based on the information inside those reports, it seems the White Cloaks are heading towards that place, though we're not sure why. If ya'll want to throw in reports from any contacts you may have in the area, too, that just solidifies our reason to need to go rescue whatever it is that we hid there. Lor takes her info to Jade to press for someone to go move <enter weird greenie object here>. This would be a good time for any reports you'd have, so if you want to play along in the report idea, Rasheta, you can barge in (or maybe Lor barges in on you telling Jade about it?). We put our heads together and decide we have to go.


Thread 2:

We leave for <enter little town here>, dragging various wardies along with us. We travel to <enter little town here> (and we can toss in whatever other little issues that pop into our heads that we want here... snakes, broken bridges, random trollocs...).


Thread 3:

We get to <enter little town here> and have to sneak in to retrieve <enter weird greenie object here>. The White Cloaks have beat us there, though they're looking for something completely different/"spreading the Light..." whatever!! (we should probably hash this part out to make it believable, so it can be something we hit Nyn up for...). This is where someone's gotta die, perhaps a couple of them. Seriously, I want something to make a really big boom... I'm a little blood thirsty, atm, and I need an outlet.


thread 4:

We haul butt back to the Tower OR find a better place to stash <enter weird greenie thing here>.




So, if ya'll are ok with this, then we need:

1- <enter little town here>'s name

2- <enter weird greenie object here>'s name and purpose. What would be big enough to get the top brass of the Green Ajah out of the Tower to fetch it?

3- The ok from Nyn to kill a few non-existant White Cloaks. (big boom... *sighs wistfully*)


Oh, and we should prolly warn the wardies that we're dragging their butts out of the Tower... *smirks* I like telling Kyn when the thread has already been started... ;)

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Dante is MIA so he will not be played in this one unless by some miracle he appears again. Visar will pretty much go a long with whatever *laughs* So I can tell him when the thread is going to post there and he will. Doesn't Jade have an Asha'men warder? Will that be difficult to RP into this?


Rasheta hasn't/doesn't leave the tower too much but she'd have her own reporters...*sounds like a news show lol* Anyway that's to say yeah i'm down with doing reports. Plus Rasheta is good at barging in so she'd have no qualms about doing that while Lor is in a meeting with Jade.


I'd just ask unless we are out by the borderlands we don't run into Trollocs my warder (visar) will kill me and say "AGAIN" because I ALWAYS get attacked by trollocs I think he's sick of it. LOL Speaking of where we will be...did you have a specific place in mind? Or area of the world, I put a vote for somewhere other then near the borderlands because that seems to be over done just a bit. I can't remember off hand but near the place where channeling is forbidden would be fun. Although we wouldn't be within the city so maybe not as fun. Just thinking out loud here. LOL


Dang I was just thinking if we had a novice or something in the town and the Whitecloaks are searching for her in order to "kill" the witch. That might provide us with some fun but unless we NPC'ed the novice we'd have to RP this in retro which means Visar would have to apply to play Adrian again, not that he wouldn't but it could become complex.


Is anyone good with Healing? Is anyone going to get hurt? My spirit is strong so i'm a good healer...go me. I like the ideas Lor...sorry if my reply got out of hand.  :-[

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ugh, all the damned rules. We have to get approval to kill a white cloak that we dream up? WTF? It's no wonder things don't get done around here and it's so "ghost town" on the RP end! *shakes her head and mutters* I'll PM Nyn for the OK once we've ironed this out, then.



Forgive my interruption here.


Contacting another Div when one is planning on mentioning / playing their characters (especially NPC's or the like) is a matter of simple courtesy, and preventing any weird happenings. (It was made a rule after certain people went too far in the past. It's a pity that not all people have brains / simple manners / a basic understanding of the WoT world, since they're the ones who force us to make rules to prevent further idiocies in the same vein.)


Like, for instance, the CotL doing an RP where they kill a bunch of Aes Sedai. Nyna would run the idea past me. If it looked good, I'd give the go-ahead, but still keep an eye on the RP, just so some inexperienced RPer doesn't state something ridiculous there. Like all the AS running screaming at the sight of a bunch of Whitecloaks. If they focussed on a specific Ajah, for instance the Greens, I would give that Head a heads up and check that she's ok with everything happening in the RP.


All that being said, I absolutely love your idea, and look forward to following the RP. I'll tell Nyna she can deal directly with you on this matter - I'm sure it will be a simple matter of you sending her the above plan via PM or email, and her replying "go for it".

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I understand the reasons, Elgee, just hate that there's so damned much red tape. Not to be too crass, but it probably is the reason why more people aren't around. I know it's the reason I left for so long...


Either way, I say let's stick with an object, something we can sneak in and get so we can control one aspect of the RP. I'm all for avoiding trollocs, since I slaughter those so often, it's hardly sport anymore. We could go all Indiana Jones and make it a pit full of snakes and bobby traps. *grins* Sounds like fun, right?



I think Jade's Asha-wardie will be a fun addition, actually. As long as we're not treated to the invincible man version of Asha-wardies. I like incinerating those... *winks*


As for Healing, that is Lor's handicap. She is very strong with odd elements (Fire and Earth) and can destroy large things very easily. However, she can't Heal a scratch. She knows first aid and she can help out in the energy department, but otherwise, she's pure destruction. All wrapped up in a petite Cairhienin Noble... *grins* See why I like her so much?


As for location, I think hiding something of ours close to the enemy is something an old Green would do, so it's completely plausible that we need to go rescue it. Hiding in plain site and all that. Kyn is from Amadicia, which is the "home" of the White Cloaks, so he'll know the terrain. Choices for small towns: Mardecin (where Nyn & Elayne were served forkroot tea, so we know there are Tower E&E here) and Abila, where Perrin picks up Messema later in the series. I like the Mardecin idea, personally, since we know there are supporters there. Perhaps it gives us a point of contact (if the Yellows have a contact, the Greens might, too, right?) AND it gives us someone else to hide from while sneaking around looking for our little <enter weird Greenie thing here>.

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*is typing while also attempting to do history homework forgive if I go off on tangents LOL*


I think Jade's Asha-wardie will be a fun addition, actually. As long as we're not treated to the invincible man version of Asha-wardies. I like incinerating those... *winks*
Should be an interesting experience for Kyn and Visar that's for sure. *laughs* Jade do you think your warder would come with us on this mission? I'm not sure how the Asha'men are around those they bonded do they help out or just kind of run off?


As for Healing, that is Lor's handicap. She is very strong with odd elements (Fire and Earth) and can destroy large things very easily. However, she can't Heal a scratch. She knows first aid and she can help out in the energy department, but otherwise, she's pure destruction. All wrapped up in a petite Cairhienin Noble... *grins* See why I like her so much?
Good to know, well Healing is something Rasheta is good at so if anyone gets hurt.....well besides her, she can help out.


As for location, I think hiding something of ours close to the enemy is something an old Green would do, so it's completely plausible that we need to go rescue it. Hiding in plain site and all that. Kyn is from Amadicia, which is the "home" of the White Cloaks, so he'll know the terrain. Choices for small towns: Mardecin (where Nyn & Elayne were served forkroot tea, so we know there are Tower E&E here) and Abila, where Perrin picks up Messema later in the series. I like the Mardecin idea, personally, since we know there are supporters there. Perhaps it gives us a point of contact (if the Yellows have a contact, the Greens might, too, right?) AND it gives us someone else to hide from while sneaking around looking for our little <enter weird Greenie thing here>.
Okay so we'd be sneaking into a little town inside Amadicia? That sounds like LOADS of fun!!!! As to what the greenie thing should be.....gotta be something important to the whole Ajah. Short of a thing of power I can't think of what it would be and if we wanted it to be an Ajah specific ter'angreal or something we'd have to send in a request for it. Jade got any ideas???
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Should be an interesting experience for Kyn and Visar that's for sure. *laughs* Jade do you think your warder would come with us on this mission? I'm not sure how the Asha'men are around those they bonded do they help out or just kind of run off?

I would think he would want to but I will go Pm him to find out and see if he's intrested. He is staying in the Tower with Jade as it's up to the Asha'man where they stay.



As for Healing, that is Lor's handicap. She is very strong with odd elements (Fire and Earth) and can destroy large things very easily. However, she can't Heal a scratch. She knows first aid and she can help out in the energy department, but otherwise, she's pure destruction. All wrapped up in a petite Cairhienin Noble... *grins* See why I like her so much?

Good to know, well Healing is something Rasheta is good at so if anyone gets hurt.....well besides her, she can help out.

Jaydena can't heal so I guess it's a good thing we will have Rasheta with us. *G*



As for location, I think hiding something of ours close to the enemy is something an old Green would do, so it's completely plausible that we need to go rescue it. Hiding in plain site and all that. Kyn is from Amadicia, which is the "home" of the White Cloaks, so he'll know the terrain. Choices for small towns: Mardecin (where Nyn & Elayne were served forkroot tea, so we know there are Tower E&E here) and Abila, where Perrin picks up Messema later in the series. I like the Mardecin idea, personally, since we know there are supporters there. Perhaps it gives us a point of contact (if the Yellows have a contact, the Greens might, too, right?) AND it gives us someone else to hide from while sneaking around looking for our little <enter weird Greenie thing here>.

Okay so we'd be sneaking into a little town inside Amadicia? That sounds like LOADS of fun!!!! As to what the greenie thing should be.....gotta be something important to the whole Ajah. Short of a thing of power I can't think of what it would be and if we wanted it to be an Ajah specific ter'angreal or something we'd have to send in a request for it. Jade got any ideas???

I like the sneaking into their home idea, perhaps we should create an NPC Green that they end up getting hold of and torturing or something and we have to get her out? That was the Children don't feel like we went in their and got away with everything? For the item I think a angreal is a good idea of some kind, perhaps one like the journals that allows Ajahs to contact each other from book to book or one that houses all the secrets to the battle weaves? *ponders*

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My only problem is that I want to keep the number of permissions we have to get as low as possible. If we have to get the OK for an angreal, then I say let's do something else. I want to get writing and be destructive already. ;) I guess that goes the same for an NPC Green. I can always throw one together, I guess, especially if she's just going to die.



Now, especially with DM8.0 in the picture. Everything posted after August 10th will not transfer over, and with this many people, we're going to have to stay on it. I'd really like to get it started before then, so we don't let the idea get stale. The new boards won't be functional until around the 29th or so (and we've all been through a transfer like this, so we know that's a very tentative date!). I don't want to wait a month! Are ya'll with me there?

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*nods* The faster the better, though we could check out the current angreal on the website and see if any work for the function. Elgee is in this thread so she can let us know if we need approval to use it, which I think we do. *hugs Lor* Ohhh and Aran said he would love to be in the rp!

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