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Please post any RPs for March.



1) RP's done by Ajah characters during March


Lavinya Morganen


Advanced Saidar Attn Nesyer


Lavinya teached Nesyer Advanced Saidar


Where you go I cannot follow


Corin begins to teach Lavinya in weapons


Cake? bun? Fruit? honey? (OPEN RP)


Lavinya catches some novices up to mischief in the kitchens



Pia Tovisen, MoN


10 Separate arrival threads


Back to the Basics (attn: Pia Tovisen)


Saline seeks some advice from the MoN on how to foster appropriate relationships with initiates


2) Handle and character name(s) of members and when last RPed as that character, split into Active and Inactive


Lavinya - Lavinya Morganen & Pia Tovisen, MoN - March



Claireducky - Cetaile - Jul 09 (I think)


3) RP plans / ideas


Recruit recruit recruit. There is a current idea of a debate/discussion of sorts with the novices, hosted by the whites and adjudicated by a Gray.


I am also doing up a revised Gray Ajah class, to begin after I have a LOA in two weeks time.


4) Interaction with N&A (remember that recruitment idea we discussed in another thread)


Both of the above include novices. Also, I will start an OOC thread to see how the novices would like to interact with the Grays.


5) Problems, ideas, etc


Still the sitter issue, and the lack of active members. Really hoping to snag a new recruit or two from the new batch of novices.


Also, I will have a week long LOA in two weeks time - off to Hong Kong again! Will post it officially but wanted to give you notice so you can plan for someone to post for new novices if need be. :)



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