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That time of the month again  :P


These are due by no later than the 8th of April, please, preferably earlier if you can.



Format for Heads of Ajahs:


1) RP's done by Ajah characters during March


2) Handle and character name(s) of members and when last RPed as that character, split into Active and Inactive


3) RP plans / ideas


4) Interaction with N&A (remember that recruitment idea we discussed in another thread)


5) Problems, ideas, etc



Format for MoN (in general):


1) Classes in progress


2) Handle and character name(s) of members and when last RPed as that character, split into Active and Inactive


3) Who has been raised to Accepted


4) Who has been raised to AS, and Ajah they chose


5) RP plans / ideas


6) Interaction with N&A (remember that recruitment idea we discussed in another thread)


7) Problems, ideas, etc



A note about Active / Inactive:

Would you guys prefer RPed in the past YEAR as Active, past SIX MONTHS, or past 3 MONTHS?


Black Ajah, Blue Ajah, Brown Ajah, Gray Ajah, Green Ajah, Red Ajah, White Ajah, Yellow Ajah, MoN


Brown Ajah



1) RPs done in the preceding month


'Burried in books and staring at shelves' - link - Finished

RP: Carina (Mystica) and Wilemi Kailadel (Arani)

Summary: Carina teaches the hundred weaves to the Accepted and they discuss the Brown Ajah



2) Handle and character name(s) of members and when last RPed as that character, split into Active and Inactive


Active OOC in February

Carina al'Tara (Mystica)- First Chair

Claire al'Windischan (Claireducky) - Sister


Inactive OOC in February (active as admin though and in other divs IC)

Cara Ramsey (White Wolf)

Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah

Bonded to Liitha Gaidin


Inactive IC in February

All of the above


3) RP plans / ideas


Still working on getting back on the swing. Been rather successful at the Org side but seems to be more difficult at the RP side of things. Which is probably due to the fact that I'm more familiar with the other side which makes it easier to fall back into the routine of things there.


White Ajah Report


1) RPs done in the preceding month (as always done - see here for example: http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,48182.0.html)

In planning stages now. :)


2) Handle and character name(s) of members and when last RPed as that character, split into Active and Inactive

Active (No posts yet, sorry working on it, but I'm here!):

Umeka Marhadi - Taei

Lillian Tremina - minisamus



Taeadra Culthane - Taeadra - October 09

Lillith Izmorova - Raeyn (Extended LoA) - March 09

Carelia Noradien - perine - April 09

Sherrhiana Thymus - Liitha - December 08


3) RP plans / ideas

Discussion Panel

Change of First Reasoner

White Ajah Class (In Planning)

A look into the White Ajah and what it does.


4) Interaction with N&A (remember that recruitment idea we discussed in another thread)

Discussion Panel


5) Problems, ideas, etc

Inactivity.... working on it.


March Report for the Green Ajah:


1) RP's Done the preceding Month:


A Cause for Celebration (ATTN: Greens)


Loraine tells her Sisters about her marriage and asks them to come along for the more formal ceremony in Carhien.



High Time for Tea (Attn: Novices and Accepted who want to play along)


Lor has invited the kids to come play in the garden! Who will show up?


Defense Weaves


Lor teaches a few Accepted Defense Weaves.



Casualties of War.


Sandre and Visar are fighting Trollocs in the Blight, Rasheta and dante come by to help out.


High Time for Tea (Attn: Novices and Accepted who want to play along)


Lor has invited the kids to come play in the garden! Who will show up?




2) Handle and character name(s) of members and when last RPed as that character, split into Active and Inactive


Rasheta- March 2010

Loraine- March 2010

Jaydena- March 2010




Ladria- April 17, 2009

Eladari- April 27, 2009

Janine- August 19, 2009

Kabria- November 2009





3) RP plans / ideas

-Jaydena bonding the first Asha'man to bond a Green (In Progress)

-Loraine breaking the news to the Greens about her marriage (In Progress)

-Loraine getting married and all the Greens in attendance  (possible inter-division RP!)



4)Interaction with N&A

1- Defense Weaves with Accepted. (Lor)

2- Tea with the Greens


5) Problems/Ideas/ETC

None at the moment—this will be changing soon! :)




This is how I handle who is active and who isn’t for the Greens. Just seems to make sense and keeps my report nice and clean, too. :)

I consider them active until it has been 3 months since their last post. The way I see it, if they haven’t been active in three months, then they probably don’t know what I’ve done to poke a stick in the Ajah! They go on the inactive list until they’ve been gone for a year. If they’ve been gone for a year, then I move them off my report and onto my “MiA/prior members” list that I am keeping on the Green Private boards.



Report for the RED AJAH



1) RP’s March:



Raslyn Altearin (Kara_J) – Keeper, raised from the Red:

See Interdiv RPs with the Black Tower below

Bonds Asha'man Martyn


Zarinen Rafaliva (Elgee) – Highest:



Larindhra Reyne (Elgee) –  Red Sitter:

See Interdiv RPs with the Black Tower below

Bonds Asha'man Geirrin


Maegan Ryanne (Aubrey) – Red Aes Sedai:



Saline Wastrel (Minisamus) – Red Aes Sedai:


North (DR)>Blood on the Ground - Saldaea - Pitched Combat RP (Open)

Players (so far): Saline, Myyrth, Estean

Timeline: 1000NE (current)


Borderland skirmish


East (DR)> The White Tower (DR)> Back to the Basics (attn: Pia Tovisen)

Players (so far): Saline

Timeline: 1000NE (current)


Saline and Pia's chat


East (DR)> White Tower Classroom (DR)> Lessons 1 & 2: Source (Open)

Players (so far): Saline, Salandrian, Maryam, Amadine, Ray-ray, Kyntiri, Yovela, Patience Tilly, Elody

Timeline: N/A Retro


Saline and Salandrian are teaching novices


East (DR)> White Tower Classroom (DR)> Lesson 3: Control (Open)

Players (so far): Saline, Salandrian, Ray-ray, Amadine, Patience Tilly, Maryam

Timeline: N/A Retro


Saline and Salandrian are teaching novices


East (DR)> White Tower Classroom (DR)> Lesson 4: Elements (Open)

Players (so far): Saline, Patience Tilly, Ray-ray, Amadine

Timeline: N/A Retro


Saline and Salandrian are teaching novices



Interdiv RPs with the Black Tower – a new alliance will be formed


East (DR) > The White Tower (DR) > While the bosses speak ...

Red Ajah Players: Highest Zarinen Rafaliva (Elgee), Sitters Jagen Halin (Jagen Sedai), Jasmyne Ceres (Tigara), Larindhra Reyne (Elgee)

Black Tower Players: Covai Seriba (Covai Seriba), Arath Faringal (Arath Faringal), Aslan Waaran (Liitha), Ikkiliad sur Paendrag (Tigara), Geirrin Hale (Sieve)

Other:  Novice Jerinia (Jehaine)

Timeline: 1000 NE (current)


The rest of the Asha’man and the Reds get drunk … well, get a drink, anyway. The Amyrlin, Keeper, Red Highest and Sitters and the Black Tower leaders join them, and bonding ensues.



2) Handle and character name(s) of members and when last RPed as that character, split into Active and Inactive


Active: 6 Members (7 Characters)

Aubrey (Maegan Ryanne - 28-12-2009)

Elgee OOC daily (Larindhra Reyne - 14-03-2010 & Zarinen Rafaliva - 17-02-2010)

Jagen Sedai (Jagen Halin - 12-01-2010)

Kara_J (Raslyn Altearin - 19-02-2010)

Minisamus (Saline Wastrel - 27-03-2010)

Muirenn OOC 19.01.2010 (Shevara Edosian – 30-11-2009)

Tigara (Jasmyne Ceres – 09-01-2010)


Inactive (not RPed in 6 months): 0 Characters



NSWs: 10 Characters

Allegra Toren - NSW

Anthea Luin – NSW - 31-05-2009 by Rasheta Ardashir

Caval Laralyn - NSW

Portia Larisen – NSW - 19-08-2009 by minisamus

Presea Reiman - NSW

Saya Rishida – NSW - 31-08-2009 by Jaydena

Tatiana Muireach - NSW

Viviana di Corra - NSW

Zara Corez – NSW

Zedanya Mioro - NSW



3) RP plans / ideas

Red / BT bondings almost all done, Covai is starting the next phase where the men throw out their toys about the Inn they’re quartered in.

Further plans are to involve all the other Ajahs in this, starting with Zarinen and Jaydena meeting up, then moving on to the other Heads. The meeting between Zarinen and Jaydena has started, but is going slowly due to severe lack of brains on my part.



4) Interaction with N&A (remember that recruitment idea we discussed in another thread)

None yet.



5) Problems, ideas, etc

Very few active players – need to recruit! Also want to contact some of the old people and try to entice them back – me bad – not done it yet.


  • Moderator

Black Ajah



1) RPs done in the preceding month (On Hold but still happening)


New Start (Oh Eqwina dear..)..attn Eqwina




Eqwina is still warder hunting, and meets the son of a grandmaster that she knew well in his younger days.




2) Handle and character name(s) of members and when last RPed as that character, split into Active and Inactive


Active OOC and IC in March

Eqwina al’Caupthn –Black Ajah Head


Inactive OOC and IC in March

Raeyn Priya Saethyr- Supreme Council of the Black Ajah


3) RP plans / ideas


I need to hop back on getting the RP of Eqwina’s initiation going. I posted the first post and now I need to recruit some other people for that. I am hoping that just seeing that RP will draw interest. I would also like to talk to the FL and perhaps BothRH and do some inter divisional mischief. (Update: thread is up. I will be asking for others to join in this month)

Another idea I had was for there to be a secret hooded meeting to be called, to discuss orders. It may be possible to gain more interest if we start showing some of our plans. I would to have some TPC (Or perhaps create NSW Supreme Council Members to do this with)


4) Interaction with N&A (remember that recruitment idea we discussed in another thread)

I have not done this yet, as the Eqwina thread should serve. I would also like to start having Eqwina and other Supreme Council members interacting with Novices. Feeling them out maybe.


5) Problems, ideas, etc

Inactivity.... working on it. DITTO


  • Moderator

Yellow Ajah


1) RPs done in the preceding month


New Start (Oh Eqwina dear..)..attn Eqwina (On Hold but still happening)




Eqwina is still warder hunting, and meets the son of a grandmaster that she knew well in his younger days.




2) Handle and character name(s) of members and when last RPed as that character, split into Active and Inactive


Active OOC and IC in March

Eqwina al’Caupthn –Yellow Ajah Head and Sitter


Inactive OOC and IC in March

Nynaeve Maryim, Yellow Ajah Sitter 




3) RP plans / ideas


As soon as the Warders Yard Tourny starts the Yellows will be on hand for healing at that event. There will be another Tournament that will happen interdivisionally and the Yellows will be involved there too.




4) Interaction with N&A (remember that recruitment idea we discussed in another thread)

We have two aspies now!! WooT!!



5) Problems, ideas, etc

I think a membership drive needs to happen!!! I am going to start having Eqwina teach again to get it going.  I think it would also be good OOC to do some chatting it up.








1) RP's done by Ajah characters during March


Lavinya Morganen


Advanced Saidar Attn Nesyer


Lavinya teached Nesyer Advanced Saidar


Where you go I cannot follow


Corin begins to teach Lavinya in weapons


Cake? bun? Fruit? honey? (OPEN RP)


Lavinya catches some novices up to mischief in the kitchens



Pia Tovisen, MoN


10 Separate arrival threads


Back to the Basics (attn: Pia Tovisen)


Saline seeks some advice from the MoN on how to foster appropriate relationships with initiates


2) Handle and character name(s) of members and when last RPed as that character, split into Active and Inactive


Lavinya - Lavinya Morganen & Pia Tovisen, MoN - March



Claireducky - Cetaile - Jul 09 (I think)


3) RP plans / ideas


Recruit recruit recruit. There is a current idea of a debate/discussion of sorts with the novices, hosted by the whites and adjudicated by a Gray.


I am also doing up a revised Gray Ajah class, to begin after I have a LOA in two weeks time.


4) Interaction with N&A (remember that recruitment idea we discussed in another thread)


Both of the above include novices. Also, I will start an OOC thread to see how the novices would like to interact with the Grays.


5) Problems, ideas, etc


Still the sitter issue, and the lack of active members. Really hoping to snag a new recruit or two from the new batch of novices.


Also, I will have a week long LOA in two weeks time - off to Hong Kong again! Will post it officially but wanted to give you notice so you can plan for someone to post for new novices if need be. Smiley


Just so I can keep track - for MoN:


New Members: 3


Wayward_ Fool (novice Regalia Frantelle)

Kathleen (novice Kathleen)

Wintrow (novice Patience Tilly)


Returning Members: 1


Moseley (Accepted Salandrian Faerhind)


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