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Roll Call March/April 2010


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I am well thank you for asking.  My current lack of employment finds me with quite alot of free time on my hands.  Thought I would start looking into writting again so I decided to see what is up around here these days.  Is our Welsh/French friend still about?

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Winterwinds and Forest are sitting it the Hole In the Wall waiting for someone to join them :P No one wants to RP with me even though we have little to no activity right now, the Stedding has become a ghost town ._. I think everyone is busy with school and work which is ok, but still.

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I had planned to reply this week. However, a close friend collapsed suddenly with a brain anneurism and passed away the next day, so I'm afraid my thoughts and time have been taken up elsewhere. I haven't forgotten about it, just not been in the frame of mind for writing I'm afraid.


Basically Andu, apart from pick ups and personal stories, we're not much further on from where we were when you were last here.  :-\ Asfaloth has started a couple of inter div RPs, one with the WT and one with the BT but they've both halted for the moment too.



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I cannot even start to say how sorry I am for you! I mean, I have never had any close friends pass but it would absolutly break my heart if someone close to me died like that!


Take your time, and do not feel pressured to reply to what I have writen, you dont even need to jump in as I have a feeling your mind right now is scattered to the four winds.


I seem to be writing alot of posts to this effect lately on fourms, but once more I shall say my prayors, good energy, and thoughts go the way of you, and your friends family. I pray he/she has gone on to a better place and looks down on you now as you read this post.


Light stand beside you, and may the wolves howl a mournful call to mark this passing.



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I am sorry for you loss Tay that is difficult and my thoughts are with you.  Well I have quite alot of time on my hands at the moment so if you would like me to jump in on any rp's just give me the link and tell me what character you would like me to reprise and I would be happy to start trying to get some activity going.

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Well, right now I have a thread going down in the steadding that is called "In the Hole" I think, and can be joined by anyone, it is simply my answer to the lack of activity down there. Simply just get people Rping and see what happens :)


It doesnt matter what character you bring, the thread really has no impact on anything, it is simply just an evening in the hole talking with people from around the steading.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i am around, and wanting to write just having trouble finding it, i should probably check how the one i got going in wk is at, if its done or whatnot, well i had several but they sort of stall mated and i gave up on em

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Yeah, you were in the process of getting Erita's Sage check up done. I know I'd dropped you off at the Sage, so we're waiting on Kara responding to that. You might want to send her a PM to remind her. I know her work's been a nightmare lately so she may have forgotten.


Not sure what stage the other was at. Had the pick up been completed?

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