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*is hearing voices*


*peeks cautiously out her door* Hellloo? *echo echo echo*


Is someone there?! I have been alone so long, I hope I am not hearing things.






I would LOVE to RP out Eqwina stepping down as Ajah Head. It is something in her story that she has needed to do for awhile, if you are interested in doign that please let me know!!!

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I would LOVE to. But you'll need to wait till I have enough inspiration to write a character Bio. Shouldn't take too long. I guess. There're still a few things I need sorted out in terms of what I can write in my Bio or whatever it is. I'm in a rather unusual situation since I technically shouldn't be able to get a fully Raised Aes Sedai. But I'm sure that'll be sorted out.


I'm dying to RP SOMETHING with the Yellow Ajah. I have no idea what.


But YAY! I hope this place gets more active. I see Nynaeve on the org side alot. (I'm in a Mafia game with her) But is there anyone else who's a Yellow and NOT GROWING MOULDY IN OUR CLOSET?

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