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Please welcome our new Yellow Head - Boopsie!


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Hi! I'm Here, First Weaver and all. *bounces*


So. I'm the Yellow Head huh? Do I gotta be blond then? I've always wanted to be blond. With pigtails. Ooooo and a milkmaid dress.


Wait, I think I got that wrong. I've always wanted TO BE WITH a ummm... nevermind.


Hello all!

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*Buys Boopsie a blonde wig*  :D


I would like to take this opportunity to thank Eqwina for all her hard work over the years as Yellow Head. When she told me last year that she would like to step down, I despaired! Took me a long time to find someone whom I thought would be a worthy replacement  ;D


Thank you, Eqwina! *snuggles*

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You mean we have to treat you with some measure of respect now that you're an Ajah Head? No more stealing pantry goodies? You've been corrupted!!!


Or maybe just... put into a better position from which to cause mischief... ahhhhh... suddenly I enjoy this promotion! take me with you!

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*lol* No Knytiri, Ray-ray's still TOTALLY a Novice. And there's no way in hope she's getting Raised anytime soon. So we can still have fun with her.


This role for now's just OOC. Until I can write a proper bio for the Yellow First Weaver. But that won't be that soon. Gotta organise the Ajah stuff first.


Wanna pledge Yellow? *waggles pretty brows*

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Thanks Amadine! *snuggles muchly*


Sorry Lavy, if your advert's gonna be about spanking, I'll be personally waiting at your desk at dusk, bent over and holding a piece of your broken pottery. I'll be looking sorry, if you like.

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Well, Knytiri, we've got her. *points to the slobbering Eqwina*


Also, ever heard of the combination of cookies, honey, powdered sugar, baby oil and ropes? No? Well, it's well kept Yellow Ajah secret. It's fine if you DON'T join us. But those who do... well... *points to the slobbering Eqwina*

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Thanks Lorsypoo. *smooches*


Admittedly we all have our perks. (Mostly because we're all so perky. Certain parts of us anyway.) But think about it. What are Yellows good at? Healing. What do we Heal? Bodies. What do we do with bodies? *censored* And what happens when things go wrong? Healing. And who knows the body better than the Yellows? Noone.


Thank you. I'll be here all week. *nods*

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But, as i hear it, greens have more fun before they have to go to yellows for said healing, so basically they get double the fun, yes? meaning that the yellows only get half? and grays get lots of spankings, therefore needing healing as well, so... they also get double the fun. I'm seeing flaws in only getting to participate in half the fun, here....

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Consider this.


Yellow Ajah:

Have fun. Heal ourselves. Continue having fun. Heal somemore. Have fun fun fun. Heal. Moving on with fun. Heal.Powdered sugar and chains. Heal. Honey and butter sauce with hot candle wax. Heal. Spank. Heal. Whip and chains with chocolate powder. Heal. Feather boa and hot custard. Heal. Remove exhaustion. Feathered handcuffs and ice cream. Heal. Etc etc. Lasting for AT LEAST weeks on ends.


Other Ajahs:

Have fun. WAIT OUTSIDE THE YELLOW QUARTER DOORS WHILE THE YELLOWS ARE HEARD GIGGLING, MOANING, SCREAMING IN DELIGHT, LAUGHING, SQUEALING, GRUNTING...ETC FROM INSIDE. At somepoint smell smoke and intoxicating aromas coming from under the door. Wait somemore. Wait. Check out tapestries in the waiting room. Play cards. Maybe go to the toilet. Get lunch. Come back to more squealing and laughing. Wonder "What in the Light was that?". Sit around in awkward silence. Get Healed after what seems like a CENTURY. Lose motivation to have any more fun. Go back to quarters.




Well, it's really up to you. We sometimes invite the other Ajahs for sleepovers. But only if they bring extra candles. *nods*

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