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Interacting with the Novices


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OK, so it looks like Elgee's given up the go ahead for trying my idea this month. I won't have time until the weekend to do any posting in the kiddie's place, so... let's do some planning and discussing here.


How much are you up for doing this month?


Teaching Intro classes for Novices?

Small-scale RP's like pranks or punishments?

Tea with the Greenies? (I thought about doing another Open thread like Jade had about this time last year)



Other ideas?


I'm open, ya'll! Let's see how much wowing of Novices we can do! :D

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I'm sooooo sorry Lor *snug* School is trying to eat me alive. Plus my internet has gone out twice in the last two weeks. Needless to say i'm not very active. *head desk* Okay soooo lets see if I have any ideas.


I like the idea of having an open thread that way we can have people come and go as they please its more of a no pressure situation vs. forcing them to post with us...although forcing sounds fun to. *ggls* Are we much of tea kind of people? Maybe for an accepted take them to a tavern or something...I kid I kid. Anyway would it be kind of a round table kind of thing. The novices/Accepted get to ask the Greens whatever they want no fear of punishment? Or did you have something else in mind?

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I will catch up on this rp soon, sorry this LOA has been hard to break out of. I am still grieving pretty hard but I did manage to almost catch up on rps this morning, and I hope to reply to this one here and one other before the day is up and if not today than tomorrow.

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