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Vote Count - Day Three

Ed (5) - Wombat, Pete, Pale, Pookie, Alanna

Wombat (5): Ed, Boopsy, Al, Nae, mcs


Not Voting: Tigs, meercatman, Liathiana, Tynaal


[glow=green,2,300]With 14 alive, it takes 8 to lynch[/glow]


Deadline is Thursday, 9.30pm GMT


Tigs, Meercat, Lia, Tynaal?  WHERE are ya'll?  The thread has slowed way down and we need ya'll to vote.


To sum it up for you...


Wombat claims healer.. says Ed was lying about being a lie detector.

Ed says Wombat is lying.  He IS the lie detector.

Factors to consider... Red had a switching roles ability.

Ed caught Lily in a lie.. she was the godfather.

The rest you will have to go back and read and consider for yourself... Ed made a long post stating his case just a few pages back.

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Nae...you brain or your brian?



Also. No. It just says Innocent. I could figure out the win condition. You were trying to say it says Ceasar in there and that is why it was such a huge slip.

I am pretty sure you paraphrased your own PM.

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Didn't see that. So...you did. :P :D


Now....let us dissect.

Along wind drifts over Rome

Passing over the Senate as they argue and vote

It caries the hope of the people, to the people

But it is not for the people


Friends of Rome heed this warning!

As you rest your head tonight beware!

danger is near

The silent assasin of night draws close

Twisting the truth and preaching false hope

Trust not the truths for lies they truely be


Now...Wombat is on a team and he claims he is town. But, he is not for the people.

Second part: Mafia NK or if there is a Vig of some sort.


Now! The third part is where Wombat will try and twist it.

Wombat will come and say, "but look! It has to mean he isn't the LD"

No. Wombat has come preaching that he is the Finder. With no proof or back-up. He has come to lie and set the town against each other.


Of course he will say exactly the opposite, but I got to it first. :P

Because he lies.



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Ed...I hate to say this...but I'd rather see someone who is not you or Wombat dissect that poem. Because you're both just going to use it to implicate the other.


Pete is right, this back and forth WIFOM you guys have is just making everyone want to give up and not care who to vote for. I voted for you, for instance, and I might have changed it, but you guys have been posting so much against each other that I don't even want to read what y'all are saying. So, I probably won't change my vote (unless I need to in order to get a lynch).

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Along wind drifts over Rome

winds bringing along a clue for us to analyze (this poem)

Passing over the Senate as they argue and vote

We are at a tie here over which one is telling the truth.. Ed or Wombat

It caries the hope of the people, to the people

We think these clues will bring us hope and good luck

But it is not for the people

But they could just spell out bad news.


Friends of Rome heed this warning!

Player is warning us from the beyond with his poem... (he was the poet after all)

As you rest your head tonight beware!

When the night part of the game finally gets here...

danger is near

That means bad news for the town

The silent assasin of night draws close

I don't take this to mean mafia.. I take it to mean solo with a kill.

Twisting the truth and preaching false hope

This really could go for Ed or Wombat.. or it could mean neither of them.. watch everyone not just them. ;)

Trust not the truths for lies they truely be

Someone is lying.. obviously... potentially more than one someone.

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Well, if you're innocent, Ed, sorry for voting for you :P


I'd kind of forgotten about Red's switching ability, and I'm trying to think how that could have affected things. It makes me think of Charmed Mafia where Pete and Jade were convinced one had to be lying because Pete has viewed her, but it turned out Pete's action or something got switched, so his viewing was wrong. I'm trying to think if that could've happened here somehow. Thoughts? Switching abilities confuse me, I can't think through them very well.

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So the poem warns us that someone is lying (which we know), but it also seems to warn about a solo kill. Maybe that means that either Ed or Wombat (whichever is lying) is not mafia, but actually a serial killer or something.

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It's possible.  But I don't think we should focus on just them.. especially for that part.  That could be anyone.


  If Red switched Wombat's role then he may have gotten a false reading on Ed.  Wombat claims he didn't.. because of asking Rey about that.  The point of a switching role.. especially giving it to a mafia.. is to confuse players.  Telling Wombat weather or not his role got switched seems like it takes away from the point of the role.  That's part of why I don't buy his story and why my vote is on him.  Yeah it's speculation on what I'd do with that role which is what I griped about yesterday.. to an extent.. that others were doing.  Call it doing what Lily did in CYS by saying she didn't OMGUS vote but sometimes she'd vote for people who voted for her or something along those lines...


That's why I try to say "If I had this role I'd do this" or "I wouldn't do that with that role" or whatever instead of saying something like "The lie detector would NEVER reveal"  that difference is where it bugged me.  Expecially since, if I were lie dectector, I WOULD reveal... and I'd ask everyone to say a phrase so I could check it.


Bear with me here I'm just posting what's mulling around in my head. :P  And Alanna, the charmed game is exactly my thoughts too.. :P

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I know nothing of the accuracy, good lady.  I do know that my role was not switched.  Interestingly enough, Rey sent me a PM after I told him I was going to reveal urging me to think about it.  I didn't see this PM until after I had posted as I was writing up my post at the time.  I'm not sure if Rey is playing with my head or if there is a legitimate reason I should not have revealed.  I've never played finder before, so I don't know the nuances of when to reveal.  I thought with Ed possibly drawing healer protection with his BS claim that it was a good idea.  I would have revealed as soon as day broke, but Red's role threw me for a loop and made me think.  I exchanged some PM's with Rey, though, and it seems I would know if Red had targeted me.  Then I tried to gauge support for my theory and although it seemed no one was ruling it out, no one was convinced and I didn't think I'd be able to do much more convincing with logic as Ed has already acted immensely scummy.  In retrospect, I kind of wish I hadn't revealed, but I was a bit paranoid that Ed would come out and say I was anti-town.  I wanted to get my reveal in before Ed and his mafia buddies had time to cook up any lies.


Nae just mentioned this post but I thought I'd go back and quote it to make it easier for everyone.

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Wombat that wouldn't matter.. if she targeted you it would have affected you.  If she targeted mr. vanilla role dude.. it wouldn't have done anything.


If she switched ROLES and targeted you then you'd have not had a finding at all.  I'm not going down that road cause just posting that gave me a headache.



Yes, Wombat, I did.. Rey seems to be sharing ALOT with you that the rest of us aren't savvy to get to be a part of.



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Plus, the way it happened in that other game I was talking about is that the person the finder viewed got switched with someone else. Not the finder himself. So technically, Ed could've gotten switched with mafia. You view Ed and he turns up mafia. See?

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She wouldn't have to know you're the finder. She wouldn't do it to specifically mess you up. Or, actually, she might do it to mess the finder up, but she wouldn't have to know that you're the finder. It was a pretty easy guess that the finder was going to view Ed last night. So, switch him with fellow scum, and he turns up scum. YOU being the finder has nothing to do with it. She didn't actually target you at all.


This is just a theory, by the way.

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This would also explain why you, Wombat, would not be told you were switched, because the idea is that you weren't switched. However, what doesn't fit is the idea that you were told a switched person would be notified if they were switched - because if that's true (which seems really weird, btw, as Nae pointed out), Ed would have been notified he was switched.

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Wombat...you said "it seems" you would have known. I don't necessarily think so. Questions are good, but I don't know if the Mod is going to tell you everything that happened.

"Hey, you got switched! Or, your viewings got switched!"


See? Too easy....


Also, Alanna, I got what you meant. And I see what could have happened...if Wombat was the finder of course.


3 times I have hit post!

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