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An Ending and the Beginning (Attn: MoN)


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As Rosalia approached the large steps leading to that pristine Tower that would be her home for the rest of her life, she reflected on what was and would no longer be. Up until now she had only been able to seek knowledge that others had found with her only hope for the future to marry a more powerful noble. Now that she was within the Shining Walls, standing before the White Tower itself, all of that would change. No tutor could teach her what the Aes Sedai could. They had been gathering fragments since the Breaking of the World and had played a part in history. Many Sisters could speak first hand what she had only read about. The thoughts exhilarated her.


Each step she took seemed to lead into the unknown. Due to the fact that she was a noblewoman, she was able to eliminate the more absurd rumors about Aes Sedai as the falsities that they were: the true pieces, however, were what frightened her. Aes Sedai were masters of the Great Game who would use anyone as pawns in their plans. Even a Novice could be used. She told herself. She must tread lightly during her years of study. And even lighter afterwards. She mused. Being an Aes Sedai was for the future, being a Novice was what she must concern herself with now. As she took the last step she schooled her features. There is no need for them to see me as a frightened child, one who can easily be manipulated. Although would it be better to appear ignorant to their plans? The thought would not leave her. If the Aes Sedai believed that she could be used then she would have a hold on any that tried. Surely that would be the best situation. But they would expect that of a Cairhienin, so therefore I must project an outward calm, much as they do. Without the uncertainty of knowing whether she could channel or not to hinder her, she assumed a mask of calm that she believed even an Aes Sedai would be proud of.


She entered the Tower and looked around her. The inside of the building was just as breathtaking as the outside, but she kept her amazement to herself. No need to seem like some country fool on her first visit to a city. She chided herself. She saw very few people, a fact that she filed away for another time, and approached a young woman wearing an Accepted’s dress. Quickly calculating how deep of a curtsy she should give to the Accepted, she spoke.


“Please pardon me, but I would like to see the Mistress of Novices. I was tested back in Cairhien by a Sister,” she considered how much she should tell the Accepted. Should I mention Narellia Aes Sedai’s name? Or will that make her see me in a way I don’t want to be seen?  “I don’t remember her name. She told me that I should come to the White Tower as soon as I could in order to begin training.” Let her think that I cannot remember things well, that should fool her. In actuality her memory for small details was quite astounding; a trait that she thought would aid her as an Aes Sedai.


“Follow me and I will take you to Pia Sedai.” The Accepted replied, turning off sharply down a corridor. They took many turns getting to the Mistress of Novices room but Rosalia believed that she would be able to find it again on her own. I shouldn’t let them think of me as dependent on anyone else. The door was large and heavy. A door that she did not wish to get to know well.


The Accepted flashed a quick smile. “Good luck,” was all she said before returning the way they had come.


Rosalia took a deep, calming breath to steady herself. Then, making sure her mask of composure would have been acceptable in the King’s court, she knocked three times on the large door and prepared to meet the Mistress of Novices.


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Pia Tovisen comforted the whippet of a novice seated in front of her as best she could. Her position as overseer of the White Tower initiates meant she often handed out correction and punishments, yet there were times when she also offered a shoulder to cry on, for those in need. It was disconcerting at times, Pia herself had never been one prone to tears or 'female' outbursts of emotion, yet to some of these girls, she was the closest thing they now had to a mother.


Offering the sniffling girl a handkerchief from her pocket, Pia patted the girl's back lightly, from where she was kneeling in front of her, silver skirts swishing softly as she moved. "There now child, dry your tears." She said softly, soothingly. The girl nodded, dabbing at her moist cheeks. She had been in the office now for some time, crying with homesickness, though now at least it seemed she was feeling better, her sobs subsiding. Pia could hardly recall the words she had spoken to soothe her, but they seemed to work as the girl mustered a shaky smile.


"Thankyou, Aes Sedai." The girl managed as Pia stood, awarding her with a smile as a tingling sensation passed over her, a sure sign that one of her wards had been set off. As if on cue a knock sounded on the door. "Off with you now girl." Said Pia gently, leading her to the door. Opening it, the novice dropped a curtsey and scurried past, leaving a bewildered looking girl in her wake. Not clothed as an initiate, the newcomer had the appearance of an outsider, a petitioner perhaps.


The girl merely gaped at the impressive Aes Sedai, her mouth slightly agape before she closed it with a click. Pia smiled, and it softened her severe features, giving her a more motherly appearance. "Please, come in." She invited, allowing the girl to enter first, closing the door behind her with what must seem an ominous click. Motioning to a straight backed chair in front of the heavy wooden desk, Pia took her own seat behind it. "My name is Pia Tovisen, and I am the mistress of novices. How can I help you today child?"


~Pia Tovisen, MoN

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Briefly glancing at the tear-stained cheeks of the girl leaving, Rosalia brought her attention back to the Aes Sedai. She closed her mouth as soon as she realized it was open, berating herself for her lack of calm. Rosalia looked around the Mistress of Novice's study, making a mental note to avoid what would require her to come here as much as possible. As she approached the chair in front of the Mistress of Novices' desk, she curtsied deeply.


"I am Rosalia Meneril, Pia Aes Sedai." She said in a tone that hinted at the nervousness that was now coursing through her. She took a seat in the uncomfortable chair a little shakily which she thought the Aes Sedai must have taken notice of. What a fool I am for letting myself go like this. Eventually I will be Aes Sedai. "I have come from Cairhien because a Sister that was visiting tested me and told me I could learn to become an Aes Sedai. I have always wanted to be Aes Sedai." She added a slight emphasis on the last part. All the time that she was speaking Rosalia tried to look the Aes Sedai in the eyes but continued to drop her gaze under her scrutiny. What if they don't accept me? I can't be turned away now. She said I could learn! Squirming on the chair, she dried her hands on her dress and waited for the Mistess of Novices' response.

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So the girl had already been tested. This meant she had to know, somewhere deep down inside of herself that she would be accepted within the White Tower. That she would learn to channel, to the best of her abilities. Still the girl shifted in her seat, as if she couldn’t quite believe that she would be asked to stay. Pia decided to relieve her from the tension that was building. She opened the book of Novices which rested on the desk in front of her, large and very old. “So you’ve been tested already. How fortunate.” She picked up her pen, and prepared to write. “Let’s see about making your stay here a bit more permanent then, shall we?”


She didn’t have to look at the young woman to see that there was a change in the tension that had kept her in it’s thrall. “Can you tell me your full name again?” As the girl replied, she wrote it down in the book. Another life sealed to the Tower, for better and for worse. “And your place of birth and raising?” again she wrote, making Rosalia‘s stay more certain with every letter, every curved or straight line. “And finally your age.” She finished with a dot behind the age, which felt as heavy and important as any signature from any high lord or lady. “Welcome to the White Tower.”



Pia Tovisen, MoN


Ooc: rp your char’s reaction to being written down in the novice book.


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