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Blue Ajah Eyes & Ears - Idea/Brain Storming


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So everyone knows the blues have an in-character eyes and ears network which is the envy of all the other ajahs and most every organization in the wheel of time world.  However, the pcs of the drpsw don't always make the best eyes and ears... and it rarely yeilds any good rp (trust me, we've tried the pc eyes and ears thing, you're welcome to give it a go... but be warned it's never been successful in practice.)


Anywho... I had another thought about what our drpsw blue ajah eyes and ears might be:  What if we each chose a division board to keep an eye on/interact with and report back here when we see interesting rp opertunties for sisters who have time or ability to go take part!


This way we wouldn't rely on others to come asking us to send our sisters places, we'd proactively FIND rps that we can add something to.  AND, by reporting back here on this board what we're seeing on the other division board we're assigned to... even if we're not interested in taking part in what that division is doing, maybe someone else will be!



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