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Seeking a Warder (need not be in Warder Div to Apply!)


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In an effort to expand options for roleplay, I'm seeking a partner for roleplaying in the form of a warder.  Ideally this person would be an older man (maybe nearing retirement - think Garth Bryne from the books ... along those lines) and perferably someone with some experience in fighting.


My Aes Sedai is old... gray hair old, and "settling down" so the rp demands won't be too great if you have other characters you dedicate a lot of time to or responsibilities around the website that have to come first.


While I don't expect there to be a lot to do outside "looking tough" and personal rp between my character and yours, for the moment... I do expect that once my blue learns to travel that we may run off to right some wrongs and kick ass in the name of the light (or something like that LOL)


To take a peak at Miya Kiyoshi's bio - follow this link: http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,51474.0.html 


I'm a returning oldbie with a long history rp'ing here at DM.  I promise you good rp opertunities if your character is perfect for the job.


Thanks for taking the time to consider me.

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