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What are your plans for the holidays?


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So I'm curious, which is my job as a woman (or so they tell me)... What do you all have planned for the holidays? Anything exciting like Skydiving over a frozen lake or looking forward to a cosy, relaxing and peacefull time with just you and your carrol singing squirrel? Inquiring minds want to know (and maybe steal a few ideas for next year).


Myself, I'm spending Christmas Eve with my Godfather and New Year's eve with the entire family clan which is usually ranging from meh to great. Depending on the mood and the levels of booze consumed LOL.


But the best part of this time of year is that it's Lord of the Rings time again for me, which is a Christmas Tradition at my place. Every year, the entire extended dvd collection comes out, matras goes on the living room floor, everything gets set up for an indoor pic-nick lasting several days and then it's about hundred hours of fun and joy with my dvd collection, my cosy socks (mostly socks I got from Twinflower, one of the Org side members), lots of nom nom foods and fluffy pillows. ;D

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