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Brainstorming possible Mercenary Guild

Guest Zander

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I was wondering as far as the FL div goes.  I know theres been talk about setting something up like a town or the like.  But what about a Mercenary Guild or something like that.  We need to have a place setup for our FL'ers or there just gonna end up joining another div.  I'd like to play Drayik as an FL setting up a guild with some others help or something.  Just let me know please!!!  Thanks.




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hm, it's definately an intriguing idea. The city talk has stopped a bit as we're working on a lot of stuff to set up for the division, but we'll pick that up soon again (I hope). I'm not sure why you think FLers would join other divisions, though.


But I'm definately open to the idea of having a mercenary guild IC. That would be cool.

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My guy probably wouldn't, to be honest.  He likes being on his own, and having been in charge of an army, Mehrin's not likely to want to be permanently under somebody else's command, and he sure as hell wouldn't want to be in command again.


However, an unassociated mercenary in the world means direct competition with a guild.  Could be that a rivalry could form, either friendly or not-so-friendly.  Either way, banter and competition sounds like fun to me.

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