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How much are you like your characters?


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I love my character, I don't think there's much of her that isn't me. She's stubborn, fierce and yet shy and withdrawn *laughs* I know weird combo but there you go. *laughs* I was complemented on how I play her the other day actually. So that made me feel good. She's easy to play because she's so me. *laughs* I guess the only thing I wish was that I had her hair and body type. As slim and Domani like I am not...:( *sad really LOL

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I identify most with my Asha'man, Arath.  The only real difference is the way we react to situations.  Arath reacts to things in ways that I only wish I would.  You know those things that always spring to your mind, but you don't dare say?  That's quite often exactly what Arath does.


Rochel is mostly based around my inability to tolerate stupidity.  If something doesn't make sense, or if someone is acting the fool, she has a hugely difficult time handling it.  (100 weaves anyone?)


The only character who is nothing like me is the second Asha'man, Daevis.  Makes him a bit difficult to write him.

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Taei was an awful lot like me. Shy, reserved, and guarded with a thirst for knowledge. Kasi's personality is more like me without the reservations. She hates people being hypocritical and uses logic to show people where they're wrong. She would have been me if I was a lot more outspoken. Only she can cook, I can't. lol

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Hmmm...There is a little bit of me in all my characters, but I would have to say Kabria my Green Sedai and Thera my Mistress of Trainee's are most like me. We share a lot of the same traits and emotions. They also have some of my bad habits.  :D

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I'm actually not a lot like my characters. Sure they have similar motives, or they say things that I 'wish' I would say, but they are far more outgoing than I ever am. The only character I've had that is even remotely 'like' me never made it to Aes Sedai-hood.

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Lavinya has only one or two of my traits, but in her they are magnified about a million times lol. Mainly in regards to her recent insecurity, in her pride, but she is also a lot like me in that she is cheeky and flirty. That's where the similarity ends, I am not a slutty, arrogant, power hungry, nasty bitch like Lavinya ;D

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Jaydena is kind of how I always wished I was or maybe how I hope to be someday. She's strong and sexy and powerful in her own right. We all have our own issues and she has hers, their different than mine but ya I tend to play a tortured character a bit better than a happy go lucky one all the time. *G*

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I imparted some traits into each of my characters.  But they also have other characters that I don't really have.


Wilemi has my intelligence (when I'm not in my usual befuddled state), but she is timid and shy, which is most definately not me.


Nenen has my temper and stubbonness, but she has the ability to understand battle, which is not really my style.


Nesyer is the most like me, with her empathy and apathy...

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Only thing similar between me and my characters is that they have a flaw.


Ladria is VERY short (5' even)..

Sidonia had daddy issues.

Cheveyo was a misogynist.

Taliandra would bed any male with a pulse.


I roleplay to NOT be me for awhile. Playing a character VERY MUCH like me would be boring. :)


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Hmm I guess my Wolfkin, Rhya, is the most autobiographical. Personality wise she's very like me which is probably why I find her soooo easy to RP. My Accepted, Kiyi, and my Bander, Elynde, have one or two things each but that's about it.

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Serena is me. LOL For the most part, atleast. Yes, a lot of the things that she and I have in common are magnified; however, she is such a part of me it's not even funny. Her sarcasm, her slyness, even her facial expressions come from things that I do or have done. Even the Aes Sedai calm (or what I would imagine it to be), comes from moments where I had to gather myself quickly and Ground and Center. Any characteristics that might be considered negative, I magnify those and implant them in her. Anything that I strive to be or "wish" I could be, I put into her.


I swear one year I'm going to show up as her for D*Con. I'll just have blue eyes instead of green *winks*

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