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Not Quite the Proposal You Wanted (Jocelyn)


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Rion stood in front of his newly built home idly tapping his lip with a finger. It looked alright, he had followed everything he had in relation to building objects. His knoweldge, books, advice from other people but something didn't really sit right. You're structure is off. Rion sniffed and shook his head. Conversing with this voice at least was alright. But it still felt strange not having a problem conversing with them. My structure is perfect. The wieght sits right, the cement was correct. What's wrong with it.


To Rion it did look perfect, even if rather small. It was only the walls as well, everything inside was bare and even the windows were holes in the walls. Furniture and the stuff would have to come later. It looks like horse dung. It is not! The first puff of wind and that will fall to the gound. Rion bit his lip, a small amount of doubt worming it's way into his self confidence.


"Oh no!" Rion's shouted as a resounding crack rang from the direction of his new home and it began to tilt dangerously to the side. Rion's scrambled for Saidin, to weave something to hold it but to no avail. With an earthshaking crash the building tumbled in on itself into a heap of broken wood. Told you. Oh be quiet.


Rion sighed and dipped back into Saidin to start over again. He had harvested everything he need with it and with what he thought he knew he was almost sure he could do this by himself. He was an Ashaman after all. He had been promoted a little over a week ago and was now out trying to build a house now that Dashiva was no longer his mentor. He had not been told he was to leave, but he was following what Isha had done before him.


Rion reached out with weaves of air and began to work again on his house. He would probobly have to ask for someone help in the end. He was more worried about what he was going to do after he finished the house. He had been trying to hide what he had been doing from Jocelyn so he could suprise her with it. But a small part of him was terrified at the prospect of asking Jocelyn to live with him, that didn't bode well for when he was going to try and propose. But he still had a while before he was going to have to try that.


On an impulse Rion reached into his pocket and took out the small box he carried everywhere. He opened it slowly to reasure himself, biting his lip before closing it and putting it back into his pocket. Another time, another day. Soon, but Rion still had a few things to do before he gave her that. And it wasn't time yet, he wanted it to be perfect so he would need te perfect day as well. He had a promise to keep after all.


Back to work. You'll never get it right. Rion shook his head. He had to get it right, he would. Eventually.


Rion was exhausted by the time he got the walls of his house to stand up straight and resist everything he threw at it. But he was exuberant. He had done it! Bought time. Are you ever quiet? Not until I teach you some type of streangth. You are to weak by far boy Rion shoved the voice away and turned giving the house one last look before heading back to Dashiva's house. He hoped Jocelyn was there.


He entered slowly, looking around and finding nothing. He placed a hand on his pocket, where Jocelyn's present resided along with the Karaethon Cycle, his present from Jocelyn. He called out tentively. "Jocelyn?" No one answered and he sighed. He resigned himself to a chair and took out his book. He opened to the page he had left off, reading with a small smile and idly toying with the dragon pin on his collar as he waited.




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Jocelyn hummed to herself as she walked beneath the clothes line, a large basket propped on her hip, into which she was piling the white sheets that fluttered softly in the afternoon breeze. It was a habit she caught herself doing more often than ever of late, quietly humming or even singing to herself as she went about her chores, though she blushed furiously every time she was caught. She guessed it was just because of how happy she was, happier than she'd ever imagined she'd find herself. And she could lay all of it at Rion's feet.


Just thinking about Rion brought a smile to Jocelyn's lips. He had been 'promoted' - and while she didn't exactly understand what it all meant, she was so very proud of him, knowing how hard he had worked to achieve his knew pin, how much it meant to him. He had been up to something the last few days, though he hadn't given her a hint what. She shook her head with a smile and tugged another sheet from the line. Whatever it was, it had kept him somewhat occupied of late. No doubt he would tell her eventually. Until then, she would just have to probe and see what she could discover.


Continuing on, Jocelyn gathered the last of the sheets, piling them into the basket. Cleaning with the one power was so much quicker, but Jocelyn preferred to keep her day full, happily completing chores she once would have sooner died than willingly do. Turning, she headed back towards Dashiva's house. Rion had been out all morning, doing what she couldn't say, but she hoped he would be back. If not, she had these sheets to fold, and some mending to keep her busy for longer.


Jocelyn held the basket in front of her, once again humming under her breath as she pushed open the door with her hip, skirts swishing about her legs as she walked through to the sitting room, grinning as she saw Rion seated in a chair, her gift open on his lap. She set aside the basket, smiling back at him when he looked up, before sitting on his knee and greeting him with a kiss, dismissing the object that pressed against her thigh as another of his books, hidden in his pocket.


"I wondered where you had gotten to...what have you been doing, my love?" She asked nonchalantly, lifting a hand to straighten his new dragon pin with a proud smile. She had her suspicions that he had been off plotting or working on whatever secret he had, and was intrigued to see if he would give her any insight. Either way, she was determined to find out, using whatever means she could, besides blatantly following him. She didn't want to spoil any surprise, after all.



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Rion didn't have long to wait before Jocelyn returned, a basket of what Rion thought was laundery balanced on her hip. It was still a little strange to see Jocelyn doing chores he knew she would have hated outside the Tower, but she didn't have much else to do in a place that was catered towards teaching men how to channel.


Rion smiled brightly at the sight of Jocelyn, closing his book quickly and setting it to the side as she walked over, depositing herself on his knee and giving him a kiss. "I wondered where you had gotten to...what have you been doing, my love?" Rion grinned to himself, giving her knee an affectionate pat as his excitement started to rise. He was really going to ask her.


"I've been, well, planning for the future. Here I want to show you something." Rion moved to look like he was rising, giving Jocelyn a moment to do so before he followed in suit. "Follow me." Rion reached out and took Jocelyn's hand and began leading her from Dashiva's house. It wasn't far to his skeleton of a building, it gave a feeling of security to Rion being close to his old mentor as well as familiar ground. He had had to work hard to try and keep what he was doing a secret from Jocelyn, only being able to pull it off fully by using a lot of what he had learned in his classes before.


He talked, trying to explain a little bit before he arrived, as he and Jocelyn walked hand in hand. "Well, now that I'm an Ashaman I'm not considered a student anymore and so Dashiva is not my mentor any longer. And he uses the rooms in his house for his siblings, and some guests." He added with a smiled at Jocelyn. "You remember when Isha left? That's why."


Rion raised his hand as the building came into view. And to his glee, looking perfectly stable. But just in case he would have someone come and look at it later, someone with more expirience in building things. "This is going to be my house. It's not much, right now it's only really walls. Kitchen, study, sitting room, and two bedrooms. Not quite Dashiva's house, but it will do."


Rion took a deep breath not quite making the proposal form into words and instead blurting something else out so not to look foolish. "So um...what do you think. I mean well...it's only walls but..I don't know. Did you umm..want to see inside?" Light this was proving tougher than he had thought it would be.




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"I've been, well, planning for the future. Here I want to show you something." Jocelyn couldn't hide her grin as she stood, thrilled that he was going to show her whatever it was that had been keeping him occupied. Planning for the future? The words intrigued her as he took her hand, wondering just what he meant.


Following him out of the house, Jocelyn gazed at the structure, the makings of a building it seemed. This was what he had been doing? Building? She never would have believed it possible to build a house from nothing, until coming to the farm. Here she had seen some amazing things done with the One Power, and as scary as she had found it, she was a lot more comfortable with it now, if not completely at ease. She still frowned when she thought of how she had been held with the power when she first was found, as it had not been a pleasant experience. It was a scary thought, knowing someone had that kind of power and control over you.


His words registered vaguely, taking a moment to sink in. Isha had moved out because of his promotion. Did that mean Rion was now moving out too? "This is going to be my house. It's not much, right now it's only really walls. Kitchen, study, sitting room, and two bedrooms. Not quite Dashiva's house, but it will do." Jocelyn nodded, her smile in place but somewhat diminished. So this was going to be his house. What did that mean for her? Was she going to have to stay in Dashiva's house, without him? It wasn't a pleasant prospect, but he was clearly very excited about his work, so she kept her thoughts to herself for the time being.


"So um...what do you think. I mean well...it's only walls but..I don't know. Did you umm..want to see inside?" Rion hadn't said anything about it being her house too, so perhaps she was right in thinking she wouldn't be moving out of Dashiva's house, and into Rion's. She tried to hide her disappointment, as he was so clearly excited about his house. Giving his hand a squeeze, she nodded, fixing him with a bright smile.


"I think it looks like it will be a marvellous house." She told him. "And I would love to see inside it. Give me the grand tour." She smiled again, indicating for him to lead the way. He had said two bedrooms...perhaps she was mistaken? Maybe Rion naturally assumed she'd know that she was to come with him. She dismissed the idea, he may have his vague moments, but Rion was to sharp to assume something like that, without confirming it with her first. Though truth be told, Jocelyn would much rather discover there was only one bedroom, and Rion planned to share it with her. Now that would prove pleasant, though of course that would mean he would have to propose first, because light knew she didn't know how to prod him in that direction without outright asking him herself, and that was something she just was not bold enough to do.



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Rion grinned as Jocelyn gave the house her approval. He hoped she would like it, after all he hoped that she would be living here soon enough. "Give me the grand tour." Rion nodded quickly and began leading Jocelyn towards the building. He walked through the gaping hole that would become the door soon. It was easy enough to harvest wood from the forest and make the cement used to hold them together from Saidin but there were other things that required more skillful hands than Rion could create.


"This is the..uh..I don't know, sitting room I guess. Though I guess it could be used for almost anything. It is the biggest room." From inside Rion was dissapointed. With the bare walls it looked bland and rather ugly. Not the grand thing he had imagined. It would be better when he put things inside, of that he was sure. "It's nothing really special, to the next."


Through another gaping hole and into another room that held only dissapointment. Why did it look so terrible from the inside? That's becuase it's a very bloody large piece of horse dung. It is simply unfurnished. You should not expect something half done to be as good as a finished product. "This is the kitchen, it's not really anything special. It's basically an exact copy of Dashiva's. It'll have table, stove, places to put everything." Rion sighed. He should have finished this before showing Jocelyn.


He pointed to a doorway to the right. "That leads to the library type of room. It's where all the books will go, a desk and other things that go in a room like that," He shifted his finger to a door in front of them and that leads to the smaller of the two bedrooms." Rion led Jocelyn through the door to what would be the study and pointed to a door at the back. "And that will be the bigger of bedroom. And then the door over there will lead back to the front of the house and to the sitting room place."


Looking around Rion gave Jocelyn's hand a squeeze as he idly chewed on his lip. "So what do you think? I mean it doesn't look like much now, but it still needs some people to come and finish what I can't and then I need to get furniture and um..decorations and the such." Rion nodded slowly, a small bit of confidence coming back in his little hovel. At least he could now as an Ashaman, even if his gateways were just barely able to fit through. Light why was just forming the words to ask if she would live in the same house as he such a hard thing!




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Jocelyn couldn't help but admire Rion's creation. For certain, it wasn't finished yet, but already she could see the potential. The layout made sense, the rooms cosy without being too small. Given the right furnishings, and some paint, this would be a lovely home. One she'd love to share with him. Biting back a sigh, she continued with the tour.


She nodded as Rion explained each room, noting with a small smile that he had placed his room directly beside his study, and subsequently his precious books. Of course he wouldn't want them to be far from him. All in all it looked to be a wonderful house, Jocelyn's critical eye already picturing furnishings, planning decoration, how to turn the house into a home. But perhaps she shouldn't jump to far ahead of herself, after all it wasn't her home, much as she would like it to be. Perhaps Rion would prefer to do those things himself, though likely that would mean ink all over everything like it was with his clothes.


"So what do you think? I mean it doesn't look like much now, but it still needs some people to come and finish what I can't and then I need to get furniture and um..decorations and the such."Jocelyn squeezed Rion's hand back, infected by his enthusiasm, despite her hurt. What would it be like, going to sleep each night knowing he wasn't in the room next to her, but all the way over here, alone, in his own house? While she stayed under a roof with relative strangers? Light, but she didn't want him to leave.


"I think it will make you a lovely home." She responded, looking about the empty room and nodding. "I know it's not finished yet, but it shows a lot of potential." She smiled, looking out one of the gaping holes that would be a window. A chair underneath would have such wonderful light, perfect for reading or writing, or sewing...Not that Rion would be doing any sewing. She kept her face averted from him as she continued. "I'm very impressed my sweet, but I must say it won't be the same without you at Dashiva's house." Her tone was light, and she smiled, though deep down she was disappointed. She didn't like being away from him for a second, let along having him live somewhere else. She didn't think she could happily stay in that house, knowing that Rion wasn't there with her.



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Rion grinned broadly, his confidence restored whole heartedly in his new hovel. If Jocelyn thought it would be good then it would have to be able to stand to other's approval. It is still horse dung. It is yet unfinished and with someone who has enough sense will make a good dwelling. Rion pushed the voices out with only minimal effort, now was a day with Jocelyn and only Jocelyn.


"I'm very impressed my sweet, but I must say it won't be the same without you at Dashiva's house." Rion swallowed slowly and licked is lips, again nervous as he thought now would be the best time to ask her. She might look fine with the prospect of Rion moving out without her, but Rion thought he knew her well enough, or at least her love for him, to know that that was not the case.


Rion stood in a rather akwards silence as he tried to steal his courage and let the words come out. He opened his mouth more than once, only ending up closing it again. Light he was terrified of doing this even though it was one of the thing he wanted to the most.


Finally Rion opened his mouth and it all started to come out in a hurried rush. "Jocelyn, I have something to ask you, or umm.. well at least something I've been wondering about for a while. Ever since I though about moving out of Dashiva's house. And well." Rion took a deep breath and made himself slow down before he continued.


"You know how much I love you, and I can't imagine what life would be like if I don't see you as much as I do now. So..." Rion bit his lip. Even a coward at love You know nothing about love. "I was wondering if you would want to live here. With me."




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Jocelyn eyed Rion closely as he opened and closed his mouth, obviously wanting to tell her something, but finding it difficult to do so. Was he trying to find a nice way of saying that she would be ok at Dashiva's house by herself? Or something else? She waited anxiously, as he finally managed to speak, a flurry of words bursting from his lips as Jocelyn struggled to keep up. What was he trying to tell her?


"You know how much I love you, and I can't imagine what life would be like if I don't see you as much as I do now. So..." Jocelyn held her breath. Was he doing what she thought he was? Was he about to...propose? Her heart began to beat rapidly and a smile curved her lips. Light, was this it?


"I was wondering if you would want to live here. With me." She let out the breath she had been holding, her pulse calming somewhat, though her grin broadened. Not the proposal she would most like to hear, but wonderful all the same, more so for the surprise. He looked so unsure of what her response would be, that she couldn't help the surge of love that flowed through her, that made her want to reassure him. He meant the world to her, he was her world, she would love nothing more than to live with him.


"Dashiva's house without you is no home at all. I would love to live with you." With that she stepped into his arms and hugged him close, tilting her head up to press her lips against his in a soft caress. "This house has a lot of potential, we can do great things with it." She turned her head to survey the room once more, nodding as she mentally furnished it. "And having you to myself is a prospect I could never refuse." She added in a sultry voice, turning back into his embrace with a chuckle and nibbling his ear, her voice tickling him. "I won't have to share you with anyone, or worry about anyone interrupting..." Her voice trailed off into another soft chuckle as the colour in Rion's cheeks rose.



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"Dashiva's house without you is no home at all. I would love to live with you." Rion's heart lept in his chest and his love for Jocelyn soared as she stepped closer and wrapped her arms around him. He hugged close to him and smiled into her eyes.


Beneath the soaring happiness in his chest Rion felt a little foolish for doubting that Jocelyn would say no. He knew how much she loved him and doubting her love made him feel guilty. But his exuberance at knowing that this was one step closer to being married. Perhaps he could actually find the courage now that he and Jocelyn were going to be living by themselves.


"And having you to myself is a prospect I could never refuse. I won't have to share you with anyone, or worry about anyone interrupting..." Rion grinned from both Jocelyn's words and how they tickled, though it also sent a rising blush to his cheeks. He would appreciate not being interupted, having a rather brief reminded of what it would have been like if Dashiva had walked into the room a few minuets before when Jocelyn had given him his first lesson on kissing.


He could feel his stomach fluttering as it always did when Jocelyn was this close or was talking about things Rion could only fathom and wonder what they actually meant. He turned his head and caught her lips in a searing kiss, filled with all the love that he felt for her at the moment.


Breaking the kiss was difficult, but after a few very long moments Rion raised his head. "I don't think you can imagine how happy I am now. I wasn't really sure what your answer would be, though I was a fool to think that." Rion laughed lightly, dropping his gaze as he felt another rising surge of embaressment. "I'm glad you said yes as well because I don't think I would do well trying to decorate this place without some help. And well, I can't think of another person I would love to spend those lonely hours with than you."




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"I'm glad you said yes as well because I don't think I would do well trying to decorate this place without some help. And well, I can't think of another person I would love to spend those lonely hours with than you." Jocelyn grinned up at Rion, pressing her nose against his and gazing into his eyes, her hands tugging at the lapels of his jacket. "There will be no lonely hours whilever I'm in this house with you." She murmured softly, dropping a kiss on his enticing lips before drawing back with a chuckle.


"And don't you worry yourself about decorating, it would be my pleasure to help you. In fact..." Taking Rion's hand she led him back through his house, eyeing it critically again. "...I have already got ideas." She confided with a grin, tugging him back into the kitchen. "Picture this - light, breezy curtains, to allow in plenty of light...a table here with some chairs...of course we'll paint it something light, to make the room seem bigger." Excitement brightened her eyes as she spoke, already picturing her new home, completed and homely.


Bubbling with ideas, Jocelyn led Rion through to the bedrooms, a vague description suitable for the smaller of the two rooms. She figured it was to be hers, but she was determined it would not stay that way. She would make him hers in every sense of the word, eventually. If only she could find a way to convince him that marriage would be an ideal prospect, that once she was his wife she would enlighten him on every exciting idea she alluded to.


Not wanting to give away too much, Jocelyn paused in the study, tapping her chin. "I don't think I will do much with this room." She mused, turning to face him with a smile. "I will help of course, but something tells me this would be predominantly your baby." She winked at Rion, giving his hand a squeeze. No doubt he would relish the idea of his own study, a place for his precious books, and where he could escape from the madness of life on the farm. "You should decorate this room in a way that you find comfortable."


Stepping through the doorway, she regarded the empty room that would be the other bedroom, the one she hoped to share one day. A wicked grin curled her lips as she looked sideways at Rion. "I have plenty of ideas for this room too, but perhaps I will save them for another time." She chuckled, low and throaty as she tip-toed her fingers up Rion's arm, before pressing them lightly over his lips. "Another time indeed." She grinned at him again, before casually strolling back out to the sitting room, her soft laughter following her to where she stopped and gazed back out the window, still smiling. Rion joined her a moment later, and she drew his arms about her waist, leaning her head back against his chest.


"You worry too much...why on earth would I not want to live with the man I love?" She mused softly, patting his arm affectionately. "I think this will make us a lovely home." She smiled again, her mind's eye conjuring up an image of the completed home, her standing much as she was now, in Rion's arms, watching some young children at play out the window. Her children, hers and Rions. And the picture still did not scare her, in fact, she couldn't think of much more she would want. Now if only she could work out how to have him marry her!



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Rion followed Jocelyn through the rooms with a smile, watching the threadbare wood and door frames come to live in his minds eye. It seemed perfect, better then he had ever imagined it to be. And much of that fact had to do with the fact that Jocelyn was in every one of his imaginations. Perfection in every aspect of the word. And yet your hope is clouding the real aspect of your future. You forget about the madness even now fostering inside of you. It will be clensed. I will not succumb. I won't. Typical of those lost without hope, denial. You will go insane. You will kill this woman you love so much, and in the end you will smile when it is all over with. The remnants of your mind will beg for death while you administer the gift you are denied.


Standing in the empty bedroom Rion breathed slowly and tried to force the image that the voices words were creating. He wouldn't, he would find a way to resist. They could not go mad, not yet and he would not leave Jocelyn behind. He would live a long life with her, married and happy with a child or two of their own. He would. Hope may be all that he had to create that future, but it was still something. Guided by hope, by a wish, Rion had no doubts that it would come true.


With a small sigh Rion turned and walked back to where Jocelyn was standing, slowly walking up behind her. She drew his arms around her waist, and Rion clasped his hands in front of her as she leaned back against him. He felt safe here with Jocelyn, his hope soaring as his chest filled with the love he held for his fiery little angel. How could anything go wrong now, this was perfection, bliss and what force could possible tear the love he held apart.


"You worry too much...why on earth would I not want to live with the man I love? I think this will make us a lovely home." Rion smiled as he lowered his head and kissed Jocelyn's hair softly. He had been foolish to ever doubt, but that ended up being his largest fault. He always assumed the worst even when the outcome was almost garunteed to be the best possible. He slowly stroked Jocelyn's side with his fingers as they both looked out the window.


"It will be a perfect home. Becuase you will be in it." Rion breathed deeply, caressing Jocelyn's neck with his lips as he simply lived in the moment. He was void of all worries as images of his future with Jocelyn played across his vision. Standing where he was now with the house finished, Jocelyn as his wife even a son or daughter with them. "Everything will be perfect becuase I know you will be with me."




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"Everything will be perfect because I know you will be with me."Jocelyn turned in Rion's arms, a small smile on her lips as she looked up at him. "And I always will be." She replied softly, lifting a hand to trail her forefinger softly over his cheek. "It would be no easy task to get rid of me, my love." She jested, though she meant what she said. Even should Rion want to be rid of her, he would have quite the battle on his hands. She wouldn't go anywhere away from him quietly. Kicking and screaming would be more apt.


An image of her first being found by Rion and the others came to her mind and made her chuckle. Smiling sheepishly she shared her thought. "I was remembering how much of a tantrum I threw trying to get away from here in the first place. Now I imagine it would be 100 times worse, should anyone try to take me away. My, how things change." She chuckled softly. Not just changed, but changed for the better. Even imagining life away from Rion now was enough to send chills of despair down her spine. Life without Rion was no life at all.


Wrapping her arms around his neck, Jocelyn smiled up into his eyes. "So tell me, how long do you think it will take before we can move in? Now that I know about it, I find I'm eager to leave Dashiva's house and have you all to myself." She chuckled huskily, standing on her toes to brush her lips gently across his, her eyes rich with love and promise.


A sudden thought struck her, and she lifted her head. "Does that mean another shopping spree? I mean, we have to get paint and furniture, and material for drapes...surely not all those things are readily available here?" She lifted a brow, a smile curving her lips again at the possible prospect of leaving for an outing. Not that she wanted to leave Rion, never, but because she adored shopping, and a change from the day to day routine would be most welcome.



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Rion laughed lightly. How things change indeed. He remembered that day vividly, especially the part where he and Jocelyn were standing much as they were now just with a bit more tears. Then Rion had been trying to imagine himself somewhere else, wishing things would end and he be left alone. Now he didn't want to let Jocelyn go, and if anyone tried to tear them apart that person would regret it almost immediately.


"So tell me, how long do you think it will take before we can move in? Now that I know about it, I find I'm eager to leave Dashiva's house and have you all to myself." Rion twisted his lips thinking about that answer. It would probobly another week or two at the very least before he had the bare minimum to live in the house. Doors, windows, a bed and other things such as that. After it would just be a work in progress between himself and Jocelyn, well for Jocelyn with Rion simply doing as he's told. He remembered how his mother had resided over how their household had looked, and Rion was happy to let Jocelyn do what she wanted for she most certainly would do a better job then he.


Rion opened his mouth to reply and quickly closed it again when Jocelyn looked up at him about to speak. "Does that mean another shopping spree? I mean, we have to get paint and furniture, and material for drapes...surely not all those things are readily available here?"


Rion chuckled lightly at the evident excitement in both Jocelyn's words and in her eyes. He remembered how much she had enjoyed their first outing, and despite Rion's reluctance he had enjoyed the day as well. Perhaps it would even be better without a chaperone. "Hmmm. I guess that would mean another shopping spree." Rion smiled and rubbed his nose against Jocelyn's.


"We probobly have at least a week and a half before their are the proper necessities to actually move into the house. And we might as well go get everything to finish it as quickly as possible. And since I'm putting you in charge of decorating...where do you think we go?" Rion waited expectantly, though in his mind he was working over eveything he would need to do to get permission to leave. Now that he was Ashaman he could go by himself, though he couldn't just up and leave. And more suprisingly he was excited. Not exactly because of the prospect of shopping but he remembered how happy Jocelyn was their last trip, and seeing her like that was enough to make him happy.




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Jocelyn let out a tiny squeal of excitement, at both the prospect of an outing and the knowledge that she could well be living in this house with Rion, in just a few short weeks. Already her mind was ticking over the necessary preparations, packing her few meagre belongings, plotting what she should begin working on first. The idea of a project to keep her occupied was a good one. While she had never complained about her routine, something out of the ordinary was like a godsend.


"And since I'm putting you in charge of decorating...where do you think we go?" In charge of decorating...Jocelyn liked the sound of that. She chewed her lip thoughtfully. When she had needed new dresses, Rion had taken her to Bandar Eban, in her home country. She could of course go there again, but then again perhaps it would be better if she decorated in a style that he would be more at home with, something Andoran. After all, it wasn't going to be just her home, and though she would direct the furnishing, she wanted something that Rion could relate to as well.


"I have only been there once, but I recall that the markets in Caemlyn were remarkeable for that sort of thing. We should be able to get everything we need there, and I promise to do my best to get you good prices." She grinned up at Rion, remembering how shocked he'd been to see how expensive her taste in dresses had proven to be, though she had talked the seamstress down to a much more satisfactory price.


On impulse, Jocelyn gave Rion a tight hug. "I am so excited about our house, thankyou!" She enthused, smiling against his neck as she squeezed him affectionately. Who would have thought she would ever be thrilled with the prospect of work? The thought was almost laughable, but it was true. She liked the idea of being able to work on it together with Rion, putting the finishing touches on, turning the house into their home.


Lifting her head so she could look into his eyes, Jocelyn smiled, kissing his lips, softly and tenderly. "How is it, that just when I think I couldn't possibly be any happier, you make things even better?" She sighed softly, as though thoughtfully as she stroked his cheek. "I never imagined my life could be so perfect, until I found you. Now it is, no matter what happens, because I have you." Her smile broadened, her eyes sparkling with all the love she held for this man. "And I am going to have you all to myself." She murmured, bringing her lips to his once more, a wicked gleam in her eyes. She would have him to herself, alright. She would make him her own, her husband, her life partner. It was just a matter of how. She needed a plan, though perhaps having him alone under the same roof would prove most useful indeed...



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"I have only been there once, but I recall that the markets in Caemlyn were remarkeable for that sort of thing. We should be able to get everything we need there, and I promise to do my best to get you good prices." Rion smiled, delighted in more than one way. He had been born Andoran but had never gone to it's capital very often. And going such a short distance would be better with his skill at creating gateways and trying to get the time off approved.


How is it, that just when I think I couldn't possibly be any happier, you make things even better?" Rion smiled brightly, laughing lightly. Funny for he tended to think the same thing of Jocelyn almost every day. The mere thought of Jocelyn was enough to brighten the darkest of days and even when he thought he could get no happier Jocelyn proved him wrong. "And I am going to have you all to myself."


It was strange to think that after living under a roof with four people it owuld only be he and Jocelyn. Nearly married in all but name. Well there were still things that they didn't do, though Jocelyn loved to hint at them all the time. The wicked gleam of Jocelyn's eyes and the path of his thoughts had a small amount of heat slowly creeping up his cheeks. Though with his lips pressed against Jocelyn's he didn't care much. Though she seemed to like his blush.


"Then it is settled. We'll leave at the end of the week for Caemlyn or any other place you wish to go. It'll be your day." Rion smiled against Jocelyn's lips. He was suddenly reminded of another rather large day that would be for Jocelyn as the small box pressed against him in his pocket. That would be another day, it was coming up though. He had asked rather innocent questions about Jocelyn's nameday to find out when trying his hardest to look like he was planning something for it, but not allowing for just how big of a suprise it would be. He was pretty sure what her answer would be, but the extra time of living together, alone, would perhaps cement his resolve a little bit more.


"And as long as we are making a trip if there is anything else you think you might want. Well.. I mean I know how much you enjoyed our last...uh..trip and.." Rion shrugged hoping Jocelyn would draw the conlusion. He wanted to make sure Jocelyn was as happy as she could be for how happy she had made him.




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"Then it is settled. We'll leave at the end of the week for Caemlyn or any other place you wish to go. It'll be your day." Jocelyn grinned and awarded Rion with another affectionate kiss, her arms twined about his neck as she stood on her toes to better reach. The day was promising to be wonderful, mainly because she would be spending the day with the man she loved. That was always going to make for an enjoyable day. And also, because she would be doing something she loved that she rarely got to do now - shop.


"And as long as we are making a trip if there is anything else you think you might want. Well.. I mean I know how much you enjoyed our last...uh..trip and.." Jocelyn couldn't resist planting another kiss on Rion's lips as he trailed off, his cheeks flushing slightly in a way that never ceased to make her smile. "I will make a list of what we need, I know I need a new cloak now it's getting colder, among a few other things." Already she was mentally preparing a list of things to purchase, materials for drapes and clothing, paint, kitchen supplies...they would need quite a few things. The question was, how were they going to pay for them all?


"And I have no doubt it will be a wonderful day, after all, I will be spending it with you, and we won't have a chaperone this time." She chuckled softly and kissed his nose, her emerald eyes glinting with mischief once more. One day soon she would be able to take advantage of that situation, she and Rion alone, in their own home, husband and wife. Sooner than later, she hoped. She didn't know if Rion even realised just how irresistable he was, his unwitting charm appealing to her in a way that no polished, practiced man ever could.


Jocelyn held back a sigh. What she wouldn't give to have him as her own now, to be planning her wedding celebration instead of moving house. But, baby steps. She shouldn't jump to conclusions and expect too much of Rion. After all, they'd never even discussed marriage, so she had no idea if it was something he had even considered. But all in good time, eventually she would bring it up, but for now, there were more important things at hand, like planning this trip.


Releasing herself from Rion's embrace Jocelyn strolled through the house again, mentally creating a list. Light, they would need an awful lot. They certainly wouldn't be able to bring it all back to the farm on horseback, gateway or no. And there was still the money issue. She herself had virtually nothing, though her parents were wealthy. She had been on the way home as her funds were depleted when she was first found by Rion. Rounding on him, she voiced her questions. "Is there a wagon or something we could borrow for the occasion? Else bringing back our purchases could prove difficult." She paused, tilting her head to the side in thought.


Jocelyn had always had a very pampered lifestyle, her home and belongings had always been the best. While that didn't bother her, as she mentally did the sums she knew there would be a decent expense, even if she did stick to the bare minimum. "Umm...Rion...have you considered how we are going to pay for our purchases?" She asked delicately, not wanting to put a damper on the occasion, hoping Rion already had considered it and had it all worked out.



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"Is there a wagon or something we could borrow for the occasion? Else bringing back our purchases could prove difficult." Rion thought for a moment through the options. He knew somewhere in the Farm there would be a wagon he would be able to borrow for only a day and he doubted they would be able to carry the supplies on their horses.


He told Jocelyn as much as he followed her through the house still going over people who would lend one to him. As an Ashaman it gave him more leverage and if he would need to he could ask for one the Black Tower owned. He would find it, he knew as much.


Rion followed slowly a step or two behind with his hands clasped behind his back. He followed Jocelyn's gaze"Umm...Rion...have you considered how we are going to pay for our purchases?" Rion started and bit his lip. He wasn't proud of how he was going to pay for it. It wasn't stealing...It wasn't. You are not part of that family of course it's stealing. So..if he can get away with it then why should he worry. He still has that stupid ring and he hasn't lost his name.


He slipped his hand in his pocket and took the golden ring from it. Stamped on the front was the arms of House Adamar, a running wolf with a crown of roses. "I told you that my family is minor nobility in Andor right? I was supposed to cut all ties to House Adamar when I joined the Tower but I'm still my father's son."


Rion twirled the ring in his fingers and ran his thumb over the insignia. "And my family is far from poor, there is a silver mine on the edge of our holdings that keeps my family generously provided for. And there are Banks in Caemyln that would take this ring and a letter from me for the money we will need. I'll leave a letter for my family to explain and to say I'm alright so I think all will be fine for it."


Rion sighed softly and tried to push the thoughts of his family away from his mind. He had left and he doubted he would be able to see them anytime soon. And then a thought hit him, one that perhaps would not be appreciated by the Tower's leaders but they wouldn't have to know. And it would make Jocelyn happy if she wanted too go along with the idea. He trusted her with his life, and he trusted the love they shared to keep her with him. "And since we are out by ourselves, if you wanted to visit your family I could take you back to Arad Doman for a day or two. If you want to that is."




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Jocelyn watched in silence as Rion withdrew a gold ring from his pocket, turning it over between his fingers. Her first instinct had her opening her eyes wide, until she saw that it was embossed, guessing it must be Rion's family's insignia. Curiously she watched as he stroked the ring, his expression revealing a lot more than his words alone. She knew he was a minor noble, yes, but what she was also seeing was a man missing his family, a man who had fought with himself and his duty, who clearly still struggled.


All worries about funding their new home disappeared, it was nice to know that their dream could become reality, though Jocelyn knew in that moment that she wouldn't have cared if she had learnt he was entirely peniless. All they needed was one another to be happy, she had already learnt the lesson that money did not appease her. She'd had access to her family's fortunes when she was in Arad Doman, and yet she had not been remotely as happy as she had since Rion came into her life and showed her what true elation was.


Once again Jocelyn's outlook on the trip brightened, but before she could utter any comfort for Rion and how she knew he missed his family, he spoke again, the suggestion leaving her gaping. "And since we are out by ourselves, if you wanted to visit your family I could take you back to Arad Doman for a day or two. If you want to that is."Her mind whirled. Head home, see her family? She didn't quite know how to react, her mind whirling with the notion. She hadn't seen them in so long, indeed it had been months since she had even returned to Arad Doman, purchasing new gowns with Rion and Dashiva.


Closing her mouth finally, Jocelyn smiled. It would be lovely to visit, to see her homeland, her parents. She would love for them to meet Rion, to see what a wonderful man he was. Then again, there was every chance her parents thought nothing of her absence. She'd been away from home so often, for long stretches, though granted never this long before. What would it be like, being there again? Would she want to stay? No, of course not, her life was here, with Rion. And clearly he trusted her, totally and completely, or she knew he would never have offered. That knowledge broadened her smile into a grin, it had taken a lot to earn his trust again after breaking it so terribly as she had.


Reaching for Rion's hands, Jocelyn held them in her own and squeezed them as she smiled up at him. Standing on her toes she kissed his cheek softly. "That sounds like a wonderful idea, if you're sure it's ok. I would love for my family to meet you." She laced her fingers with his and squeezed them again. It was only fitting that she introduced the man she would wed to her parents. Indeed, that put another thought into her already whirling mind. "What about your family? Could we visit them too? Or...is that not allowed?" She frowned slightly, hoping she hadn't just suggested something that could not be. It didn't seem fair for her to be able to visit her family, whom she had happily left time and time again, if Rion couldn't see the family he has reluctantly left, and missed.



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Rion grinned broadly in response the smile that lighted up Jocelyn's face. He was excited that she enjoyed the prospect and also for that chance to make Jocelyn happy. It was strange how happy simply seeing her smile made him, or how sad he could become whenever he saw her the same. She would never stop smiling now if he had anything to do with it.


Of course he was also a little worried about meeting Jocelyn's parents. He could tell himself over and over that it didn't matter what they thought of him since he had Jocelyn, but it did feel good to be accepted. And it would make it easier for Rion the day he decided to propose as well knowing that her family would accept the marriage. Irrational perhaps but it wouldn't fade.


What about your family? Could we visit them too? Or...is that not allowed?" Rion managed to keep his smile though it trembled for a moment. It wasn't as if he didn't want to see his parents, he was just nervous as to what they might think of him now. Because of the fact that he could channel. How would he take his parents rejecting him becuase of his new found curse. Though he did want them to see he was happy, they were his parents after all, they would have to love him at least a a small amount even now. No matter what he had become.


"I'm not sure. I think, at least, that the act of going to see them is not forbidden but...." Rion but his lip pausing for a moment before he answered, debating to share his fears because he did not want to dampen the situation.. But Jocelyn had told him before not to hide anythnig from her, and he had promised himself that he would never do that again. "I'm nervous ato see my family again. I mean I'm...well..rather different than I was when I left. And I ran away, I had never done that before. I'm nervous that my new gifts won't be so wholely accepted by them as they are by you." And his new curses, though he wasn't planning on telling anyone other than Jocelyn about those.




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Rion was not very good at hiding his emotions, though he tried valiantly. Jocelyn watched concerned as the emotions played over his face, clearly something bothered him about seeing his parents, though just what she didn't know. "I'm nervous ato see my family again. I mean I'm...well..rather different than I was when I left. And I ran away, I had never done that before. I'm nervous that my new gifts won't be so wholely accepted by them as they are by you."No wonder he looked so troubled. "Oh Rion..." She breathed softly, her heart going out to him as she ensconced him in a tight hug. While she couldn't understand exactly what he went through, she could sympathize. It would be hard, facing them as the man he now was, so very different to who he had been.


"They are your parents, and regardless of your gifts, I just know that they would still love you just the same, be proud of the man you have become." She leaned back a little to look up into his eyes, willing him to believe her. How could they not be proud? He was a caring and intelligent man, with a strong sense of honour and duty. What parent wouldn't be proud? In her mind, it made little difference that he could channel, he was still wonderful. Even if there were some unwelcome guests taking up residence in his mind, he was perfect to her.


"I can understand your nerves, but I'm sure they would be too overjoyed to see you to worry about anything else." She smiled and stroked Rion's cheek softly with a finger, before standing to press her lips softly to his. "Besides, I will be with you...I would love to see what wonderful people could raise such an incredible man as yourself." She gave him an affectionate squeeze, hoping in some way to give him some confidence, hoping beyond hope that his parents were reasonable people, she would hate for them to turn him away, knew what it would do to him if they did. Surely that wouldn't happen though, surely...


It led her to thinking though, what would her parents think if they learnt about Rion and his abilities? She didn't particularly care about their approval, she loved him regardless, and would marry him with or without their permission, but it would be nice to have them like him. Assuming she could convince him to marry her, that was. It was a vicious cycle, she knew she wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of her life with him, as his wife, yet she couldn't just ask him herself, it was not the way it was done.


She almost sighed, wishing was getting her nowhere. Perhaps she needed to drop some hints, when they were away from everyone else. Light knew it was going to be harder than ever to keep her hands off Rion, when she had him alone, to herself, without the fear of anyone interrupting them. Even now, with her arms about his waist, his toned muscle beneath her fingertips, it would be so easy to give in, to indulge them both in all the delights Rion had yet to learn...yet she needed to resist. Rion deserved more than a quick tumble in the hay, their love was higher than that. She would express her love for him physically when they were married, make him her husband in every sense. It would be worth the wait.


"So shall we schedule a trip to visit your parents as well?" She asked gently, trying to ignore Rion's toned chest as she leaned against him, raising a brow in question, a small smile playing about her lips.



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Rion smiled as the nervousness he felt before melted away, pushed from his mind because of Jocelyn's words. They had been rather foolish notions and her words held wisdom and sense enough to show him that. He truly was lucky to have found someone like Jocelyn, her sensible nature added to the long list of things he loved about her. In fact he couldn't think of a single thing he didn't love about her. The small box pressed gently against his stomach was testament to that.


"I was foolish to think that anything could go wrong if I have you with me. Every moment that you are around is perfect." Rion grinned and pressed his lips lightly against Jocelyn's as the love he felt for her soared in his chest. He knew know that he didn't have anything to fear when they returned to see his parents.


He just knew his parents would love her, though it was an amusing thought to wonder what the expressions on his parents faces would be when they saw that Jocelyn was a Domani. His mother had had a tendancy to call their less then virtuos maids little Domani's, though Rion knew they would love Jocelyn after the initial shock wore off. Once they saw how wonderful she was he knew they would accept her readily into the family.


"Even if I said no I don't think I'd get my way anyways would I?" Rion chuckled lightly at Jocelyn's reaction, hugging her tight. "It is set. Shopping for our house, then to see your parents and end with visiting my family. It sounds like it will be a perfect little vacation. And I will worry about nothing because I have you and that is all that matters." Having her love and affection was all that would ever matter. He could be penniless and destitute and he would still regret nothing if he still had Jocelyn's love.




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"Even if I said no I don't think I'd get my way anyways would I?" Jocelyn tried to look innocent, but she didn't know how well she pulled it off, grinning as Rion chuckled. She wasn't that demanding, though she could be stubborn if she chose, not that Rion had seen much of that side of her. "It is set. Shopping for our house, then to see your parents and end with visiting my family. It sounds like it will be a perfect little vacation. And I will worry about nothing because I have you and that is all that matters."


Jocelyn grinned as her heart soared, filled to the brim with happiness and love for the most wonderful man in the world. She couldn't help but feel excited about their trip, especially knowing it wouldn't be a mere day trip like last time. Being out of the grounds, in the city, the sights and sounds, would be wonderful, and best of all she would have Rion to herself. Not to mention the thrill of heading home to see her family, and of meeting Rion's parents, gathering a glimpse of what his life must have been like before discovering his gift.


"Of course, nothing else matters!" She agreed wholeheartedly, awarding Rion with another thrilled kiss. "If I had nothing else but your love, I would still be the happiest girl in the world." She gushed, her smile enigmatic as she gazed up into the face of the man she loved so deeply. "Now, if we are to leave at the end of the week, there is much to be done." She announced, stepping back from Rion and heading through the house and outside once more. "I need to make sure we have clothes cleaned and packed, a list of supplies we need to purchase..." She checked off on her fingers as she spoke. "You need to arrange a cart of some sort, not to mention permission to leave." She continued as she walked, addressing the last to Rion as she threaded her arm through his and led him back towards Dashiva's house. Not their house for much longer. Things were looking brighter and brighter.



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Rion smiled brightly a visible vounce in his step as he and Jocelyn began to make their way back to Dashiva's house. His mind whilred with everything that needed to be done. The preperations that would need to be made on his part mixing with the preperations that Jocelyn were laying out along with idle fantasies on what this trip was going to be like. He had to slow his mind down and focus more on the time at hand though. More apparent when he tripped over his feet and nearly dragged the two of them to the ground.


Rion helped steady Jocelyn with a growing blush and a hurried apology. He smiled sheepishly and hurriedly looked away as Jocelyn grinned at him. Some things were much to distracting in his life now, especially if he couldn't even walk straight. "Maybe I should start talking to people if all these good things keep happening to me today I'm not sure I'll leave to see this trip." Rion joked with a large grin.


He righted himself and took Jocelyn's arm once again, trying to force down the blush rising in his cheeks and the embaressment raging inside of him. His mind reeled for someway to change the focus and regain some face, show that he wasn't completely in the clouds. It had always gone that way and so far he had yet to actually be able to change people's minds. His mind would forever remain in the clouds, one of the many reasons he was still surpised that Jocelyn had ever come to love him. He had met her running into trees after all!


"So what do you think? Do you want me to help you at Dashiva's house with what you want to do or should I go and start getting everything else we will need in order?" The words felt a little strange, to Rion they sounded to much like he was trying to get away from Jocelyn on a day that in all rights should be spent together. But he was excited after all, he couldn't restrain himself.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Jocelyn was mentally preparing for their journey when Rion stumbled, very nearly dragging them both to the ground. It seemed she was not the only one with her mind on other things at present, though Rion seemed to often have his mind in the clouds. She smiled at him as he righted them both and they continued down the road towards what would soon no longer be their home. How exciting that would be, the day they moved into their new home, just the two of them. She continued to smile to herself as she pictures that day, not too far away.


"So what do you think? Do you want me to help you at Dashiva's house with what you want to do or should I go and start getting everything else we will need in order?" Jocelyn turned her face towards Rion and smiled at the excitement she saw on his face. As much as she loved spending time with him, they could get away much sooner if he went and saw to other things. "Much as I prefer to have you with me as much as possible, the sooner we are organised, the sooner we can go away. You take care of what you need to my love, I will see to packing." She smiled again and patted his arm affectionately as they reached the house and stopped outside.


Releasing Rion's arm, Jocelyn turned to face him, a mischievious grin playing about her lips as she twined an arm about his neck and drew his face closer to hers. "This trip will be wonderful...but perhaps a little something to make sure you aren't gone too long?" With a grin she brought her lips to his, kissing him thoroughly, her love and unspoken passion clear in the embrace, before finally releasing him. "Off you go now, my sweet." She purred, shooing Rion gently with a smile, unable to resist the light swat to his backside as he turned to leave. Chuckling to herself at his reaction she turned and entered the house, her usual good mood doubled by the events of the day.


Humming to herself, Jocelyn happily bustled about the house, gathering clothes that would be needed for the trip, before taking them downstairs to launder them. She knew it could be done quicker using the one power, but it gave her some satisfaction to do the chore herself, making her feel useful. Soon she was elbow deep in suds, scrubbing dresses and coats and pants, excited to have something to work towards. She was content with her day by day life at the farm, even though it wasn't thrilling, but having something to look forward to made a nice change. It would be wonderful getting out of the farm, just she and Rion, seeing the world, her family, his.


A little shiver of both excitement and nervousness ran down her spine. What would it be like to see her parents again, knowing she would be leaving again? Had they even noticed she had gone? She frowned at the thought. Of course they would have missed her by now, she had never been gone this long before...for all she knew they had people actively looking for her. Somehow she doubted it, but seeing them would be grand indeed. What made her nervous was meeting Rion's parents. She had never been the kind of girl that boys were proud to take home to meet their mothers - so what would Rion's parents think of her? Would they approve? Light but she hoped so, she would hate to be the cause of any trouble between Rion and his family. Things between them were difficult enough, without her adding to it. Giving her head a slight shake she forced aside the depressing thoughts and focused on the positives as she continued her chore.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Rion almost jumped out of his boots as he felt the light smack against his backside. He hadn't expected it, Light no one had touched him there on purpose that he could remember. Nor was he expecting the excitement coursing through his body at it. And to supplement it the touch made his mind go back to when he and Jocelyn had been sparring with staves. Well Jocelyn had been sprawled on top of him and he had accidentaly put his hand on....Rion shook his head to clear his mind from that memory as he flushed to the roots of his hair and jumped a couple of steps.


He could feel his blood heating when he looked back at Jocelyn, the kiss and memory of her scent and the feel of her lips against his only a moment ago not making it any easier. Rion felt almost embaressed at what he was feeling though he had no idea why. He had read enough about men and women to know what he was feeling was desire even if before he had met Jocelyn it had been foreign to him.


But he shook it off and let his blood cool and heart return to normal as he made his way to Dalinar's office. Desire changed to nervousness as he thought of what Dalinar would say, his mind creating the worst possible of scenarios in that he would deny his request. He doubted it, but there was always the possibilty.


No matter though, he would still ask and hope for the best even as he imagined the worst. What would be worse was telling Jocelyn if he was denied the chance to go. Think the best. It is better to prepare for the worst.




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