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Idle chit chat ... so what's the silliest thing you ever did as a new RPer?


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In my first few RP posts, I noticed that very handy quote button ... and used it extensively to quote other people's words  :P


I'd never RPed before. In fact, I had never even LOOKED at any RPing. I'd just joined a site because a friend of mine asked me to. Man did I feel stoopid when Taymist told me that's not how it works!  :D


So what bloopers do you recall committing when you first started RPing?

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I made a second character, back when it was only one char per division. I never really bothered to read the rules, just skimmed them in my eagerness to start rping lol...I just thought it would be cool to make another novice different to my first. Someone noticed and I was politely asked to drop one character. I tell you though, it still makes me blush a little to think of it. Multiple characters per division was the best idea ever ;)

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Well I feel old because I didn't start Rping here. *ggls* I started when I was 18 on a different site. I would have to say that my biggest issues were writing one or two line sentences...or the lack of using the italics for quotes. *laughs* Maybe remembering that Aes Sedai can't lie...that was a big one for me. *ggls* I had to be reminded by one of my early warders LMAO.

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I got in trouble for posting a thread in the Warder's Yard without an approved RP outline. Had to scrub pots and polish every blade in the amory for a LONG time for that one...


oddly enough, Kyn got me in trouble! Who'da thunk it?

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First RP i ever did was on a forum with four other people. It would be the first time RPing for all of us, and it was an unmoderated single thread.


Double feelings about this one. On one side, it was the most fun i've had in quite a while, and was the incentive for me to continue RPing. On the other, the general posting quality makes my eyes bleed. I see myself posting things as


Maric - "Hi, I'm Maric, and i'm a Mage."


I saved those old threads btw, it's fun to see how my general posting style has changed since then. Though i still tend to add the dash before quotes.

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hehe :)


I got one now too! (and Lor as well). Our current RP (lor and mine) set in a time only a week after Carina's raising, which was about 150 years before the current timeline and they're (Carina and Loraine) happily perusing books on the Seanchan beasts. *shifts feet* Um yeah.... *rubs toe in sand embarrassed*

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I made a Freelander.. and this was around the time of Chainsaw Charlie. So, my Freelander and Chainsaw Charlie's "got down"... in a VERY not pg-13 sort of way.. in character. We got warned and like.. trashed on a bit for that.


Luckily, I learned the art of "allusion".. and Ladria and Sidonia (my ol' BT char).. both had successful NAUGHTY relations without warnings since.. :)



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