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Warders in my head (atten: Dante and Visar)

Rasheta Ardashir

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Rasheta woke up to another day and stared at her heavy curtains, it had been quite awhile since she had bonded Dante and Visar. She took a moment to think about her bondeds and life since she had taken not one but two warders. Visar was the newer of the two, and eager, sometimes she feared to eager. Dante seemed to be helping with his education as a warder however. She had introduced him to Jaydena several days ago and that meeting had been worse on her then on Visar she was pretty sure. He only had to deal with one set of emotions in his head. She sighed to herself and tried not to pay attention to the sounds outside her room. She went back to thinking. She had thought she was fine with Dante being in her mind but with Visar there now as well. She rolled over and groaned covering her face with her hands. She was a Green and most had more then one warder at a time. They all dealt with it seemingly easily. What was wrong with her?


She removed her hands and took several deep breaths she could handle this. She remembered a conversation with Loraine some time ago. Loraine had asked her if she thought that she was developing feelings for Dante. Rasheta, had at the time, thought such a statement ludicrous now she had been to the borderlands with him and knew his skill, maybe the thought of love again wasn't so silly.  Rasheta shuddered at the thought of falling in love with both of her warders. Possibly one was bad enough but both! She had heard, of course, of it happening but she tried not to think about it. She heard a knock on her door and she sighed to herself. "I'm coming." She called and decided she wasn't going to leave her room for the rest of the day. The Tower would have to continue without her. It had for many years before and would after she was gone. Her seclusion was no surprise to many anyway she was still supposedly grief stricken.


She wrapped a shawl around her nightclothes and tossed her hair over her shoulders and left her room. Both her warders appeared suprised when she appeared. She ignored them and waved a hand at the curtains making the room dark and used the power again to keep the fire lit and then added in the candles and sat down in the nearest chair. “You both are free to do as you will today but I wish to stay here. I am unused to having two of you in my head and I’m finding it a little harder to deal with then I first thought.” She sighed and leaned her head on the back of the chair staring up at the ceiling in her sitting room. “Besides,” She added “I almost feel as though I’m neglecting you both. Before you run off for the day talk to me for awhile.” She shook her head adding, “How do you both feel about sharing your Aes Sedai? Don’t you have loyalties elsewhere?”


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Visar and Dante were in rather deep discussion concerning their schedules. While a rotation schedule, one of them being nearby Rasheta at all times for her protection while the other was away, seemed to be working fairly well so far, neither Visar nor Dante were happy about how it was working.  Visar wanted more time off so that he could train without having to worry about staying so close to Rasheta.  He felt that there were opportunities to serve the Tower outside the city, and socialize with his former fellow guardsmen like Shawn, that he was missing.  Dante, however, wanted different times 'off' for other reasons (ooc: I'll let you come up with some). They discussed, and the discussion turned into a loudly whispered argument, which brought them careening back to square one.  Who would protect Rasheta when, and how would they ensure they rotated as they had agreed.  Dante, Visar was complaining, had stumbled in late from drinking at the taverns a few too many times.


They argued some more, Dante deftly turning on Visar's apparent weakness of taking things too seriously.  After an unbearable amount of this had passed, Visar threw up his hands, giving up trying to argue.


"Why don't we just talk to Rasheta about this?  That is if you haven't woken her up first."  he shot at Dante, blaming him for their voices raising more than was necessary.  Visar had only been bonded for about a month, but he knew already that Rasheta Sedai could be very disagreeable when she woke up before her accustomed time.  Which was usually hours of daylight after either Visar or Dante woke up... 


Uneasily walking over to her chamber, Visar knocked on her door and headed back over to a chair.  Now it was just a waiting game.  Visar gathered himself, trying to figure out what to say to her without appearing like he was whining for no good reason, or, the Light forbid, being too serious.


"I'm coming." she said.  Visar jolted up to his feet, and was surprised when she opened the door not soon after, looking like she had just gotten out of bed.  He hadn't expected her to come so soon.  She anticipated whatever he was about to say, however, with her own purpose.  She was having trouble dealing with both of them in her head.  Visar couldn't imagine.  It was difficult enough getting used to someone else's emotions being in his head, let alone two other people's feelings.  I don't  know how she ever managed it at all.  Especially with someone like Dante in her head!


She sat down, wanting to talk with them before they went about their daily tasks.

“How do you both feel about sharing your Aes Sedai? Don’t you have loyalties elsewhere?”


Visar glanced irritatingly at his comrade.  They had gotten along just fine before this, but Visar was having trouble accepting his fellow Gaidin's habits, especially slipping away into town at night.  No telling what kinds of seedy establishments he visited, or what information he might have unwittingly slipped while deep in his cups.  Was this how a Warder was supposed to behave?  Or was it just about their skill with a sword to protect Rasheta?  Dante was the more experienced, however, and had been bonded to Rasheta longer.  He constantly made fun of Visar for being too uptight about everything and trying to do things by the books.  Visar cleared his throat and attempted to speak his mind.


"My loyalty is to you and to the White Tower only.  I'm still getting used to the fact that I don't have as much time to devote to the latter as I might like to.  There's...a lot of things I'm trying to get used to." he finished wearily, glancing again at Dante and back at Rasheta.  He still wasn't sure what the deal was with those two.  It seemed like sometimes they wanted to hit and shout at each other and other times they wanted their privacy. 


It must be my fault. he thought gloomily.  I'm the "second" Warder after all.  I'm sure they were just fine before I entered the picture...

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It was days like this that Dante was glad he had moved out of Rasheta's spare room. When he was required to be here at night he would curl up on the couch. He liked Visar. Both had very different views on how to protect an Aes Sedai though. Visar seemed to take it like a body guard or an honor guard while Dante had set up his own little spy network, escape routes, hidden weapon caches, etc. Not every issue could be resolved with battle and Rasheta was often too stubborn to listen to "ideas" unless you had a plan specifically set up for a given situation it was hard to sway her. Visar seemed to not have learned that yet and it frustrated Dante to no end.


Finally Visar gave up and knocked on Rasheta's door. Another thing Dante was starting to not like about him. When he couldnt be compromised with he called in Rasheta to resolve the issue. He had also found that Rasheta had a tendency to be a pain when she learned about Dante making a pre made plan that he could use to get her to do as he said later. Him going to Rasheta not only upset his plans which could jeopardize Rasheta's safety one day, but it also felt like him going to a parent when the children were fighting. Rasheta did not take her own safety seriously Dante felt and Visar was making it so he felt he had no room left to breathe. Did he not know what was at stake here?


Rasheta had asked how they feel about sharing her but Dante was too upset to answer her. Arms crossed he was just trying his best to sit next to Visar and not strike him for being so darn thick headed. He resolved to rub Visar's mattress in itch weed when he got a chance. In the mean time some poor Tower Guard would get a harsh sparring lesson when he got done here.

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Apparently Rasheta had come into the room in the middle of an argument. She had asked the questions before she had realized what was going on. Dante was silent and sullen and in her head she could tell he was fuming. She sighed deeply and tried not to lose her temper. Visar spoke to her then, he was angry as well but trying to hide it.


"My loyalty is to you and to the White Tower only.  I'm still getting used to the fact that I don't have as much time to devote to the latter as I might like to.  There's...a lot of things I'm trying to get used to."


Rasheta lifted her head off the back of the chair she was sitting on and stared at him for several moments. She looked at Dante who refused to comment he only stared at Visar and crossed his arms. She was getting a headache from trying to keep her temper. "Thank you Visar. You will become accustomed to things the more you stay in the tower. Hopefully Dante is helping you settle in." She could tell that at the moment the two were not getting a long well. She wanted harmony that was the whole point of coming out here and keeping the two of them here. She couldn't have her warders fighting and herself being upset with them. If they were not in the Tower such disharmony could be the death of one or all of them. Distraction was something she couldn't afford if she left the tower.


Rasheta pulled her shawl closer around herself and eyed the two of them again. She got up and ignored Visar for the moment focusing on the rather annoyed Dante. She moved to stand in front of him and then reached down and put her fingers under his chin lifting it so she could speak directly to him. "What are you upset about now? I will not have you bullying my other warder," She tightened her grip on Dante's chin so he couldn't pull away without getting a bruise. She flicked her eyes over Visar and then turned her attention back to Dante. "You know better then anyone what could happen should we not find a way to work together. The blight was a test on you and I. We are back a live, but now you must learn to share your talent and time with someone else." She took her hand away from Dante and turned to Visar.


"You will need to learn to work with Dante as well." She softened her voice and continued. "It will not be easy on any of us it seems." She pulled her shawl around herself again and asked. "Now tell me what caused trouble this time?"

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"Thank you Visar. You will become accustomed to things the more you stay in the tower. Hopefully Dante is helping you settle in."


Visar frowned, but did not give his fellow Warder the benefit of a glance or glare.  Dante was not exactly being too forthcoming at the moment.  He was somewhat surprised, though, when Rasheta accosted Dante.  It couldn't all be his fault.


"What are you upset about now? I will not have you bullying my other warder.  You know better then anyone what could happen should we not find a way to work together. The blight was a test on you and I. We are back a live, but now you must learn to share your talent and time with someone else."


Some talent, Visar thought bitterly.  All it's managed to do is turn my friend into a drunkard.  Or is there something he hasn't been telling me, much less Rasheta?  Visar wondered what all this was about.  He knew too little to be sure of his dark conclusions, but there was little else the evidence could have suggested.  The why was eluding him, however.  Dante had always been fond of a few drinks, as had all of them, but he had never sought it out this frequently before, even while off duty.


Visar listened to Rasheta, saying that they needed to find a way to work together.  Visar nodded, knowing that importance, but he was less than willing to compromise with the bad habits of a friend.


"Now tell me what caused trouble this time?"


Visar frowned, and offered an explanation, attempting to be as fair as possible to Dante, but still affected by his own bias.  "It seems we differ in our interpretation on how to best keep you safe.  I'm of the opinion that one of us should be near you, at least minutes away if not by your side, at all times we are able to.  However, when it's Dante's 'turn', or what we've established as turns so far --which has led to some argument already as to which of us is on 'duty'--he seems to go farther than necessary into or out of town.  While he might be doing some noble service I'm unaware of, he certainly has returned from his off duty time before sobering up.  That's what I'm not tolerant of.  I will not compromise with a drunkard who might unintentionally let slip secrets pertaining to your safety while in his inebriated state!  But I'm sure I'm missing some part of the picture." Visar finally allowed himself to face Dante, who seemed even more angry and sullen than before, as if what Visar was saying was pure idiocy.  Visar wanted to strike him, even though Dante usually got the best of him there, but visibly controlled himself.  Visar asked,

"Why, Dante?  What is so stressful that you must drown yourself in alcohol at seemingly every chance? And why is it when I try to be of service to the Tower in my off time, do I hear unsettling rumors about your activities?  What are you really up to when you sneak away while on duty, planning this or that?  I don't see how that could have anything to do with protecting our Aes Sedai more so than being near her, in case something happens! The White Tower is safe for now, but it isn't always so.  Remember the murders in the Yards?  That was not so long ago, wasn't it?  What if that happened again, or worse?"


Visar stopped, closed his eyes, and breathed.  He had been rambling on unnecessarily, as he tended to do when he was upset.  What was it that he was missing?  Hopefully Dante would be honest for once, so that Visar would know what was really going on, and they could at least find some way to work around their differences.

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Dante listened to Visar quietly. It was true that Dante had been drinking more than ever really. Before he came to the yards he didnt really drink at all. His control hanging on by a thread he didnt hold back.


"Until you have been with her in the Blight, surrounded by Trollocs, and praying to the light that the arrows whistling past your head will strike your body instead of hers I would ask that you do not ever question my ability to protect her or you will see just how unsettling I can be."


Dante stood unable to sit by the fool any longer. "What would you do if those rumors of these Seanchan are true? The flying beasts, the enslaved Aes Sedai?" He looked at Visar knowing the man didnt have an answer or a plan. "What if the Tower was attacked right now? Have you thought about that Visar? Whos quarters are the highest in the Tower?" It was the Amyrlin's. He had to know that "If they do have flying beasts the Amyrlin is the first to go leaving the Ajahs as a divided force to fend for themselves against a united force." It would be a quick defeat. Visar understood that but both looked as though they were wondering where he was getting at. "And the ground would be met with enslaved Aes Sedai so thats out as well isnt it?... well over the last month I needed access to plans on the Tower. To get to those I needed to go through other Aes Sedai in the Brown Ajah. You do not want to know the price I paid to them nor do I think you would have paid it. Once I had those I had to find how I would get Rasheta out if that attack ever came. It took me quite awhile to clear the excess furniture in the below ground levels because I didnt have permission. Once I got that and got access to the door I needed to get to, I needed a key. That I had to get by less than honest means. Inside that door is a well with iron rungs, half way down you will find an iron door with a simple latch. Inside is a small cavern built for when the river runs high to cycle fresh water into that well but it was purposely built too high so water has never been in there. On the stone floor you will find the names of Aes Sedai now including one with Rasheta's. Below it is gold, weapons, and a list of contacts in a water tight, oiled leather bag, for names and locations of people willing to assist her should she need them for wherever she wants to escape to."


It made him furious to no end that he had to reveal all this. He shouldnt have had to plan all that alone. Visar should have had a similar plan of his own in case one of them was captured and tortured or to offer an alternative if his plan wasnt going to work. "Believe me I have a hundred other plans for any other possible attack or situation myself or Sandre could think of. I have other Warders placing plants on their windows when someone even lingers too long by Rasheta's door that I can see from across the river. I have all the scribes in the Tower paid to tell me whenever her name goes down on paper. I have Guards that when they are off duty and she leaves the Tower grounds that go out into the city to make sure that it is secure. All of it comes with a price, or a favor, some times just a simple request over a glass of wine, but if I have to dandle some ugly bar wench over my knee and fill us both with liquor to make her comfortable enough to talk about someone who mentioned Rasheta's name in a back alley somewhere I sure as the Stone of Tear stands do not want a Warder whos usefulness ends at the tip of his sword to complain about it!"


Perhaps he was being too brutal. He really did feel like he was doing all the work sometimes though he was sure Visar felt the same way.


"If you really think someone around her all day is what she needed then we could have hired a body guard, but your here now so I will include your tendency to sit around her all day thinking that you can solve all her dangers at sword point into account!"


Almost as soon as the words were out of his mouth he wished he could take them back. He didnt realize though. He didnt know the reason why he fell behind in training was because he didnt give himself the luxury of free time to train. Everything he did was for her. He loved her, but her tendency to be softer on Visar was a sure sign that not an ounce of it was returned. It mattered not though. Sandre had said he would endure it if it were Edana. Dante wasnt about to abandon her because she didnt feel anything for him.

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"Until you have been with her in the Blight, surrounded by Trollocs, and praying to the light that the arrows whistling past your head will strike your body instead of hers I would ask that you do not ever question my ability to protect her or you will see just how unsettling I can be."


Dante stood, and Visar stood with him.  Dante was taking this too far, citing his longer experience as her warder.  That did not excuse his habits.  Yet Rasheta was there, and Visar could not physically fight Dante in her presence.  That might be reason enough to dismiss his services.  Visar gripped the chair top tightly, as if trying to channel his anger into the piece of wood instead of at Dante's skull.  Dante was angry too, but was likewise restraining himself in body, if not in voice.  Visar listened.


Dante cited the Seanchan as a concern.  Visar had heard some rumors too, but not enough to be sure what was real and what was fantasy.  Surely they would have some warning of the Seanchan approaching before they attempted such a foolish raid on the Tower itself?  Dante's predictions of needing an evacuation bordered on paranoia to Visar.  But he let Dante continue.  An escape plan still made sense, even if Visar did not know exactly how to go about designing one like Dante seemed to be an expert of.


Visar snarled as he heard Dante go on about his contingency plans.  He might have Rasheta's safety in mind, and that was certainly commendable, but Visar thought that Dante was going about it the wrong way.  Bribing people, doing unsavory favors, which explained only partly his fellow Gaidin's bad habits...it was not something that Visar would ever do.  And why hadn't Dante ever told him about this before?  Why hadn't he been included in the planning process?  While he did not approve of some of Dante's methods, they still were worth considering.


"but if I have to dandle some ugly bar wench over my knee and fill us both with liquor to make her comfortable enough to talk about someone who mentioned Rasheta's name in a back alley somewhere I sure as the Stone of Tear stands do not want a Warder whos usefulness ends at the tip of his sword to complain about it!"


But it was not Dante's intent to protect Rasheta that was pissing Visar off.  It was how he went about it, and how he was yelling at Visar for not doing the same.  For being "useless".  Visar's entire body quivered and shook, he was so physically upset.


Dante reinforced his insult again, as if Visar was a mere hired sword.  Visar glanced at Rasheta, who felt angry and upset too.  His anger, Dante's fury, Rasheta's angry silence.  Visar was at a loss for words.  He couldn't take this anymore.  He needed to be outside, to be able to breath.  And he could not vent his anger here without saying something stupid, or without hurting either Dante or Rasheta unintentionally.


Slamming the chair he held to the ground so hard that it shattered, Visar mumbled incoherently, trying to excuse himself.  He walked stiffly out of the room, ignoring any vocal protests and barely remembered not to slam the door too.


Am I really just a sword arm to her?  Am I really that useless?  His mind whirled, upset, angry, confused, doubting himself above everyone else.  I can't handle this!  I can't deal with this obsessive, half-crazed man that I thought a friend!  I can't be 'useful' enough to the one I'm indebted to.


Visar leaped down flights of stairs, before finally pausing at a window.  The air was fresh and breezy outside, the sun shining on a perfectly clear day.  Men and women went to and from the steps to the Tower below, and off to the side, trainees and Warders filled the Yard with the sound of their practice, oblivious to anything else.  Beyond, the city went about its business.

I was a fool to come here, to think I could become anything more than what I am, a mere killer.  A skilled one at that, but that's all I am, isn't it.  I wanted something more than that...more meaningful somehow...I wanted to change who I was.  Am I really a better person now?  I can't even gain the respect of my friend!


Breathing, Visar slowly steadied himself a the window, calming down. He tried to think better of himself, of this whole thing.  All it was was a misunderstanding, he realized.  He hadn't looked at Rasheta's safety as thoroughly as Dante had, true, but that still did not excuse all of his friend's habits.  If Dante would include him in the planning, Visar was willing to tolerate his friend's methods as long as they worked.  And he would make sure they worked, if they were ever put into practice.


After a while, he heard footsteps behind him.  It was either Dante or Rasheta, or both, he knew, feeling the bond between her close.


"I'm sorry.  I'm alright." he said.  "Just needed to clear my head a little."

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Rasheta backed up a little when Dante stood and started yelling at Visar. She blinked and held her head she was getting a headache and her heart was starting to hurt. This wasn't how things were supposed to be. They were supposed to get along, she wondered if what she had done was a good idea. She felt like she was the one being slapped with the words Dante was yelling at Visar rather then Visar. She knew the words were only causing more trouble. She backed up a little more and wondered if she should interfere. She was a Green and a Battle sister, she knew how to defeat a man with or without the power and yet, she felt almost like crying this was an unknown reaction, she hadn't cried in anyone's presence since Adrian died. She jerked herself upwards when a chair shattered and Visar gave some excuse and left. She took several deep breaths and turned toward Dante he was still fuming and she dropped her shawl in the nearest chair.


She wasn't angry she realized she was more saddened then she could explain. She knew that Dante would know and she ran toward him knocking him almost over as she hugged him she burst into tears. "This wasn't how it was supposed to be." She said over and over as she cried. She couldn't believe she was doing this, her warders had just fought in front of her and instead of her almost legendary temper asserting itself she was standing here crying on her warders shoulder. She knew she would have to make him follow Visar in a moment and apologize and then have them both return to her. However, at the moment she could just stand there and let the tears fall.


She tried to regain control of herself and wouldn't look up as she hugged Dante still. It was the only way she found she could speak at the moment. "You have hurt Visar, you know he tries his hardest." She took several deep breaths in again and continued. "you know that if you had been hurt in battle in the tower and he hadn't known any of your plans and escape routes it would have made them useless." She spoke in a quite voice it was still watery sounding and she didn't like that but it was too late now to have him think anything other then she was a normal woman who felt emotion. She looked up then and said. "You need to go and find him, speak and apologize." She reached up and touched his face gently. "Thank you for all you have done already. I don't know how to appreciate you both enough, maybe this is partly my fault for neglecting you both." She looked down and then continued softly "and in the Blight I'm sorry if I made you worry." She let go of him and stepped away picking up her shawl. "Go now and find Visar. You both have lots of talking to do and then both of you return to me. I'm not done with you yet."

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Dante didnt even flinch when the chair shattered and Visar stormed out. He was tired he realized as though the years of running around as Rasheta's Warder had finally caught him. He just wanted to sleep for once. The irony was that the energy the bond gave him was too much. It was never a restful sleep and it was always cut short. He needed that now and he knew he was losing his mind.


Rasheta's reaction was not expected. He felt his heart melt. He had hurt her. "Im sorry." He told her. His voice softened as he held her. "Its too much Rasheta... maybe I am too careful but he is not careful enough. Hes going to get himself killed and in doing so I dont think you would survive it nor I after your gone. I will go to him though. We need to reach a compromise. Just since he was bonded I have had to rethink everything to include him and I am working myself sick." When she had calmed enough he sat her down. "We will be back soon."


It wasnt hard to find Visar. He had seen the man frustrated before, followed him, when had he become this person? Was the cost worth it all? He allowed his foot falls to make noise as he approached. Visar apologized but Dante understood all too well what it was like to be angry and frustrated. "You have always been a bad liar Visar..." His voice was soft. It wasnt meant as an insult but more a compliment on his integrity. He stood next to Visar and gazed over the yards.


"Allow me to try again... if we are going to make this work its important we understand each other.." He took a deep breath. His words though softer spoken would not hurt any less. "I am not angry with the way you do things or even you really... I am just... tired Visar. Rasheta does not take her own safety seriously. At first I think she wanted to die and now I am just not sure. She would tell me I was over doing it when I did anything but sit around her all day, but the head of the Green basically told me the Black Ajah walked the halls.. the Green I am afraid is the logical first target. Before you came if we died then the death would be my own failure. With you here now I have to worry about yours too. Believe me Visar she cares about you more than she ever will me and that makes your life a liability. She loses you I cannot stop her from ending her own life and in turn I lose mine too. If I die well... she still has her favorite... do you understand?" When Visar didnt answer he continued.


"I have had to rework everything since you got here to include you... I have had to compensate everything for your traditional Warder style of answering everything with a sword but blood and ashes Visar is that really the best we can do? I need someone to have a plan when I do not. If something ever goes wrong some time as they always do I should not be the only one who has a way out for us all. I know you do not think like this so I thought I was doing us all a favor by trying to fix everything as fast as I can. I just need more time to get it all done."


He was glad he was able to present it in such a way that was devoid of anger and exhaustion. The next part though... the last part... would make it clear that Visar had more responsibility than he had thought with this. "Lastly...she has you now... I am glad you are here... it will help her if something happens to me... but... your being here has made me expendable." Visar looked at him obviously not believing but Dante wouldnt give him a chance to argue. "It has Visar... you will have to trust me on this... but if something does happen to me shes going to need more than someone who stands around all day to protect her... do you see Visar? It is the fear of the things I do for her that keep her enemies at bay... that make people think twice about involving her in their games. Most of my plans will never be used... but the thought will be on everyone's mind that seeks to harm her... has he planned for this?"

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(ooc: let me know if you want to change details of the "compromise" and I'll edit)

"You have always been a bad liar Visar..."

It was Dante.  Visar's mouth twitched slightly at Dante's reply, almost a hint of a smile.  If he knew Dante as well as he thought, he would have taken that as a compliment from an old friend. Visar had truly been a fool, thinking that his friend would desert him, or that he was completely worthless.  Why would he have been asked to be a Warder if that were the case?  No, he needed to have more confidence in himself as well as in Dante.


"Allow me to try again... if we are going to make this work it's important we understand each other.."


Visar relaxed further, leaning against the window, as Dante tried again to reason with him.  He listened this time, more closely to what Dante was saying about Rasheta than what he had earlier implied about Visar.  His comrade had not been trying to insult him, merely present his view and his concerns.  His feelings towards Rasheta were strong, Visar realized, stronger than his own, probably.  Was Dante's love for her what had him so stressed?


Visar understood what he meant about being tired though.  Ever since he had bonded, Visar had had trouble sleeping too, as if he didn't need the same amount of sleep.  Although he knew it was the bond's affect, that didn't help it feel any less unnatural.

Visar straightened as Dante revealed what the head of hte Green Ajah had told him.  She hadn't told him that, had she?!  Light, the Black Ajah!  No wonder Dante is so concerned about danger from within the Tower!


"Believe me Visar she cares about you more than she ever will me and that makes your life a liability. She loses you I cannot stop her from ending her own life and in turn I lose mine too. If I die well... she still has her favorite... do you understand?"  Visar frowned, not understanding or agreeing.  Dante thought that Visar was the favorite?  It made no sense... He cared for Rasheta, but as a brother would love a sister, or a son care for and protect his mother, and he suspected Rasheta felt the same about him.  Rasheta and Dante, however:  to Visar there seemed to be something more there, a more passionate feeling boiling beneath the surface.  He wanted to try to refute what Dante had just said, but he had no words yet, so he let Dante continue.


He smirked at Dante's calling his way only using his sword, not taking offense this time.  That was all he had been instructed, had he not?  He had been so focused on his individual ability in his training, that he had not bothered to take extra courses on how to protect someone otherwise.  Looking back, Visar wish he had done so, and had interacted with other Aes Sedai too.  It would have been a more useful education.  Still, it was not too late to learn...


He shook his head, not wanting to believe what Dante had said.  It seemed as if Dante had a similar problem with his identity of a Warder.  Thought he was expendable, but he really wasn't.  Rasheta had been with him longer, and Visar was willing to bet that she would mourn his loss far greater than his life could profer.  Not that he was willing to put her in a situation to test that theory, however.


"It has Visar... you will have to trust me on this... but if something does happen to me shes going to need more than someone who stands around all day to protect her... do you see Visar? It is the fear of the things I do for her that keep her enemies at bay... that make people think twice about involving her in their games. Most of my plans will never be used... but the thought will be on everyone's mind that seeks to harm her... has he planned for this?"


As Dante trailed with his final question, Visar finally had an answer.

"My friend, you are right. I, we cannot afford to be mere bodyguards for our Aes Sedai.  I can only ask you humbly to help teach me how to think like this.  How to unlearn the selfish and simple assumptions of my past life.  I promise you, I will do my best to ensure that she is safe, and that neither of us should think that our lives are expendable save for the last, most desperate hour. She cares for both of us and chose us to be her guardians and companions for good reasons, even if her reasons for each of us are different. I promise, while I have strength and wits, I will do everything I can to help you."

Visar paused, and a faint glint of reproach entered his eyes.

"But...I must still implore you to be more careful with yourself.  She needs you, we both need you of whole mind and body, and drowning yourself in booze and risking the Light knows what illnesses from women of ill repute will not help.  You must break those habits, as I must rethink how I do things.  I know both sound hard.  I still think one of us should be nearby, just in case things happen that we don't have 'plans' reserved to deal with.  Not shadowing her --you know I don't Always do that!-- but close enough to reach her.  There's something to be said for the "old fashioned" Warder way, yes?  But as to what we can do now, other than improve our ability to defend her, I'm more than willing to have a more flexible outlook, as long as you're a bit more open with me."


"Can you row with me upriver on this one?" Visar asked, nodding towards where the bond indicated Rasheta was, still in her room.  Rasheta still felt saddened and worried, but there was hope there, too, and a kind, caring sense of patience.  Visar let Dante punch his shoulder, and grinned.  He knew that Dante couldn't stand his corny Tairen idiom, especially when it was intentionally bad.  They discussed a few more details, more haggling the "compromise" for the fun of it than anything, before they reached the door to Rasheta's room.

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rasheta paced her room waiting to see how the two warders would end up. She hoped that Dante was not going to continue the argument. He seemed to be better then before but she wasn't sure if that was because of her or if he was just tired like he said. She felt the small changes in both her bonds they were coming to some kind of understanding she was sure. She paced some more and tried not to think about how this may have been a bad idea. She'd only ever had one warder in her head. She sat down in a chair and could tell both her warders were coming back to her room. They seemed better now and she took several deep breaths in to calm down some.


Visar was first into the room and Rasheta waited till Dante appeared before she got up and hugged Visar and smiled. "Good i'm glad to see that Dante did not do anything rash to you." She turned her attention to Dante and hugged him as well. "And Visar did nothing rash to you I see. You both survived your first fight I'm glad." She turned stern then and crossed her arms adding.


"You both worried me you really can't do that. I don't want to be wondering just what to do with both of you when i'm done with a hall meeting or out of the tower." She shook her head "So I hope you two have come to some kind of understanding." She went back to her chair and said. "You both can go on about your day if you like i'll be here for the rest of the day." She paused. "Try not to fight" She added with a smile.

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Dante accepted the hug and took in her scent. His heart dropped a moment that he had upset her. If he really wanted her love he was doing a hell of a job of pushing her away. "I wouldnt worry about it. No matter how bad he may upset me I will just always have to remember that.... I know where he sleeps." He smiled though he still had not reconsidered the itchweed in the man's mattress.


"I cant say I would argue with spending more time around you. I just needed a bit more time to work things out for Visar's arrival. When I am done I will give him a nice long vacation."


Dante sat down quietly. His eyelids heavy though he knew he needed to be somewhere later. The more he thought about it though the more he thought to heck with it.

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Visar smiled as he hugged Rasheta.  When was the last time he had a decent hug?  Whenever that was regardless, it felt good.

"Good i'm glad to see that Dante did not do anything rash to you."


"Nah, he's harmless." Visar said, shooting a grin back at Dante.  Dante ignored him, however, and that was fine.  Visar frowned at what Dante said next.


"I wouldnt worry about it. No matter how bad he may upset me I will just always have to remember that.... I know where he sleeps."


What exactly did that mean?  Visar wondered if Dante would stoop so low to the usual pranks they had done on each other when they had just joined the Tower Guard.  Well if he does catch me off guard I'll get him back, Visar promised himself.  Visar scoffed at the idea of a vacation.  Why take a vacation when he could get plenty of work done at the Tower?  It didn't make much sense to him.  Though he supposed he would enjoy spending some more time training with his betters and the younger guardsmen and trainees.  He would have to get this planning business down solid.


Visar breathed, relaxed, glad that no damage had been done during their initial arguements.  He glanced down, and his breath caught.  One of the chairs was on the ground, broken in several pieces.  Visar scratched his head, slightly abashed.  Rasheta and Dante seemed to half notice, though they were focused on each other. 


"Guess I don't know my own strength?" he said with a nervous laugh, gesturing to the chair.  "I'll go into town some time and buy another one; it would take me forever to fix that.  And even if I did I'm no carpenter; no doubt whenever Dante sits down on it again it would fall to pieces again."




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