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Activety check for new and old members


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tai which req's are you lacking, or are you stalling on?


lor which reqs is it you need done, where in the df path are you?


arani that sounds great


devon if you need brainstorming hit me up on im we will see what we can come up with, since the DF req's if i remember corectly is less class based, maybe we can come up with something that also will serve some of the others ..or come up with a nice interdiv thing pending what your looking for


also there is a ball/dance feast etc going on in the blight Tai that you can attend, if any of you df's are interested let me know and possible we could work out a reason for you to be there, its sort of set in timeless space

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Ok in lieu of the book release this autumn, i will be giving active PC members a book release bonus to celebrate...contact me to debate this, the term on this will be set between us, if you are not active the bonus will fall away, ie it will only be valid if you show activety..and is to help raise activety level in the div after summer

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I'm still and initiate.


My 2nd req was never approved (the Choosing a Career one), though it's posted in my req thread. I have a "your choice" to finish before I get a promotion, but I would like to play with someone rather than just RP it myself. :( Thus the wanting someone to teach me to kill stuff, thing...

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send me a pm will you...its geting late here at least with a pending morning starting about 5.30 am, i'll check it tomorow


if you aint afraid of timeloops we can always fabricate a reason for you to be at the festival, there will be plenty of contests there, including some killings...

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