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The Results of Overwork (Solo RP)

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Nesyer walked into her room tiredly, so tiredly, after forcing herself time and time again to learn how to channel and learn about life as fast as Wilemi.  Wilemi had had a headstart ever since she had learnt at grandmother Estean's hands how to channel.  Not efficiently yet, to be sure, but it had made the difference of weeks between Wilemi and Nesyer.  Nesyer had never come second best in anything but studies to Wilemi, and she would not make channeling a second.  So far, her efforts had succeeded in keeping her at the same pace as Wilemi, but no matter how hard she tried, she could not catch up.


Obviously, Nesyer reflected, Wilemi was eager to learn, and as such she also must have practiced more than usual.  However, Nesyer admitted that she was potentially stronger than Wilemi, but Wilemi simply seemed to have an advantage.  Not like Nesyer, who was more balanced in the elements.  Wilemi had skill.  Her skill at Saidar was such that weave after weave came to her easily, even if she was not strong at it, she could still weave it, even if she had not the strength to make it work even properly.


Nesyer knew that she was being too hard on herself, but she did not really care.  It was bad enough that she, though 3 years older, did not know as much about the world as Wilemi.  She would not lose to Wilemi in learning to channel.  She could potentially equal Wilemi, maybe better her.  And she would not lose.  Nesyer grimaced to herself, as tiredness sank into her, right after her meal.  Now, even when she went to bed immediately and fell right asleep, she still did not seem to be able to recover fully for the next day.  Her body was failing her, and this angered her and spurred her on to greater heights.


However, she had been taking herbs for her head ever since her body started to wane.  Her mind had suffered under constant mental concentration, and headaches were a common thing now to her, so often that she barely noticed them anymore.  But now was especially worse.  Her temples throbbed, and the room seemed to pulsate with it.  Suddenly, there was a bang, and looking around, she realized that the cupboard nearby had fallen over.  That was strange.  Objects didn't move by themselves.  What Nesyer didn't realize however, was that she had unconciously embraced Saidar.  Her temples hurt too much.  Clutching her head in pain, Nesyer groaned and reached for her cup.


Her cup skittered over the table and crashed to the floor as Nesyer reached out.  "No."  she muttered.  "This can't be happening.  Someone help me."  she groaned, as she hit the floor as the door burst open.  The last thing she heard that time was someone saying  "Shield her!"


Then all turned black.


Nesyer Yoshan

Healer of the Five

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Is she going to be all right?"  came a voice faintly out of the blackness.  Nesyer stirred slightly.


"Yes she is, Nenen."  came a voice that sounded vaguely familiar.  Nesyer struggled to move up of the blackness, finding it tedious and difficult.  "I've told you, she just needs rest for a few days after she wakes.  And we'll keep a closer eye on her.  I suspect she's been channeling without proper supervision."


"But Larin.."


"Yes child, I know, but she's in a fragile state right now, and we've had this discussion."  that same voice came, boring a hole through the inky blackness towards her.  Nesyer swam upwards.  The blackness was becoming fainter and fainter as her conciousness stirred in her mind.


"I think she might be waking up."  came another, different voice that Nesyer knew and recognized.  She struggled towards it, and with the greatest effort, opened her eyes slightly.  Light struck it, and as her eyes adjusted, she opened them further.  Faces peered down around her.  Wilemi, Nenen, Larindha Sedai, and a few other sisters that she did not recognized.  She recognized different expressions on each of their faces.  Wilemi and Nenen had relieved expressions on their faces, whereas Larindha Sedai looked like a storm cloud.


"You frightened us out of our wits child,"  Larindha scolded.  "You nearly burnt yourself out then."  Then her face softened at the look on Nesyer's face.  "You're fine now.  The yellow Sisters here have been attending to you ever since you collapsed yesterday evening.  Had we reached you a moment later, you could have burnt yourself out."


Nesyer sighed.  Her head felt very heavy, and she was drifting back down into blackness once again.


Nesyer Yoshan

Healer of the Five


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It was a few days after the explosion, and Nesyer was now summoned to the Mistress of Novices office.  With a inward sigh, Nesyer trooped her way down the corridor to the nearby office.  Her white dress seemed too thin an armour to face the seeming wrath of the Mistress of Novices.  She was literally trembling as she reached the door of the Mistress of Novices' office.  Straightening her dress and steeling herself, stopping herself from shaking, Nesyer straightened her shoulders and knocked on the door of the Mistress of Novices.


"Come in, Nesyer."  came the sharp voice of Larindha Sedai.


Steeling herself, she entered the office to see Larindha patting a cat and letting her drink milk from a saucer.


"Sit down child."


Nesyer sat, feeling very apprehensive.  When Larindha was satisfied that the cat had drank its fill, she left the cat to her own devices and turned to look at Nesyer, who looked down, her eyes fearful of the wrath that Larindha could muster.  Larindha studied her, measured her, from the top of her hair to the bottom of her shoes.  When she was satisfied that Nesyer's appearance was in order, she sat back on her chair and surveyed her over steepled fingers.


"I understand what you are going through child."


Nesyer's eyes jerked up towards Larindha.


"I know its not easy to be second best to someone child."  Larindha continued, not seeing Nesyer's reaction, and if she did, ignoring it.  "But you sometimes have to accept the fact that you will not be the best at everything you do.  Wilemi has told me that you worry about being second best to her at channeling, Nesyer.  I think that you have been channeling on your own without any guided supervision, and I will have to punish you for that."


Nesyer nodded silently.  "I understand Larindha Sedai."  she said reluctantly.


Larindha Sedai looked at her closely.  "I'm not sure about that, child."  she said, with sad smile.  But anyway, I have gone through the same position as you.  I myself have known that sour taste of jealousy and the bitter taste of defeat before.  It is not pleasent.  However child, you have to accept that though you may try your best, there are just some things that you cannot be the best at."


"You are dismissed child."


Nesyer sat there, listening silently.  Sighing mentally, she decided to keep up with Wilemi as best she could.  Hopefully over time she could prove to everyone that she was just as good as Wilemi was.  Upon hearing the dismissal, she stood, curtsied silently, and left.


Nesyer Yoshan

Healer of the Five

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