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Does anybody know how longbows are made?


I want to rp Burrich making his very own extra large (and therefore more powerful and longer ranged) longbow.


For that matter, would anyone be interested in joining said rp so I'm not doing it alone?

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I think Owen would be the person to ask on that hun. The Rangers have specially designed longbows for just that reason (larger and more powerful). Whether that's part of their Ranger training I'm not sure, so best check.  :)

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It is not part of Ranger Training as such, no. It is something that can be under taken after a Ranger is trained.It is not part of the req's to become a Ranger. It is a req that will earn a Ranger an advancement in WS. Sounds easy?


Well yes and no. It cannot be a simple throw away post, i would expect a minimu of 500 words and that is the very least i would accept i would hope to see a lot more than that.


As to the Ranger Longbow?


It is a very different beast to a normal Longbow, has far greater range, has a very heavy pull and can fire the heaveiest broad point arrows twice as far as a normal bow.......been around since the danw of time dude 8)


As to how to make one?








This last one is not about making bows but has some interesting photos and general info









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Thank you Owen for the info, looks good.


So, after I graduate from Guardian to Ranger I can do this for ws but in the meantime I'll just 'borrow' one from the collection.


Oh, and I was planning to make one that was maybe even slightly more powerful than even the other Ranger longbows, something that only he would have the strength to use.

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As it is a Ranger Longbow is more powerful than any other bow in Randland, making one that was even more powerful, even if that is only by a little. Could be said to be overkill, so i would not allow that...making the bow is fine but not increasing the strength of that bow. Stamina of the archer would be a better thing to work on.

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That is different to making one that has better range.penetrating power than a "normal" Ranger Longbow.


I have no problem with you improving the strength of a bow with regard to the breaking point

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Oh excellent!  Otherwise there wouldn't really be a need ic for him to make his own instead of just using one of the stash.  My ignorance is showing again cus I just put strength of the bow together with range and penetrating power.  On furtehr thought I see that they aren't necessarily as strongly connected as I first thuoght.

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