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Weapons Training & Choices - ATTN Wanderers


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Right gang, on to the next lesson. Weapons training will be starting on Monday next week.


Each Wolfkin has 3 weapon slots. Your weapons to choose from are sword, bow and dagger. You can pick one as your primary weapon, one as your secondary and one as your last. 


Depending on what you choose as your primary weapon, there will either be a group class or individual classes. So please post here with what you want that to be as soon as possible.  :)


For Wanderers still doing their Pick Ups or Sage check ups, you can take part as well and pretend you've already arrived if you're comfortable with retro-ing your arrival.


Any questions, catch myself, Owen or Tai and we'll do our best to help.



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Arienna - Hand to hand, bow, dagger.


Daciana - Dagger, hand to hand, no tertiary.


Even though H2H wasn't listed as a choice, they both have reasons for them.


Arienna because she's still a maid, and it's not proper for a servant to go around armed. Not many servants in the books had swords strapped to their belts, they had guards for that. So, by that logic kicking someone's ass in hand to hand is perfectly agreeable.


Daciana because her style is more like a predator. No bows in favor of stealth-and-pounce tactics, and the Cinquedea she carries is the only weapon she'll carry. She's not skilled in what she doesn't trust, and she doesn't trust what she's not skilled in.

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Or perhaps post here >.>


I has a question as a matter of fact.


Are we aloud to say what the sword looks like in the RP? (i.e <A longsword that at first glance does not stand out from the others, apon a closer look it seems to have a wolf howling to the moon etched on the blade beneath the cross-guard> ? )

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