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And so she shall pass (Murder in the Yards) - open


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Cari sat in the dark cell.  It hadn't been long since the jury had come back with their judgment and Cari was far happier with the outcome than she'd anticipated.  Not that Cari really wanted to die, but it was far better than having to sit in the Yellow's care for the remainder of her life.  Jesse sat across from her watching as he expected her to try something.  She was asked about what she'd like to eat on her last meal and Cari declined the offer.  Why give a dead person one last meal, it didn't serve any purpose.  It didn't even give the person one last comforting thought.  The only thing Cari wished for was to see her four lovely little ones again.


Cari sat and thought about how lost Jeffery Kincaid would be with out her.  He was in the Black Tower now, but the boy always seemed to need her.  He always seemed to get into just the right amount of trouble.  Fawne was ever so independent, even though she was loved by more than her mother, Cari always felt bad about the little girl's relationship with her.  They  hadn't known each other much, Cari had left her when she was too young to remember and Alex had not told her much of her mother before they came to the Ranch and he died.  Cari felt a tear fall on to her cheek.  Alex was always a sore spot for her.  He would be until the day she died it seemed.  That made Cari smile.  Aidan and Kate were by far the best off now.  Sara would care for them.  And poor Taylor he was with out any other adult than his grandmother.  That made Cari sad, the poor lad had to watch his parents die and then she would leave him too.  That was a sad thought.


Cari looked up and saw Jesse watching her, he looked concerned but he didn't say anything he just sat and watched.  Cari smiled at the lad.  He had lost a friend to her hand and she knew he didn't understand, but then again maybe he did and that was his problem.  But it didn't matter, she was paying the price for the Shadow's actions and that didn't make things any better for him or for any others that had lost their family or friends to her hand.  She hadn't done the deeds but she was there, she'd seen the end result and the dimming light from their eyes.  The Shadow stirred at the memories and Cari fought to keep control.  Cari only hoped her family would be safe.


A noise from outside the room made Jesse turn.  He stood quickly and spoke softly.  "Aes Sedai..."  Cari couldn't see beyond where Jesse stood she was not sure what was going on.  Was it time already?



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  • 4 weeks later...

OOC:  Sorry for the delay


Jesse rose from his seat as an Aes Sedai approached.  She was covered from head to toe in black he couldn't see her face, but he knew her to be Aes Sedai, only an Aes Sedai could actually hold that compusure and still look like she belonged there.  "Is there anything I can do for you?"


The Aes Sedai did nothing, and said nothing but Jesse had the feeling that the dark figure was laughing, or at least smiling underneath that dark hood.  "I can't let you past here Mistress, but if you tell me what it is you seek I can help you."


That was all that it took all that mattered from that point on was gone.  Jesse collapsed to the ground - asleep.  A sharp snore came from Jesse as he rested at the will of the Aes Sedai.  Jesse had failed his duty but he would not know that yet.



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Cari watched as Jesse fell to the floor.  She smiled when he snored, at least he wasn't dead.  Cari wasn't sure what was going on but she had her fingers crossed that somehow someone knew what was going on.  Of course someone did, Raeyn was at the trial, and Raeyn knew exactly what was happening, but Cari did not presume that Raeyn wished her more than a casual glance.  It had been nearly ten years since she had been her Warder.  Ten years of no communication save one happenstance in the borderlands.


The Aes Sedai that Jesse had spoken to walked into view of Cari.  The dark hood showed no signs of anyone she would recognize, but then again no one would want to be known to free the murderer right before her execution. 


The figure motioned and the jail cell door swung open with a click of the latch.  Cari shivered at the thought of the One Power, but it was freeing her and she was more than willing to allow the power to be used to save her life.


Cari obeyed when beckoned out of the cell and down a back corridor of the brig.  Cari followed silently, and watched everything, she didn't know where she was going but she knew enough to keep quiet and keep still when told.


The darkness of the surroundings grew darker until nothing could be seen.  Out of the darkness a single candle light the way.  It wasn't a candle, but that was the amount of light being put off.  Cari assumed the Aes Sedai was using the One Power again to light their way through the dark. 


Cari put her hands on the wall and the once smooth stone of the cells was not replaced with jagged rocks.  Cari didn't know when it had changed, but they were no longer with in the White Tower.




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  • 1 month later...

Everything was foggy.  What had happened?  Jesse opened his eyes and found the jail cell he was guarding open.  He looked around quickly and found no one in sight.  He knew he was in trouble and he knew that if he didn't raise the alarm now other things would be in jeopardy. 


Jesse ran to the alarm and the bell rang through out the White Tower.  He heard shouting, and men and women rushing towards the sound of the alarm.  The Master at Arms was not the first to arrive but he was the only person Jesse saw.  "What is it lad?  She's gone?"  He hadn't even waited for an answer as he began calling out orders, he didn't even look at Jesse again, he knew that it was done, he was out of the Yards for good.  He only hoped he could redeem himself of this misfortune, he hadn't meant to fall asleep., but had he?  Hadn't someone come in before he slept.  He was having a hard time remembering.




A faint bell could be heard in the depths of the cavern they were in.  Cari looked at her rescuer and then back at the sound of the bell.  "I can make it from here, go before they catch you."  The figure didn't leave and Cari pushed.  The hood falling back to reveal her former Aes Sedai.  "Go now or I'll kill you myself, my Aes Sedai."  Cari shoved her again.  "Go!  You will not die for my problems."


There was no response but Raeyn left, she fled down another tunnel and was gone from Cari's sight the only light went with her but Cari let the darkness adjust on her eyes and she made her way down the corridor she was going, she had to lead them away from her Aes Sedai.


OOC:  Two weeks to lay chase to Cari.  enjoy!


Jesse & Cari

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  • 1 month later...

The chase was on, the darkness getting deeper and Cari could hear the faint echos of those in pursuit of her.  There was no place to hide, the only imaginable escape was to get into the city and disappear, but Cari had yet to find an opening. 


Cari wasn't sure how long she wandered the catacombs of the sewers.  It was dark and smelly and Cari was ready to be done.  A shread of light peeked through ahead of her and she hurried towards it.  But the light came from above and Cari could not see away out.  And that's where it happened, that's where it all ended...




Bryon rush forward and led the charge after their murderer.  She would not get away this time.  He would have his answers.  He would know what the truth was of those murders and he would have her head on a pike.  This woman was good at hiding her tracks, but after a while Bryon realized there was only one way out and he took his guards with him and they found a slip of light that would signal the way out and he laid ambush to the murderess. 


Bryon set a team on ahead  just to make sure they didn't miss her, but he didn't have to wait long, sure enough she showed up and the disappointment on her face was clear.  He didn't give her time to react as he signaled for everyone to surround her. He bellowed.  "Give it up Miss Namere, we have you surrounded.  Drop your weapons and put your hands on your head."


She looked around and saw now way out and she did the most unthinkable thing Bryon could think of.  With a quick motion the dagger from her right sleeve whirled from wrist sheath to her chest.  There was no consideration in her eyes, no doubt nothing but pure sacrifice.  She had just shown theses guards the true meaning of Sheathing the Sword.  The lights went out and Miss Cari Namere fell to the wet disgusting ground.  A few guards kicked her to make sure she was dead, and one kept kicking the woman.  Bryon pulled the lad away and they left the body there.  He'd send someone to clean it up later, she didn't deserve it but he couldn't stand the idea of a rotting corpse below the city he loved.


Cari & Bryon

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