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The "Lose lots of points game" trial: ROUND SIX!!! First casualty!


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Dragonsworn won round two!


Start haggling for cap for round three. 24 hours, chop chop.


Mod notes on strategy:


Some of you are starting to hurt on points right now, though there's not a lot of difference in most of the points. Thinking about it, to reclaim say 100 points (which I know might be useful to you), you only need a cap of about 25.


However, you're more likely to damage the wealthy players with a large, risky cap.


This is where the voting might come into play. Make allies with those who you think have a similar amount of points to you, but remember that it's everybody for themselves!


Finally, remember that you can sandbag and bid only the minimal amount, and let everyone take everyone else out.

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Guest dragonsworn1991

I love this game.


Panda you are amazing for finding it.


I say set the cap at 185

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Think about this empy: DS wants the higher point cap because HE WON round 2; Krak won round 1...they have more points and can therefore afford a higher cap where they'll just bleed us dry faster.  We have a better chance with a lower cap

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