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Intro to Saidar Lessons 1-2 Attn: All who signed up)

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Claire waited in the classroom for the Novices to arrive.  It had been long since Claire had last been a teacher, but she needed something to occupy her mind and keep it off of more serious things of late. Instructing this class was probably a good solution.  Claire heated some tea on the sideboard and poured herself a cup, flavored lightly with honey.  She was dressed in a rustling silk dress, a shimmering dusty brown. In her up-swept honey blonde hair (with multiple streaks of grey) is fixed a dagger hair pin, with the teardrop of Saidar enameled on its hilt.  Claire is 5’9 and is getting fairly thin as she ages. She has a heart-shaped face, high cheek bones, and dimples when she smiles, which is often. Her eyes are blue-grey, sometimes as dark as the sea on a stormy day.


Claire stood as the Novices began to file into the room and take their seats.  When all had arrived, she began the first step in what she hoped would be a long career for each of these young women.


“Good morning, class. I am Claire Sedai of the Brown Ajah. I will be your Introduction to Saidar teacher.  Please address me as Claire, as I hope we will all know each other quite well by time you reach the shawl. Before we get started I have a few rules that MUST be followed to the letter. You must NOT touch the Source or channel, without supervision. Since you have not been here long, I doubt you have started channeling yet.  If you have started already, that will stop immediately.  From now until the day you reach Accepted, you will not channel unless you have the express permission of an Aes Sedai or Accepted. If you violate this rule, even in this class—You will immediately be sent to the Mistress of Novices’ office for a suitable punishment. Since you are new, understand that ‘suitable’ means extremely harsh."


”You do not have the discipline to control Saidar or to attempt to channel it. The feeling is so overpoweringly addictive that you might be tempted to take in more than you can safely handle. This could result in any number of horrible outcomes, among them hurting or killing others, yourself, or even worse yet, burning the ability out of yourself. An Aes Sedai or Accepted must be there with you to moderate the amount you attempt to handle, and ensure that your flows don’t go out of control. This is for your safety, and the safety of all in the Tower. During your time here at the Tower this is THE primary rule you MUST follow."


"If right now you are saying to yourself, ‘She is trying to scare me’, then you’re right. If you aren’t scared, then you are a fool.”  Claire saw the near-terrified look on the students’ faces and knew her lecture and warning had hit home.  She maintained her stern façade while on the inside she couldn’t help but smile.


She took a breath of relief; Claire was not fond of putting a pretense of harshness on with the initiates.  She really did enjoy teaching, and this course was one of her favorites.  All Aes Sedai started with this small first step.  She turned back to her students and continued with the lesson.   “Someday control will come. You will be comfortable with the Power, and it will come when you need it.  Beware of becoming too comfortable, however.  Comfort begets hubris, which can trip you when you least expect it.  Mastery of the Power takes years of effort and discipline, which will start in this course. Your lessons in this will continue, until you are raised to an Aes Sedai. Now we shall move on to your first lesson.”


At this point, Claire walked to a chalkboard she had on an easel in one part of her study.  On it she drew the ancient symbol of the Aes Sedai, and labeled the ‘tear-drop’ shaped half Saidar, and the ‘dragon-fang’ shaped half Saidin.  Turning back towards the seated women, she began her lecture.


“The True Source is made up of two complementary parts: Saidin, the male half and Saidar, the female half. Only women can touch Saidar and only men Saidin. Most people cannot sense or touch the True Source, only two or three percent of all the people in the known world have this ability. Channelling is when a person draws from the Source and controls its flows to achieve a desired result.”


“But what exactly is Saidar? The answers to this question are infinite. The White Ajah has debated about this for years to no real avail. However, it seems to be the very essence of energy in all things, even life itself. When a woman channels, she takes threads of that energy, the One Power, and weaves them to perform various tasks. For example I could use the Power to lift my cup of tea,” Claire embraced the Source and used a thread of Air to lift her cup, “and to heat it up again.” She wove a tiny strand of Fire in the cup until steam came up from it. Some of the Novices fairly goggled at Claire doing these things.  With a suppressed smile, Claire continued.


“These are fairly easy tasks, before our lessons are over you to will be able to do this. Now back to the matter at hand. There are five different threads to the One Power, known as the Five Powers. They’re named after the elements their energies manipulate: Air, Earth, Fire, Water and Spirit. People who have the ability to channel typically have a greater natural ability deal with one or two different threads. Some rare individuals have a great ability with three of the threads. And even during the Age of Legends, according to some tomes we have, it was extremely rare to find someone who could handle four or five of the elements very strongly.”


“Typically, men were more adept with Fire and Earth, while women were more adept with Water and Air. Both were equally strong in Spirit it seems. But do not let this mislead you. Many Novices labor under the misapprehension that being strong in Fire and Earth means they are stronger overall as a channeler.  To keep you from that delusion, please remember that there is no rock so strong that water and wind cannot wear away, no fire so fierce that water cannot quench it or wind snuff it out.”


“As I said before, the use of the One Power is addictive. The act of channeling makes a person feel more alive, so much that life without touching either Saidar or Saidin seems only a pale shade of what life should be. It is because of this reason that channeling is dangerous - drawing too much of the One Power can either sear the ability to channel out of you, or it can kill you outright.  Many channelers would agree that to be killed would be better than to live without the ability to touch the Source at will. That is how sweet the feeling is that you will experience. You must learn how to remain strong in the face of that temptation. This is why girls who can learn are brought to the Tower. Even if they do not have the desire to rise to the shawl, they must learn to control the urges lest they hurt themselves or those around them.”


“There have been times in the history of the Tower that Aes Sedai have been cut from the Source as punishment. This process, known as severing, is called Stilling.”  Claire reached for several pieces of parchment she had prepared earlier, and handed one over to each student.


“These are the names of every Sister who has been Stilled in the History of the White Tower, and their crimes. Memorize them. You may be asked later, at random, to tell me about them. If you’d like to know more you can find more information on each in the library. I encourage you all to research them extensively. Only by remembering our past mistakes can we succeed in not repeating them. Learn from them so that you may never have to pay the price of their foolishness.”


“Tomorrow we will begin our actual workings with Saidar. I ask that you please get a good night’s rest, and plenty to eat. This class will be your entry to a wonderful and amazing new world. Your final assignment for today is to go to the library and find information on at least one Novice or Accepted that has been burnt out. I will ask you for this report after tomorrow’s lesson.”


Claire smiled warmly at the Novices, who had been very attentive throughout the lecture. “If you have any questions feel free to ask them now, or if any come up later you are welcome back to my quarters at any time.”



OOC: Homework for this lesson is to write about your character listening to the lecture. What does she look like, what does she feel during the lecture. Etc. If she has any questions, be sure to ask!  Feel free to start thinking of ideas for the burnt out Novice or Accepted report, it will be due later.


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Aeryn entered the classroom, looking around and seeing only the teacher present. She went to the front of class to sit where she could keep a close eye on the teacher as well as the chalkboard for the lesson. As she was waiting for class to begin, more students started to arrive and she had to wonder how many Novices would be in an average class of this kind.


Honey-blonde hair tied into a bun, she was leaning forward in her seat, simply waitng for class to begin without taking much notice of what went on around her save for when another Novice would enter the room. She was a slender woman, with fair -- though somewhat pale -- skin, wearing the Novice dress in a way that would hint at her noble heritage. Though she preferred yellow over white herself, or another color that didn't unfavorably accent her skin, she supposed she was stuck.


As Claire started talking, she listened, taking notes along the way. It was a small surprise to hear about the addictiveness of saidar, and she couldn't help but think that she had already met some Aes Sedai whose hubris was getting the better of them. At the mention of the Mistress of Novices however she didn't react, she had after all been sent there once already, resulting in an extended session with Jagen Sedai. That, and she was not easily scared nor intimidated.


Still, the lesson continued, some topics covering things she had already known, others providing her with new information to add onto her growing pages of notes. One thing in particular stood out amongst them, underlined, and it wouldn't take much effort for Claire to figure out that she was going to ask a question about it. Sure enough, a hand was held up in the air after the woman was done speaking, and Aeryn asked what she wanted to ask.


- "Aes Sedai, you said channeling is tapping into the energy of life itself. Would this mean that you are effectively taking the energy that the Wheel needs to create more threads? If i were to channel strongly, would it make a farmer's crops fail somewhere else in the world?"


It should be noted that the tone at which she was asking would be a neutral one, much like how a White would ask a question in. She had nothing for or against channeling in itself -- she wouldn't have gone to the Tower of her own accord if she hadn't -- it was just something she needed to remove one of the questions she had about the One Power as a whole.




Too used to Amadicians

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Nina swayed into the room where she was to take the first steps toward becoming Aes Sedai.  Neither the first to arrive or the last, she pursed her lips in slight frustration at not being able to make a grander entrance.  Finding a seat in the first row where all coming in would see her, she sank gracefully into the wooden chair provided.  She crossed her long legs and tossed her shimmering auburn locks as she settled into her seat, and, as she always did, proceeded to examine those around her.


In the short time she had been in the Tower, she had been able to put only a few names to faces, and neither the Aes Sedai instructor or any of her classmates were included in that list.  The teacher sat at her desk, calmly sipping at a cup of tea, with glue-gray eyes piercing each of the students, Nina included, in turn.  Finding herself unable to meet the woman's gaze directly, Nina instead turned her round, brown eyes to the novices who shared the classroom with her.


There was no shortage of attractive girls surrounding her, but this did not daunt her.  Nina appreciated beauty in people other than herself, if only for the reason that it heightened her motivation to stand out.  Luckily none of the other students appeared to share her Domani heritage, so her competition would be likely to fall short.  There was one, however, who carried herself in a regal manner that lent itself to a graceful, confident demeanor.  Women such as that did not always have to try to be attractive beyond the simplicity of physical beauty: they simply were.  She would be one to watch.


Several more white-clad girls filed into the room and filled the remaining seats, and the Aes Sedai at the front of the room stood.  Assuming the lecture was about to begin, Nina produced a quill made from a peacock feather and readied parchment to take notes.  Peacock feathers were not as effective for holding ink, but Nina considered the color and texture to be worth the small sacrifice.


Nina experienced a small shock when the Aes Sedai asked that they address her as simply Clair, forgoing the usual 'Sedai' honorific.  Other women in the Tower who had attained the shawl had insisted on it.  Once Nina herself became Aes Sedai, she would be certain that all novices and Accepted did not forget to maintain proper respect for her station.


Soon Claire was speaking rapidly, and Nina had no further room for idle thoughts.  Scratching out notes in shorthand in a flowing, elegant script, she tried to keep up with the lecture as well as she could, hampered by the fact that she had to return her quill to the ink jar nearly twice as often as the other students.  Undaunted, Nina listened closely as the Aes Sedai gave instructions and warnings in a friendly, encouraging voice.


She was intrigued by the supposed sweetness of holding Saidar.  Her curiosity at what a sensation must be like for so many women to have succumbed to temptation and burned themselves out, or actually died, overcame any fear she might have felt at Claire's stern warnings.  Etching several question marks next to the words Temptation.  Addictive.  Caution. Nina raised her head from her notes as Claire called for any questions.  There had been one she had been waiting to ask, since her initial meeting with Larindrha Sedai, the Mistress of Novice's.


Claire pointed to Nina as she raised her hand, and she rose with subtle undulations.  Such movements, as she had been taught, would cause people to take notice of her simplest motions without knowing quite why.  With one leg bent slightly and at an angle to the other in order to accent her round hips, Nina asked her question with the hint of a smile on her face.


“When  I was tested by the Mistress of Novice's, she used a small crystal.  Will we learning the use of other such objects that contain the power in our lesson's?”

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Kharal strode purposefully down to the classroom where her first lesson was to take place. She was calm and collected, and her expressionless face confirmed as much, but somewhere deep down inside she felt the occasional burst of excitement - a very small burst that did not ruffle the placid surface.


At the entrance to the classroom Kharal came to a halt behind a couple of other white-clad novices who were about to go inside. She felt a little impatient with how slow they were moving, but said nothing. Finally the way was clear and Kharal entered the classroom, curtseying to the Aes Sedai who stood at the front of the class and then making her way to a seat to the right. She placed her parchment and her quill and ink on the desk, then took a seat, perching on the edge. She folded her hands on the desk in front of her and waited expectantly, her small frame alert and almost perfectly still most of the time.


Her long, black hair fell in a smooth waterfall down her back, and her hazel eyes shone in anticipation of her first lesson starting. Kharal had always been pale, and this had not changed even during her journey to Tar Valon. There was one noticeable difference between the old Kharal and this new one, however, even if most people wouldn't have seen much of a difference - the new Kharal had a purpose, a newfound sense of inspiration and an exhilarating future. You couldn't tell from looking at her that she was at all exhilarated, but all that mattered was that she knew it.


Perhaps because they were still awaiting the arrival of some more students, nothing happened at first, and Kharal fell to examining her surroundings. These included the woman who would be her instructor, of course. Kharal studied her attire and figured that most of the other girls in this classroom were probably envious of its excellent cut and appealing colour. Kharal herself was in analytical mode, wondering how wearing the dress made the woman feel, where else she may have worn that dress in the past, if it had any special meaning for her. She also assessed the heart-shaped face of her tutor and figured that this woman was regarded in general as rather pretty. Kharal wasn't particularly concerned with getting answers to these questions, but they arose in her mind nonetheless.


Finally it seemed that the last novice had arrived, and Kharal eyed the girl, wondering how she felt about cutting things so fine. Would the Aes Sedai tutor have waited long for her, or did she usually start lessons right on time?


“Good morning, class," the Aes Sedai spoke, by way of getting things started. "I am Claire Sedai of the Brown Ajah. I will be your Introduction to Saidar teacher.  Please address me as Claire, as I hope we will all know each other quite well by time you reach the shawl." Kharal thought this odd - in her short experience so far she had not encountered any Aes Sedai who permitted students, or novices at least, to call them by their given names.


The Aes Sedai went on to outline some of the rules that all of the novices were expected to follow. She started out by informing them that they were only allowed to channel when instructed to by an Aes Sedai. She emphasised the importance of this by mentioning that punishment for disobeying would be 'harsh'. At this, Kharal's face remained impassive, but she noted stirrings amongst the other novices in the room. She didn't quite hear any whispers, undoubtedly because they were all too scared for that, but she knew that they had been made uneasy. There is a simple way to avoid that punishment, Kharal thought starkly. Do as Claire Sedai says.


Claire Sedai said, ”You do not have the discipline to control Saidar or to attempt to channel it. The feeling is so overpoweringly addictive that you might be tempted to take in more than you can safely handle. This could result in any number of horrible outcomes, among them hurting or killing others, yourself, or even worse yet, burning the ability out of yourself." Now here was an idea for Kharal to be wary of - having the ability to channel burned out? A very good reason to stick to the rules! "An Aes Sedai or Accepted must be there with you to moderate the amount you attempt to handle, and ensure that your flows don’t go out of control. This is for your safety, and the safety of all in the Tower. During your time here at the Tower this is THE primary rule you MUST follow."


There were more sounds of uncomfortable shifting around the room, but the only movement Kharal made was to underline the rule she had just transcribed to her parchment, to emphasise its primary importance. Claire Sedai concluded her point with, "If right now you are saying to yourself, ‘She is trying to scare me’, then you’re right. If you aren’t scared, then you are a fool.” Kharal was fascinated, in spite of herself. She was very curious indeed about how channelling saidar would feel to her. She honestly could not imagine being as elated as Claire Sedai seemed to think every woman who channelled naturally felt. Nothing had elated Kharal in all of her living memory; nothing had even made her happy, at least until she had arrived in Tar Valon...but the feeling she had had then was more one of relief and anticipation. Still...it would be very interesting to experience the feeling that Claire Sedai had described.


The Aes Sedai went on now to promise them that someday they would each attain control, and would be comfortable using the Power. But here too there was danger, apparently, in the form of becoming too comfortable with the Power. "Comfort begets hubris, which can trip you when you least expect it," Claire stated. "Mastery of the Power takes years of effort and discipline, which will start in this course. Your lessons in this will continue, until you are raised to an Aes Sedai. Now we shall move on to your first lesson.”


Kharal's skin prickled in more of that anticipation she had just been recalling...but she admitted that there was some excitement, too. Claire Sedai walked to a chalkboard that stood on an easel, and picked up a piece of chalk which she proceeded to use to draw a circular image that was made up of two teardrop shapes - one upright and the other upside down. She labelled the first one saidar and the second one saidin, and then turned back to the class and proceeded to speak.


She told them all about the True Source and its components, saidin and saidar. Kharal learned that only women could touch the latter, while men could touch the former. She also had it confirmed that using saidar was known as 'channelling'. Something that interested Kharal a great deal was learning that she and these other girls were amongst a definite minority of people in the world who had the ability to channel at all.


Then Claire Sedai went on to describe the popular theory about what saidar actually was. "...It seems to be the very essence of energy in all things, even life itself. When a woman channels, she takes threads of that energy, the One Power, and weaves them to perform various tasks. For example I could use the Power to lift my cup of tea...” Kharal saw the Aes Sedai's teacup lift up into the air, and was impressed but also a little envious. “...And to heat it up again.” Within moments, steam was rising from within the teacup. Kharal could not tell what the Aes Sedai was doing, but she knew she must be doing something.


“These are fairly easy tasks; before our lessons are over you too will be able to do this." Kharal liked how that sounded like a promise, and quelled her impatience which had not shown on her exterior in any case, but had merely bubbled beneath the surface briefly. "Now," Claire said, "back to the matter at hand."


She described the Five Powers that made up the One Power, which were Air, Earth, Fire, Water and Spirit. She touched a little on ancient history, mentioning the Age of Legends. Kharal's quill was scribbling madly as she soaked up all the information she was being given. She definitely found the Age of Legends a fascinating topic, and hoped she would get to study that in the future. Well, when it came down to it Kharal wanted to study everything. She wanted to leave no stone unturned during her studies. But her attention was still focused on Claire Sedai, who had also mentioned that most people tended to have natural abilities with one or two of the Five Powers, and that it also often depended on whether you were a man or a woman. Kharal wondered almost dreamily what her strengths would be. She tried not to think about any potential weaknesses.


"But do not let this mislead you," Claire was saying. "Many Novices labor under the misapprehension that being strong in Fire and Earth means they are stronger overall as a channeler. To keep you from that delusion, please remember that there is no rock so strong that water and wind cannot wear away, no fire so fierce that water cannot quench it or wind snuff it out.”


Kharal transcribed this quote, for she quite liked it.


Claire went on to describe in more detail the feeling that people got from channelling the One Power - the addictiveness of it. "...Life without touching either Saidar or Saidin seems only a pale shade of what life should be. It is because of this reason that channeling is dangerous - drawing too much of the One Power can either sear the ability to channel out of you, or it can kill you outright." Kharal wondered how that would affect her - after all, her life had always seemed a pale shade of what it should be anyway. Did that mean she was in more danger than the average person, or less? When Claire mentioned that many channellers would prefer death to living without the Source, Kharal thought, I can imagine.


Claire moved on to a description of the process known as severing, the outcome of which was Stilling - Aes Sedai being intentionally cut off from the Source as punishment for various actions. The Aes Sedai handed out a parchment with the names of each and every Sister who in the past had been Stilled - along with a description of their crimes. They were instructed to memorise these names and crimes. Kharal wrote a note on her own parchment and placed an asterisk beside it. She also added the word 'library' at Claire's suggestion that they do further research. She intended to do so as soon as she had the chance.


Then came the conclusion of this first lesson, with Claire saying, “Tomorrow we will begin our actual workings with Saidar. I ask that you please get a good night’s rest, and plenty to eat. This class will be your entry to a wonderful and amazing new world. Your final assignment for today is to go to the library and find information on at least one Novice or Accepted that has been burnt out. I will ask you for this report after tomorrow’s lesson.”


Kharal added this note to her parchment with another asterisk. When she looked back up at Claire Sedai, she was startled to see the woman smiling warmly. “If you have any questions feel free to ask them now, or if any come up later you are welcome back to my quarters at any time.”


Kharal raised her hand and waited while other girls asked their questions and had them answered. Then when Claire called on her, she said:


"Claire Sedai...are there many novices and Accepted who have been burned out? Is it...a common occurrence?"



OOC: The long post demon hath not died ;)

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Guest dragonsworn1991

Devrion walked into the classroom, then selecting a seat out of the way, and the main view of the classroom she began to observe. She was neither the first nor the last to enter. She looked at each of her peers and wondered idly, what would the group of novices say to know that they housed a friend of the dark in their midst. What would the self important Aes Sedai say to the fact that she was helping shape a tool for the Great Lord of the Dark. A wicked smile spread across her face, and it glittered demonically in her coal black eyes. She ran a hand through her long dark brown hair in anticipation of what was to come.


Pulling out her quill, ink and parchment Devrion eyed the instructor. The teacher stood up and took on a strict posture, her voice adapted a lecturing tone, one of monotony and the lesson began. The presiding Aes Sedai introduced herself as just Claire, already Devrion was loosing respect for the woman. She should want to be respected, not put on the same level as everyone else.


Copying the drawing of the symbol of the Aes Sedai, Devrion continued to to take notes on what her instructor was saying. She wrote about the division of one power. It's ironic, that the one power would be divided into two parts. I wonder if a women has ever felt saidin? Devrion mused to herself but continued her notes as not to fall behind. Claire continued with the lesson and Devrion copied absentmindedly.


Claire continued to discuss the components of saidar, fire, earth, water, air, and spirit. The demonstration was interesting and it left Devrion with a fire inside her, burning to wield the power and master it.


Other than that the lesson was pretty mundane. The instructor's attempt to frighten the class with a warning of having the ability to channel ripped away from someone or  the finality of death only scathed Devrion. She wore a frightened expression to mimic the class but inside she knew the Great Lord would protect her. It did however leave her with a question.


Claire wound the lesson down with a general closing and a promise of another lesson.


Devrion locked eyes with the instructor and said, "Claire, if anything short of death can be healed, why cant being severed from the source? Why is it such a threat?" Keeping her eyes on the Aes Sedai she awaited her answer.

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As Claire lectured, she was able to watch and take stock in these young women taking their first steps down a long road of learning.  All seemed stunned to one degree or another at her insistence at dropping the honorific Sedai from her name.  Ah well, when these women were older and wiser, they would learn that titles were empty if you lacked the innate ability to command respect.  Claire had that ability, and no amount of "Sedai-ing" would make a difference to it now. When she finished the lesson, many of the girls raised their hands with questions.


Claire called on Aeryn first.  She seemed an eager sort, with her blonde hair tied up in a no-nonsense bun.  A girl after my own heart... she thought wryly.  After Claire called her name, Aeryn spoke her question out clearly, so the whole class could hear her.


"Aes Sedai, you said channeling is tapping into the energy of life itself. Would this mean that you are effectively taking the energy that the Wheel needs to create more threads? If I were to channel strongly, would it make a farmer's crops fail somewhere else in the world?"


The ancient Brown smiled at the depth of the question.  "An excellent question, Aeryn.  It always behooves a channeler to think long about the potential effects of their weaves.  Saidar and Saidin are drawn from the infinite pool of energy that drives the Wheel.  However, this source is renewable; in fact it is renewed by the very life that covers our world.  So while no action could drain the source and strain the Wheel in its weaving, you DO need to think of the consequences of the weaves you use.  If you were to want rain over Tar Valon, you could do it, if you had the proper strength and used the correct weave.  However, if you pull the moisture from the air around Tar Valon, you could create a drought miles away in the Black Hills. Just like the tiniest droplet of water will create ripples in a pool; for every action, there is an unknown number of results."


Aeryn chewed this over, and Claire called on the next student.  Nina was a Domani; it was obvious in every movement of her body, and the way she tossed her auburn-colored hair over her shoulder.  Even her voice was slightly seductive as she asked, “When I was tested by the Mistress of Novice's, she used a small crystal.  Will we learning the use of other such objects that contain the power in our lessons?”


Claire allowed herself a small smile.  Some questions were as predictable as the sunrise from class to class.  This one had almost always been asked at some point, in every Introduction to Saidar class she had ever taught.


"Objects do not contain the Power, child.  The Power flows all around us, and we use it through the focus of our minds.  Occasionally, objects may be used as an aid to that focus.  The crystal is one example; others may choose to use a stone in their hair, a staff, or a pendant.  The object itself is meaningless, you could do as well using a teacup as your focus if that is what you chose.  Many Sedai use no focus at all; the crystal is used by the Mistress of Novices because the people being tested usually need that extra help in their focus, and the crystal provides that."


Kharal had her hand up next.  She was a pale beauty with ebon hair rippling down her shoulders.  She did a good job of keeping her face emotionless, and her voice was dispassionate, almost uninterested.  Claire suspected the Whites had a prospect in this one.  It was an interesting game to her, guessing where these girls would end up years from now. 


"Claire Sedai...are there many novices and Accepted who have been burned out? Is it...a common occurrence?"


Claire thought a moment about how best to answer.  "Kharal, I am not sure offhand the exact number of Novices or Accepted who have been burned out.  It is hmm...an unpleasant topic of study.  I will say this much:  The number of burned out Novices and Accepted is MUCH higher among those girls who were not mindful of the warnings they were taught."


The Novices were quieted by this, and it was a few moments before another girl raised her hand.  It was Devrion, and Claire had gotten an odd feeling from her all through the lesson.  At one point the girl had a strange smile and her eyes had been intense as burning coals.  Whether the girl had thought of some potential mischief or she had something else in mind, Claire could not say.  Either way, it was a situation that needed watching.  Even the way she asked her question was slightly demanding and tinged with lack of deference. 


"Claire, if anything short of death can be healed, why cant being severed from the source? Why is it such a threat?"


The Brown drew a deep breath; there was always one who failed to see the danger.  "Aes Sedai do not write the rules of what can be done with the Power, Devrion.  Only the Creator can do that.  Even in our records of the Age of Legends, where wonders we could only dream of today were once performed with the One Power, severing or stilling was forever.  An Aes Sedai can lift something into the air, but she cannot fly with the power.  Why?  The Whites would launch into a diatribe on physics and the like, but I have a simpler opinion.  The Creator knows that those who can wield Saidar and Saidin have power over others.  To prevent hubris that would let us make gods of ourselves, the Creator also put in limitations.  We cannot fly, we are not immortal, and severing is forever."


Let them make of that what they will, Claire thought as she sat back down again.  She waited to see if any more questions would be forthcoming.





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"We cannot fly, we are not immortal, and severing is forever."


Claire Sedai's words seemed to echo through the classroom, or perhaps they just reverberated inside Kharal. If that wasn't enough of a warning against breaking the rules and being reckless, Kharal didn't know what would be.


The girl who had asked the question seemed rather more self-possessed than the rest of the class. Kharal wondered what her game was, and what sort of background she'd come from to be so confident from the start. Claire Sedai's earlier answer to Kharal's own question came back to her: "Kharal, I am not sure offhand the exact number of Novices or Accepted who have been burned out.  It is hmm...an unpleasant topic of study. I will say this much: The number of burned out Novices and Accepted is MUCH higher among those girls who were not mindful of the warnings they were taught."


Kharal couldn't help but think that Novice Devrion had failed to hear or understand this particular answer, let alone the one that Claire Sedai had given to her own question.

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Guest dragonsworn1991

"To prevent hubris that would let us make gods of ourselves, the Creator also put in limitations.  We cannot fly, we are not immortal, and severing is forever."


Devrion chuckled on the inside from Claire's attempt to frighten the class. She almost slipped by letting her mirth show in her eyes, yet she made them hard black stones. The creator might of limited us, but the Great Lord of the Dark would break those limitations. This was going to be very enjoyable. Devrion gave a sweeping glance around the class and was surprised at how little backbone the girls had. When Devrion achieved her power they would be the among the first she would break. Devrion leaned back in her chair and with all the coolness and haughtiness of a queen she sat there and observed, she kept her eyes looking for any future advantage to her cause.


Most of these girls seemed as if they would walk the straight and narrow, but there just had to be somebody willing to break some rules. Devrion needed to spread a little mischief for now, until the maelstrom struck. She planned on putting her name in the histories, as the one that brought the tower to its knees, and even the longest of journeys started with a single step. Let them come against me, she thought we will see who comes out on top.

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“...severing is forever.”  At those words, uttered by Claire with a firm note of  finality, Nina felt an icy hand clutch her spine.  If she felt herself tempted now, without having ever touched the True Source, she had best take notice of the warnings the Aes Sedai gave.  Looking around the room, Nina noticed the other novices also seemed fearful and taken aback by the sternness of Claires words.  Still, so long as she was careful, surely Nina had little reason to worry.  She underlined the word Caution on the parchment before her, then underneath, added more text.

Limitations:  Severing. Flying. Mortal.


Truly she learned new things every day.  She had come to the Tower with the vague impression of a full city of women, able to control the power that drove the Wheel of Time, and capable of any feat.  It seemed this could not be farther from the truth.  She had believed them all to be god-like persons, benevolent, wise, and ancient.  What she had found had been nothing like her expectations.  Instead Aes Sedai seemed to just be people, like any other.  They were young and old, wise and dim, flighty and serious, kind and malevolent.  And instead of a city overflowing with them, from what Nina had observed during her short time here, large portions of the White Tower had been unused for years.  At least, the novice quarters had room for fully three times the current number of girls living there, if not more.


Nina did her best to focus more on what the Aes Sedai had been saying, and her answers to the questions the other novices had asked.  Her fellow students seemed both eager to learn and to possess a depth of reasoning Nina feared she lacked.  Their questions were precise and and penetrating, and the answers Claire gave provided new insight to the mystery that was Saidar.  Looking back, her own question seemed childish and ignorant.  Nina was not used to feeling less than others, and she found she didn't care at all for the feeling.


There was one novice, however, who seemed arrogant and nearly disrespectful.  Devrion was a black-eyed beauty, to be sure, but that beauty was tinged with an aura of cool superiority and disdain, even a little disgust.  She surveyed the room as if she were an empress on her throne, receiving the supplication of a conquered nation.  Devrion also seemed totally oblivious to Claire's warnings, her features painting a picture of disregard for the severity of risk involved in channeling.  Perhaps future initiates would provide reports on a novice named Devrion who had not followed the rules and burned herself out through ignorance.


Silently chiding herself for thinking such disparaging remarks about a girl she didn't even know, Nina looked around to see if anyone else had further questions.  She had none herself, and feared the lack might display ignorance.  She told herself that it was no shame to be ignorant, as this was only her first lesson, and she had already learned amazing things.  Nina even found she was thoroughly enjoying herself, although she already felt eager for tomorrows lesson.  To hold Saidar must truly be a wonderful thing.

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Rochel spent her time in the class much like she had spent most of her time since arriving at the White Tower.  Trying not to be noticed.  She had spoken as little as possible, trying to stay out of everyone's sight, and out from under everyone's feet.  Maybe if they forgot about her she could get away?  Not likely, but it was an entertaining thought.  From everything she had been told though, escape was nigh impossible.


Besides, as much as she hated to admit it, the One Power was starting to intrigue her.  She wanted nothing to do with the stuffy, snobish Aes Sedai, but the power itself ... well that was different.  She had heard of wilders, women who had trained themselves with the power but had no ties themselves to the Tower.  Saidar wasn't the exclusive property of the Aes Sedai.  Such possibilities.


For now though, she was stuck.  Sitting in a room with a handful of other novices, waiting to learn how to channel.  And yes, somewhat excited about it.  Perhaps for that reason, the start of Claire Sedai's lesson chaffed her so badly.


“ Before we get started I have a few rules that MUST be followed to the letter. You must NOT touch the Source or channel, without supervision. Since you have not been here long, I doubt you have started channeling yet.  If you have started already, that will stop immediately.  From now until the day you reach Accepted, you will not channel unless you have the express permission of an Aes Sedai or Accepted."


They were here to learn to channel, but they were not to touch the source?  To Rochel, that seemed akin to teaching someone to swim, without ever letting them near water unless someone held thier hand.  She felt disgusted.  What was the point?  The point, she soon discovered, was to scare them.  Which also disgusted her.  Why be afraid of a tool?  Yes, a knife could cut you, but that didn't mean you should be afraid to use it.  It made sense to be cautious, but to be outright afraid?  Nonsense.


After the scare tactics, came the slightly more interesting part.  Rochel actually managed to jot down a few notes on things that she thought were important.  Five Elements.  One Power addictive.  Death better than losing the power.  She frowned down at her paper.  Something seemed wrong about that last one.  She almost had her finger on it when something else Claire Sedai had said snapped her attention back to the lecture. 


"This is why girls who can learn are brought to the Tower. Even if they do not have the desire to rise to the shawl, they must learn to control the urges lest they hurt themselves or those around them.”


Do not desire to rise to the shawl?  Did that mean she could leave when she knew enough to control Saidar?  Somehow it didn't seem that simple to her, but it was a good thing to remember.  That part definitely went into her notes.  As the class continued, she mulled over what it was that bothered her about death being better than stilling.  When she recieved the list of Aes Sedai who had been stilled, it finally struck her.  Her question burned inside her as the class finished, and it grated on her that she was not the first one with her hand up in the air.  She was last. 


As their instructor answered various questions, Rochel thought hard over the best way to phrase her own.  Finally when her turn came up she simply blurted out, "Claire, (if the woman insisted they not use the honorific, Rochel wasn't one to argue) if most channelers agree that death is prefered over severing, why do you only gentle men who can channel?  Would it not be kinder to kill them instead?"


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As Daraniea walked through the grand halls of the White Tower she felt both gratified and slightly anxious. This was to be her very first class, and she wasn't sure what to expect. Upon entering her tiny hovel of a room two days before, she spent her time unpacking her meager collection of belongings, making sure her new completely boring outfits were a proper fit, and then wondering what in the Light she was supposed to do next. Of course the following day was spent touring the expanse of the Tower, the Warder Yards, and the Kitchens. Balking at the other Novices down on their hands and knees scrubbing out giant cauldrons used for mass quantities of stews and soups; Daraniea found herself almost chanting Elrick's name over and over as a reminder of why she was really here. Anything was better than marrying that bald, pompous lout.


And today starts the first class. She had been lectured already on the importance of not being tardy, not having a hair out of place, and basically playing servant girl to any Aes Sedai if they should happen to notice her, but she took it all in due course. Elrick....


Taking a seat in her class she glanced about her imperiously. She didn't know the other girls in the class with her, but it was probably better to be as confident as possible, in case one of them thought to get uppity with her. Who knew what type of situation she would find herself in today? Aes Sedai were more feared than anything else in the land, and the White Tower a mystery to most people. The magnitude of the situation that Daraniea now sat in a seat preparing herself to be actively taught how to be an Aes Sedai was not lost on her one bit.


Once a picture of the room and its inhabitants was indexed firmly in her mind, she allowed her eyes to rest on the Aes Sedai seated in front. The woman had the same ageless face as the rest, though her hair had gray streaks through it. She must be really old. Daraniea wasn't sure, but she guessed it would be out of place to call her on it, so she made a mental note to ask her collegues about it at a later time. Her face was rather pretty, with honey blonde hair and a heart shaped face. Her face gave off a kindly air, and Daraniea felt reassured by the woman's friendly countenance. Smoothing her skirts, Daraniea took a moment to compare her appearance to the other people around her. She did not stand out in the crowd, but she was different. She was most certainly the smallest person in the class, and her wavy chestnut hair was nothing much to speak of. Her large, dark eyes weren't uncommon here, but she thought her creamy pale complexion was the prettiest next to the Aes Sedai. A delicate nose and bow shaped mouth completed her round face, and at the end of her personal tally, she felt she stood on par with the rest of the class as far as appearances were concerned. She was certain she was the only Cairhienin in the class.


As the teacher started talking, Daraniea found herself instinctively measuring her words. Before her mother died, she had just begun learning about Daes dae' Mar from her; but she found herself to be a quick study, and it wasn't very hard to continue the practice after her mother passed; that is until her father had moved them into the wretched country. Shaking herself from her rather unpleasant reverie, she began to focus more closely on the lesson. The teacher was trying to scare the entire class--and it was working rather well. Daraniea found even herself feeling a measure of fear, but she managed to quickly tamp it down with the assumption that an Aes Sedai would never allow for a student to harm themselves in their presence.


Glancing about her, she saw many of the other students scribbling furiously onto their papers, busily taking notes, and while Daraniea did jot a sentence or two down, she didn't really find remembering this information all that challenging. Perhaps it was a Cairhienin thing...though she did find herself glancing at the girl named Devrion more than the others. Something about the girl gave her the creeps. It was probably just this entire atmosphere...


As the question and answer portion of the lesson came 'round, Daraniea instantly saw the overachievers clamoring in their minds for some questions. Most of them were good ones to ask, though Daraniea didn't think there was any question that needed to be asked that she couldn't go and research herself. Everyone knew Aes Sedai couldn't lie...but Daes dae' Mar was strong in Daraniea's blood, and it was second nature to question anything anyone said.


Allowing her attention to slide back to the Aes Sedai, Daraniea listened as she answered the other students questions. As she called on the last girl with her hand raised however, the room quieted so that Daraniea was sure you could hear the raised heartbeats of every person in the room. "Claire, (if the woman insisted they not use the honorific, Rochel wasn't one to argue) if most channelers agree that death is prefered over severing, why do you only gentle men who can channel?  Would it not be kinder to kill them instead?"


Awkward. It would be interesting to hear the answer to this question.

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Her final words, "...severing is forever." rang through the classroom like a death knell.  Many of the girls looked positively stricken, and Claire almost regretted using such force in her words.  As any Aes Sedai knew, tone and inflection of speech can subtly influence a weak-willed individual.  With initiates of the Tower, one assumes that they might be of stronger stuff and resistant to such influence.  Claire took no chances and the tone she had used was like a bludgeon upon the girls' emotional responses.


Only two girls seemed relatively unaffected by her statement.  Daraniea had the look of a Cairhienin, so Claire suspected she had honed some emotional defenses in that country's tangled web of intrigues.  The other was Devrion.  Again, the girl perplexed and disturbed her, she seemed devoid of emotion.  As her newest mentee, she would have to keep a close eye on her.  She would not lose another initiate, whatever the reason.


Rochel broke the silence with a question, and the sighs of relief that cut through the room when she spoke were very audible.  However the feeling didn't last long when they heard the question.


"Claire, if most channelers agree that death is preferred over severing, why do you only gentle men who can channel?  Would it not be kinder to kill them instead?"


The Brown sat back, considering a moment before answering.  The girls seemed to expect some sort of half-truth from her about this touchy subject, but Claire was a firm believer in blunt explanation, unless the material was on only a 'need-to-know' basis.  Gentling was a well-known practice, and there was no sense in evading the topic.


"A Red could explain much more eloquently than I, but I think I can help you to understand.  Let me answer your question with a question, Rochel.  In one of the river towns outside of Tar Valon, there is an old woman I know of who suffered a bout of Rheum Fever when she was a child.  If you don't know, this disease is greatly damaging if not caught very early.  It did severe brain damage, irreversible to any Healing we possess.  Her muscles are atrophied from the malady, causing excruciating pain most of her waking hours.  She has lived most of her life a halfwit, being dressed, fed, cleaned and tended to by those around her.  You might ask, why let one such as that live?  Why let her suffer, when it would not be kinder to just give her Crimsonthorn Root and the forever sleep?  Because, child, we don't have the right to make that decision for a person.  Only a murderer would have the arrogance to think they know who should live and die."


She stood up from her chair and paced in front of the desk.  "The taint which takes over a male channeler's mind is another form of disease.  It has been much studied and obsessed over by the Tower over the Ages.  We have tried many different kinds of treatment and Healing, to no avail.  EVERY male channeler eventually succumbs to it, regardless of how long he has been channeling.  Some men who only just manifested the ability will go crazy within days.  Others may stave it off as long as ten years.  But it does come, eventually.  While the Taint is not infectious, it can cause havoc of all sorts.  A male who is Taint-crazed could do vast damage to an entire region.  Even more if he had an angreal.  We cannot run the risk of that happening, yet we would be murderers to kill them outright.  So we gentle them, giving them the chance to live out their years free from the Taint.  It is true that many sicken and die anyway; but some do survive.  Gentling is the only option we have available to us at current, and we must use it or be failures in our duty to protect the world from another Breaking. "


It was a long speech; Claire looked up to see the room in perfect silence, watching her.  Some seemed obviously surprised she had explained so much; but it made no sense to Claire to hold back information from the girls who were the future of the Tower.  A bell echoed through the corridors, which broke the spell.  She nodded and went back to her chair.  "That will be all for today, ladies.  I will see you for your next lesson, don't forget your assignment!"


The Novices rose and filed out, some chattering amongst themselves, others still in contemplation of her words.  She wondered what insights they would take away from today.


OOC: If anybody feels like posting their thoughts about Claire's answer, go for it, but it isn't required.  Lesson Two, coming up!

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Rochel listened thoughtfully as Clair spoke.  It was interesting that Claire Sedai had given such a long answer, but she still seemed to dodge around the question somewhat.  The comparison seemed a little off to Rochel.  There was a fundamental difference between a woman who was physically and mentally crippled by a disease, and a person who was severed from the One Power.  The cripple continued on with a desire to live.  She had heard that Aes Sedai actively denied death to a gentled man, not allowing him to even take his own life.  It seemed even more cruel somehow.  Rochel wondered what Claire Sedai would prefer.  Death, or a forced existance without Saidar?


She was about to pose that very question when the bell rang outside, abruptly ending the class.  "That will be all for today, ladies.  I will see you for your next lesson, don't forget your assignment!"  Rochel picked up her papers with a sigh and filed out of the room with the other girls.  A report on a burnt out novice or accepted?  Where in the world would you begin to find that information?  Glancing down at the list of women stilled for their crimes, Rochel pursed her lips in thought.  Did they really keep records of all these incidents for the last three thousand years?  The library had to be massive.  With another sigh, Rochel set off toward where she thought the library was.  If she had to do this, she might as well get it over with while she had some time.

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As she listened to Claire Sedai's explanation of why male channellers were Gentled rather than killed, Kharal wondered about the history of male channellers, and fell to pondering who the last male to have been Gentled might have been. She had heard names of False Dragons mentioned at various points in her life, though living in Tear those names were only ever whispered behind hands, rarely spoken of aloud. She supposed the same could be said of most nations, for nobody loved the thought of men who could touch saidin.


Kharal made a note on her parchment: Male channelers - history. She intended to do some research on the subject when she next found herself with some free time. Her roommates seemed to think she'd never have a moment of leisure, but so far Kharal hadn't found herself run off her feet, so she was holding out hope.


The bell rang, signalling the end of class, and Claire Sedai told the class, "That will be all for today, ladies.  I will see you for your next lesson, don't forget your assignment!"


Kharal blew on her parchment, trying to dry the last bit of writing she had inked on it, and then gathered her things to go. She intended to head straight to the library to get started on her homework. The only problem was she didn't yet know where the building was. She would have to find someone to ask.



Kharal Tesehan


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  • 2 weeks later...

Lesson 2: Touching the Source for the first time


Claire looked up from her book with a start.  Good Heavens, is it time for the class already? She had come down to the classroom early, and passed the time by reading a treatise on the Karatheon Cycle.  Standing and smoothing her skirts, Claire greeted the Novices as they entered the classroom.  “Good morning everyone.  I hope you slept well last night.  Today we’re going to start working with the Power.” Claire noticed the eager and anxious look on the girls’ faces, and tried to remember the first time she touched the source, so many years ago.


“The first thing you must learn, before anything else, is learn how to embrace the Source.  This is the first step in preparation for channeling. You must surrender yourself fully to its power; you must place yourself within it. Only by surrendering can you embrace it.  This is not as easy as it sounds, many people find it hard to give themselves up completely.  They flounder and try to seize control, instead of letting the power fill them like sinking into a warm bath. I will teach you a novice exercise to help you surrender yourself. You will not immediately succeed at this exercise. Or you may not succeed your second, fifth, or tenth try. But do not let this frustrate or embarrass you. I once sat as you did trying desperately to take hold of Saidar and I never thought it would come, but it did. So take a deep breath and close your eyes." Claire watched as each Novice took a deep breath and closed eyes framed with long lashes.


"Now, wipe clean your mind of all thought but a single flowering bud.  Picture it clearly, every facet and petal as if it were in your hands.  Once you have the image firmly in your mind, begin to picture the sun on the bud, warming it. The bud begins to flower in response to the sun, yearning for its warmth and light." Claire walked slowly around the room as she spoke. Very similar words had helped Claire and countless others over the years touch the source for the first time.  She noticed one of the Novices frowning in concentration with her eyes shut, and she placed a soft hand on her shoulder.  “Do not try to seize it, child….relax and it will come to you.”


She continued talking to the girls about the flower and sun for a few more minutes, until finally she saw a brief glow light up around each of the Novices. “Excellent job, ladies!  You just touched the Source for the first time. Exciting isn’t it?” Claire beamed as the Novices opened their eyes and looked at her with incredulity.


Claire remembered the way one of the girls had seemed to clench up when she tried the first exercise.  “Class, I want to teach you another exercise that I feel will help calm you before trying to reach for the Source.  Imagine that you are the sea, rolling wild and furious.  Now you are the sea becoming the river, heading ever inland…the banks that contain you calm you and give you purpose and direction.  You are the river contained by the bank, and you flow endlessly and steadily.”  Claire watched as each girl pictured this in her mind, and it seemed that every one of them maintained a calmness this time.


“Very good. Now, I want you to sit here for the next hour and work on these exercises; first be the river contained by the bank, and then imagine the rose and the sun until you can touch the Source with more ease.”


Claire went back to her reading, but kept an eye on them as they practiced.  Every time the young women succeeded in touching the Source, Claire felt her pride in the Novices grow.  Finally the allotted hour was over, and Claire stood.  “You may stop now, class.  You have done very well today, but I must remind you to NOT touch the Source when you are not under an Aes Sedai’s supervision.  I have decided to give you an extra day for your assignment.”  Many of the girls’ faces lit up at this, but Claire promptly made sure they knew that they were not being coddled.  “Today’s lesson has prompted me to add a bit to your lesson.  In addition to the information on a Novice or Accepted who has burned themselves out, I would like for you to also research and find a second calming exercise like the River and the Bank that you like.  You will find a list of these in the Novice section of the library.”


“Please have your research prepared for the beginning of class tomorrow.  Sleep and eat well again tonight, as tomorrow’s lesson will be much more difficult.”  Claire stood and directed them to the door.  “Now shoo!  I know you have chores and classes to attend to along with my assignment.  See you tomorrow!”  Claire smiled once more at the retreating backs of the Novices, then shut the door.




OOC: RP touching the Source for the first time, and your reaction (scared, blissful, etc).  What kind of flower did you choose?  RP how the River/Bank exercise feels and if it helps you be calmer for the Rose/Sun exercise.  Assignment info:  Have fun with this!  Make up a novice/accepted who burned themselves out, and the circumstances surrounding the incident (about a paragraph or two is fine.)  Make up a calming exercise to use instead of River/Bank….it can be your signature exercise and your character can continue to use it when she is a Sedai!  I will have you hand it in with the next lesson.


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Aeryn was sitting at the front of the classroom again, waiting patiently on the teacher. When Claire entered the classroom, she nodded in greeting, as the Aes Sedai apparently shared her feelings about getting class started as soon as possible. Today was about channeling itself, it seemed, and surrendering oneself to a flower of some sort. Closing her eyes, she formed the flower in her mind, but soon found herself starting to get irritated.


What's keeping saidar anyway? Hello, the flower's there, get on with it!


She was brought out of that train of thought by the feeling of a hand on her shoulder, and the momentary interruption had been enough to keep her temper in check. Taking a deep breath, she decided to focus less on saidar and more on the flower, and see if that would help. It did, to a lesser extent, and she believed she felt something warm brush against her like an unfelt breeze, making her drop her concentration and the Source both.


“Excellent job, ladies!  You just touched the Source for the first time. Exciting isn’t it?”


Aeryn didn't really know what to think of it. She guessed it would indeed take her a while to get used to this sudden inflow of emotions and feelings enough to keep her concentration intact long enough to actually weave something, but the first step towards that goal had been made, she was sure of it. She tried several times more, but found imagining the flower to be giving her some problems.


Fortunately, Claire mentioned slightly later that there were other ways to wield saidar, being a river and a bank. She had been to the sea a few times, near Tanchico, so she knew what that looked like. Lying in the sand under the sun, the soothing crash of waves on sand as if the sea tried to reclaim the land... The light of the sun, filling her with warmth...


There it was again, the feeling she had felt earlier! She tried to catch it, to keep it from escaping, but found nothing again. She had felt it clearer than the last time though, and tried to reform the feeling of her lying on the beach again, though she continued to be ready to pounce on saidar as soon as it would show itself to her again. Needless to say, it didn't, at least not until she stopped actively waiting for it.


She sighed, this was going to be harder than she thought. There was still half an hour to go into the lesson, and she just decided to keep forming the image in her mind, channeling be damned, and see where she'd end up at in the end. If waiting for saidar to reach out to you was truly this... erratic, she wondered how Aes Sedai did it...




Already found something

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Guest dragonsworn1991

Devrion glided into the classroom icily, she was a cold grace incarnate. Walking into the room she noticed Aeryn, Devrion gave her back a quick glare and proceeded to a seat in the back of the room so she could watch her peers. Slowly they filled into the classroom until everyone was there. Today Devrion would learn how to touch the source and be one step closer to aiding the great lord.


Claire gave the class instruction to picture a flower. Devrion knew instantly what flower she would choose. She picked a viola, a flower whose petals resembled black satin. Devrion concentrated solely on the image in her mind but nothing came, she tried again doing exactly as Claire said, and there it was, a sensation if that is what it can be called. It felt like a brush of summer air. Devrion hated the fact that Claire's instructions worked, and she hated even more that she followed them to the letter. Anything for the great lord, and for the empowerment of myself. Devrion thought.


Claire mentioned other ways to touch saidar, like being a river contained by a bank, but Devrion had little luck with it and only managed to touch the source briefly. Devrion wanted to try something different, There must be another way, I can't conform to Claire. Devrion thought bitterly. She pictured herself dancing in a black dress brocaded with pearls. She was dancing giving in to the music, going where it took her, and there it was again, that warmth, that sense of exhilaration.

I knew there was a way around what Claire wanted us to do. Devrion thought with a smile. For the rest of the class she sat back, full of self satisfaction and continued the exercise, all the while watching the class, seeing, and storing in her mind everything she saw.



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Flowers?  How was picturing a flower supposed to help them embrace Saidar?  Rochel briefly wondered if the Brown sister had lost her mind, but decided to play along.  She frowned for a moment, trying to imagine a flower.  She had never really paid much attention to such things, had never really taken the time to look at a flower closely.  But she did remember some of the flower arrangements her mother had made.  Resanna loved her flowers.  Particularly any rare ones she could find.  One time she had managed to find blue roses, and had covered the house with them.  Rochel had been annoyed with them, but now they were the only flower that stuck out in her mind.


Picturing the rosebud in her mind, Rochel waited for something to happen.  Sunshine beaming down on the flower.  Nothing.  Maybe there was a sense of warmth coming from the center of the tightly shut bud, but nothing else.  Quickly growing bored, Rochel began to peel the petals off the flower in her mind.  As she did, the warmth she imagined seemed to fade away.  She frowned and started over.  Blue rosebud.  Sunshine.  Eventually the rose began to creep open, ever so slowly, and she began to feel the warmth again.  When the flower had opened up just enough, she felt a surge of that warmth.  Surprised, Rochel opened her eyes and looked up at Claire.  The Brown sister gave her a little smile and a nod.  That was it?  That was Saidar?  It seemed so ... over rated.


The next exercise seemed even stranger to Rochel.  The sea, flowing into a river?  Besides the obvious flaw in that picture (everyone knew that rivers flowed to the ocean, not the other way around), Rochel had a hard time figuring out why this was supposed to help.  It just didn't seem to fit with the idea of surrendering to Saidar.  A riverbank didn't surrender to anything.  It always stayed exactly how it was, firm and unyielding.  And the river didn't surrender either.  She had seen rivers rise over their banks, going wherever they pleased without regard for anything else. 


Despite her misgivings, Rochel gave the exercise a shot.  She was the river, flowing around the bend, between the rocks, down the slopes, over the rapids ... she shook her head.  That was more exciting than calming.  One more time.  River.  Smooth flowing.  Her brothers skipping stones, her laughing.  Her eyes popped open.  That wasn't exactly what they were supposed to do, but it did the job.  That was a rather pleasant memory of time spent with her brothers.  One of the last times she'd been able to run actually.  She'd broken her leg only days later.  Probably not what Claire was after, but it did have a calming effect on her.


Over the next hour, Rochel did just as instructed, alternating between the river and the rosebud.  That brief moment of warmth she felt when she managed to touch Saidar didn't seem like much for the awesome One Power she had heard of, but it was a start.  By the end of the hour she had managed to hold onto it for a few seconds at a time.  She had to admit it felt good, but it didn't seem like something she couldn't live without.  Maybe it would grow harder.  Claire had mentioned that it was addictive.


Despite herself, Rochel was looking forward to the next lesson.  Even after finding out that their assignment had been expanded, and being rushed out of the class, she couldn't help but feel somewhat eager for tomorrow.  Her eagerness faded somewhat as she made her way to the library, but some of it remained, sustaining her through her daily chores.  What would tomorrrow hold in store?



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  • 3 weeks later...

Daraniea sat at the edge of class. Keeping her eyes focused ahead of her, she fought the bubbles of excitement that wanted to escape her lips. Truly, her main goal in leaving her homeland to make it to the White Tower was to avoid a most disgusting marriage to a fat and balding old man. The fact that she could (would!) become an all powerful Aes Sedai with the power and resources to do just about whatever she wanted, made everything seem that much better! Daraniea allowed her lips to turn up briefly, but anyone who noticed her eyes, could see the sparkle in them. She knew that today she would embark on the most significant part of her time in the White Tower yet--to touch the One Power. Part of her felt nervous. She didn't really feel any fear--the practical part of her saw all of the Aes Sedai who live and breathe and knew that with the proper training she would be just fine wielding it. Daraniea thought her nerves were merely the excitement of learning something new. She had always very much enjoyed and excelled in her studies, often going above and beyond what was expected of a minor noble of the female persuasion.


As the Aes Sedai began to speak, Daraniea noticed that there was a general hum of excitement in the air. She knew that while some girls were reluctant to embrace becoming Aes Sedai, they too were excited to do something that only a small percentage of the world could do. The Aes Sedai was doing her best to quell the looks of anticipation, but it seemed halfhearted.


Following the Aes Sedai's directions to the letter, Daraniea closed her eyes and imagined a flower. Her favorite flowers were the night blooming Jasmine that crawled up the lattice in the courtyard of her country manor in Cairhien. The soft musky scent was so relaxing, so tranquil. Daraniea let the Aes Sedai's soft voice lull her into a state of relaxation. Replacing the sun with a glorious full moon, Daraniea focused on the Moonlight gently caressing the fragile buds of the jasmine. Allowing herself to let go of her thoughts, she focused on the light of the moon, kissing the soft petals, until the jasmine itself was glowing around the edges. Ever so slowly the jasmine's glow strengthened and became brighter. As the flower opened, Daraniea could feel a warmth fill her that could only be described as -- perfect. As she tried to draw on more of this glorious warmth, the light slipped through her fingers, and as quick as the feeling was there, it was gone. Daraniea popped her eyes open with a start, mouth turned into an "O" shape. She hadn't realized it, but it had taken her quite awhile in her meditation to achieve just that one brief second of sublime happiness.


“Excellent job, ladies!  You just touched the Source for the first time. Exciting isn’t it?”


Hmph. Understatement of the Age. Daraniea gave the Aes Sedai a wry look. The Aes Sedai continued the lesson, beckoning the girls to try another relaxation technique. Daraniea tried to follow the quiet rush of the river, but found that she had a more difficult time. When imagining the jasmine, she could almost smell the sweet scent in her mind. With the water--all she could think about was getting wet. For the next hour, Daraniea practiced touching the Source over and over. Since the flower method worked best for her, she went with that. There was just something about the night that made Daraniea want to smile in contentment. She failed more often than she succeeded, but the silver lining was that it was becoming more and more easy for her to slip into that meditative state.


“Today’s lesson has prompted me to add a bit to your lesson.  In addition to the information on a Novice or Accepted who has burned themselves out, I would like for you to also research and find a second calming exercise like the River and the Bank that you like.  You will find a list of these in the Novice section of the library.”


At the mention of chores, Daraniea visibly winced. Probably the worst aspect to her life in the Tower was her basically becoming an indentured servant to all of these bloody Aes Sedai. Every day she found herself serving in the dining area, or scrubbing pots, or even running errands at a run, else she find herself in the Mistress of Novices office getting up close and personal with a slipper. A slipper! You may not think it, but that devil of a woman could wield that slipper about as well as she could wield the One Power.


With a sigh, Daraniea got up when the Aes Sedai dismissed them and began to trudge slowly to her next class.

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