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Maybe this isn't such a good idea ((Attn: Kabria))


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Following Janie down the long corridors Kabria realized that at some point in the night Perivar had left. She could feel his to the North, his presence fainter than it had been in some time. Shaking her head a little sadly she sent up a prayer that he came home.


With a long suffering smile Kabria allowed Janie to help her undress, and settle her into bed. At no time since she was a babe had she been so tended for. Giving the chatty little maid her assurance that she would sleep well, Kabria was out of bed as soon as the woman left. It may have been late, and the night cold, but she couldn’t sleep not knowing if Perivar was safe. She could tell he was alive, and she didn’t think he was in pain, but beyond she could say little. 


“If only he would not be so wool headed stubborn” she said to the dark polished wooden walls. “I know that he loves me, any fool with eyes can see that. I just wish that he said it more with actions than words. Doesn’t he know that shouting his love for me is worthless?” Kicking her long night gown she paced the length and breadth of the bedchamber; consulting with the walls. “My mother used to say she loved me too. Little good that got me.” Unconsciously her thumb rubbed the small star tattoo on her hands. It was something she did whenever she was distressed, a tell tale sign she’d never noticed. “Why does he always have to meet temper with temper? And why is it my fault that his mother is a troll, and would rather he had married Lila.” Shaking her head Kabria kept of her steady pacing. Intent on wearing a hole in the rug. Her words began to fade to mutters, but they were no less insistent.


“I just want him to reassure me…..fool man…bloody Light stubborn fool man.” Her pacing took her close to the door to her bedchamber and she heard a light scratching at her door. Embracing Saidar Kabria pulled open to door just a crack, muttering to herself that Perivar had better beg her to be let in. To her shock a small gray cat squeezed its way into the room and began rubbing itself on her ankles.


“Well you’re not Perivar, but you are cute.” Picking up the tiny little cat she went to curl up on the bed. As delicately as she was able she wove a delving on kitty, just to make sure he was in good health. Finding him in perfect condition Kabria sighed, and scratched the gray’s ears. “Apparently I will use anything as an excuse not to think about our problems. We do have problems, and I think they run far deeper than Lila.” Laying back on the bed Kabria allowed the cat to curl up on her stomach, while she poured out her heart to it.


It was much better than talking to the walls…..


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Perivar did not say a word in response though Nightdancer whinnied and frisked feeling his rider's frustration.  Perivar fought down the urge to spur his warhorse into the Blight.  He knew a ride through the Blight would clear his head but foolishly putting himself at risk would not help Kabria.  It was his duty to guard her, a duty that she made more difficult with each passing day.  None the less he could not be careless with his life when her's lay in the balance.


Perivar spun Nightdancer to face his brother.  His voice was rough when he spoke.  "You are married Laval, do you understand women?  Is it something you acquire over time?"  Perivar told his brother all about his relationship and his love for Kabria.  Like his parent's his brother was not surprised.


"Kabria is beautiful Perivar." "I know that, and I love her like no other but there are times when she brings me to my wits end."  "That happens to all of us Perivar, but don't you think we do the same to them?" 


Perivar went on to tell Laval about Lila and the betrothal but he already knew.  Perivar was started to feel as if he were the only one that had not been informed of the suppposed betrothal.  Apparently Lila had been crushed by his departure refusing to be betrothed to another.  Perivar felt bad for her but his thoughts were for Kabria, she was his concern.


"Laval she knows I love her.  I tell her all the time.  She can feel it in the bond.  She knows that my love is for real so why does she act like she doesn't know."  "Sometimes it takes more than words Perivar."


"I understand that Laval, but we cannot be like normal lovers.  We both have an image to live up to in public.  We cannot be seen as lovers, ever.  It is like being parched but you can't have a drink.  Like being the best swordsman yet you are not allowed to draw your weapon.  It is not fair Laval."  Perivar was so angry and frustrated that he drew his sword and lopped off a branch on the nearest tree.


A flicker of motion in the sky caught his eye.  As quick as he could Perivar sheathed his sword on his back and strung his horsebow.  By the time he could draw the bow Laval already had an arrow on its way.  A shriek pierced the night and Perivar caught the sight of feathers dropping from the sky as the raven spiraled toward the ground.


Perivar and his brother both agreed that it was time to go.  Returning to his former home Perivar and his brother sparred for a while then drained a few mugs of ale while they caught up with one another.  It was good to talk to his brother again. 


Perivar was surprised to find the door to Kabria's room unbarred.  He was certain she had it warded though her body did not move.  Tossing his shirt and coat on the pallet he laid on the bed.  Reaching over he felt something furry, which hissed at him.  Perivar jumped out of Kabria's bed and nearly out of his skin.  Where under the Light had that cat come from!


In the dim light Perivar saw Kabria's hand stroke the cat's hair settling it down.  Perivar laid in bed again, this time the cat did not protest.  For hours Perivar stared at the ceiling, he could not sleep.  When morning rolled around Perivar got up feeling as if he didn't sleep a wink.  He could go for long periods without sleep, a gift of the warder bond yet last night he could have used some sleep.


Shirtless Perivar walked to the wash stand where he splashed water on his face then scrubbed his teeth.  While doing so a female servant entered the room carrying a tray filled with food and drink.  Setting the tray down she glanced at the bed Perivar had just vacated in which Kabria still slept. 


Biting back an oath Perivar looked at the pallet he had setup at the foot of Kabria's canopied bed.  Relief flooded through him as he spotted his discarded shirt and coat which lay on top of the pallet's rumbled sheets.  He muttered an oath when he looked back at Kabria's bed where he had thrown back the sheets when he got up.  The servant smiled at him then winked as she left.  Crimson stained his cheek, Light he was a fool.  If they needed proof in addition to the explosion last night on the balcony then they had it.  Servants gossipped worse than housewives, those who did not already know about he and Kabria would know by mid day.  Perhaps his mother could put the rumors to rest.  No he would not ask her to get involved.  She had done quite enough already.


When Perivar made his way to the courtyard his father was already waiting.



OOC:  Maybe we should just continue this in the other thread to avoid confusion.

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