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    It was a sunny day that would have very pleasant after the recent snow falls, if it was not for the biting wind that would cut through you in no time if a person was to stand out in the open. However, under the trees of the forest that surrounded the Stedding, the wind was not as cutting. The trees themselves also kept out some of the sunshine, so the temperature was not that high under their branches. Some sunlight did penetrate, through the leafless branches and it was in one of these patches of sunlight that Owen had gathered a small group of Wanderers who were going to have their first lesson in how to survive now they were Wolfkin.


    "Today I am going to help you become more astute at using the enhanced senses you have been blessed with." Owen saw the reaction to him calling what they had all gone through a blessing, for some it was too soon to feel that way, but as one who had to rely on those senses to keep him from danger, he knew how wonderful they could be.    "I want you to take a handkerchief from the pile and put it on like a blindfold. Take a moment after you do to sit quietly. I will come over to you, and I want you to tell me everything you can smell and hear."


    The small group did as they were asked and after a few moments of good natured banter, settled down on the ground with the blindfolds in place.  Owen moved to the person who was nearest to him, his hand gently resting on the young man’s shoulder. “Winter, why don’t you start. Focus your mind, use your sense of smell, but also your enhanced hearing, you will be able to use both in concert when you master this skill.” Owen stopped speaking and after a short period of time, Winter started to speak. Owen listened attentively and when he had finished talking Owen spoke quietly, so that only Winter could hear him. “ That was very good for a first attempt Winter, but there is much that you missed. I will now go to each person in turn and ask them to do the same as you have done. Listen to their answers and if they answer with something you did not, try and find that with your sense of smell, or hearing. When i return to you i expect you to be able to find any of the items the others have.” With that Owen moved to the next person, a young girl by the name of Myra. “Begin when ready Myra.” When she had finished her recital, Owen gave the same short speech to her as he had to Winter and would do for the rest of this group.


    When Owen had gone full circle he returned to Winter and the young man was able to point out all but one of the objects the others had found that he had not. Owen repeated the same procedure with each member of the group, some had made better progress than others, but all of them had made some progress and Owen had them practicing this for the rest of the morning. Calling a halt for the midday meal, Owen led the small group to the Stedding’s only Inn, the Hole in the Wall, and soon they were all banishing any thoughts of the cold outside with plates piled high with food and large steaming mugs of tea.


    “For the second part of our training today, i will now help you to learn how to detect another person’s feelings. This is much harder than sensing what is around that is fixed in place. A person’s emotions are like the wind, constantly shifting and changing focus. It is usually at times of great stress, or fear, that it is easiest to read them, unless you have years of experience.” Standing up Owen motioned for them to follow him and he led them over to where a group of chairs had been set up, at his behest. “Sit down please, and let us begin. I want you to pair up and try and sense what the other is feeling. The other one of the pair is to think of a strong emotion, and concentrate on that, and you should alternate so that both people involved get the same amount of time. Rhya, come over here where i can keep an eye on you and ensure you do not get into any more trouble.”


    "You have done well today Rhya, but as I have pointed out to you, there were many things that you missed." Owen now let go of the mask he was holding and worked to change his scent. It was a trick he had been taught a long time ago, and over many months of practice and in an effort to throw Wolf lover off a few times, though he still could only fool her rarely. Owen let irritation and rage slip through, but held all of his other emotions back, "There are many dangers that others will never be able to sense, but that we as Wolfkin have been given the ability to. If you cannot learn now how to sense them, you will suffer the fate of many of those two-leg fools walking in the outside world." It wasn't hard for Owen to put on an act like this...after all it was his job to not only gain peoples trust...and at times the only way to get information was to fool them.


    Right now he needed to show everyone that while they night have a rudimentary knowledge of their senses, they were far from being competent. As Owen continued on with his speech, he let his voice rise to near angered proportions, and purposefully pushed through more anger in his scent. He could see the Rhya’s eyes growing bigger, wondering just what it was she had done  to incur Owen’s anger.  Just as he had Rhya sitting up straighter, Owen spoke. “Tell me Rhya, what do you sense from me?”  Owen’s voice had changed again, now he spoke much quieter, but the lack of emotion in his voice seemed to carry much more menace than when he raised his voice.


"Anger Owen...anger and irritation, though I'm not sure what i have all done to deserve it.”


Just then Owen let the anger and irritation go and a very big smile spread across his face, "Nothing, you see, you sensed exactly what I wanted you to. In time my little stunt here today would not have fooled you ...but I want you to be aware that things are not always as they seem." He chuckled a bit at the surprised look on Rhya’s face, "Just remember that there will be times when those around you will not want you to sense their true feelings and for those of us who have been with the Wolfkin long enough it is but a simple matter to hide them....and those of us who work hard enough find it a simple matter to see through that. When we have finished with this class, though you may not always be able to tell exactly what another of the Kin is feeling, should you come into contact with a two-legs, you will have no doubt if they are trying to hide something from you."


Turning to face the others, Owen told them to begin, before turning back to Rhya. “Shall we try that again?”




The WhiteWolf


Ranger Leader


Rahien sat off to one side, as far from the others as he could be without being out of earshot. It wasn't that he disliked anyone, truth be told he didn't really know anyone here save Rhya. The wind was cold and the sunlight wan, but cold was the last thing on Rahien's mind. He watched the last few join the group, most chatting quietly with those they knew. Owen's voice broke the quiet conversation like a rock thrown into an icy pond. Immediately silence spread in ripples.


"Today I am going to help you become more astute at using the enhanced senses you have been blessed with." Some of the other wanderers grimaced at the term 'blessed'. Rahien merely nodded slightly, whatever you called it, the increase in his senses was a fact. One he needed help dealing with.


"I want you to take a handkerchief from the pile and put it on like a blindfold. Take a moment after you do to sit quietly. I will come over to you, and I want you to tell me everything you can smell and hear."


Immediately Rahien stepped forward, taking one of the handkerchiefs from the pile and returned to his spot, settling his cloak under him. He was not one to question or disobey, as Owen was here to help him learn how to deal with what was happening to him. He hastily tied the Handkerchief around his eyes and steadied his breathing.


It was hard to ignore the cold seeping up from the ground and focus on the things Owen had asked them to, yet Rahien did his best to clear his mind.


“Winter, why don’t you start. Focus your mind, use your sense of smell, but also your enhanced hearing, you will be able to use both in concert when you master this skill.” After a while, Winter's voice spoke up. After he was finished, Owen moved to Myra, and so on. Eventually he came to Rahien.


"I hear," Rahien started uneasily. "I hear the wind. I hear the animals rustling through the brush. I can smell the cold, and you Owen." A faint blush rose in his cheeks. You did not tell your mentor that he smelled, or that you could smell a temperature for that matter, but he pressed on. "I can smell the woodsmoke from the nearby buildings.." The list went on. They were simple things that any normal person could smell, just some of them stronger. Eventually he shrugged lightly signifying the end, and nearly shied away at the gently touch to his shoulder. He was not used to people touching him. Especially when without his sight. His jaw knotted slightly but he sat motionless.


The lesson went on like this, going around the circle with Owen starting with someone new, and coming full circle asking them to pick out smells and sounds as others named them. It was surprising what some could smell or hear that he could not, and likewise those that were quite clear to him alone.


Owen congratulated them lightly for their efforts and drew the lesson to a close for the sake of warmth and food. Rahien realized just how cold he was as he rose to his feet. His legs aching, he blinked in the comparatively bright sunlight. He worked the stiffness from his legs and stamped his feet in the snow to get the blood moving again, as some of the others sat for a moment longer.


As they walked to the Inn, Rahien's thoughts drifted as they often did these last few days, to Snow. She had stayed away for the first few days. Aislyn had said that she may have been taking some time to let him settle himself without her. He had missed her though. It was nice to miss someone. More and more he found himself opening up. A thought that frightened him worse than the Howling.


Once inside the Hole in the Wall, they sat at tables and ate. The plates were full and the tea strong and warm. The cold was slowly taken from their bones as they filled themselves with the warm nourishment. As Rahien scraped the last of his food from the plate using a crusty piece of bread, Owen spoke.


“For the second part of our training today, i will now help you to learn how to detect another person’s feelings. This is much harder than sensing what is around that is fixed in place. A person’s emotions are like the wind, constantly shifting and changing focus. It is usually at times of great stress, or fear, that it is easiest to read them, unless you have years of experience.” He motioned for them to follow to a group of chairs, isolated in one corner of the room.


“Sit down please, and let us begin. I want you to pair up and try and sense what the other is feeling. The other one of the pair is to think of a strong emotion, and concentrate on that, and you should alternate so that both people involved get the same amount of time. Rhya, come over here where i can keep an eye on you and ensure you do not get into any more trouble.”


Rahien shot a quick, concerned glance at Rhya. He knew that it was his fault that Owen was upset with her. If she had not come to find him she would never have broken the rules. Oh, it had been her choice. But he was at the heart of that choice, and felt somewhat responsible. Quickly realizing that he was standing there while Owen was waiting he looked around at the others. The only person here he even somewhat knew was Rhya, and Owen seemed to have removed her from the selection. Settling on another Wanderer, Winter unless he remembered wrong, Rahien walked over thrusting out his hand.


"Rahien, Winter right?" The other man nodded and took his hand in a firm grip. Rahien returned the grip and they both sat to listen to Owen explain the next part of their lesson.


"You have done well today Rhya, but as I have pointed out to you, there were many things that you missed." Rahien blinked at his tone. Rhya had been the best out of all of them by far! Was he being hard on her because she lived with him?


"There are many dangers that others will never be able to sense, but that we as Wolfkin have been given the ability to. If you cannot learn now how to sense them, you will suffer the fate of many of those two-leg fools walking in the outside world." Anger burned in Owen's voice, and something told Rahien that he was in danger. He couldn't quite put his finger on it. In fact, Owen was talking to Rhya not him, but he couldn't help looking around cautiously. Something was making him uneasy. Just as quickly, Owen's tone turned quiet, like the forest expecting a predator to stalk by.


“Tell me Rhya, what do you sense from me?” 


"Anger Owen...anger and irritation, though I'm not sure what i have all done to deserve it." Rahien figured it out about the same time that Owen relaxed.


"Nothing, you see, you sensed exactly what I wanted you to. In time my little stunt here today would not have fooled you ...but I want you to be aware that things are not always as they seem. Just remember that there will be times when those around you will not want you to sense their true feelings and for those of us who have been with the Wolfkin long enough it is but a simple matter to hide them....and those of us who work hard enough find it a simple matter to see through that. When we have finished with this class, though you may not always be able to tell exactly what another of the Kin is feeling, should you come into contact with a two-legs, you will have no doubt if they are trying to hide something from you."


Rahien blinked. The deception had worked quite well and he had to remind himself that Owen was much more experienced and wise than he gave him credit for. Turning to Winter as he was instructed to begin he asked,


"You wanna go first or should I?"


The day had started off well, or atleast it would of if not for the howling wind that tried to flay him alive. He and Forest found themselves sitting in a clearing with other kin' that had been gathered by the the Ranger Leader Owen, for a lesson. What the lesson was about he did not know, but he hoped for a hot meal afterwards.


"Today I am going to help you become more astute at using the enhanced senses you have been blessed with." Owen's voice brought Winter from his thoughts. Having his new shaper sences called a blessing off guard slighty, though he had heard it spoken as such before, it was still new.


"I want you to take a handkerchief from the pile and put it on like a blindfold." Owen said, pointing to a pile of hankerchiefs, "Take a moment after you do to sit quietly. I will come over to you, and I want you to tell me everything you can smell and hear."


Winter frowed at this, the ranger wanted him to blind himself, make himself defencless? The thought was a little much for Winter, so he started to rise, but Forest must of caught his thoughts for she walked up beside him.


"Stay brother, you must learn." She said from beside him.


"I cannot make sit here blind, I do not want to be defencless." He replyed, his worry must of been thick for she put her head on his shoulder.


"I am here, let me guard you while you learn." She was right and Winter knew it.


Sighing he got up and walked over to the pile Owen had pointed at and took a blindfold, walked back over to where Forest was sitting.


He laughed slightly at the banter from the others, but otherwise put the blindfold on, plunging himself into darkness.


For a moment panic flooded him, and brought him back to the dark room he had been forced to stay in when his family turned on him. The only thing that kept him from removing the blindfold was the presence of Forest to his right, a light in the sea of darkness.



The hand on his shoulder nearly made Winter bolt, but he resisted the urge, "Winter, why don’t you start. Focus your mind, use your sense of smell, but also your enhanced hearing, you will be able to use both in concert when you master this skill.”


Focusing his mind Winter strived to smell what was out there, the first thing that he noticed was ofcourse Forest by his side.


"I..I smell Forest next to me, the trees all around us, I can hear a bird somewhere in the distance, and perhaps a stream as well..." He went on for a few more secounds, when he wound down he heard Owen's voice right next to his ear, “ That was very good for a first attempt Winter, but there is much that you missed. I will now go to each person in turn and ask them to do the same as you have done. Listen to their answers and if they answer with something you did not, try and find that with your sense of smell, or hearing. When i return to you i expect you to be able to find any of the items the others have.”


He then heard him walk off, and ask the next person in the line what they smelled and heard. After a while he came back to Winter and asked the question over. This time he did better, and hopefuly caught everything.


Owen then went down the line again, and again, and again, until Winter was sure the dau had long passed.


That was until Owen called a break for Mid-day meal, which was a blessing since they had been sitting here in the cold for Light knew how long.


The sight of warm food was twice the blessing the break was, it put warmth back in his bones, sadly Forest had to leave him for she had to hunt, but she promised to be back soon.


Around the time Winter finished his tea Owen spoke again,“For the second part of our training today, i will now help you to learn how to detect another person’s feelings. This is much harder than sensing what is around that is fixed in place. A person’s emotions are like the wind, constantly shifting and changing focus. It is usually at times of great stress, or fear, that it is easiest to read them, unless you have years of experience.” He the stood and led them outside, into the cold, where some chairs had been placed for them.


“Sit down please, and let us begin." Winter sat, though warily, Forest had not gotten back yet so he did not feel compleatly safe, but he would do what Forest asked of him.


"I want you to pair up and try and sense what the other is feeling. The other one of the pair is to think of a strong emotion, and concentrate on that, and you should alternate so that both people involved get the same amount of time." The Ranger Leader said, and Winter looked around for someone to pair with. Owen continued with what he was saying, though Winter did not catch it Rhya walked over and sat down next to him. He wondered if she was in trouble.


He was still looking for a partner when another Wanderer walked over and thrust his hand out, "Rahien, Winter right?" Winter simply nodded and the Rahien sat down next to him as Owen started talking again.


"You have done well today Rhya, but as I have pointed out to you, there were many things that you missed." It was then that Owen seemed to change, or atleast something was diffrent about him, as he continued Winter relised it wasnt hard to figure out, "There are many dangers that others will never be able to sense, but that we as Wolfkin have been given the ability to. If you cannot learn now how to sense them, you will suffer the fate of many of those two-leg fools walking in the outside world." He was clealy irritated about something, but what was beyond Winter, then Owens voice got louded and anger seemed to make the air grow heavy, the tone of voice scared Winter as it brought him back to his families house.


And then, just like that, it was gone. The Ranger was smileing even, sitting there slightly confused he relised that Rhya had said something, but he could not recall what.


"Nothing, you see, you sensed exactly what I wanted you to. In time my little stunt here today would not have fooled you ...but I want you to be aware that things are not always as they seem." it had been an act aparently, the anger. 


The ranger went on to explain that mastering this skill could help them survive, even if they could not read what other Kin' were feeling, they would be able to know if one of the "Two-leggs" were hiding something from them, which would be an invaulble tool.


Owen then turned to the rest of the class, and then back to Rhya, he said something to her, but it was lost as the wanderer next to Winter spoke, "You wanna go first or should I?"


Turning to him Winter said, "You first."


John Winterwinds.


Alaya shivered in the cold. She'd relaxed a lot since her arrival but she still couldn't shake off the feeling that she should go home, despite Miryana's repeated gentle explanations that she couldn't. Still, Alaya looked forward to this class. Anything she was given to learn she would in the hope it would bring forward the time that she could return home.


She listened to Owen's explanation about how their heightened senses were a blessing and frowned despite herself. A blessing was hardly the word she would use to describe something that had turned her life upside down and alienated her from all she'd ever known and loved. But still, she could grudgingly see how some would see it so, even if she did not agree, so she smoothed the frown from her face and concentrated on the lesson at hand. When bidden, she rose with the others and took a blindfold off the pile and put it on almost eagerly. If she could pass this lesson then maybe she could finally go home.



She sat still and let the sounds and the smells of her surroundings become clear. She took a few deep breaths and tried to focus on the smells and sounds at the edges of her senses, ignoring those closer for the time being.


A faint sound of chopping wood came on the breeze, bringing with it the smell of fresh cut pine. She inhaled deeply through her nose. A jumble of scents told her that a pack of wolves were not too far away, they seemed to be sitting, watching, for some reason that didn't disturb her as much as it used to. A crackle of twigs and a scent of a squirrel became apparent, so too did the smell of fresh laundry and the flap of clothes on the line. Alaya smiled, Miryana was getting the other apprentices to do the laundry today and, thanks to this class, Alaya had been excused.


She started when a hand touched her shoulder, she had been so intent on the things at the edge of her perception that she had completely blocked out the smells and sounds of those in her immediate surroundings. She heard the soft timbre of Owen's voice and relaxed. Taking a deep breath she told him what she had smelled and heard and then listened to what he had to say in return. Taking his advice to heart, Alaya concentrated on discovering what the others had managed to detect and she hadn't, she also suppressed a small amount of pride when some of the others hadn't smelled or heard something she had.


Soon Owen called a halt and led them all inside for a hot meal, much to Alaya's relief, she felt half frozen. She tucked in to the hot food eagerly, Light she was sure she'd never been so cold! Sipping her hot tea she was pleased to hear that the second half of the lesson was to be conducted indoors. Following everyone to the seats that had been set up for the purpose, she watched as Owen called Rhya to stand by him. When Owen asked for them to pair up she looked around wondering who she could pair up with, so she missed the first part of Owen's speech. Her attention was brought back to Owen with a rush when he raised his voice and positively reeked of anger. Poor Rhya didn't seem to know where to look or what to do and Alaya's eyes opened wide and shot from Owen to Rhya and back again in ever growing alarm.


After what seemed like an Age, Owen smiled and the anger dissipated. Alaya released a breath she wasn't even aware she'd been holding and listened in wonder as Owen explained that it was a mask of sorts and told them to pair up and try it. It seemed that Winterwinds and Rahien wanted to pair up and Owen was continuing the lesson with Rhya so that left Myra. Alaya turned to her and smiled tentatively.


"Do you want to go first or shall I?"


"You first."


As Winter closed his eyes to help block out sight, Rahien had time to study the other young man. He had come along to help Rhya with no such compunction as his own guilt to prod him along. That went a long way in Rahien's book. In truth, it was odd to be around others. To speak with them, to have things expected of him. But slowly he was growing to like this place. No one demanded things of him, training was done firmly but gently. Above all, no one pressed him further than he felt comfortable.


So he was supposed to go first with an emotion was he? Owen had chosen anger, so that was out. No use trying that one, it was too fresh. Rahien finally settled on fear. Conjuring up an image he was taken back into the past.


...He woke cradled in the dark of the forest. It took him a moment to realize that the wood was silen,t save a small unidentifiable sound. Sitting up he froze, the large hulking shape of a bear sat snuffling at the cord he had tied the remains of his rabbit to. It was easily within reach as he had not been overly concerned with bears in his makeshift camp...


Focusing on the fear he had felt as he tried to lie still until it left, wondering if he would die alone, he felt his body go cold and his heart pick up speed. he did not speak while feeling this, he knew his voice would betray him. Staring at Winter he kept his face a rigid mask should the man open his eyes. He felt as if he were sweating fear, if Winter couldn't pick up on it his nose was broken.


Concern for him came from Snow, somewhere in the woods. It put him off balance for a moment but he quickly maintained his focus on the Fear. He wondered how long he would have to keep it up...


Rhya wasn’t particularly bothered by the wind. The air was invigorating and the trees provided some shelter from the worst of it so she took some time looking around the others who were present for the class. She recognised everyone but a young girl who appeared to be a Tinker. At least, Rhya assumed so given how like her appearance was to Seth’s. She smiled briefly in Rahien’s direction before concentrating on what Owen was saying and blindfolding herself as instructed.


When the familiar presence came close and she felt the touch on her shoulder, Rhya enumerated the various things she could pick out of her environment. The smell of wood smoke was predominant on such a wild day but she could also pick out more subtle scents; wildflowers growing nearby, her fellow pupils and Owen himself, rain heavy in the air, the soap she’d used herself that morning. Running out of scents, she moved onto sounds; someone chopping wood, children shouting in the distance, the wind rustling the leaves of the trees around them, birds high above and insects in the grass. She was surprised by just how many noises there were when one stopped to listen and even more so by what she’d missed as she listened to things that the others heard.


After what seemed like hours, Owen announced they were heading indoors for food and Rhya was glad of the chance to stretch muscles gone cold and sore from sitting on the damp ground. The mugs of tea were a welcome heat, spreading through numb limbs and reviving the entire group if the increased chatter was anything to go by.


Entirely more comfortable by the time Owen chose to move them on to the second part of the class, Rhya was taken aback at his final comment.


“Rhya, come over here where I can keep an eye on you and ensure you do not get into any more trouble.”


Surreptitiously rolling her eyes, she moved to the other chair and sat down opposite him but, as he began to talk once more, his voice rising, Rhya’s eyes widened at the anger, no, the rage emanating from him.


What did I do? What’s wrong?


Rhya’s relief was a tangible thing when he asked what she sensed and assured her she’d done nothing. The anger pouring from Owen only moments before had both startled and worried her as she racked her brains for what mistake she’d made recently that would annoy him so. One thing was for sure…  she had no wish to get another punishment. Indeed she could have lived happily without the only punishment she’d had!


The smile and explanation quickly eased her concerns, the ruse demonstrating Owen’s point very clearly and Rhya’s shock turned to first surprise and then interest. She thought back to several instances where she’d noted strong feelings issuing from people and it dawned on her that it was more than just the instinct of an average person, rather a definable sensing. It was human nature after all to hide emotions from others that were private or delicate, from something as simple as pretending to be happy when really very sad to more complex issues like duplicity in business dealings.


This was a whole other  level she realised, not merely a thinking or suspicion that something was so but an actual knowing of what another person felt, despite their outer façade. It struck her how useful this ability must have been to the ‘Kin over the years when they’d had so many outside threats and needed to be so careful in establishing friend from foe.


" When we have finished with this class, though you may not always be able to tell exactly what another of the Kin is feeling, should you come into contact with a two-legs, you will have no doubt if they are trying to hide something from you."


Rhya nodded thoughtfully. Mastering this skill would be good in various ways. The Sages obviously use it with new Wanderers, and... she looked levelly at Owen as a previously subconscious idea coalesced in her mind. So... not a sixth sense. No wonder he always seems to know what I’m thinking. I should have realised. She was startled to discover that such transparency on her part didn’t truly bother her, she was even a little amused. It would still be preferential to not have others read her so easily though.


Various instances when her mentor had appeared to speak about things on cue, knowing when she was worried or apprehensive suddenly took on a new light and Rhya wrinkled her nose, a rueful expression passing across her face.


“Shall we try that again?”


The words brought her back to the class in time to see the other trainees pairing off to try their hand at the lesson before them. Restraining the impulse to stick her tongue out at him in public, she assented and was told to try it first. Strangely what came to her mind was the memory of her horse, the best present her father had ever bought her. She remembered their first ride together through the woods and how beautifully the animal had moved. Happiness. That was as good as anything and the one emotion furthest from how she’d been feeling lately so she concentrated on projecting that as strongly as possible.


Back and forth they went, taking it in turns to read the other with Rhya increasingly frustrated, despite her gradual improvement, at being given the hardest job of all the students, paired as she was with one of the most experienced of the ‘Kin.




Myra Gailene had only been here for a couple of days and was already expected to be up and out early in the morning for classes. She thought she had left lessons behind when she decided to search for the Song on her own and left the wagons. However, she got out of bed and threw on her freshly cleaned skirt - the one that had three others of various length sown into it so it had uneven levels of red, yellow, and orange - and one of her yellow shirts with matching orange patches. She also threw on two scarves in different shades of red that draped over her arms that would be to help shield off some of the wind that she heard rattling the window ont he other side of the room. She pinned them together with a leaf pin in all the colors a leaf could be in it's life cycle and did her long hair up in a bun with a polished stem decorated with musical notes holding it in place. After slipping on some of her thicker yellow slippers, she headed out in the chill wind to meet with the rest of the class. Hopefully, they would be a bundle of nerves just as she was.


Once she got there and was settled in, the wind didn't bother her that much, but only if she payed it no mind. She didn't know anyone, but unfortunately only one of them looked to be nervous - so nervous in fact that he sat away from the group. Myra pitied him and almost sat with him, but soon a man strode up and she guessed he was the teacher by the sudden silence the group took. she listened to him - Owen, she thought she caught his name - lecturing about senses and the golden eyes being a blessing. Myra frowned at that as she still wondered if she had gotten drunk in Caemlyn and was in a dream where she was diseased and was due to die any day now, forced to live with others who shared her sickness. However, she didn't have the tongue to argue, today. Which was highly unusual... This must be a dream.


When told, she got up with the rest and took a blindfold and wrapped it and tied it off to shield her eyes. she hadn't ralize her face was starting to sting from the cold, and the handkerchief helped to retain some of her body heat. she lifted the blindfold over her ears and listened to her instructions. Owen had named a person named Winter to go first, a male from the sound of the voice, and he named the things he heard and smelled. then she heard movement and a heavy hand on her shoulder. “Begin when ready Myra.” He knew her name? Interesting... word must travel fast here or something.


then she silenced her thoughts to try and catch one of those words on the winds. She had just learned a couple days ago about her change, something Winifred had called The Howling, and only heard the normal buzzing of activity at times. Now was one of those times. She wrinkled her nose a bit, hoping that would help. "I hear the howling of the wind through the trees..." she started off hesitantly, " a-and... a bird." She inhaled a bit and instantly wished she hadn't. "And I smell... male." It had been too long since she had been with a guy. However, she was picking up on more and more as she relaxed and let everything wash over her. "I hear voices in the distance and I smell burning wood. I also smell that there is a wolf amongst our group, and I smell the forest thickly on and around us. I.. I think that is all," she said as her senses started to dull down once more.


Then she heard him tell her the same thing he had told the person in front of her, Winter she remembered. “That was very good for a first attempt Myra, but there is much that you missed. I will now go to each person in turn and ask them to do the same as you have done. Listen to their answers and if they answer with something you did not, try and find that with your sense of smell, or hearing. When i return to you i expect you to be able to find any of the items the others have.”


Each time he came back, she had more to add on. Not only had she heard birds, but there were three different kinds, and there were two birds of the same kind talking back and forth with each other in the same, short, high-pitched chirps. She heard two sets of voices, one group doing chores for the day and children playing in the distance. sHe heard running water, smelled soups cooking away on open fires, and the smell of meat made her suppress a shudder. She also smelled that each person around her had a different scent, like that days he was overwhelmed when Winifred found her in the Foxtail Inn in Baerlon. However, much less drunk. Owen smelled of the woods and the wind, or freedom as she liked to call it. The one she heard as Rahien smelled cool and ... distant? There were many others, and each left her more fascinated than before. Maybe she wasn't going to die after all...


After what seemed like minutes, hours had gone by and it was time for lunch. The smell of meat made her frown and cover her nose, and she thought she was going to have to pass on her meal when she caught a whiff of fresh greens and stew. They had thought to make her a salad and potato and corn stew with steaming rolls begging to be dipped into the juices of the stew. and the hot tea helped to take a lot of the chill off her bones. Myra dug into her meal as heartily as the rest. However, it wasn't long before she had a full belly and Owen announced it was time for the second part of the course.


He started rambling on about sensing someone's emotion and how it was different than hearing things far away. He then walked up to someone he named as Rhya and began to yell at her for no reason. The smell of the air was thick, as if filled with black smoke. Myra made a step and a half back away from the man, ready to print ahead of the others if words came to blows. she wasn't about to get involved in this nonsense! Then she had to blush and feel all kinds of foolish when the feeling of the air changed back to normality as he announced it wasn't real. They were then asked to pair up and try it for themselves. Myra just kind of stood there, uncertain of who to pick, hoping that they would come to her. the two guys paired off and eventually the other girl she hadn't heard a name for yet came up to her.


"Do you want to go first or shall I?" the other asked with a smile.


Myra returned the smile with one of her own and shrugged, taking a moment to look at the others. "Uummm, it doesn't matter much to me either way. I'll let you decide." She paused a bit, then held out her hand, "I'm Myra Gailene, by the way. What's your name?"




Winter closed his eyes to aid in strengthening his other senses, and waited to see what would happen next.


Within a few moments, the strong sent of what could only be described as fear bordering on terror drifted to him. For a moment he almost opened his eyes to see if everything was alright before he remembered that it was just an exercise.


"Fear." He said slowly. He then opened his eyes to see his partner nodding slowly.


"My turn then?" The other man nodded at him and Winter tried to think of something that hadn't been done yet.


His thoughts then turned to Forest, whom was still out hunting and he got an idea.


Focusing his mind on the night he met Forest, he felt himself filled with hope, and held onto it.


John Winterwinds








Alaya flushed. She'd forgotten to introduce herself! Her mother would have scolded her for sure!


"A..Alaya. Alaya Maniea " she stammered. "Pleased to meet you." she added. "I'll go first if you like?" she said, eager to get it over and done with. They sat down and Alaya thought of what emotion to come up with. Then she remembered the one feeling she'd had as a constant companion since she left her home. Sadness.



Taking a deep breath, Alaya thought of how she'd run away and left her parents behind, not stopping to leave a note or anything to say where she was going or to try and explain. They must be so worried and concerned and now she may never see them again. She put as much sadness as she could forward, glad that her partner had her eyes closed, or else she'd have given away the feeling by the tears in her eyes. Trying to keep from bursting into tears altogether, Alaya studied the girl in front of her. She'd never seen such garish clothing! Rumour said that she was of the Tinkers, though Alaya had never met one before.


Returning back to the task at hand, Alaya wondered how long it would take for Myra to realise what emotion she was projecting, she hoped it was soon as she couldn't hold this intense sadness for long without breaking down entirely.


    "Go away Ice." He muttered.


    We play with the cubs more today White Fang?


    ”Yes Ice...We will play with the cubs, but not yet” Obviously this answer did not satisfy Ice as she wasted no time in repeating her actions with her nose. We hunt then?


    Owen groaned and rolled out of bed. "Yes Ice, we will hunt before we meet up with the wanderers." Owen still had the habit of speaking out loud to Ice, although it sounded ridiculous, Owen almost thought she could understand his every word. After dressing and tying his long silvery hair back he then picked up his bow and quiver and followed Ice out on to the balcony surrounding their tree house. At first Owen had thought Ice would not want to be with him in the tree house, but after the second night of continuous howling Owen had rigged up a sling attached to a rope and threaded that through a pulley. This way Ice could be hauled up to their house and would not then keep him awake at night. Well that had been the plan.



    The hunt had gone well, and Owen carried a fully-grown Boar back to the Stedding. He left this at the Infirmary; the Sages always had more people staying there than they had food to feed. Owen then went to the meadow where he had arranged to meet the others the day before. Slowly Owen walked over to greet everyone, and placed his bow next to a tree and started to speak about today’s lesson.


    “So far you have done well in this training, but there is still much to learn. Not only from this class, but from experience. The more you practice these skills, the better you will be at them. I know you are wondering about my demonstration about masking and changing your scent. You may be wondering why it would be a necessary skill to learn."


    Owen sat down in front of the group and gestured for them to do likewise. "Some of the Wolfkin will spend most of their time here in the Stedding, here a skill like masking your scent is not necessary. We are family and it is the Wolfkin's way to have no secrets. But there will be some of the Wolfkin that will be called on from time to time to leave the Stedding and interact with the two-legs. While it is not necessary to mask your scent around many of the two-legs, it is still a useful skill. To truly be able to read them, you need to understand yourself what the emotions are...how they affect the way one acts, the way one talks, the way one smells. Once you have learned these things about yourself, it is much easier to pick them out on someone else. That is where our training will start today. I want you to describe to pair up again and try and sense the different emotions from your partner. How they smell, even how they feel to you. Each emotion will smell differently and feel differently. For instance, anger has a prickly feeling to it. It almost feels like you are running your hand over a rough surface. So for this lesson concentrate on identifying as many emotions from your partner as you can and then when you feel confident swap roles and let your partner try.”


    “Any questions?” Owen looked around the group but everyone seemed happy with what they had to do and so Owen told them all to pair up and begin. “Well it looks like you are lumbered with me again Rhya, shall we start?”



OOC: Okay, I want you all to describe as many emotions as you can think of. While I know many of the descriptions will be similar, try and be as creative as possible. After this we will have another blindfolded exercise *weg*




The WhiteWolf


Ranger Leader

  • 2 weeks later...

Owen instructed them to pair up and Rahien caught Winter's eye. He liked the man and they had paired up before so...


As they settled down to try out the exercise that Owen had given them, he thought to himself. How was he going to do this, his sense of scent was spotty at best and most the time he still missed the smells more than not. It had gotten better since the previous exercise but..


~Relax Dawn Brother, you will do fine.~ Snow's reassurance was comforting.


Facing one another he smiled at Winter. "You go first friend, I'm afraid I'm not too good at this and need the practice." He grinned shyly and closed his eyes, waiting for Winter to begin. Drawing breath deeply through his nose he focused on what the air coming in smelled like. There were many smells and he breathed deeply, attempting to focus.


As the time wore on he smelled many things from Winter. The light, bubbly scent of happiness. The thick, deep cavern of sadness. He smelled the rough, jagged anger and metallic, spiky frustration. There were many and Rahien was amazed at the sheer number and the difference in how they smelled!


After a time, Winter's smell returned to normal. A calm, woodsy smell, and Rahien opened his eyes.


"My turn?" He asked, at a nod from Winter he settled himself to start with emotions for his friend. What would they do blindfolded he wondered...


“Well it looks like you are lumbered with me again Rhya, shall we start?”


Rhya didn’t bother to answer. The barest smile sufficed as agreement while she watched the rest of the class pair up, noting that they all chose to work with their previous partners again. She found it rather interesting to observe the body language and expressions of each Wanderer as they settled into the routine of lessons, her curiousity only increased by having rarely been in such close proximity to so many strangers in recent months.


With an effort, she brought her attention back to Owen, trying to concentrate through the odd lethargy that seemed to be a permanent fixture these days. Her dreams were, if anything, getting worse rather than better and so many restless nights took more of a toll than she was willing to admit. Things had reached the point where she’d have to resolve matters somehow or speak to either Owen or Aislyn about them. Neither prospect was appealing. Putting the thorny issue to one side for the time being, Rhya realised that Owen had said something about going first and she nodded briefly.


“Frustration,” she identified the first emotion after a minute or so, seeking a way to describe the texture of it. “It feels similar to anger but rough and taut like a tightly stretched piece of rope.”


Within seconds what she could sense had evolved into something else. “Sadness this time.” It was stated firmly. “It’s soft, enveloping like a blanket and thick.” And it has depth. She did not put voice to that thought, those were waters better avoided.


As the minutes passed, Rhya identified a spiky anger, then the smooth, glassy texture of contempt, swiftly followed by contentment, which she could not quite explain the texture of but smelled to her of the forest and open air.


Then came something that bemused her completely. It felt knotted and hard, like the bark of an ancient oak and equally deep rooted. She stretched her senses, trying to put a name to it. Finally, it came to her as she realised Owen was looking, not at her, but around the Stedding. “Pride,” she said quietly, with a slight smile, pleased to have figured it out and waiting for the next challenge. As they continued she realised that, although she’d had little training before and in spite of his greater experience, the months of familiarity that came from living side by side was making this somewhat easier for her. She did wonder, however, just what was going to happen once they were all blindfolded.


“Hmm, this feels like… water? Not flowing though… solid,” Rhya wrinkled her nose, her eyes distant with concentration. “It smells … cold…. like ice. Yes, it’s icy.” Her eyes widened slowly, “Hatred.”


Owen assented to her identification and his scent returned to its normal calmness as he indicated that it was her turn. This is fun, she thought, For a lesson it’s passing swiftly enough.





As his partner closed his eyes Winter's nose was filled with the sent of calmness first, which can only be explained as the sent that drifts off of a still lake early in the morning before anything has disturbed it.


The scent then turned to something else, which Winter could not put a name to. It was the sent of the thrill of the hunt as you and your pack mates chased down a large elk.


Next it turned to anger, which was a choking sickly sent that could only be described as one Male who has discovered another in his territory.


Then came a deep sorrow, which smelt like coming home to your pack, to find there is no pack left.


It then changed to happiness, which was a light sent that made Winter think of large open fields.


The smell then turned to rage, which brought the image of a group of wolves taking down shadowspawn.


It turned to Joy next, which was lighter then happiness that brought an image alot like sorrow only with a better ending.


Then came envy, which smelled thorny and brought the image of a wolf admireing an eagle in flight.


His partners sent then went back to normal. Which was a a slight sent of nervousness which was a constantly shifting sent.


The lesson made him smile, though what he had learned had slightly confused him.


"Understanding will come in time brother." came from his left, where Forest had laid down in a patch of grass.

"I hope so sister, then again I do have you to help me." he said with a smile.


John Winterwinds and Forest Shadow.

Whats that smell?




    As the lesson progressed Owen and Rhya worked their way through exactly the same training that the others were doing, however it seemed Rhya was a natural at this and soon she was able to identify every emotion Owen was able to show her.  Finally Owen called a halt to her training. “That is as good as you are going to get by reading me Rhya, what we need to do now is mix up the groups and see if everyone can read people other than their partners.” As he finished talking Owen stood up and noticing how late in the day it was, called out to the others and told them to listen up.

    “I am very pleased with your progress today, if you keep this improvement going you will soon be on your way to mastering this skill.” Owen waited and let the portent of his words sink in, noticing the beaming smiles on some of their faces, and the shy almost hesitant smile on others. “However, this is only one day. What i would like you all to do over the next seven days is practice on each other, but try to avoid practicing with your partner. I want you to learn to read as many people as you can and this can only be done safely in the Stedding. All the older Wolfkin know you are doing this and will not mind if you approach them and ask to read them. But, make sure you ask first. It is considered insulting to read someone without their permission.”

    Again Owen paused, waiting to see if there were any questions forth coming, but when there was not he continued. “So in seven days time i want you to meet me at my office and we will have one final test, face to face, you reading me. It will not be easy; i will mask my emotions and try to mislead you. It is up to you to use your newly honed skills and decipher what is true and what is fiction, now be off with you.” Smiling Owen as the group rose and bid him good night, Owen turned to Rhya and they started to make their way to his treehouse, talking softly as they went.



The WhiteWolf


Ranger Leader


OOC. Ok guys one last post from each of you and that will be the end of this lesson. Write a little bit about your attempts during the week and then write the interview with Owen from your perspective and i leave it up to you how well you do in the interview.



Rahien walked slowly through the trees towards Owen's office. The cold wind carried smells of winter and the woods in the pale sunlight. He had spent the week reading other members of the Wolfkin when they had a moment. Some had been easier than others and he had run into quite the experience with one female, just the thought of it made him blush. He failed miserably on that one. It had taught him a valuable lesson though.


A lot had happened in the short time he had been at the Stedding he realized. Plainly put, he had found a family. Oh he was not warm and open with everyone like some of the Wanderers, but he had found a few to truly open up to. Rhya chief among them. He thought that partly had to do with her finding and bringing him here.


Soon enough he arrived at the Ranger Barracks. Pushing his way inside he got directions to Owen's office. He knocked on the door and when the man told him to enter he did so. Owen looked at him briefly as he reclined in his desk before sitting up and motioning him in to sit down.


After a bit of explanation of the weeks events, Owen asked Rahien if he was ready. He nodded nervously, refusing to close his eyes. He found that reading people was easier when he closed his eyes, but that it was not the most practical. Owen began, his face giving away nothing. Sharp, jagged anger followed by sweet and soft caring. Quivering, jittery anxiousness followed by smooth, hard as stone determination. Emotions passed through Rahien's nose. Thanks to his practice he succeeded more than not, being easily fooled by Owen's expertise occasionally.


The man patted him on the shoulder when it was all said and done, complimenting his success. He was glad it was over. He thanked Owen and left the Barracks looking for Snow, he had promised her they would hunt today...


Winter sighed as he made his way to the Ranger's barracks, he had spent around seven days reading other 'Kin's emotions, and had done better some days then others, and worse some days.


On the good days he had gotten most of them, the worse days he hadn't gotten a single one. The failures had discuraged him, but Forest had not let him give in. He fondly remembered her pulling him out of the bed he had been given by his shirt.


The wave of emotion from Forest beside him told him she would never let him live that down, she had already told as many wolves she could find, and most of them had just said that she had found a stuborn companion.


As he reached the Ranger's Barracks he opend the door and asked for Owen's office from a Ranger who looked as if he was going out to do some training. The ranger directed him to the office and then left Winter and Forest to their own devices.


They reached the Office and Winter knocked and calmly waited for the "Come."



When he entered Owen looked calmly at him and then asked if he was ready to start, whihc he was.


The "test" took a while, as Winter had not compleatly mastered the skill yet, and this was one of those days were he wasnt doing well, but he wasnt doing exactly bad.


When he finished Owen got up and said he still needed a little more practice, but otherwise he was on on his way. Winter smiled at this, it wasnt what he wanted to hear,  but it was better then what he had expected.


He then left the barracks with a sence of having acomplished something, and promply went to go get a treat for him and Forest, perhaps a steak.


JOhn Winterwinds and Forest Shadow.



Rhya found to her continued surprise that she rather enjoyed trying to work out what she could sense from people and relished the task that had been set for the week. Having pestered the living daylights out of Aislyn and finally been shooed out of the Infirmary so that the Sage could get on with her work, Rhya had then concentrated on asking for the aid of any Ranger she could accost, starting with Lorelai and completing her time with John.


Gradually, as the days seemed to fly in, she had worked her way round several solitary customers at the Inn, her fellow students who also needed the practice, Erik on one of his brief returns to the Stedding and, of course, Owen. All in all she did not fare badly, identifying scents and emotions with greater ease as she became accustomed to the process.


By the time her test day arrived, Rhya knew that Owen would make it as hard as possible for her. She was well aware that this was due to a wish to see her well prepared and appreciated the attention to seeing her equipped to deal with whatever the future held. She was also thankful for any advantage her familiarity with the tester might give her and a grin broke across her face as she acknowledged that it would still be a slim advantage at best.


She found Owen seated behind his huge desk and hid an amused smile at the way the solid lump of furniture dwarfed everything else in the office.


“Ready to get started Rhya?”


Nodding, she took her seat. “As ready as I’ll ever be I think.”


Once the test began, Rhya no longer noticed the passage of time, focused as she was on the task at hand; separating out or identifying the variety of emotions Owen threw at her. It was certainly not easy but she felt she had acquitted herself well by the time the test came to a halt though there was, as ever, room for further improvement, which would only come with practice. The morning was well advanced and she surmised it had taken a good couple of hours to complete.


As soon as Owen had expressed his approval and told her she’d passed, Rhya relaxed and bounced to her feet and headed for the door again.


“That calls for a celebration then. I shall go and pester Aislyn for some of her delicious stew and let you torture the rest of the class with their tests!” 



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